package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context; import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.conf.Config; import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.boot.ServiceManager; import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.sampling.SamplingService; import org.skywalking.apm.trace.Span; import org.skywalking.apm.trace.TraceSegment; import org.skywalking.apm.trace.TraceSegmentRef; import org.skywalking.apm.trace.tag.Tags; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; /** * {@link TracerContext} maintains the context. * You manipulate (create/finish/get) spans and (inject/extract) context. * <p> * Created by wusheng on 2017/2/17. */ public final class TracerContext { private TraceSegment segment; /** * Active spans stored in a Stack, usually called 'ActiveSpanStack'. * This {@link LinkedList} is the in-memory storage-structure. * <p> * I use {@link LinkedList#removeLast()}, {@link LinkedList#addLast(Object)} and {@link LinkedList#last} instead of * {@link #pop()}, {@link #push(Span)}, {@link #peek()} */ private LinkedList<Span> activeSpanStack = new LinkedList<Span>(); private int spanIdGenerator; /** * Create a {@link TraceSegment} and init {@link #spanIdGenerator} as 0; */ TracerContext() { this.segment = new TraceSegment(Config.Agent.APPLICATION_CODE); ServiceManager.INSTANCE.findService(SamplingService.class).trySampling(this.segment); this.spanIdGenerator = 0; } /** * Create a new span, as an active span, by the given operationName * * @param operationName {@link Span#operationName} * @return the new active span. */ public Span createSpan(String operationName, boolean isLeaf) { return this.createSpan(operationName, System.currentTimeMillis(), isLeaf); } /** * Create a new span, as an active span, by the given operationName and startTime; * * @param operationName {@link Span#operationName} * @param startTime {@link Span#startTime} * @param isLeaf is true, if the span is a leaf in trace tree. * @return */ public Span createSpan(String operationName, long startTime, boolean isLeaf) { Span parentSpan = peek(); Span span; if (parentSpan == null) { if (isLeaf) { span = new LeafSpan(spanIdGenerator++, operationName, startTime); } else { span = new Span(spanIdGenerator++, operationName, startTime); } push(span); } else if (parentSpan.isLeaf()) { span = parentSpan; LeafSpan leafSpan = (LeafSpan)span; leafSpan.push(); } else { if (isLeaf) { span = new LeafSpan(spanIdGenerator++, parentSpan, operationName, startTime); } else { span = new Span(spanIdGenerator++, parentSpan, operationName, startTime); } push(span); } return span; } /** * @return the active span of current context. */ public Span activeSpan() { Span span = peek(); if (span == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No active span."); } return span; } /** * Stop the span. And finish the {@link #segment} if all {@link #activeSpanStack} elements are finished. * * @param span to finish. It must the the top element of {@link #activeSpanStack}. */ public void stopSpan(Span span) { stopSpan(span, System.currentTimeMillis()); } /** * @return the current trace id. */ String getGlobalTraceId() { return segment.getRelatedGlobalTraces().get(0).get(); } public void stopSpan(Span span, Long endTime) { Span lastSpan = peek(); if (lastSpan.isLeaf()) { LeafSpan leafSpan = (LeafSpan)lastSpan; leafSpan.pop(); if (!leafSpan.isFinished()) { return; } } if (lastSpan == span) { pop().finish(segment, endTime); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Stopping the unexpected span = " + span); } if (activeSpanStack.isEmpty()) { this.finish(); } } /** * Finish this context, and notify all {@link TracerContextListener}s, managed by {@link ListenerManager} */ private void finish() { ListenerManager.notifyFinish(segment.finish()); } /** * Give a snapshot of this {@link TracerContext}, * and save current state to the given {@link ContextCarrier}. * * @param carrier holds the snapshot */ public void inject(ContextCarrier carrier) { carrier.setTraceSegmentId(this.segment.getTraceSegmentId()); Span span = this.activeSpan(); carrier.setSpanId(span.getSpanId()); carrier.setApplicationCode(Config.Agent.APPLICATION_CODE); String host = Tags.PEER_HOST.get(span); if (host != null) { Integer port = Tags.PEER_PORT.get(span); carrier.setPeerHost(host + ":" + port); } else { carrier.setPeerHost(Tags.PEERS.get(span)); } carrier.setDistributedTraceIds(this.segment.getRelatedGlobalTraces()); carrier.setSampled(this.segment.isSampled()); } /** * Ref this {@link ContextCarrier} to this {@link TraceSegment} * * @param carrier holds the snapshot, if get this {@link ContextCarrier} from remote, make sure {@link * ContextCarrier#deserialize(String)} called. */ public void extract(ContextCarrier carrier) { if (carrier.isValid()) { this.segment.ref(getRef(carrier)); ServiceManager.INSTANCE.findService(SamplingService.class).setSampleWhenExtract(this.segment, carrier); this.segment.relatedGlobalTraces(carrier.getDistributedTraceIds()); } } private TraceSegmentRef getRef(ContextCarrier carrier) { TraceSegmentRef ref = new TraceSegmentRef(); ref.setTraceSegmentId(carrier.getTraceSegmentId()); ref.setSpanId(carrier.getSpanId()); ref.setApplicationCode(carrier.getApplicationCode()); ref.setPeerHost(carrier.getPeerHost()); return ref; } /** * @return the top element of 'ActiveSpanStack', and remove it. */ private Span pop() { return activeSpanStack.removeLast(); } /** * Add a new Span at the top of 'ActiveSpanStack' * * @param span */ private void push(Span span) { activeSpanStack.addLast(span); } /** * @return the top element of 'ActiveSpanStack' only. */ private Span peek() { if (activeSpanStack.isEmpty()) { return null; } return activeSpanStack.getLast(); } public static class ListenerManager { private static List<TracerContextListener> LISTENERS = new LinkedList<TracerContextListener>(); /** * Add the given {@link TracerContextListener} to {@link #LISTENERS} list. * * @param listener the new listener. */ public static synchronized void add(TracerContextListener listener) { LISTENERS.add(listener); } /** * Notify the {@link ListenerManager} about the given {@link TraceSegment} have finished. * And trigger {@link ListenerManager} to notify all {@link #LISTENERS} 's * {@link TracerContextListener#afterFinished(TraceSegment)} * * @param finishedSegment */ static void notifyFinish(TraceSegment finishedSegment) { for (TracerContextListener listener : LISTENERS) { listener.afterFinished(finishedSegment); } } /** * Clear the given {@link TracerContextListener} */ public static synchronized void remove(TracerContextListener listener) { LISTENERS.remove(listener); } } }