package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.junit.rules.ExternalResource; import org.junit.runner.Description; import org.junit.runners.model.Statement; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; /** * A junit rule that wraps every test annotated with {@link PactVerification}. * Before each test, a mock server will be setup at given port/host that will provide mocked responses for the given * provider. After each test, it will be teared down. * * If no host is given, it will default to localhost. If no port is given, it will default to a random port. * * @deprecated Use PactProviderRuleMk2 or PactHttpsProviderRuleMk2 instead */ @Deprecated public class PactProviderRule extends ExternalResource { private static final VerificationResult PACT_VERIFIED = PactVerified$.MODULE$; private final String provider; private final Object target; private MockProviderConfig config; private Map <String, PactFragment> fragments; /** * Creates a mock provider by the given name * @param provider Provider name to mock * @param host Host to bind to. Defaults to localhost * @param port Port to bind to. Defaults to a random port. * @param pactVersion Pact specification version * @param target Target test to apply this rule to. */ public PactProviderRule(String provider, String host, Integer port, PactSpecVersion pactVersion, Object target) { this.provider = provider; = target; if (host == null && port == null) { config = MockProviderConfig.createDefault(pactVersion); } else { config = MockProviderConfig.httpConfig(host, port, pactVersion); } } /** * Creates a mock provider by the given name * @param provider Provider name to mock * @param host Host to bind to. Defaults to localhost * @param port Port to bind to. Defaults to a random port. * @param https Boolean flag to control starting HTTPS or HTTP mock server * @param pactVersion Pact specification version * @param target Target test to apply this rule to. */ public PactProviderRule(String provider, String host, Integer port, boolean https, PactSpecVersion pactVersion, Object target) { this(provider, host, port, pactVersion, target); if (https) { config = MockHttpsProviderConfig.httpsConfig(host, port, pactVersion); } } /** * Creates a mock provider by the given name * @param provider Provider name to mock * @param host Host to bind to. Defaults to localhost * @param port Port to bind to. Defaults to a random port. * @param https Boolean flag to control starting HTTPS or HTTP mock server * @param keystore Path to keystore, example: <code>/path/to/keystore.jks</code> * @param password Password for the keystore. * @param pactVersion Pact specification version * @param target Target test to apply this rule to. */ public PactProviderRule(String provider, String host, Integer port, boolean https, String keystore, String password, PactSpecVersion pactVersion, Object target) { this(provider, host, port, pactVersion, target); if (https) { config = MockHttpsKeystoreProviderConfig.httpsKeystoreConfig(host, port, keystore, password, pactVersion); } } /** * Creates a mock provider by the given name * @param provider Provider name to mock * @param host Host to bind to. Defaults to localhost * @param port Port to bind to. Defaults to a random port. * @param target Target test to apply this rule to. */ public PactProviderRule(String provider, String host, Integer port, Object target) { this(provider, host, port, PactSpecVersion.V2, target); } /** * Creates a mock provider by the given name. Binds to localhost and a random port. * @param provider Provider name to mock * @param target Target test to apply this rule to. */ public PactProviderRule(String provider, Object target) { this(provider, null, null, PactSpecVersion.V2, target); } /** * Creates a mock provider by the given name. Binds to localhost and a random port. * @param provider Provider name to mock * @param target Target test to apply this rule to. */ public PactProviderRule(String provider, PactSpecVersion pactSpecVersion, Object target) { this(provider, null, null, pactSpecVersion, target); } public MockProviderConfig getConfig() { return config; } @Override public Statement apply(final Statement base, final Description description) { return new Statement() { @Override public void evaluate() throws Throwable { PactVerifications pactVerifications = description.getAnnotation(PactVerifications.class); if (pactVerifications != null) { evaluatePactVerifications(pactVerifications, base); return; } PactVerification pactDef = description.getAnnotation(PactVerification.class); // no pactVerification? execute the test normally if (pactDef == null) { base.evaluate(); return; } Map<String, PactFragment> pacts = getPacts(pactDef.fragment()); Optional<PactFragment> fragment; if (pactDef.value().length == 1 && StringUtils.isEmpty(pactDef.value()[0])) { fragment = pacts.values().stream().findFirst(); } else { fragment = Arrays.asList(pactDef.value()).stream().map(pacts::get) .filter(p -> p != null).findFirst(); } if (!fragment.isPresent()) { base.evaluate(); return; } VerificationResult result = runPactTest(base, fragment.get()); validateResult(result, pactDef); } }; } private void evaluatePactVerifications(PactVerifications pactVerifications, Statement base) throws Throwable { Optional<PactVerification> possiblePactVerification = findPactVerification(pactVerifications); if (!possiblePactVerification.isPresent()) { base.evaluate(); return; } PactVerification pactVerification = possiblePactVerification.get(); Optional<Method> possiblePactMethod = findPactMethod(pactVerification); if (!possiblePactMethod.isPresent()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Could not find method with @Pact for the provider " + provider); } Method method = possiblePactMethod.get(); Pact pact = method.getAnnotation(Pact.class); PactDslWithProvider dslBuilder = ConsumerPactBuilder.consumer(pact.consumer()).hasPactWith(provider); PactFragment pactFragment; try { pactFragment = (PactFragment) method.invoke(target, dslBuilder); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to invoke pact method", e); } VerificationResult result = runPactTest(base, pactFragment); validateResult(result, pactVerification); } private Optional<PactVerification> findPactVerification(PactVerifications pactVerifications) { PactVerification[] pactVerificationValues = pactVerifications.value(); return -> { String[] providers = p.value(); if (providers.length != 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Each @PactVerification must specify one and only provider when using @PactVerifications"); } String provider = providers[0]; return provider.equals(this.provider); }).findFirst(); } private Optional<Method> findPactMethod(PactVerification pactVerification) { String pactFragment = pactVerification.fragment(); for (Method method : target.getClass().getMethods()) { Pact pact = method.getAnnotation(Pact.class); if (pact != null && pact.provider().equals(provider) && (pactFragment.isEmpty() || pactFragment.equals(method.getName()))) { validatePactSignature(method); return Optional.of(method); } } return Optional.empty(); } private void validatePactSignature(Method method) { boolean hasValidPactSignature = PactFragment.class.isAssignableFrom(method.getReturnType()) && method.getParameterTypes().length == 1 && method.getParameterTypes()[0].isAssignableFrom(PactDslWithProvider.class); if (!hasValidPactSignature) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method " + method.getName() + " does not conform required method signature 'public PactFragment xxx(PactDslWithProvider builder)'"); } } private VerificationResult runPactTest(final Statement base, PactFragment pactFragment) { return pactFragment.runConsumer(config, new TestRun() { @Override public void run(MockProviderConfig config) throws Throwable { base.evaluate(); } }); } private void validateResult(VerificationResult result, PactVerification pactVerification) throws Throwable { if (!result.equals(PACT_VERIFIED)) { if (result instanceof PactError) { throw ((PactError)result).error(); } if (result instanceof UserCodeFailed) { throw ((UserCodeFailed<RuntimeException>)result).error(); } if (result instanceof PactMismatch) { PactMismatch mismatch = (PactMismatch) result; throw new PactMismatchException(mismatch); } } } /** * scan all methods for @Pact annotation and execute them, if not already initialized * @param fragment */ protected Map<String, PactFragment> getPacts(String fragment) { if (fragments == null) { fragments = new HashMap <String, PactFragment> (); for (Method m: target.getClass().getMethods()) { if (conformsToSignature(m) && methodMatchesFragment(m, fragment)) { Pact pact = m.getAnnotation(Pact.class); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(pact.provider()) || provider.equals(pact.provider())) { PactDslWithProvider dslBuilder = ConsumerPactBuilder.consumer(pact.consumer()) .hasPactWith(provider); try { fragments.put(provider, (PactFragment) m.invoke(target, dslBuilder)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to invoke pact method", e); } } } } } return fragments; } private boolean methodMatchesFragment(Method m, String fragment) { return StringUtils.isEmpty(fragment) || m.getName().equals(fragment); } /** * validates method signature as described at {@link Pact} */ private boolean conformsToSignature(Method m) { Pact pact = m.getAnnotation(Pact.class); boolean conforms = pact != null && PactFragment.class.isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType()) && m.getParameterTypes().length == 1 && m.getParameterTypes()[0].isAssignableFrom(PactDslWithProvider.class); if (!conforms && pact != null) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method " + m.getName() + " does not conform required method signature 'public PactFragment xxx(PactDslWithProvider builder)'"); } return conforms; } }