package com.github.nkzawa.engineio.client.transports; import com.github.nkzawa.emitter.Emitter; import com.github.nkzawa.thread.EventThread; import; import; import*; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.logging.Logger; public class PollingXHR extends Polling { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(PollingXHR.class.getName()); private Request sendXhr; private Request pollXhr; public PollingXHR(Options opts) { super(opts); } protected Request request() { return this.request(null); } protected Request request(Request.Options opts) { if (opts == null) { opts = new Request.Options(); } opts.uri = this.uri(); opts.sslContext = this.sslContext; Request req = new Request(opts); final PollingXHR self = this; req.on(Request.EVENT_REQUEST_HEADERS, new Listener() { @Override public void call(Object... args) { // Never execute asynchronously for support to modify headers. self.emit(EVENT_REQUEST_HEADERS, args[0]); } }).on(Request.EVENT_RESPONSE_HEADERS, new Listener() { @Override public void call(final Object... args) { EventThread.exec(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { self.emit(EVENT_RESPONSE_HEADERS, args[0]); } }); } }); return req; } @Override protected void doWrite(byte[] data, final Runnable fn) { Request.Options opts = new Request.Options(); opts.method = "POST"; = data; Request req = this.request(opts); final PollingXHR self = this; req.on(Request.EVENT_SUCCESS, new Listener() { @Override public void call(Object... args) { EventThread.exec(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {; } }); } }); req.on(Request.EVENT_ERROR, new Listener() { @Override public void call(final Object... args) { EventThread.exec(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Exception err = args.length > 0 && args[0] instanceof Exception ? (Exception)args[0] : null; self.onError("xhr post error", err); } }); } }); req.create(); this.sendXhr = req; } @Override protected void doPoll() { logger.fine("xhr poll"); Request req = this.request(); final PollingXHR self = this; req.on(Request.EVENT_DATA, new Listener() { @Override public void call(final Object... args) { EventThread.exec(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Object arg = args.length > 0 ? args[0] : null; if (arg instanceof String) { self.onData((String)arg); } else if (arg instanceof byte[]) { self.onData((byte[])arg); } } }); } }); req.on(Request.EVENT_ERROR, new Listener() { @Override public void call(final Object... args) { EventThread.exec(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Exception err = args.length > 0 && args[0] instanceof Exception ? (Exception) args[0] : null; self.onError("xhr poll error", err); } }); } }); req.create(); this.pollXhr = req; } public static class Request extends Emitter { public static final String EVENT_SUCCESS = "success"; public static final String EVENT_DATA = "data"; public static final String EVENT_ERROR = "error"; public static final String EVENT_REQUEST_HEADERS = "requestHeaders"; public static final String EVENT_RESPONSE_HEADERS = "responseHeaders"; private String method; private String uri; // data is always a binary private byte[] data; private SSLContext sslContext; private HttpURLConnection xhr; public Request(Options opts) { this.method = opts.method != null ? opts.method : "GET"; this.uri = opts.uri; =; this.sslContext = opts.sslContext; } public void create() { final Request self = this; try { logger.fine(String.format("xhr open %s: %s", this.method, this.uri)); URL url = new URL(this.uri); xhr = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection(); xhr.setRequestMethod(this.method); } catch (IOException e) { this.onError(e); return; } if (xhr instanceof HttpsURLConnection && this.sslContext != null) { ((HttpsURLConnection)xhr).setSSLSocketFactory(this.sslContext.getSocketFactory()); } Map<String, String> headers = new TreeMap<String, String>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); if ("POST".equals(this.method)) { xhr.setDoOutput(true); headers.put("Content-type", "application/octet-stream"); } self.onRequestHeaders(headers); for (Map.Entry<String, String> header : headers.entrySet()) { xhr.setRequestProperty(header.getKey(), header.getValue()); } logger.fine(String.format("sending xhr with url %s | data %s", this.uri,; new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { OutputStream output = null; try { if ( != null) { xhr.setFixedLengthStreamingMode(; output = new BufferedOutputStream(xhr.getOutputStream()); output.write(; output.flush(); } Map<String, String> headers = new TreeMap<String, String>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); Map<String, List<String>> xhrHeaderFields = xhr.getHeaderFields(); if(xhrHeaderFields != null) { for (String key : xhrHeaderFields.keySet()) { if (key == null) continue; headers.put(key, xhr.getHeaderField(key)); } } self.onResponseHeaders(headers); final int statusCode = xhr.getResponseCode(); if (HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK == statusCode) { self.onLoad(); } else { self.onError(new IOException(Integer.toString(statusCode))); } } catch (IOException e) { self.onError(e); } finally { try { if (output != null) output.close(); } catch (IOException e) {} } } }).start(); } private void onSuccess() { this.emit(EVENT_SUCCESS); this.cleanup(); } private void onData(String data) { this.emit(EVENT_DATA, data); this.onSuccess(); } private void onData(byte[] data) { this.emit(EVENT_DATA, data); this.onSuccess(); } private void onError(Exception err) { this.emit(EVENT_ERROR, err); this.cleanup(); } private void onRequestHeaders(Map<String, String> headers) { this.emit(EVENT_REQUEST_HEADERS, headers); } private void onResponseHeaders(Map<String, String> headers) { this.emit(EVENT_RESPONSE_HEADERS, headers); } private void cleanup() { if (xhr == null) { return; } xhr.disconnect(); xhr = null; } private void onLoad() { InputStream input = null; BufferedReader reader = null; String contentType = xhr.getContentType(); try { if ("application/octet-stream".equalsIgnoreCase(contentType)) { input = new BufferedInputStream(this.xhr.getInputStream()); List<byte[]> buffers = new ArrayList<byte[]>(); int capacity = 0; int len = 0; byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; while ((len = > 0) { byte[] _buffer = new byte[len]; System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, _buffer, 0, len); buffers.add(_buffer); capacity += len; } ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.allocate(capacity); for (byte[] b : buffers) { data.put(b); } this.onData(data.array()); } else { String line; StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder(); reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(xhr.getInputStream())); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { data.append(line); } this.onData(data.toString()); } } catch (IOException e) { this.onError(e); } finally { try { if (input != null) input.close(); } catch (IOException e) {} try { if (reader != null) reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) {} } } public void abort() { this.cleanup(); } public static class Options { public String uri; public String method; public byte[] data; public SSLContext sslContext; } } }