package bsh.util; /* This file is associated with the BeanShell Java Scripting language distribution ( This file is hereby placed into the public domain... You may copy, modify, and redistribute it without restriction. */ import bsh.EvalError; import bsh.Interpreter; import bsh.InterpreterError; import bsh.TargetError; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.bsf.BSFDeclaredBean; import org.apache.bsf.BSFException; import org.apache.bsf.BSFManager; import org.apache.bsf.util.BSFEngineImpl; /** This is the BeanShell adapter for IBM's Bean Scripting Famework. It is an implementation of the BSFEngine class, allowing BSF aware applications to use BeanShell as a scripting language. <p> I believe this implementation is complete (with some hesitation about the the usefullness of the compileXXX() style methods - provided by the base utility class). @author Pat Niemeyer */ public class BeanShellBSFEngine extends BSFEngineImpl { Interpreter interpreter; boolean installedApplyMethod; public void initialize ( BSFManager mgr, String lang, Vector declaredBeans) throws BSFException { super.initialize( mgr, lang, declaredBeans ); interpreter = new Interpreter(); // declare the bsf manager for callbacks, etc. try { interpreter.set( "bsf", mgr ); } catch ( EvalError e ) { throw new BSFException("bsh internal error: "+e.toString()); } for(int i=0; i<declaredBeans.size(); i++) { BSFDeclaredBean bean = (BSFDeclaredBean)declaredBeans.get(i); declareBean( bean ); } } public void setDebug (boolean debug) { Interpreter.DEBUG = debug; } /** Invoke method name on the specified bsh scripted object. The object may be null to indicate the global namespace of the interpreter. @param object may be null for the global namespace. */ public Object call( Object object, String name, Object[] args ) throws BSFException { if ( object == null ) try { object = interpreter.get("global"); } catch ( EvalError e ) { throw new BSFException("bsh internal error: "+e.toString()); } if ( object instanceof bsh.This ) try { return ((bsh.This)object).invokeMethod( name, args ); } catch ( InterpreterError e ) { throw new BSFException( "BeanShell interpreter internal error: "+e ); } catch ( TargetError e2 ) { throw new BSFException( "The application script threw an exception: " + e2.getTarget() ); } catch ( EvalError e3 ) { throw new BSFException( "BeanShell script error: "+e3 ); } else throw new BSFException( "Cannot invoke method: "+name +". Object: "+object +" is not a BeanShell scripted object."); } /** A helper BeanShell method that implements the anonymous method apply proposed by BSF. Note that the script below could use the standard bsh eval() method to set the variables and apply the text, however then I'd have to escape quotes, etc. */ final static String bsfApplyMethod = "_bsfApply( _bsfNames, _bsfArgs, _bsfText ) {" +"for(i=0;i<_bsfNames.length;i++)" +"this.namespace.setVariable(_bsfNames[i], _bsfArgs[i]);" +"return this.interpreter.eval(_bsfText, this.namespace);" +"}"; /** This is an implementation of the BSF apply() method. It exectutes the funcBody text in an "anonymous" method call with arguments. */ public Object apply ( String source, int lineNo, int columnNo, Object funcBody, Vector namesVec, Vector argsVec ) throws BSFException { if ( namesVec.size() != argsVec.size() ) throw new BSFException("number of params/names mismatch"); if ( !(funcBody instanceof String) ) throw new BSFException("apply: functino body must be a string"); String [] names = new String [ namesVec.size() ]; namesVec.copyInto(names); Object [] args = new String [ argsVec.size() ]; argsVec.copyInto(args); try { if ( !installedApplyMethod ) { interpreter.eval( bsfApplyMethod ); installedApplyMethod = true; } bsh.This global = (bsh.This)interpreter.get("global"); return global.invokeMethod( "_bsfApply", new Object [] { names, args, (String)funcBody } ); } catch ( InterpreterError e ) { throw new BSFException( "BeanShell interpreter internal error: "+e + sourceInfo(source,lineNo,columnNo) ); } catch ( TargetError e2 ) { throw new BSFException( "The application script threw an exception: " + e2.getTarget() + sourceInfo(source,lineNo,columnNo) ); } catch ( EvalError e3 ) { throw new BSFException( "BeanShell script error: "+e3 + sourceInfo(source,lineNo,columnNo) ); } } public Object eval ( String source, int lineNo, int columnNo, Object expr) throws BSFException { if ( ! (expr instanceof String) ) throw new BSFException("BeanShell expression must be a string"); try { return interpreter.eval( ((String)expr) ); } catch ( InterpreterError e ) { throw new BSFException( "BeanShell interpreter internal error: "+e + sourceInfo(source,lineNo,columnNo) ); } catch ( TargetError e2 ) { throw new BSFException(BSFException.REASON_OTHER_ERROR, "The application script threw an exception: " + e2.getTarget() + sourceInfo(source,lineNo,columnNo), e2 ); } catch ( EvalError e3 ) { throw new BSFException( "BeanShell script error: "+e3 + sourceInfo(source,lineNo,columnNo) ); } } public void exec (String source, int lineNo, int columnNo, Object script) throws BSFException { eval( source, lineNo, columnNo, script ); } /* I don't quite understand these compile methods. The default impl will use the CodeBuffer utility to produce an example (Test) class that turns around and invokes the BSF Manager to call the script again. I assume a truly compileable language would return a real implementation class adapter here? But in source code form? Would't it be more likely to generate bytecode? And shouldn't a non-compileable language simply return a standard precompiled adapter to itself? The indirection of building a source class to call the scripting engine (possibly through the interpreter) seems kind of silly. */ /* public void compileApply (String source, int lineNo, int columnNo, Object funcBody, Vector paramNames, Vector arguments, CodeBuffer cb) throws BSFException; public void compileExpr (String source, int lineNo, int columnNo, Object expr, CodeBuffer cb) throws BSFException; public void compileScript (String source, int lineNo, int columnNo, Object script, CodeBuffer cb) throws BSFException; */ public void declareBean (BSFDeclaredBean bean) throws BSFException { try { interpreter.set(, bean.bean); } catch ( EvalError e ) { throw new BSFException( "error declaring bean: " +" : "+e.toString() ); } } public void undeclareBean (BSFDeclaredBean bean) throws BSFException { try { interpreter.unset( ); } catch ( EvalError e ) { throw new BSFException("bsh internal error: "+e.toString()); } } public void terminate () { } private String sourceInfo( String source, int lineNo, int columnNo ) { return "BSF info: "+source+" at line: "+lineNo +" column: "+columnNo; } }