package; import org.hamcrest.Description; import org.hamcrest.TypeSafeMatcher; /** * Hamcrest Integer matcher with long. Convenient for example in cases like: <br/> * <code>ResultActions.andExpect(jsonPath("id").value(IntToLongMatcher.equals(testObjectContext.getCcCourtId())))</code> * in which the value method doesn't allow to put long arg indirectly - in such a case you get something like this: * <pre>java.lang.AssertionError: For JSON path $ type of value expected:<class java.lang.Long> but was:<class java.lang.Integer></pre> * * @author Ɓukasz Dumiszewski * */ public class IntToLongMatcher extends TypeSafeMatcher<Integer> { private int actualIntValue; private final long expectedLongValue; //------------------------ CONSTRUCTORS -------------------------- private IntToLongMatcher(long expectedLongValue) { this.expectedLongValue = expectedLongValue; } //------------------------ LOGIC -------------------------- public static IntToLongMatcher equalsLong(Long expectedLongValue) { return new IntToLongMatcher(expectedLongValue); } @Override protected boolean matchesSafely(Integer actualIntValue) { this.actualIntValue = actualIntValue; return new Long(actualIntValue).equals(expectedLongValue); } @Override public void describeTo(Description description) { description.appendValue(actualIntValue) .appendText(" has been found instead of ") .appendValue(expectedLongValue); } }