package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context; import org.skywalking.apm.util.StringUtil; import org.skywalking.apm.trace.Span; import org.skywalking.apm.trace.TraceId.DistributedTraceId; import org.skywalking.apm.trace.TraceId.PropagatedTraceId; import org.skywalking.apm.trace.TraceSegment; import org.skywalking.apm.trace.tag.Tags; import; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; /** * {@link ContextCarrier} is a data carrier of {@link TracerContext}. * It holds the snapshot (current state) of {@link TracerContext}. * <p> * Created by wusheng on 2017/2/17. */ public class ContextCarrier implements Serializable { /** * {@link TraceSegment#traceSegmentId} */ private String traceSegmentId; /** * {@link Span#spanId} */ private int spanId = -1; /** * {@link TraceSegment#applicationCode} */ private String applicationCode; /** * {@link Tags#PEER_HOST} */ private String peerHost; /** * {@link DistributedTraceId} */ private List<DistributedTraceId> distributedTraceIds; /** * {@link TraceSegment#sampled} */ private boolean sampled; /** * Serialize this {@link ContextCarrier} to a {@link String}, * with '|' split. * * @return the serialization string. */ public String serialize() { return StringUtil.join('|', this.getTraceSegmentId(), this.getSpanId() + "", this.getApplicationCode(), this.getPeerHost(), this.serializeDistributedTraceIds(), this.isSampled() ? "1" : "0"); } /** * Initialize fields with the given text. * * @param text carries {@link #traceSegmentId} and {@link #spanId}, with '|' split. */ public ContextCarrier deserialize(String text) { if (text != null) { String[] parts = text.split("\\|", 6); if (parts.length == 6) { try { setSpanId(Integer.parseInt(parts[1])); setTraceSegmentId(parts[0]); setApplicationCode(parts[2]); setPeerHost(parts[3]); setDistributedTraceIds(deserializeDistributedTraceIds(parts[4])); setSampled("1".equals(parts[5])); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } } return this; } /** * Make sure this {@link ContextCarrier} has been initialized. * * @return true for unbroken {@link ContextCarrier} or no-initialized. Otherwise, false; */ public boolean isValid() { return !StringUtil.isEmpty(traceSegmentId) && getSpanId() > -1 && !StringUtil.isEmpty(applicationCode) && !StringUtil.isEmpty(peerHost) && distributedTraceIds != null; } public String getTraceSegmentId() { return traceSegmentId; } public int getSpanId() { return spanId; } public void setTraceSegmentId(String traceSegmentId) { this.traceSegmentId = traceSegmentId; } public void setSpanId(int spanId) { this.spanId = spanId; } public String getApplicationCode() { return applicationCode; } public void setApplicationCode(String applicationCode) { this.applicationCode = applicationCode; } public String getPeerHost() { return peerHost; } public void setPeerHost(String peerHost) { this.peerHost = peerHost; } public List<DistributedTraceId> getDistributedTraceIds() { return distributedTraceIds; } public boolean isSampled() { return sampled; } public void setSampled(boolean sampled) { this.sampled = sampled; } public void setDistributedTraceIds(List<DistributedTraceId> distributedTraceIds) { this.distributedTraceIds = distributedTraceIds; } /** * Serialize {@link #distributedTraceIds} to a string, with ',' split. * * @return string, represents all {@link DistributedTraceId} */ private String serializeDistributedTraceIds() { StringBuilder traceIdString = new StringBuilder(); if (distributedTraceIds != null) { boolean first = true; for (DistributedTraceId distributedTraceId : distributedTraceIds) { if (first) { first = false; } else { traceIdString.append(","); } traceIdString.append(distributedTraceId.get()); } } return traceIdString.toString(); } /** * Deserialize {@link #distributedTraceIds} from a text, whith * * @param text * @return */ private List<DistributedTraceId> deserializeDistributedTraceIds(String text) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(text)) { return null; } String[] propagationTraceIdValues = text.split(","); List<DistributedTraceId> traceIds = new LinkedList<DistributedTraceId>(); for (String propagationTraceIdValue : propagationTraceIdValues) { traceIds.add(new PropagatedTraceId(propagationTraceIdValue)); } return traceIds; } }