package org.ops4j.pax.construct.lifecycle; /* * Copyright 2007 Stuart McCulloch * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.jar.Attributes; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException; import org.apache.maven.plugin.eclipse.EclipsePlugin; import org.apache.maven.plugin.eclipse.EclipseSourceDir; import org.apache.maven.plugin.eclipse.writers.EclipseClasspathWriter; import org.apache.maven.plugin.eclipse.writers.EclipseProjectWriter; import org.apache.maven.plugin.eclipse.writers.EclipseSettingsWriter; import org.apache.maven.plugin.eclipse.writers.EclipseWriterConfig; import org.apache.maven.plugin.ide.IdeDependency; import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject; import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProjectBuilder; import org.apache.maven.project.ProjectBuildingException; import org.apache.maven.project.artifact.InvalidDependencyVersionException; import org.apache.maven.project.path.PathTranslator; import org.apache.maven.shared.osgi.Maven2OsgiConverter; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.IOUtil; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.PrettyPrintXMLWriter; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.Xpp3Dom; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.Xpp3DomBuilder; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.Xpp3DomWriter; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.XmlPullParserException; import org.ops4j.pax.construct.util.DirUtils; import org.ops4j.pax.construct.util.DirUtils.EntryFilter; import org.ops4j.pax.construct.util.PomUtils; import org.ops4j.pax.construct.util.ReflectMojo; import org.ops4j.pax.construct.util.StreamFactory; /** * Extends <a href="">EclipsePlugin</a> to * provide customized Eclipse project files for Pax-Construct projects.<br/>Inherited parameters can still be used, but * unfortunately don't appear in the generated docs. * * @extendsPlugin eclipse * @goal eclipse * @phase package * * @execute phase="none" */ public class EclipseOSGiMojo extends EclipsePlugin { /** * Component factory for Maven projects * * @component */ private MavenProjectBuilder m_mavenProjectBuilder; /** * Component to convert between Maven and OSGi versions * * @component */ private Maven2OsgiConverter m_maven2OsgiConverter; /** * Project path translation (needed for backwards compatibility) * * @component */ private PathTranslator m_pathTranslator; /** * Switch to turn on/off fixing of dependency entries in the classpath file. * * @parameter expression="${fixDependencies}" default-value="EXTERNAL" */ private String fixDependencies; /** * Provide access to the private fields of the Eclipse mojo */ private ReflectMojo m_eclipseMojo; /** * The main project when generating Eclipse project files for imported bundles */ private MavenProject m_provisionProject; /** * IDE dependencies that might be embedded inside the bundle */ private List m_embeddableDependencies; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean setup() throws MojoExecutionException { // we don't fork eclipse goal setExecutedProject( project ); if( null != m_provisionProject ) { enablePDE(); // imported OSGi bundle } else if( PomUtils.isBundleProject( executedProject ) ) { enablePDE(); // compiled OSGi bundle setUseProjectReferences( false ); } else if( ProvisionMojo.isProvisioningPom( executedProject ) ) { try { /* * unpack imported bundles and generate Eclipse files one-by-one */ setupImportedBundles(); } catch( InvalidDependencyVersionException e ) { getLog().warn( "Unable to generate Eclipse files for project " + executedProject.getId() ); } /* * don't create Eclipse files for the provisioning POM itself! */ return false; } // default to normal behaviour return super.setup(); } /** * Enable PDE support */ private void enablePDE() { if( null == m_eclipseMojo ) { // by default enable creation of PDE project files for OSGi m_eclipseMojo = new ReflectMojo( this, EclipsePlugin.class ); } m_eclipseMojo.setField( "pde", Boolean.TRUE ); setWtpversion( "none" ); List containers = getClasspathContainers(); if( null != containers && !containers.contains( REQUIRED_PLUGINS_CONTAINER ) ) { containers.add( REQUIRED_PLUGINS_CONTAINER ); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void writeConfiguration( IdeDependency[] deps ) throws MojoExecutionException { if( !isPdeProject() ) { // non-OSGi project super.writeConfiguration( deps ); } else { m_embeddableDependencies = new ArrayList(); if( null == m_provisionProject ) { // compiled OSGi bundle / wrapper writeBundleConfiguration( deps ); } else { // imported (external) OSGi bundle writeImportedConfiguration(); } } } /** * Customize Eclipse project files for Pax-Construct generated bundles * * @param deps resolved project dependencies, potentially with sources and javadocs * @throws MojoExecutionException */ private void writeBundleConfiguration( IdeDependency[] deps ) throws MojoExecutionException { for( int i = 0; i < deps.length; i++ ) { if( deps[i].isAddedToClasspath() ) { // cache here so we can attach sources to embedded entries if( !deps[i].isTestDependency() && !deps[i].isProvided() ) { m_embeddableDependencies.add( deps[i] ); } /* * Change potential test dependencies to be non-OSGi otherwise they won't appear as Required Libraries. * We include provided dependencies here because PDE might not add them as Plug-in Dependencies, it all * depends on the manifest (which won't necessarily import packages used during testing) */ deps[i] = fixOSGiTestDependency( deps[i] ); } } EclipseWriterConfig config = createEclipseWriterConfig( deps ); config.setEclipseProjectName( getEclipseProjectName( executedProject, true ) ); new EclipseSettingsWriter().init( getLog(), config ).write(); new EclipseClasspathWriter().init( getLog(), config ).write(); new EclipseProjectWriter().init( getLog(), config ).write(); /* * copy bundle manifest to where PDE expects it, but tweak it to fix embedded paths */ refactorForEclipse( getBundleFile( executedProject ) ); writeAdditionalConfig(); } /** * @param bundleProject bundle project * @return recently built bundle */ private File getBundleFile( MavenProject bundleProject ) { Artifact artifact = bundleProject.getArtifact(); File bundleFile = artifact.getFile(); if( null == bundleFile || !bundleFile.exists() ) { // no file attached in this cycle, so check local build String name = bundleProject.getBuild().getFinalName() + ".jar"; bundleFile = new File( bundleProject.getBuild().getDirectory(), name ); } if( !bundleFile.exists() ) { // last chance: see if it is already has been installed locally PomUtils.getFile( artifact, artifactResolver, localRepository ); bundleFile = artifact.getFile(); } return bundleFile; } /** * The maven-eclipse-plugin has a bug where test dependencies that are also OSGi bundles are excluded from the * .classpath because they are expected to be on the Bundle-ClassPath. However, this is not a valid assumption * because the Maven test-cases and their dependencies do not necessarily end-up packaged inside the bundle. * * @param dependency an IDE test dependency * @return fixed IDE test dependency */ private IdeDependency fixOSGiTestDependency( IdeDependency dependency ) { if( "FALSE".equalsIgnoreCase( fixDependencies ) ) { return dependency; } // by default, don't fix dependencies pointing to local projects found in the same tree if( "EXTERNAL".equalsIgnoreCase( fixDependencies ) && isReactorDependency( dependency ) ) { return dependency; } // previous behaviour in 1.3 was exhaustive search of the poms in the local file-system if( "CUSTOM".equalsIgnoreCase( fixDependencies ) ) { String id = dependency.getGroupId() + ':' + dependency.getArtifactId(); File baseDir = executedProject.getBasedir(); if( DirUtils.findPom( baseDir, id ) != null ) { return dependency; } } // unfortunately there's no setIsOsgiBundle() method, so we have to replace the whole dependency... IdeDependency testDependency = new IdeDependency( dependency.getGroupId(), dependency.getArtifactId(), dependency.getVersion(), dependency.getClassifier(), dependency.isReferencedProject(), true, false, false, dependency.isAddedToClasspath(), dependency.getFile(), dependency.getType(), false, null, 0, dependency.getEclipseProjectName() ); testDependency.setSourceAttachment( dependency.getSourceAttachment() ); testDependency.setJavadocAttachment( dependency.getJavadocAttachment() ); return testDependency; } private boolean isReactorDependency( IdeDependency dependency ) { // check current reactor... if( reactorProjects != null ) { for( Iterator i = reactorProjects.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { MavenProject reactorProject = (MavenProject); if( reactorProject.getGroupId().equals( dependency.getGroupId() ) && reactorProject.getArtifactId().equals( dependency.getArtifactId() ) ) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Provide better naming for Pax-Construct generated OSGi bundles * * @param project current Maven project * @param addVersion when true, add the project version to the name * @return an Eclipse friendly name for the bundle */ private static String getEclipseProjectName( MavenProject project, boolean addVersion ) { String projectName = project.getProperties().getProperty( "bundle.symbolicName" ); if( null == projectName ) { // fall back to standard "groupId.artifactId" but try to eliminate duplicate segments projectName = PomUtils.getCompoundId( project.getGroupId(), project.getArtifactId() ); } if( addVersion ) { // check for wrapper version, which reflects the version of the wrapped contents String projectVersion = project.getProperties().getProperty( "wrapped.version" ); if( null == projectVersion ) { projectVersion = project.getVersion(); } return projectName + " [" + projectVersion + ']'; } return projectName; } /** * Select files for unpacking that don't exist locally under target/classes */ private static class IncludedContentFilter implements EntryFilter { private final File m_outputDir; /** * @param outputDir build output directory */ public IncludedContentFilter( File outputDir ) { m_outputDir = outputDir; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean accept( String name ) { // always select metadata folders as we may need to refactor them if( name.startsWith( "META-INF" ) || name.startsWith( "OSGI-INF" ) ) { return true; } // also select any embedded jars else if( name.endsWith( ".jar" ) ) { return true; } // do we already have this file locally? return new File( m_outputDir, name ).exists() == false; } } /** * Copy OSGi metadata to where Eclipse PDE expects it, but adjust the Bundle-ClassPath so Eclipse can find any * embedded jars or directories in the unpacked bundle contents under the temporary directory * * @param bundleFile the packaged bundle */ private void refactorForEclipse( File bundleFile ) { // temporary location in the output folder String tempPath = "target/pax-eclipse"; boolean refactorManifest = false; // make relative to the provisioning POM File baseDir = executedProject.getBasedir(); File unpackDir = new File( baseDir, tempPath ); if( bundleFile == null || !bundleFile.exists() ) { getLog().warn( "Bundle has not been built, reverting to basic behaviour" ); } else { DirUtils.unpackBundle( bundleFile, unpackDir, new IncludedContentFilter( getBuildOutputDirectory() ) ); moveMetadata( unpackDir, "META-INF", baseDir ); moveMetadata( unpackDir, "OSGI-INF", baseDir ); // test to see if it's empty unpackDir.delete(); refactorManifest = unpackDir.exists(); } File manifestFile = new File( baseDir, "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" ); Manifest manifest = getBundleManifest( manifestFile ); Attributes mainAttributes = manifest.getMainAttributes(); if( mainAttributes.getValue( "Bundle-SymbolicName" ) == null ) { // Eclipse mis-behaves if the bundle has no symbolic name :( String name = getEclipseProjectName( executedProject, false ); mainAttributes.putValue( "Bundle-SymbolicName", name.replace( '-', '_' ) ); } String bundleClassPath = mainAttributes.getValue( "Bundle-ClassPath" ); /* * refactor Bundle-ClassPath to help Eclipse find the unpacked contents */ if( refactorManifest ) { bundleClassPath = ".," + DirUtils.rebasePaths( bundleClassPath, tempPath, ',' ); mainAttributes.putValue( "Bundle-ClassPath", bundleClassPath ); // add the embedded entries back to the Eclipse classpath addEmbeddedEntriesToEclipseClassPath( tempPath, bundleClassPath ); } try { manifestFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream( manifestFile ); manifest.write( out ); IOUtil.close( out ); } catch( IOException e ) { getLog().warn( "Unable to update Eclipse manifest: " + manifestFile ); } createBuildProperties( baseDir, tempPath ); } /** * Create simple file so the export functionality from Eclipse/PDE works * * @param baseDir project base directory * @param unpackPath path where the additional bundle contents were unpacked */ private void createBuildProperties( File baseDir, String unpackPath ) { File buildPropertiesFile = new File( baseDir, "" ); if( !buildPropertiesFile.exists() ) { BufferedWriter writer = null; try { writer = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( buildPropertiesFile ) ); /* compiled/wrapped bundle */ if( null != unpackPath ) { File sourceDir = new File( baseDir, "src/main/java" ); if( sourceDir.exists() ) { writer.write( "source.. = src/main/java/,src/main/resources/" ); writer.newLine(); } writer.write( "output.. = target/classes/" ); writer.newLine(); writer.write( "bin.includes = META-INF/,." ); if( new File( baseDir, unpackPath ).exists() ) { writer.write( ',' + unpackPath + '/' ); } writer.newLine(); } /* imported bundle */ else { File bundleFile = executedProject.getArtifact().getFile(); if( null != bundleFile && bundleFile.isFile() ) { writer.write( "install.location = " + bundleFile.toURI() ); writer.newLine(); } writer.write( "source.. = ." ); writer.newLine(); writer.write( "output.. = ." ); writer.newLine(); writer.write( "bin.includes = META-INF/,." ); writer.newLine(); } } catch( IOException e ) { getLog().warn( "Unable to create file" ); } finally { IOUtil.close( writer ); } } } /** * @param manifestFile path to the local bundle manifest * @return the bundle manifest, or sane defaults if the manifest couldn't be opened */ private Manifest getBundleManifest( File manifestFile ) { Manifest manifest = new Manifest(); try { FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream( manifestFile ); in ); IOUtil.close( in ); } catch( IOException e ) { Attributes mainAttributes = manifest.getMainAttributes(); String osgiVersion = m_maven2OsgiConverter.getVersion( project.getVersion() ); // standard OSGi entries mainAttributes.putValue( "Manifest-Version", "1" ); mainAttributes.putValue( "Bundle-ManifestVersion", "2" ); mainAttributes.putValue( "Bundle-Name", project.getName() ); mainAttributes.putValue( "Bundle-Version", osgiVersion ); // some basic OSGi dependencies, to help people get their code compiling... mainAttributes.putValue( "Import-Package", "org.osgi.framework,org.osgi.util.tracker" ); } return manifest; } /** * @param fromDir source directory * @param metadata metadata folder * @param toDir target directory */ private void moveMetadata( File fromDir, String metadata, File toDir ) { File metadataDir = new File( fromDir, metadata ); if( metadataDir.exists() ) { try { FileUtils.copyDirectoryStructure( metadataDir, new File( toDir, metadata ) ); FileUtils.deleteDirectory( metadataDir ); } catch( IOException e ) { getLog().warn( "Unable to copy " + metadata + " contents to base directory" ); } } } /** * Add any embedded Bundle-ClassPath entries to the Eclipse classpath and re-attach sources/javadocs * * @param bundleLocation relative path to the unpacked bundle * @param bundleClassPath the refactored Bundle-ClassPath */ private void addEmbeddedEntriesToEclipseClassPath( String bundleLocation, String bundleClassPath ) { String[] classPath = bundleClassPath.split( "," ); File basedir = executedProject.getBasedir(); try { File classPathFile = new File( basedir, ".classpath" ); Reader reader = StreamFactory.newXmlReader( classPathFile ); Xpp3Dom classPathXML = reader ); IOUtil.close( reader ); for( int i = 0; i < classPath.length; i++ ) { String binaryPath = classPath[i].trim(); if( !".".equals( binaryPath ) && new File( basedir, binaryPath ).exists() ) { // embedded jar/directory needs to be a 'lib' entry Xpp3Dom classPathEntry = new Xpp3Dom( "classpathentry" ); classPathEntry.setAttribute( "exported", "true" ); classPathEntry.setAttribute( "kind", "lib" ); classPathEntry.setAttribute( "path", binaryPath ); // find attached sources using the previously cached IDE dependencies File sourcePath = findAttachedSource( bundleLocation, binaryPath ); if( sourcePath != null ) { classPathEntry.setAttribute( "sourcepath", sourcePath.getPath() ); } classPathXML.addChild( classPathEntry ); } } Writer writer = StreamFactory.newXmlWriter( classPathFile ); Xpp3DomWriter.write( new PrettyPrintXMLWriter( writer ), classPathXML ); IOUtil.close( writer ); } catch( IOException e ) { getLog().warn( "Unable to find Eclipse .classpath file" ); } catch( XmlPullParserException e ) { getLog().warn( "Unable to parse Eclipse .classpath file" ); } } /** * Search cached IDE dependencies for an entry matching the given classpath element * * @param bundleLocation relative path to the unpacked bundle * @param classPathEntry classpath element * @return path to the attached sources */ private File findAttachedSource( String bundleLocation, String classPathEntry ) { for( Iterator i = m_embeddableDependencies.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { IdeDependency dependency = (IdeDependency); // equivalent to '.' - source is first in list if( bundleLocation.equals( classPathEntry ) ) { return dependency.getSourceAttachment(); } else if( Pattern.matches( "^.*[/\\\\]" + dependency.getArtifactId() + "[-.][^/\\\\]*$", classPathEntry ) ) { return dependency.getSourceAttachment(); } } return null; } /** * Unpack each imported bundle in turn and generate the relevant Eclipse project files * * @throws InvalidDependencyVersionException * @throws MojoExecutionException */ private void setupImportedBundles() throws InvalidDependencyVersionException, MojoExecutionException { // don't process dependencies of imported bundles m_provisionProject = getExecutedProject(); setResolveDependencies( false ); Set artifacts = m_provisionProject.createArtifacts( artifactFactory, null, null ); for( Iterator i = artifacts.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Artifact artifact = (Artifact); // store project locally underneath the provisioning POM's directory File groupDir = new File( m_provisionProject.getBasedir(), "target/" + artifact.getGroupId() ); File baseDir = new File( groupDir, artifact.getArtifactId() + '-' + artifact.getVersion() ); // download and unpack the bundle if( !PomUtils.downloadFile( artifact, artifactResolver, remoteArtifactRepositories, localRepository ) ) { getLog().warn( "Skipping missing bundle " + artifact ); continue; } DirUtils.unpackBundle( artifact.getFile(), baseDir, null ); // download the bundle POM and store locally MavenProject dependencyProject = writeProjectPom( baseDir, artifact ); if( null == dependencyProject ) { getLog().warn( "Skipping missing bundle " + artifact ); continue; } dependencyProject.setArtifact( artifact ); setExecutedProject( dependencyProject ); setProject( dependencyProject ); // trick Eclipse plugin to do the right thing setBuildOutputDirectory( new File( baseDir, ".ignore" ) ); setEclipseProjectDir( baseDir ); try { // call the Eclipse plugin getLog().info( "Generating Eclipse project for bundle " + artifact ); execute(); } catch( MojoFailureException e ) { getLog().warn( "Problem generating Eclipse files for artifact " + artifact ); } } } /** * Download and save the Maven POM for the given artifact * * @param baseDir base directory * @param artifact Maven artifact * @return the downloaded project */ private MavenProject writeProjectPom( File baseDir, Artifact artifact ) { MavenProject pom = null; String groupId = artifact.getGroupId(); String artifactId = artifact.getArtifactId(); String version = artifact.getVersion(); Artifact pomArtifact = artifactFactory.createProjectArtifact( groupId, artifactId, version ); try { pom = m_mavenProjectBuilder.buildFromRepository( pomArtifact, remoteArtifactRepositories, localRepository ); // need this when using Maven 2.1 which doesn't do any alignment m_pathTranslator.alignToBaseDirectory( pom.getModel(), baseDir ); File pomFile = new File( baseDir, "pom.xml" ); Writer writer = StreamFactory.newXmlWriter( pomFile ); pom.writeModel( writer ); pom.setFile( pomFile ); IOUtil.close( writer ); } catch( ProjectBuildingException e ) { getLog().warn( "Unable to build POM for artifact " + pomArtifact ); } catch( IOException e ) { getLog().warn( "Unable to write POM for artifact " + pomArtifact ); } return pom; } /** * Customize Eclipse project files for imported (unpacked) bundles * * @throws MojoExecutionException */ private void writeImportedConfiguration() throws MojoExecutionException { EclipseWriterConfig config = createEclipseWriterConfig( new IdeDependency[0] ); config.setEclipseProjectName( getEclipseProjectName( executedProject, true ) ); config.setClasspathContainers( Collections.EMPTY_LIST ); config.setSourceDirs( new EclipseSourceDir[0] ); // not compiling, so just need project and classpath files new EclipseClasspathWriter().init( getLog(), config ).write(); new EclipseProjectWriter().init( getLog(), config ).write(); Artifact sourceArtifact = artifactFactory.createArtifactWithClassifier( executedProject.getGroupId(), executedProject.getArtifactId(), executedProject.getVersion(), "java-source", "sources" ); if( downloadSources ) { PomUtils.downloadFile( sourceArtifact, artifactResolver, remoteArtifactRepositories, localRepository ); } else { // check to see if we already have the source downloaded... PomUtils.getFile( sourceArtifact, artifactResolver, localRepository ); } // set PDE classpath to point to unpacked bundle attachImportedContent( sourceArtifact.getFile() ); String baseDir = executedProject.getBasedir().getPath(); File manifestFile = new File( baseDir, "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" ); Manifest manifest = getBundleManifest( manifestFile ); Attributes mainAttributes = manifest.getMainAttributes(); String bundleClassPath = mainAttributes.getValue( "Bundle-ClassPath" ); if( null != bundleClassPath ) { // add any embedded entries to the default Eclipse classpath addEmbeddedEntriesToEclipseClassPath( baseDir, bundleClassPath ); } createBuildProperties( new File( baseDir ), null ); } /** * Add a classpath entry for the unpacked imported bundle and attach it to the given source * * @param sources attached bundle sources */ private void attachImportedContent( File sources ) { try { File classPathFile = new File( executedProject.getBasedir(), ".classpath" ); Reader reader = StreamFactory.newXmlReader( classPathFile ); Xpp3Dom classPathXML = reader ); IOUtil.close( reader ); Xpp3Dom classPathEntry = new Xpp3Dom( "classpathentry" ); classPathEntry.setAttribute( "exported", "true" ); classPathEntry.setAttribute( "kind", "lib" ); classPathEntry.setAttribute( "path", "." ); if( sources != null && sources.exists() ) { classPathEntry.setAttribute( "sourcepath", sources.getPath() ); } classPathXML.addChild( classPathEntry ); Writer writer = StreamFactory.newXmlWriter( classPathFile ); Xpp3DomWriter.write( new PrettyPrintXMLWriter( writer ), classPathXML ); IOUtil.close( writer ); } catch( IOException e ) { getLog().warn( "Unable to find Eclipse .classpath file" ); } catch( XmlPullParserException e ) { getLog().warn( "Unable to parse Eclipse .classpath file" ); } } }