package org.rakam.clickhouse.analysis; import; import; import org.rakam.analysis.FunnelQueryExecutor; import org.rakam.collection.FieldType; import org.rakam.collection.SchemaField; import org.rakam.config.ProjectConfig; import; import; import; import; import org.rakam.util.RakamException; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.time.ZoneId; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import; import; import static com.facebook.presto.sql.RakamExpressionFormatter.formatIdentifier; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus.BAD_REQUEST; import static java.lang.String.format; import static java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE; import static; import static org.rakam.util.ValidationUtil.checkCollection; import static org.rakam.util.ValidationUtil.checkTableColumn; public class ClickHouseFunnelQueryExecutor implements FunnelQueryExecutor { private final QueryExecutor queryExecutor; private final ProjectConfig projectConfig; @Inject public ClickHouseFunnelQueryExecutor(ProjectConfig projectConfig, QueryExecutor queryExecutor) { this.projectConfig = projectConfig; this.queryExecutor = queryExecutor; } private static int toSeconds(FunnelWindow window) { switch (window.type) { case DAY: return window.value * 86400; case WEEK: return window.value * 7 * 86400; case MONTH: return window.value * 30 * 86400; default: throw new IllegalStateException(); } } @Override public QueryExecution query(String project, List<FunnelStep> steps, Optional<String> dimension, LocalDate startDate, LocalDate endDate, Optional<FunnelWindow> window, ZoneId zoneId, Optional<List<String>> connectors) { if (steps.size() == 0) { throw new RakamException("Funnel steps parameter is empty", BAD_REQUEST); } String betweenWindow = -> format("(?t<=%d)", i)).orElse(""); String select = range(0, steps.size()) .mapToObj(step -> step == 0 ? "count() as step1" : format("sum(step%d) as step%d", step + 1, step + 1)) .collect(Collectors.joining(", ")); String funnel = range(1, steps.size()).mapToObj(step -> format("sequenceMatch('%s')(_time, step = 1, %s) AS step%d", range(1, step + 2).mapToObj(i -> format("(?%d)", i)).collect(Collectors.joining(betweenWindow + ".*")), range(1, step + 1).mapToObj(i -> format("step = %d", i + 1)).collect(Collectors.joining(", ")), step + 1 )).collect(Collectors.joining(", \n")); String computeQueries = IntStream.range(0, steps.size()).mapToObj(step -> { FunnelStep funnelStep = steps.get(step); String collection = funnelStep.getCollection(); return format("SELECT %d as step, %s, %s %s FROM %s WHERE %s BETWEEN CAST(toDate('%s') AS DateTime) AND CAST(toDate('%s') AS DateTime) %s", step + 1, checkTableColumn(projectConfig.getUserColumn()), checkTableColumn(projectConfig.getTimeColumn()), -> ", " + checkTableColumn(v, '`') + " as dimension").orElse(""), project + "." + checkCollection(collection, '`'), checkTableColumn(projectConfig.getTimeColumn()), startDate.format(ISO_DATE), endDate.plusDays(1).format(ISO_DATE), funnelStep.getExpression().map(exp -> "AND " + ClickhouseExpressionFormatter.formatExpression(exp, name -> name.getParts().stream().map(e -> formatIdentifier(e, '`')).collect(Collectors.joining(".")), name -> checkCollection(funnelStep.getCollection()) + "." + name.getParts().stream() .map(e -> formatIdentifier(e, '`')).collect(Collectors.joining(".")), '`')).orElse("")); }).collect(Collectors.joining("\n UNION ALL\n ")); String query = format("SELECT\n" + " %s %s\n" + " FROM\n" + " (\n" + " SELECT\n" + " %s %s\n" + " FROM\n" + " (%s)\n" + " GROUP BY _user %s\n" + " HAVING any(step = 1) \n" + " ) %s ", -> "dimension, ").orElse(""), select, -> "dimension, ").orElse(""), !dimension.isPresent() && funnel.isEmpty() ? "1" : funnel, computeQueries, -> ", dimension").orElse(""), -> "GROUP BY dimension WITH TOTALS ORDER BY " + range(0, steps.size()).mapToObj(i -> format("step%d DESC", i + 1)).collect(Collectors.joining(", ")) + " LIMIT 50") .orElse("")); return new DelegateQueryExecution(queryExecutor.executeRawQuery(query), result -> { List<List<Object>> data; if (!result.isFailed()) { if (dimension.isPresent()) { data = new ArrayList<>(result.getResult().size() * steps.size()); long totalStep1 = 0; int totalsIndex = result.getResult().size() - 1; for (int i = 0; i < totalsIndex; i++) { List<Object> objects = result.getResult().get(i); Object dimensionValue = (objects.get(0) == null || objects.get(0).toString().length() == 0) ? null : objects.get(0); totalStep1 += (Long) objects.get(1); for (int idx = 1; idx < objects.size(); idx++) { data.add(Arrays.asList("Step " + idx, dimensionValue, objects.get(idx))); } } List<Object> totalsRow = result.getResult().get(totalsIndex); if (totalStep1 < ((Long) totalsRow.get(1))) { for (int idx = 1; idx < totalsRow.size(); idx++) { data.add(Arrays.asList("Step " + idx, "Others", totalsRow.get(idx))); } } return new QueryResult(ImmutableList.of( new SchemaField("step", FieldType.STRING), new SchemaField("dimension", result.getMetadata().get(0).getType()), new SchemaField("value", FieldType.LONG)), data); } else { data = IntStream.range(0, steps.size()) .mapToObj(step -> ImmutableList.of("Step " + (step + 1), result.getResult().isEmpty() ? 0L : result.getResult().get(0).get(step))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); return new QueryResult(ImmutableList.of( new SchemaField("step", FieldType.STRING), new SchemaField("value", FieldType.LONG)), data); } } return result; }); } }