package com.github.nkzawa.socketio.client; import com.github.nkzawa.emitter.Emitter; import com.github.nkzawa.socketio.parser.Packet; import com.github.nkzawa.socketio.parser.Parser; import com.github.nkzawa.thread.EventThread; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Manager class represents a connection to a given Socket.IO server. */ public class Manager extends Emitter { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Manager.class.getName()); /*package*/ enum ReadyState { CLOSED, OPENING, OPEN } /** * Called on a successful connection. */ public static final String EVENT_OPEN = "open"; /** * Called on a disconnection. */ public static final String EVENT_CLOSE = "close"; public static final String EVENT_PACKET = "packet"; public static final String EVENT_ERROR = "error"; /** * Called on a connection error. */ public static final String EVENT_CONNECT_ERROR = "connect_error"; /** * Called on a connection timeout. */ public static final String EVENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = "connect_timeout"; /** * Called on a successful reconnection. */ public static final String EVENT_RECONNECT = "reconnect"; /** * Called on a reconnection attempt error. */ public static final String EVENT_RECONNECT_ERROR = "reconnect_error"; public static final String EVENT_RECONNECT_FAILED = "reconnect_failed"; public static final String EVENT_RECONNECT_ATTEMPT = "reconnect_attempt"; public static final String EVENT_RECONNECTING = "reconnecting"; /** * Called when a new transport is created. (experimental) */ public static final String EVENT_TRANSPORT = Engine.EVENT_TRANSPORT; /*package*/ static SSLContext defaultSSLContext; /*package*/ ReadyState readyState = null; private boolean _reconnection; private boolean skipReconnect; private boolean reconnecting; private boolean encoding; private boolean openReconnect; private int _reconnectionAttempts; private long _reconnectionDelay; private long _reconnectionDelayMax; private long _timeout; private int connected; private int attempts; private URI uri; private List<Packet> packetBuffer; private Queue<On.Handle> subs; private Options opts; /*package*/ com.github.nkzawa.engineio.client.Socket engine; private Parser.Encoder encoder; private Parser.Decoder decoder; /** * This HashMap can be accessed from outside of EventThread. */ private ConcurrentHashMap<String, Socket> nsps; private ScheduledExecutorService timeoutScheduler; private ScheduledExecutorService reconnectScheduler; public Manager() { this(null, null); } public Manager(URI uri) { this(uri, null); } public Manager(Options opts) { this(null, opts); } public Manager(URI uri, Options opts) { if (opts == null) { opts = new Options(); } if (opts.path == null) { opts.path = "/"; } if (opts.sslContext == null) { opts.sslContext = defaultSSLContext; } this.opts = opts; this.nsps = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Socket>(); this.subs = new LinkedList<On.Handle>(); this.reconnection(opts.reconnection); this.reconnectionAttempts(opts.reconnectionAttempts != 0 ? opts.reconnectionAttempts : Integer.MAX_VALUE); this.reconnectionDelay(opts.reconnectionDelay != 0 ? opts.reconnectionDelay : 1000); this.reconnectionDelayMax(opts.reconnectionDelayMax != 0 ? opts.reconnectionDelayMax : 5000); this.timeout(opts.timeout < 0 ? 20000 : opts.timeout); this.readyState = ReadyState.CLOSED; this.uri = uri; this.connected = 0; this.attempts = 0; this.encoding = false; this.packetBuffer = new ArrayList<Packet>(); this.encoder = new Parser.Encoder(); this.decoder = new Parser.Decoder(); } private void emitAll(String event, Object... args) { this.emit(event, args); for (Socket socket : this.nsps.values()) { socket.emit(event, args); } } public boolean reconnection() { return this._reconnection; } public Manager reconnection(boolean v) { this._reconnection = v; return this; } public int reconnectionAttempts() { return this._reconnectionAttempts; } public Manager reconnectionAttempts(int v) { this._reconnectionAttempts = v; return this; } public long reconnectionDelay() { return this._reconnectionDelay; } public Manager reconnectionDelay(long v) { this._reconnectionDelay = v; return this; } public long reconnectionDelayMax() { return this._reconnectionDelayMax; } public Manager reconnectionDelayMax(long v) { this._reconnectionDelayMax = v; return this; } public long timeout() { return this._timeout; } public Manager timeout(long v) { this._timeout = v; return this; } private void maybeReconnectOnOpen() { if (!this.openReconnect && !this.reconnecting && this._reconnection) { this.openReconnect = true; this.reconnect(); } } public Manager open(){ return open(null); } /** * Connects the client. * * @param fn callback. * @return a reference to this object. */ public Manager open(final OpenCallback fn) { EventThread.exec(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { logger.fine(String.format("readyState %s", Manager.this.readyState)); if (Manager.this.readyState == ReadyState.OPEN) return; logger.fine(String.format("opening %s", Manager.this.uri)); Manager.this.engine = new Engine(Manager.this.uri, Manager.this.opts); final com.github.nkzawa.engineio.client.Socket socket = Manager.this.engine; final Manager self = Manager.this; Manager.this.readyState = ReadyState.OPENING; // propagate transport event. socket.on(Engine.EVENT_TRANSPORT, new Listener() { @Override public void call(Object... args) { self.emit(Manager.EVENT_TRANSPORT, args); } }); final On.Handle openSub = On.on(socket, Engine.EVENT_OPEN, new Listener() { @Override public void call(Object... objects) { self.onopen(); if (fn != null); } }); On.Handle errorSub = On.on(socket, Engine.EVENT_ERROR, new Listener() { @Override public void call(Object... objects) { Object data = objects.length > 0 ? objects[0] : null; logger.fine("connect_error"); self.cleanup(); self.readyState = ReadyState.CLOSED; self.emitAll(EVENT_CONNECT_ERROR, data); if (fn != null) { Exception err = new SocketIOException("Connection error", data instanceof Exception ? (Exception) data : null);; } self.maybeReconnectOnOpen(); } }); if (Manager.this._timeout >= 0) { final long timeout = Manager.this._timeout; logger.fine(String.format("connection attempt will timeout after %d", timeout)); final Future timer = getTimeoutScheduler().schedule(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { EventThread.exec(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { logger.fine(String.format("connect attempt timed out after %d", timeout)); openSub.destroy(); socket.close(); socket.emit(Engine.EVENT_ERROR, new SocketIOException("timeout")); self.emitAll(EVENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, timeout); } }); } }, timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); Manager.this.subs.add(new On.Handle() { @Override public void destroy() { timer.cancel(false); } }); } Manager.this.subs.add(openSub); Manager.this.subs.add(errorSub);; } }); return this; } private void onopen() { logger.fine("open"); this.cleanup(); this.readyState = ReadyState.OPEN; this.emit(EVENT_OPEN); final com.github.nkzawa.engineio.client.Socket socket = this.engine; this.subs.add(On.on(socket, Engine.EVENT_DATA, new Listener() { @Override public void call(Object... objects) { Object data = objects[0]; if (data instanceof String) { Manager.this.ondata((String)data); } else if (data instanceof byte[]) { Manager.this.ondata((byte[])data); } } })); this.subs.add(On.on(this.decoder, Parser.Decoder.EVENT_DECODED, new Listener() { @Override public void call(Object... objects) { Manager.this.ondecoded((Packet) objects[0]); } })); this.subs.add(On.on(socket, Engine.EVENT_ERROR, new Listener() { @Override public void call(Object... objects) { Manager.this.onerror((Exception)objects[0]); } })); this.subs.add(On.on(socket, Engine.EVENT_CLOSE, new Listener() { @Override public void call(Object... objects) { Manager.this.onclose((String)objects[0]); } })); } private void ondata(String data) { this.decoder.add(data); } private void ondata(byte[] data) { this.decoder.add(data); } private void ondecoded(Packet packet) { this.emit(EVENT_PACKET, packet); } private void onerror(Exception err) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "error", err); this.emitAll(EVENT_ERROR, err); } /** * Initializes {@link Socket} instances for each namespaces. * * @param nsp namespace. * @return a socket instance for the namespace. */ public Socket socket(String nsp) { Socket socket = this.nsps.get(nsp); if (socket == null) { socket = new Socket(this, nsp); Socket _socket = this.nsps.putIfAbsent(nsp, socket); if (_socket != null) { socket = _socket; } else { final Manager self = this; socket.on(Socket.EVENT_CONNECT, new Listener() { @Override public void call(Object... objects) { self.connected++; } }); } } return socket; } /*package*/ void destroy(Socket socket) { --this.connected; if (this.connected == 0) { this.close(); } } /*package*/ void packet(Packet packet) { logger.fine(String.format("writing packet %s", packet)); final Manager self = this; if (!self.encoding) { self.encoding = true; this.encoder.encode(packet, new Parser.Encoder.Callback() { @Override public void call(Object[] encodedPackets) { for (Object packet : encodedPackets) { if (packet instanceof String) { self.engine.write((String)packet); } else if (packet instanceof byte[]) { self.engine.write((byte[])packet); } } self.encoding = false; self.processPacketQueue(); } }); } else { self.packetBuffer.add(packet); } } private void processPacketQueue() { if (this.packetBuffer.size() > 0 && !this.encoding) { Packet pack = this.packetBuffer.remove(0); this.packet(pack); } } private void cleanup() { On.Handle sub; while ((sub = this.subs.poll()) != null) sub.destroy(); } private void close() { this.skipReconnect = true; this.engine.close(); } private void onclose(String reason) { logger.fine("close"); this.cleanup(); this.readyState = ReadyState.CLOSED; this.emit(EVENT_CLOSE, reason); if (this.timeoutScheduler != null) { this.timeoutScheduler.shutdown(); } if (this.reconnectScheduler != null) { this.reconnectScheduler.shutdown(); } if (this._reconnection && !this.skipReconnect) { this.reconnect(); } } private void reconnect() { if (this.reconnecting) return; final Manager self = this; this.attempts++; if (attempts > this._reconnectionAttempts) { logger.fine("reconnect failed"); this.emitAll(EVENT_RECONNECT_FAILED); this.reconnecting = false; } else { long delay = this.attempts * this.reconnectionDelay(); delay = Math.min(delay, this.reconnectionDelayMax()); logger.fine(String.format("will wait %dms before reconnect attempt", delay)); this.reconnecting = true; final Future timer = this.getReconnectScheduler().schedule(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { EventThread.exec(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { logger.fine("attempting reconnect"); self.emitAll(EVENT_RECONNECT_ATTEMPT, self.attempts); self.emitAll(EVENT_RECONNECTING, self.attempts); OpenCallback() { @Override public void call(Exception err) { if (err != null) { logger.fine("reconnect attempt error"); self.reconnecting = false; self.reconnect(); self.emitAll(EVENT_RECONNECT_ERROR, err); } else { logger.fine("reconnect success"); self.onreconnect(); } } }); } }); } }, delay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); this.subs.add(new On.Handle() { @Override public void destroy() { timer.cancel(false); } }); } } private void onreconnect() { int attempts = this.attempts; this.attempts = 0; this.reconnecting = false; this.emitAll(EVENT_RECONNECT, attempts); } private ScheduledExecutorService getTimeoutScheduler() { if (this.timeoutScheduler == null || this.timeoutScheduler.isShutdown()) { this.timeoutScheduler = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(); } return timeoutScheduler; } private ScheduledExecutorService getReconnectScheduler() { if (this.reconnectScheduler == null || this.reconnectScheduler.isShutdown()) { this.reconnectScheduler = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(); } return this.reconnectScheduler; } public static interface OpenCallback { public void call(Exception err); } private static class Engine extends com.github.nkzawa.engineio.client.Socket { Engine(URI uri, Options opts) { super(uri, opts); } } public static class Options extends com.github.nkzawa.engineio.client.Socket.Options { public boolean reconnection = true; public int reconnectionAttempts; public long reconnectionDelay; public long reconnectionDelayMax; public long timeout = -1; } }