package com.kryptnostic.rhizome.mapstores.cassandra;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.datastax.driver.core.RegularStatement;
import com.datastax.driver.core.Session;
import com.kryptnostic.rhizome.cassandra.CassandraTableBuilder;
* Each partition key should correspond to a <b>unique</b> value in a (partition key)-value store. This <b>does not</b>
* mean there is a unique row for each partition key; rather, all rows for the partition key should have the same value.
* If row uniqueness for each partition key needs to be enforced, override the {@link #store(Object, Object)} function
* with {@link AbstractStructuredCassandraPartitionKeyValueStore#replace(Object, Object)}
* @author Ho Chung Siu
* @param <K>
* @param <V>
public abstract class AbstractStructuredCassandraPartitionKeyValueStore<K, V>
extends AbstractStructuredCassandraMapstoreBase<K, V> {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory
.getLogger( AbstractStructuredCassandraPartitionKeyValueStore.class );
public AbstractStructuredCassandraPartitionKeyValueStore(
String mapName,
Session session,
CassandraTableBuilder tableBuilder ) {
super( mapName, session, tableBuilder );
protected RegularStatement loadQuery() {
return tableBuilder.buildLoadByPartitionKeyQuery();
protected RegularStatement deleteQuery() {
return tableBuilder.buildDeleteByPartitionKeyQuery();
@Override protected RegularStatement loadAllKeysQuery() {
return tableBuilder.buildLoadAllPartitionKeysQuery();
* We assume that the (partition key)-value store has a unique value for each partition key. This has to be true for
* a (partition key)-value store to make sense.
public Map<K, V> loadAll( Collection<K> keys ) {
return k -> Pair.of( k, asyncLoad( k ) ) )
.map( p -> Pair.of( p.getLeft(), safeTransform( p.getRight() ) ) )
.filter( p -> p.getRight() != null )
.collect( Collectors.toMap( p -> p.getLeft(), p -> p.getRight() ) );
* Used to replace the value in a (partition key)-value store. A separate delete is needed, because key here is only
* the partition key, not the full primary key.
protected void replace( K key, V value ) {
delete( key );
asyncStore( key, value ).getUninterruptibly();