package com.kryptnostic.rhizome.core; import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry; import; import com.codahale.metrics.servlets.AdminServlet; import com.codahale.metrics.servlets.HealthCheckServlet; import com.codahale.metrics.servlets.MetricsServlet; import; import; import; import; import; import com.hazelcast.web.SessionListener; import com.hazelcast.web.WebFilter; import com.kryptnostic.rhizome.configuration.ConfigurationConstants.Profiles; import com.kryptnostic.rhizome.configuration.RhizomeConfiguration; import; import com.kryptnostic.rhizome.configuration.jetty.JettyConfiguration; import com.kryptnostic.rhizome.configuration.servlets.DispatcherServletConfiguration; import com.kryptnostic.rhizome.pods.*; import com.kryptnostic.rhizome.startup.Requirement; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.DefaultServlet; import org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.BeansException; import org.springframework.web.WebApplicationInitializer; import org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener; import org.springframework.web.context.request.RequestContextListener; import; import org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet; import javax.servlet.*; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; /** * Note: if using jetty, jetty creates an instance of this class with a no-arg constructor in order to call onStartup * TODO: break out WebApplicationInitializer's onStartup to a different class because of Jetty issue * */ public class Rhizome implements WebApplicationInitializer { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory .getLogger( Rhizome.class ); private static final String HAZELCAST_SESSION_FILTER_NAME = "hazelcastSessionFilter"; protected static final Class<?>[] DEFAULT_SERVICE_PODS = new Class<?>[] { ConfigurationPod.class, MetricsPod.class, AsyncPod.class }; protected static final Lock startupLock = new ReentrantLock(); protected static AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext rhizomeContext = null; protected final AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext context; private JettyLoam jetty; public Rhizome() { this( new Class<?>[] {} ); } public Rhizome( Class<?>... pods ) { this( JettyContainerPod.class, pods ); } public Rhizome( Class<? extends LoamPod> loamPodClass, Class<?>... pods ) { this( new AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext(), loamPodClass, pods ); } public Rhizome( AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext context, Class<? extends LoamPod> loamPodClass, Class<?>... pods ) { this.context = context; intercrop( pods ); if ( loamPodClass != null ) { intercrop( loamPodClass ); } intercrop( getDefaultServicePods() ); } @Override public void onStartup( ServletContext servletContext ) throws ServletException { Preconditions.checkNotNull( rhizomeContext, "Rhizome context cannot be null for startup." ); servletContext.addListener( new SessionListener() ); /* * We have the luxury of being able to access the RhizomeConfiguration from the rhizomeContext. This allows us * to conditionally enabled session clustering among other things. */ RhizomeConfiguration configuration = rhizomeContext.getBean( RhizomeConfiguration.class ); JettyConfiguration jettyConfiguration = rhizomeContext.getBean( JettyConfiguration.class ); if ( configuration.isSessionClusteringEnabled() ) { FilterRegistration.Dynamic addFilter = servletContext.addFilter( HAZELCAST_SESSION_FILTER_NAME, rhizomeContext.getBean( WebFilter.class ) ); addFilter.addMappingForUrlPatterns( Sets.newEnumSet( ImmutableSet.of( DispatcherType.FORWARD, DispatcherType.REQUEST, DispatcherType.REQUEST ), DispatcherType.class ), false, "/*" ); addFilter.setAsyncSupported( true ); } // Prevent jersey-spring3 from trying to initialize a spring application context. // servletContext.setInitParameter( CONTEXT_CONFIG_LOCATION_PARAMETER_NAME , "" ); servletContext.addListener( new ContextLoaderListener( rhizomeContext ) ); servletContext.addListener( new RequestContextListener() ); // Register the health check registry. servletContext.setAttribute( HealthCheckServlet.HEALTH_CHECK_REGISTRY, rhizomeContext.getBean( "getHealthCheckRegistry", HealthCheckRegistry.class ) ); servletContext.setAttribute( MetricsServlet.METRICS_REGISTRY, rhizomeContext.getBean( "getMetricRegistry", MetricRegistry.class ) ); /* * */ ServletRegistration.Dynamic adminServlet = servletContext.addServlet( "admin", AdminServlet.class ); adminServlet.setLoadOnStartup( 1 ); adminServlet.addMapping( "/admin/*" ); adminServlet.setInitParameter( "show-jvm-metrics", "true" ); /* * Jersey Servlet For lovers of the JAX-RS standard. */ ServletRegistration.Dynamic jerseyDispatcher = servletContext.addServlet( "defaultJerseyServlet", new ServletContainer() ); jerseyDispatcher.setInitParameter( "", RhizomeApplication.class.getName() ); jerseyDispatcher.setLoadOnStartup( 1 ); jerseyDispatcher.addMapping( "/health/*" ); /* * Atmosphere Servlet */ // TODO: Add support for atmosphere servlet. /* * Default Servlet */ if ( jettyConfiguration.isDefaultServletEnabled() ) { ServletRegistration.Dynamic defaultServlet = servletContext.addServlet( "default", new DefaultServlet() ); defaultServlet.addMapping( new String[] { "/*" } ); defaultServlet.setLoadOnStartup( 1 ); defaultServlet.setAsyncSupported( true ); } registerDispatcherServlets( servletContext ); } private void registerDispatcherServlets( ServletContext servletContext ) { Map<String, DispatcherServletConfiguration> dispatcherServletsConfigs = rhizomeContext.getBeansOfType( DispatcherServletConfiguration.class, false, true ); for ( Entry<String, DispatcherServletConfiguration> configPair : dispatcherServletsConfigs.entrySet() ) { DispatcherServletConfiguration configuration = configPair.getValue(); AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext dispatchServletContext = new AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext(); " Registering dispatcher servlet: {}", configuration ); dispatchServletContext.setParent( rhizomeContext ); dispatchServletContext.register( configuration.getPods().toArray( new Class<?>[ 0 ] ) ); ServletRegistration.Dynamic dispatcher = servletContext.addServlet( configuration.getServletName(), new DispatcherServlet( dispatchServletContext ) ); Preconditions.checkNotNull( dispatcher, "A DispatcherServlet with this name has already been registered and fully configured" ); if ( configuration.getLoadOnStartup().isPresent() ) { dispatcher.setLoadOnStartup( configuration.getLoadOnStartup().get() ); } dispatcher.setAsyncSupported( true ); dispatcher.addMapping( configuration.getMappings() ); } } public AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext getContext() { return context; } public <T> T harvest( Class<T> clazz ) { return context.getBean( clazz ); } public void intercrop( Class<?>... pods ) { if ( pods != null && pods.length > 0 ) { context.register( pods ); } } public void sprout( String... activeProfiles ) throws Exception { boolean awsProfile = false; boolean localProfile = false; for ( String profile : activeProfiles ) { if ( StringUtils.equals( Profiles.AWS_CONFIGURATION_PROFILE, profile ) ) { awsProfile = true; "Using AWS profile for configuration." ); } if ( StringUtils.equals( Profiles.LOCAL_CONFIGURATION_PROFILE, profile ) ) { localProfile = true; "Using Local profile for configuration." ); } context.getEnvironment().addActiveProfile( profile ); } if ( !awsProfile && !localProfile ) { context.getEnvironment().addActiveProfile( Profiles.LOCAL_CONFIGURATION_PROFILE ); } /* * This will trigger creation of Jetty, so we: 1) Lock on singleton context 2) switch in the correct singleton * context 3) set back to null and release lock once Jetty has finished starting. */ try { startupLock.lock(); Preconditions.checkState( rhizomeContext == null, "Rhizome context should be null before startup of startup." ); rhizomeContext = context; context.refresh(); if ( awsProfile ) { startJettyAws( rhizomeContext.getBean( JettyConfiguration.class ), rhizomeContext.getBean( AmazonLaunchConfiguration.class ) ); } else { // For now we assume just AWS as an alternate to a local profile. startJetty( rhizomeContext.getBean( JettyConfiguration.class ) ); } } finally { rhizomeContext = null; if ( context.isActive() && startupRequirementsSatisfied( context ) ) { showBanner(); } startupLock.unlock(); } } protected void startJetty( JettyConfiguration configuration ) throws Exception { this.jetty = new JettyLoam( configuration ); jetty.start(); } protected void startJettyAws( JettyConfiguration configuration, AmazonLaunchConfiguration awsConfig ) throws Exception { this.jetty = new AwsJettyLoam( Preconditions.checkNotNull( configuration, "Jetty configuration cannot be null" ), Preconditions.checkNotNull( awsConfig, "AwsConfig cannot be null" ) ); jetty.start(); } public void wilt() throws BeansException, Exception { jetty.stop(); context.close(); } // This method is not static so it can be sub-classed and overridden. public Class<?>[] getDefaultServicePods() { return DEFAULT_SERVICE_PODS; } public static void showBanner() { try { "\n\n{}\n\n", Resources.toString( Resources.getResource( "banner.txt" ), Charsets.UTF_8 ) ); } catch ( IOException e ) { logger.warn( "No startup banner found." ); } } public static boolean startupRequirementsSatisfied( AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext context ) { return context.getBeansOfType( Requirement.class ) .values() .parallelStream() .allMatch( Requirement::isSatisfied ); } }