/* * Copyright 2001-2008 Geert Bevin (gbevin[remove] at uwyn dot com) * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") * $Id: ValidationRuleUrl.java 3918 2008-04-14 17:35:35Z gbevin $ */ package com.uwyn.rife.site; import com.uwyn.rife.tools.BeanUtils; import com.uwyn.rife.tools.exceptions.BeanUtilsException; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import static com.uwyn.rife.site.ValidityChecks.checkUrl; public class ValidationRuleUrl extends PropertyValidationRule { public ValidationRuleUrl(String propertyName) { super(propertyName); } public boolean validate() { Object value; try { value = BeanUtils.getPropertyValue(getBean(), getPropertyName()); } catch (BeanUtilsException e) { // an error occurred when obtaining the value of the property // just consider it valid to skip over it return true; } if (null == value) { return true; } ConstrainedProperty constrained_property = ConstrainedUtils.getConstrainedProperty(getBean(), getPropertyName()); if (value.getClass().isArray()) { int length = Array.getLength(value); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (!checkUrl(BeanUtils.formatPropertyValue(Array.get(value, i), constrained_property))) { return false; } } return true; } else { return checkUrl(BeanUtils.formatPropertyValue(value, constrained_property)); } } public ValidationError getError() { return new ValidationError.INVALID(getSubject()); } }