package; import; import; import; import; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaders; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.cookie.Cookie; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.cookie.DefaultCookie; import org.apache.avro.Schema; import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord; import org.rakam.Mapper; import org.rakam.analysis.ConfigManager; import org.rakam.analysis.InternalConfig; import org.rakam.collection.Event; import org.rakam.collection.FieldDependencyBuilder; import org.rakam.collection.FieldType; import org.rakam.collection.SchemaField; import org.rakam.plugin.EventMapper; import org.rakam.plugin.SyncEventMapper; import org.rakam.plugin.user.ISingleUserBatchOperation; import org.rakam.plugin.user.UserPropertyMapper; import org.rakam.util.AvroUtil; import javax.inject.Inject; import; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import static org.rakam.collection.FieldType.STRING; @Mapper(name = "User Id Event mapper", description = "") public class UserIdEventMapper implements SyncEventMapper, UserPropertyMapper { private final LoadingCache<String, FieldType> userTypeCache; DistributedIdGenerator idGenerator; @Inject public UserIdEventMapper(ConfigManager configManager) { idGenerator = new DistributedIdGenerator(); userTypeCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().build(new CacheLoader<String, FieldType>() { @Override public FieldType load(String key) throws Exception { return configManager.setConfigOnce(key,, STRING); } }); } @Override public List<Cookie> map(Event event, RequestParams requestParams, InetAddress sourceAddress, HttpHeaders responseHeaders) { GenericRecord properties =; if (properties.get("_user") == null) { Schema.Field user ="_user"); if (user == null) { return null; } Schema.Type type = user.schema().getTypes().get(1).getType(); Object anonymousUser = requestParams.cookies().stream() .filter(e ->"_anonymous_user")).findAny() .map(e -> cast(type, e.value())).orElse(generate(type)); properties.put("_user", anonymousUser); DefaultCookie cookie = new DefaultCookie("_anonymous_user", String.valueOf(anonymousUser)); cookie.setPath("/"); return ImmutableList.of(cookie); } return null; } private Object generate(Schema.Type type) { switch (type) { case STRING: return UUID.randomUUID().toString(); case LONG: return idGenerator.generateId(); case INT: return (int) idGenerator.generateId(); default: return null; } } private Object cast(Schema.Type type, String value) { switch (type) { case STRING: return value; case LONG: try { return Long.parseLong(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return null; } case INT: try { return Integer.parseInt(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return null; } default: return null; } } @Override public List<Cookie> map(String project, List<? extends ISingleUserBatchOperation> user, RequestParams requestParams, InetAddress sourceAddress) { // if ( == null) { // FieldType fieldType = userTypeCache.getUnchecked(project); // Schema field = AvroUtil.generateAvroSchema(fieldType); // Schema.Type type = field.getTypes().get(1).getType(); // Object anonymousUser = requestParams.cookies().stream() // .filter(e ->"_anonymous_user")).findAny() // .map(e -> cast(type, e.value())).orElse(generate(type)); // // user.setId(anonymousUser); // return ImmutableList.of(new DefaultCookie("_anonymous_user", String.valueOf(anonymousUser))); // } // return null; } /** * This class implements an ID generator. * <p> * The ID is a signed 64 bit long composed of: * <p> * sign - 1 bit * timestamp - 41 bits (millisecond precision with a custom epoch allowing for 69 years) * host id - 10 bits (allowing for 1024 hosts) * sequence - 12 bits (allowing for 4096 IDs per millisecond) * <p> * There is a check that catches sequence rollover within the current millisecond. * * @author Maxim Khodanovich */ public static class DistributedIdGenerator { private static final long START_EPOCH = 1464307172048L; private static final long SEQUENCE_BITS = 12L; private static final long SEQUENCE_MASK = -1L ^ (-1L << SEQUENCE_BITS); private static final long HOST_ID_BITS = 10L; private static final long HOST_ID_MAX = -1L ^ (-1L << HOST_ID_BITS); private static final long HOST_ID_SHIFT = SEQUENCE_BITS; private static final long TIMESTAMP_SHIFT = SEQUENCE_BITS + HOST_ID_BITS; private final long hostId; private volatile long lastTimestamp = -1L; private volatile long sequence = 0L; public DistributedIdGenerator() { hostId = getHostId(); if (hostId < 0 || hostId > HOST_ID_MAX) { throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid host ID: " + hostId); } } public long generateId() throws IllegalStateException { long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (lastTimestamp == timestamp) { sequence = (sequence + 1) & SEQUENCE_MASK; } else { sequence = 0; } lastTimestamp = timestamp; return ((timestamp - START_EPOCH) << TIMESTAMP_SHIFT) | (hostId << HOST_ID_SHIFT) | sequence; } private long nextTimestamp(long lastTimestamp) { long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (timestamp <= lastTimestamp) { timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); } return timestamp; } private long getHostId() throws IllegalStateException { try { NetworkInterface iface = NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress(getHostAddress()); byte[] mac = iface.getHardwareAddress(); return ((0x000000FF & (long) mac[mac.length - 1]) | (0x0000FF00 & (((long) mac[mac.length - 2]) << 8))) >> 6; } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to get host ID", e); } } private InetAddress getHostAddress() throws IOException { InetAddress address = null; // Iterate all the network interfaces for (Enumeration<NetworkInterface> ifaces = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); ifaces.hasMoreElements(); ) { NetworkInterface iface = ifaces.nextElement(); // Iterate all the addresses assigned to the network interface for (Enumeration<InetAddress> addrs = iface.getInetAddresses(); addrs.hasMoreElements(); ) { InetAddress addr = addrs.nextElement(); if (!addr.isLoopbackAddress()) { if (addr.isSiteLocalAddress()) { // Found a non-loopback site-local address return addr; } if (address == null) { // Found the first non-loopback, non-site-local address address = addr; } } } } if (address != null) { // Return the first non-loopback, non-site-local address return address; } // Return the local host address (may be the loopback address) return InetAddress.getLocalHost(); } } }