package; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone; import org.joda.time.LocalDate; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import java.sql.Date; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.TimeZone; import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat; import static; public class LocalDateToSqlDateColumnMapperTest { private static final int YEAR = 2020; private static final int MONTH = 10; private static final int DAY = 15; private static final int ZERO = 0; private LocalDateToSqlDateColumnMapper dateColumnMapper; @Before public void setUp(){ dateColumnMapper = new LocalDateToSqlDateColumnMapper(); } @Test public void toNonNullValue__it_should_return_the_same_string_representation(){ //given LocalDate localDate = new LocalDate(YEAR, MONTH, DAY); //when Date date = dateColumnMapper.toNonNullValue(localDate); //then assertThat("asString ", date.toString(), is(localDate.toString())); } @Test public void fromNonNullString__it_should_return_correct_date_in_utc_zone(){ //given String s = YEAR + "-" + MONTH + "-" +DAY; //when LocalDate localDate = dateColumnMapper.fromNonNullString(s); //then assertThat("local date ", localDate, is(new LocalDate(YEAR, MONTH, DAY))); } @Test public void toNonNullString__it_should_return_string_in_ISO8601_format(){ //given LocalDate value = new LocalDate(YEAR, MONTH, DAY); //when String actualValue = dateColumnMapper.toNonNullString(value); //then assertThat("local date formatting ", actualValue, is(YEAR+"-"+MONTH+"-"+DAY)); } @Test public void fromNonNullValue__it_should_return_correct_date_in_utc_zone(){ //given LocalDate localDate = new LocalDate(YEAR, MONTH, DAY); Date date = new Date(localDate.toDateTimeAtStartOfDay(DateTimeZone.UTC).getMillis()); //when LocalDate value = dateColumnMapper.fromNonNullValue(date); //then assertThat("local date value ", value, is(localDate)); } @Test public void toNonNullValue_and_fromNonNullValue_should_be_inverse_operations(){ //given LocalDate localDate = new LocalDate(YEAR, MONTH, DAY); //when Date date = dateColumnMapper.toNonNullValue(localDate); LocalDate actual = dateColumnMapper.fromNonNullValue(date); //then assertThat("match ", actual, is(localDate)); } @Test public void test_for_different_default_timeZones(){ //given List<String> timeZonesIDs = Arrays.asList("GMT-23:00", "GMT-8:00", "GMT", "GMT+8:00", "GMT+23:00"); for(String timeZoneId: timeZonesIDs){ assertTimeZones(timeZoneId); } } private void assertTimeZones(String timeZoneName){ //given //change globally default time zone but we assume that tests run in separate JVM, java.sql.Date use default time zone TimeZone.setDefault(TimeZone.getTimeZone(timeZoneName)); LocalDate localDate = new LocalDate(YEAR, MONTH, DAY); //when Date date = dateColumnMapper.toNonNullValue(localDate); LocalDate actualDate = dateColumnMapper.fromNonNullValue(date); //then assertThat("timeZone : " + timeZoneName, date.toString(), is(YEAR + "-" + MONTH + "-" + DAY)); assertThat("localDate ", actualDate, is(localDate)); } //****** dependent classes tests *********** @Test public void it_should_return_without_hours_minutes_seconds(){ //given LocalDate localDate = new LocalDate(YEAR, MONTH, DAY); //when DateTime dateTime = localDate.toDateTimeAtStartOfDay(DateTimeZone.UTC); //then assertThat("hours should be zero", dateTime.getHourOfDay(), is(ZERO)); assertThat("minutes should be zero", dateTime.getMinuteOfHour(), is(ZERO)); assertThat("seconds should be zero", dateTime.getSecondOfMinute(), is(ZERO)); assertThat("milliseconds should be zero", dateTime.getMillisOfSecond(), is(ZERO)); } @Test public void it_should_print_correct_values(){ //when LocalDate localDate = new LocalDate(YEAR, MONTH, DAY); //then assertThat("localDate format ", localDate.toString(), is(YEAR + "-" + MONTH + "-" + DAY)); } @Test public void it_should_does_not_change_millis(){ //given LocalDate localDate = new LocalDate(YEAR, MONTH, DAY); DateTime dateTime = localDate.toDateTimeAtStartOfDay(DateTimeZone.UTC); //when Date dateFromMillis = new Date(dateTime.getMillis()); //then assertThat("millis ", dateFromMillis.getTime(), is(dateTime.getMillis())); } }