package; import; import com.mifmif.common.regex.Generex; import io.gatling.jsonpath.Parser$; import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DateFormatUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.FastDateFormat; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * DSL to define a JSON Object */ public class PactDslJsonBody extends DslPart { private static final String EXAMPLE = "Example \""; private final JSONObject body; public PactDslJsonBody() { super(".", ""); body = new JSONObject(); } public PactDslJsonBody(String rootPath, String rootName, DslPart parent) { super(parent, rootPath, rootName); body = new JSONObject(); } public String toString() { return body.toString(); } protected void putObject(DslPart object) { for(String matcherName: object.matchers.keySet()) { matchers.put(matcherName, object.matchers.get(matcherName)); } String elementBase = StringUtils.difference(this.rootPath, object.rootPath); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(object.rootName)) { body.put(object.rootName, object.getBody()); } else { String name = StringUtils.strip(elementBase, "."); Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\['(.+)'\\]"); Matcher matcher = p.matcher(name); if (matcher.matches()) { body.put(, object.getBody()); } else { body.put(name, object.getBody()); } } } protected void putArray(DslPart object) { for(String matcherName: object.matchers.keySet()) { matchers.put(matcherName, object.matchers.get(matcherName)); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(object.rootName)) { body.put(object.rootName, object.getBody()); } else { body.put(StringUtils.difference(this.rootPath, object.rootPath), object.getBody()); } } @Override public Object getBody() { return body; } /** * Attribute that must be the specified value * @param name attribute name * @param value string value */ public PactDslJsonBody stringValue(String name, String value) { if (value == null) { body.put(name, JSONObject.NULL); } else { body.put(name, value); } return this; } /** * Attribute that must be the specified number * @param name attribute name * @param value number value */ public PactDslJsonBody numberValue(String name, Number value) { body.put(name, value); return this; } /** * Attribute that must be the specified boolean * @param name attribute name * @param value boolean value */ public PactDslJsonBody booleanValue(String name, Boolean value) { body.put(name, value); return this; } /** * Attribute that can be any string * @param name attribute name */ public PactDslJsonBody stringType(String name) { return stringType(name, RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(20)); } /** * Attributes that can be any string * @param names attribute names */ public PactDslJsonBody stringType(String... names) { for (String name: names) { stringType(name); } return this; } /** * Attribute that can be any string * @param name attribute name * @param example example value to use for generated bodies */ public PactDslJsonBody stringType(String name, String example) { body.put(name, example); matchers.put(matcherKey(name), matchType()); return this; } private String matcherKey(String name) { String key = rootPath + name; if (!name.equals("*") && !name.matches(Parser$.MODULE$.FieldRegex().toString())) { key = StringUtils.stripEnd(rootPath, ".") + "['" + name + "']"; } return key; } /** * Attribute that can be any number * @param name attribute name */ public PactDslJsonBody numberType(String name) { return numberType(name, Long.parseLong(RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(9))); } /** * Attributes that can be any number * @param names attribute names */ public PactDslJsonBody numberType(String... names) { for (String name: names) { numberType(name); } return this; } /** * Attribute that can be any number * @param name attribute name * @param number example number to use for generated bodies */ public PactDslJsonBody numberType(String name, Number number) { body.put(name, number); matchers.put(matcherKey(name), matchType()); return this; } /** * Attribute that must be an integer * @param name attribute name */ public PactDslJsonBody integerType(String name) { return integerType(name, Long.parseLong(RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(9))); } /** * Attributes that must be an integer * @param names attribute names */ public PactDslJsonBody integerType(String... names) { for (String name: names) { integerType(name); } return this; } /** * Attribute that must be an integer * @param name attribute name * @param number example integer value to use for generated bodies */ public PactDslJsonBody integerType(String name, Long number) { body.put(name, number); matchers.put(matcherKey(name), matchType("integer")); return this; } /** * Attribute that must be an integer * @param name attribute name * @param number example integer value to use for generated bodies */ public PactDslJsonBody integerType(String name, Integer number) { body.put(name, number); matchers.put(matcherKey(name), matchType("integer")); return this; } /** * Attribute that must be a real value * @param name attribute name * @deprecated Use decimal instead */ @Deprecated public PactDslJsonBody realType(String name) { return realType(name, Double.parseDouble(RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(10))); } /** * Attribute that must be a real value * @param name attribute name * @param number example real value * @deprecated Use decimal instead */ @Deprecated public PactDslJsonBody realType(String name, Double number) { body.put(name, number); matchers.put(matcherKey(name), matchType("real")); return this; } /** * Attribute that must be a decimal value * @param name attribute name */ public PactDslJsonBody decimalType(String name) { return decimalType(name, new BigDecimal(RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(10))); } /** * Attributes that must be a decimal values * @param names attribute names */ public PactDslJsonBody decimalType(String... names) { for (String name: names) { decimalType(name); } return this; } /** * Attribute that must be a decimalType value * @param name attribute name * @param number example decimalType value */ public PactDslJsonBody decimalType(String name, BigDecimal number) { body.put(name, number); matchers.put(matcherKey(name), matchType("decimal")); return this; } /** * Attribute that must be a decimalType value * @param name attribute name * @param number example decimalType value */ public PactDslJsonBody decimalType(String name, Double number) { body.put(name, number); matchers.put(matcherKey(name), matchType("decimal")); return this; } /** * Attribute that must be a boolean * @param name attribute name */ public PactDslJsonBody booleanType(String name) { return booleanType(name, true); } /** * Attributes that must be a boolean * @param names attribute names */ public PactDslJsonBody booleanType(String... names) { for (String name: names) { booleanType(name); } return this; } /** * Attribute that must be a boolean * @param name attribute name * @param example example boolean to use for generated bodies */ public PactDslJsonBody booleanType(String name, Boolean example) { body.put(name, example); matchers.put(matcherKey(name), matchType()); return this; } /** * Attribute that must match the regular expression * @param name attribute name * @param regex regular expression * @param value example value to use for generated bodies */ public PactDslJsonBody stringMatcher(String name, String regex, String value) { if (!value.matches(regex)) { throw new InvalidMatcherException(EXAMPLE + value + "\" does not match regular expression \"" + regex + "\""); } body.put(name, value); matchers.put(matcherKey(name), regexp(regex)); return this; } /** * Attribute that must match the regular expression * @param name attribute name * @param regex regular expression */ public PactDslJsonBody stringMatcher(String name, String regex) { stringMatcher(name, regex, new Generex(regex).random()); return this; } /** * Attribute named 'timestamp' that must be an ISO formatted timestamp */ public PactDslJsonBody timestamp() { return timestamp("timestamp"); } /** * Attribute that must be an ISO formatted timestamp * @param name */ public PactDslJsonBody timestamp(String name) { body.put(name, DateFormatUtils.ISO_DATETIME_FORMAT.format(new Date())); matchers.put(matcherKey(name), matchTimestamp(DateFormatUtils.ISO_DATETIME_FORMAT.getPattern())); return this; } /** * Attribute that must match the given timestamp format * @param name attribute name * @param format timestamp format */ public PactDslJsonBody timestamp(String name, String format) { FastDateFormat instance = FastDateFormat.getInstance(format); body.put(name, instance.format(new Date())); matchers.put(matcherKey(name), matchTimestamp(format)); return this; } /** * Attribute that must match the given timestamp format * @param name attribute name * @param format timestamp format * @param example example date and time to use for generated bodies */ public PactDslJsonBody timestamp(String name, String format, Date example) { FastDateFormat instance = FastDateFormat.getInstance(format); body.put(name, instance.format(example)); matchers.put(matcherKey(name), matchTimestamp(format)); return this; } /** * Attribute named 'date' that must be formatted as an ISO date */ public PactDslJsonBody date() { return date("date"); } /** * Attribute that must be formatted as an ISO date * @param name attribute name */ public PactDslJsonBody date(String name) { body.put(name, DateFormatUtils.ISO_DATE_FORMAT.format(new Date())); matchers.put(matcherKey(name), matchDate(DateFormatUtils.ISO_DATE_FORMAT.getPattern())); return this; } /** * Attribute that must match the provided date format * @param name attribute date * @param format date format to match */ public PactDslJsonBody date(String name, String format) { FastDateFormat instance = FastDateFormat.getInstance(format); body.put(name, instance.format(new Date())); matchers.put(matcherKey(name), matchDate(format)); return this; } /** * Attribute that must match the provided date format * @param name attribute date * @param format date format to match * @param example example date to use for generated values */ public PactDslJsonBody date(String name, String format, Date example) { FastDateFormat instance = FastDateFormat.getInstance(format); body.put(name, instance.format(example)); matchers.put(matcherKey(name), matchDate(format)); return this; } /** * Attribute named 'time' that must be an ISO formatted time */ public PactDslJsonBody time() { return time("time"); } /** * Attribute that must be an ISO formatted time * @param name attribute name */ public PactDslJsonBody time(String name) { body.put(name, DateFormatUtils.ISO_TIME_FORMAT.format(new Date())); matchers.put(matcherKey(name), matchTime(DateFormatUtils.ISO_TIME_FORMAT.getPattern())); return this; } /** * Attribute that must match the given time format * @param name attribute name * @param format time format to match */ public PactDslJsonBody time(String name, String format) { FastDateFormat instance = FastDateFormat.getInstance(format); body.put(name, instance.format(new Date())); matchers.put(matcherKey(name), matchTime(format)); return this; } /** * Attribute that must match the given time format * @param name attribute name * @param format time format to match * @param example example time to use for generated bodies */ public PactDslJsonBody time(String name, String format, Date example) { FastDateFormat instance = FastDateFormat.getInstance(format); body.put(name, instance.format(example)); matchers.put(matcherKey(name), matchTime(format)); return this; } /** * Attribute that must be an IP4 address * @param name attribute name */ public PactDslJsonBody ipAddress(String name) { body.put(name, ""); matchers.put(matcherKey(name), regexp("(\\d{1,3}\\.)+\\d{1,3}")); return this; } /** * Attribute that is a JSON object * @param name field name */ public PactDslJsonBody object(String name) { String base = rootPath + name; if (!name.matches(Parser$.MODULE$.FieldRegex().toString())) { base = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(rootPath, ".") + "['" + name + "']"; } return new PactDslJsonBody(base + ".", "", this); } public PactDslJsonBody object() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("use the object(String name) form"); } /** * Closes the current JSON object */ public DslPart closeObject() { if (parent != null) { parent.putObject(this); } closed = true; return parent; } @Override public DslPart close() { DslPart parentToReturn = this; if (!closed) { DslPart parent = closeObject(); while (parent != null) { parentToReturn = parent; if (parent instanceof PactDslJsonArray) { parent = parent.closeArray(); } else { parent = parent.closeObject(); } } } return parentToReturn; } /** * Attribute that is an array * @param name field name */ public PactDslJsonArray array(String name) { return new PactDslJsonArray(matcherKey(name), "", this); } public PactDslJsonArray array() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("use the array(String name) form"); } /** * Closes the current array */ @Override public DslPart closeArray() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("can't call closeArray on an Object"); } /** * Attribute that is an array where each item must match the following example * @param name field name * @deprecated use eachLike */ @Override @Deprecated public PactDslJsonBody arrayLike(String name) { Map<String, Object> matcher = new HashMap<String, Object>(); matcher.put("match", "type"); matchers.put(matcherKey(name), matcher); return new PactDslJsonBody(".", ".", new PactDslJsonArray(matcherKey(name), "", this, true)); } @Override @Deprecated public PactDslJsonBody arrayLike() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("use the arrayLike(String name) form"); } /** * Attribute that is an array where each item must match the following example * @param name field name */ @Override public PactDslJsonBody eachLike(String name) { return eachLike(name, 1); } @Override public PactDslJsonBody eachLike() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("use the eachLike(String name) form"); } /** * Attribute that is an array where each item must match the following example * @param name field name * @param numberExamples number of examples to generate */ @Override public PactDslJsonBody eachLike(String name, int numberExamples) { matchers.put(matcherKey(name), matchMin(0)); PactDslJsonArray parent = new PactDslJsonArray(matcherKey(name), "", this, true); parent.setNumberExamples(numberExamples); return new PactDslJsonBody(".", ".", parent); } @Override public PactDslJsonBody eachLike(int numberExamples) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("use the eachLike(String name, int numberExamples) form"); } /** * Attribute that is an array of values that are not objects where each item must match the following example * @param name field name * @param value Value to use to match each item */ public PactDslJsonBody eachLike(String name, PactDslJsonRootValue value) { return eachLike(name, value, 1); } /** * Attribute that is an array of values that are not objects where each item must match the following example * @param name field name * @param value Value to use to match each item * @param numberExamples number of examples to generate */ public PactDslJsonBody eachLike(String name, PactDslJsonRootValue value, int numberExamples) { matchers.put(matcherKey(name), matchMin(0)); PactDslJsonArray parent = new PactDslJsonArray(matcherKey(name), "", this, true); parent.setNumberExamples(numberExamples); parent.putObject(value); return (PactDslJsonBody) parent.closeArray(); } /** * Attribute that is an array with a minimum size where each item must match the following example * @param name field name * @param size minimum size of the array */ @Override public PactDslJsonBody minArrayLike(String name, Integer size) { return minArrayLike(name, size, size); } @Override public PactDslJsonBody minArrayLike(Integer size) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("use the minArrayLike(String name, Integer size) form"); } /** * Attribute that is an array with a minimum size where each item must match the following example * @param name field name * @param size minimum size of the array * @param numberExamples number of examples to generate */ @Override public PactDslJsonBody minArrayLike(String name, Integer size, int numberExamples) { if (numberExamples < size) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Number of example %d is less than the minimum size of %d", numberExamples, size)); } matchers.put(matcherKey(name), matchMin(size)); PactDslJsonArray parent = new PactDslJsonArray(matcherKey(name), "", this, true); parent.setNumberExamples(numberExamples); return new PactDslJsonBody(".", "", parent); } @Override public PactDslJsonBody minArrayLike(Integer size, int numberExamples) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("use the minArrayLike(String name, Integer size, int numberExamples) form"); } /** * Attribute that is an array of values with a minimum size that are not objects where each item must match the following example * @param name field name * @param size minimum size of the array * @param value Value to use to match each item */ public PactDslJsonBody minArrayLike(String name, Integer size, PactDslJsonRootValue value) { return minArrayLike(name, size, value, 2); } /** * Attribute that is an array of values with a minimum size that are not objects where each item must match the following example * @param name field name * @param size minimum size of the array * @param value Value to use to match each item * @param numberExamples number of examples to generate */ public PactDslJsonBody minArrayLike(String name, Integer size, PactDslJsonRootValue value, int numberExamples) { if (numberExamples < size) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Number of example %d is less than the minimum size of %d", numberExamples, size)); } matchers.put(matcherKey(name), matchMin(size)); PactDslJsonArray parent = new PactDslJsonArray(matcherKey(name), "", this, true); parent.setNumberExamples(numberExamples); parent.putObject(value); return (PactDslJsonBody) parent.closeArray(); } /** * Attribute that is an array with a maximum size where each item must match the following example * @param name field name * @param size maximum size of the array */ @Override public PactDslJsonBody maxArrayLike(String name, Integer size) { return maxArrayLike(name, size, 1); } @Override public PactDslJsonBody maxArrayLike(Integer size) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("use the maxArrayLike(String name, Integer size) form"); } /** * Attribute that is an array with a maximum size where each item must match the following example * @param name field name * @param size maximum size of the array * @param numberExamples number of examples to generate */ @Override public PactDslJsonBody maxArrayLike(String name, Integer size, int numberExamples) { if (numberExamples > size) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Number of example %d is more than the maximum size of %d", numberExamples, size)); } matchers.put(matcherKey(name), matchMax(size)); PactDslJsonArray parent = new PactDslJsonArray(matcherKey(name), "", this, true); parent.setNumberExamples(numberExamples); return new PactDslJsonBody(".", "", parent); } @Override public PactDslJsonBody maxArrayLike(Integer size, int numberExamples) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("use the maxArrayLike(String name, Integer size, int numberExamples) form"); } /** * Attribute that is an array of values with a maximum size that are not objects where each item must match the following example * @param name field name * @param size maximum size of the array * @param value Value to use to match each item */ public PactDslJsonBody maxArrayLike(String name, Integer size, PactDslJsonRootValue value) { return maxArrayLike(name, size, value, 1); } /** * Attribute that is an array of values with a maximum size that are not objects where each item must match the following example * @param name field name * @param size maximum size of the array * @param value Value to use to match each item * @param numberExamples number of examples to generate */ public PactDslJsonBody maxArrayLike(String name, Integer size, PactDslJsonRootValue value, int numberExamples) { if (numberExamples > size) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Number of example %d is more than the maximum size of %d", numberExamples, size)); } matchers.put(matcherKey(name), matchMax(size)); PactDslJsonArray parent = new PactDslJsonArray(matcherKey(name), "", this, true); parent.setNumberExamples(numberExamples); parent.putObject(value); return (PactDslJsonBody) parent.closeArray(); } /** * Attribute named 'id' that must be a numeric identifier */ public PactDslJsonBody id() { return id("id"); } /** * Attribute that must be a numeric identifier * @param name attribute name */ public PactDslJsonBody id(String name) { body.put(name, Long.parseLong(RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(10))); matchers.put(matcherKey(name), matchType()); return this; } /** * Attribute that must be a numeric identifier * @param name attribute name * @param id example id to use for generated bodies */ public PactDslJsonBody id(String name, Long id) { body.put(name, id); matchers.put(matcherKey(name), matchType()); return this; } /** * Attribute that must be encoded as a hexadecimal value * @param name attribute name */ public PactDslJsonBody hexValue(String name) { return hexValue(name, RandomStringUtils.random(10, "0123456789abcdef")); } /** * Attribute that must be encoded as a hexadecimal value * @param name attribute name * @param hexValue example value to use for generated bodies */ public PactDslJsonBody hexValue(String name, String hexValue) { if (!hexValue.matches(HEXADECIMAL)) { throw new InvalidMatcherException(EXAMPLE + hexValue + "\" is not a hexadecimal value"); } body.put(name, hexValue); matchers.put(matcherKey(name), regexp("[0-9a-fA-F]+")); return this; } /** * Attribute that must be encoded as a GUID * @param name attribute name * @deprecated use uuid instead */ @Deprecated public PactDslJsonBody guid(String name) { return uuid(name); } /** * Attribute that must be encoded as a GUID * @param name attribute name * @param uuid example UUID to use for generated bodies * @deprecated use uuid instead */ @Deprecated public PactDslJsonBody guid(String name, UUID uuid) { return uuid(name, uuid); } /** * Attribute that must be encoded as a GUID * @param name attribute name * @param uuid example UUID to use for generated bodies * @deprecated use uuid instead */ @Deprecated public PactDslJsonBody guid(String name, String uuid) { return uuid(name, uuid); } /** * Attribute that must be encoded as an UUID * @param name attribute name */ public PactDslJsonBody uuid(String name) { return uuid(name, UUID.randomUUID().toString()); } /** * Attribute that must be encoded as an UUID * @param name attribute name * @param uuid example UUID to use for generated bodies */ public PactDslJsonBody uuid(String name, UUID uuid) { return uuid(name, uuid.toString()); } /** * Attribute that must be encoded as an UUID * @param name attribute name * @param uuid example UUID to use for generated bodies */ public PactDslJsonBody uuid(String name, String uuid) { if (!uuid.matches(UUID_REGEX)) { throw new InvalidMatcherException(EXAMPLE + uuid + "\" is not an UUID"); } body.put(name, uuid); matchers.put(matcherKey(name), regexp(UUID_REGEX)); return this; } /** * Sets the field to a null value * @param fieldName field name */ public PactDslJsonBody nullValue(String fieldName) { body.put(fieldName, JSONObject.NULL); return this; } @Override public PactDslJsonArray eachArrayLike(String name) { return eachArrayLike(name, 1); } @Override public PactDslJsonArray eachArrayLike() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("use the eachArrayLike(String name) form"); } @Override public PactDslJsonArray eachArrayLike(String name, int numberExamples) { matchers.put(matcherKey(name), matchMin(0)); PactDslJsonArray parent = new PactDslJsonArray(matcherKey(name), "", this, true); parent.setNumberExamples(numberExamples); return new PactDslJsonArray("", "", parent); } @Override public PactDslJsonArray eachArrayLike(int numberExamples) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("use the eachArrayLike(String name, int numberExamples) form"); } @Override public PactDslJsonArray eachArrayWithMaxLike(String name, Integer size) { return eachArrayWithMaxLike(name, 1, size); } @Override public PactDslJsonArray eachArrayWithMaxLike(Integer size) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("use the eachArrayWithMaxLike(String name, Integer size) form"); } @Override public PactDslJsonArray eachArrayWithMaxLike(String name, int numberExamples, Integer size) { if (numberExamples > size) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Number of example %d is more than the maximum size of %d", numberExamples, size)); } matchers.put(matcherKey(name), matchMax(size)); PactDslJsonArray parent = new PactDslJsonArray(matcherKey(name), "", this, true); parent.setNumberExamples(numberExamples); return new PactDslJsonArray("", "", parent); } @Override public PactDslJsonArray eachArrayWithMaxLike(int numberExamples, Integer size) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("use the eachArrayWithMaxLike(String name, int numberExamples, Integer size) form"); } @Override public PactDslJsonArray eachArrayWithMinLike(String name, Integer size) { return eachArrayWithMinLike(name, size, size); } @Override public PactDslJsonArray eachArrayWithMinLike(Integer size) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("use the eachArrayWithMinLike(String name, Integer size) form"); } @Override public PactDslJsonArray eachArrayWithMinLike(String name, int numberExamples, Integer size) { if (numberExamples < size) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Number of example %d is less than the minimum size of %d", numberExamples, size)); } matchers.put(matcherKey(name), matchMin(size)); PactDslJsonArray parent = new PactDslJsonArray(matcherKey(name), "", this, true); parent.setNumberExamples(numberExamples); return new PactDslJsonArray("", "", parent); } @Override public PactDslJsonArray eachArrayWithMinLike(int numberExamples, Integer size) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("use the eachArrayWithMinLike(String name, int numberExamples, Integer size) form"); } /** * Accepts any key, and each key is mapped to a list of items that must match the following object definition * @param exampleKey Example key to use for generating bodies */ public PactDslJsonBody eachKeyMappedToAnArrayLike(String exampleKey) { matchers.put(".*", matchMin(0)); PactDslJsonArray parent = new PactDslJsonArray(".*", exampleKey, this, true); return new PactDslJsonBody(".", "", parent); } /** * Accepts any key, and each key is mapped to a map that must match the following object definition * @param exampleKey Example key to use for generating bodies */ public PactDslJsonBody eachKeyLike(String exampleKey) { matchers.put(rootPath + "*", matchType()); return new PactDslJsonBody(rootPath + "*.", exampleKey, this); } /** * Accepts any key, and each key is mapped to a map that must match the provided object definition * @param exampleKey Example key to use for generating bodies * @param value Value to use for matching and generated bodies */ public PactDslJsonBody eachKeyLike(String exampleKey, PactDslJsonRootValue value) { body.put(exampleKey, value.getBody()); for(String matcherName: value.matchers.keySet()) { matchers.put(matcherName + ".*", value.matchers.get(matcherName)); } return this; } }