package org.ops4j.pax.construct.clone;
* Copyright 2007 Stuart McCulloch
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.maven.model.Dependency;
import org.apache.maven.model.Resource;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.Archiver;
import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.manager.ArchiverManager;
import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.manager.NoSuchArchiverException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.DirectoryScanner;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
import org.ops4j.pax.construct.util.DirUtils;
import org.ops4j.pax.construct.util.PomUtils;
import org.ops4j.pax.construct.util.PomUtils.Pom;
* Clones an existing project and produces a script (plus archetypes) to mimic its structure using Pax-Construct
* <code><pre>
* mvn pax:clone
* </pre></code>
* @goal clone
* @aggregator true
public class CloneMojo extends AbstractMojo
* Component factory for various archivers
* @component
private ArchiverManager m_archiverManager;
* Initiating groupId.
* @parameter expression="${project.groupId}"
* @required
* @readonly
private String m_rootGroupId;
* Initiating artifactId.
* @parameter expression="${project.artifactId}"
* @required
* @readonly
private String m_rootArtifactId;
* Initiating base directory.
* @parameter expression="${project.basedir}"
* @required
* @readonly
private File m_basedir;
* Temporary directory, where scripts and templates will be saved.
* @parameter expression="${}/clone"
* @required
* @readonly
private File m_tempdir;
* The current Maven reactor.
* @parameter expression="${reactorProjects}"
* @required
* @readonly
private List m_reactorProjects;
* When true, replace any local bundle dependencies with pax-import-bundle commands.
* @parameter expression="${repair}"
private boolean repair;
* When true, unify multiple projects under one single pax-create-project command. Warning: this doesn't merge
* settings from sub-projects, such as <dependencyManagement>, so some manually editing will be necessary.
* @parameter expression="${unify}"
private boolean unify;
* List of directories that have already been processed
private List m_handledDirs;
* Maps Maven POMs to pax-create-project commands
private Map m_majorProjectMap;
* Maps groupId:artifactId to local bundle names
private Map m_bundleNameMap;
* Sequence of archetypes with project/bundle content
private List m_installCommands;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void execute()
throws MojoExecutionException
// general purpose Pax-Construct script
PaxScript buildScript = new PaxScriptImpl();
m_bundleNameMap = new HashMap();
m_majorProjectMap = new HashMap();
m_handledDirs = new ArrayList();
m_installCommands = new ArrayList();
for( Iterator i = m_reactorProjects.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
// potential project to be converted / captured
MavenProject project = (MavenProject);
String packaging = project.getPackaging();
// fixup standalone maven project
if( m_reactorProjects.size() == 1 )
// always repair
repair = true;
// provide basic jar conversion
if( "jar".equals( packaging ) )
packaging = "bundle";
if( "bundle".equals( packaging ) )
handleBundleProject( buildScript, project );
else if( "pom".equals( packaging ) )
if( isMajorProject( project ) )
handleMajorProject( buildScript, project );
handleBundleImport( buildScript, project );
// else handled by the major project(s)
// grab everything else
writePlatformScripts( buildScript );
* Write out various platform-specific scripts based on the abstract build script
* @param script build script
private void writePlatformScripts( PaxScript script )
String cloneId = PomUtils.getCompoundId( m_rootGroupId, m_rootArtifactId );
String scriptName = "create-" + cloneId;
File winScript = new File( m_tempdir, scriptName + ".bat" );
File nixScript = new File( m_tempdir, scriptName + ".sh" );
getLog().info( "" );
getLog().info( "SUCCESSFULLY CLONED " + cloneId );
getLog().info( "" );
String title = m_rootGroupId + ':' + m_rootArtifactId;
getLog().info( "Saving UNIX shell script " + nixScript );
script.write( title, nixScript, m_installCommands );
catch( IOException e )
getLog().warn( "Unable to write " + nixScript );
getLog().info( "Saving Windows batch file " + winScript );
script.write( title, winScript, m_installCommands );
catch( IOException e )
getLog().warn( "Unable to write " + winScript );
getLog().info( "" );
getLog().info( "CLONE DIRECTORY " + m_tempdir );
getLog().info( "" );
getLog().info( "(this directory can be zipped and shared with other team members)" );
* Analyze major project and build the right pax-create-project call
* @param script build script
* @param project major Maven project
private void handleMajorProject( PaxScript script, MavenProject project )
if( unify && !project.isExecutionRoot() )
// exclude the local poms settings from the unified project
m_handledDirs.add( new File( project.getBasedir(), "poms" ) );
PaxCommandBuilder command = PaxScript.CREATE_PROJECT );
command.option( 'g', project.getGroupId() );
command.option( 'a', project.getArtifactId() );
command.option( 'v', project.getVersion() );
setTargetDirectory( command, project.getBasedir().getParentFile() );
registerProject( project );
m_majorProjectMap.put( project, command );
* Analyze bundle project and determine if any pax-create-bundle or pax-wrap-jar calls are needed
* @param script build script
* @param project Maven bundle project
* @throws MojoExecutionException
private void handleBundleProject( PaxScript script, MavenProject project )
throws MojoExecutionException
PaxCommandBuilder command;
String bundleName;
String namespace = findBundleNamespace( project );
if( null != namespace )
bundleName = project.getArtifactId();
command = PaxScript.CREATE_BUNDLE );
command.option( 'p', namespace );
if( !bundleName.equals( namespace ) )
command.option( 'n', bundleName );
command.option( 'v', project.getVersion() );
command.maven().flag( "noDeps" );
Dependency wrappee = findWrappee( project );
if( wrappee != null )
command = PaxScript.WRAP_JAR );
command.option( 'g', wrappee.getGroupId() );
command.option( 'a', wrappee.getArtifactId() );
command.option( 'v', wrappee.getVersion() );
if( repair )
// this is expected to be the generated bundle name
bundleName = PomUtils.getCompoundId( wrappee.getGroupId(), wrappee.getArtifactId() );
// detect if we need to add the version back later on...
if( project.getArtifactId().endsWith( wrappee.getVersion() ) )
command.maven().flag( "addVersion" );
bundleName = project.getArtifactId();
// need to retain the old name and version settings
command.maven().option( "bundleName", bundleName );
command.maven().option( "bundleVersion", project.getVersion() );
getLog().warn( "Unable to clone bundle project " + project.getId() );
Pom customizedPom = null;
if( repair )
// fix references to local bundles by re-importing
customizedPom = repairBundleImports( script, project );
// need to keep old groupId intact (name is already retained)
command.maven().option( "bundleGroupId", project.getGroupId() );
addFragmentToCommand( command, createBundleArchetype( project, namespace, customizedPom ) );
setTargetDirectory( command, project.getBasedir().getParentFile() );
registerProject( project );
registerBundleName( project, bundleName );
* Analyze POM project and determine if any pax-import-bundle calls are needed
* @param script build script
* @param project Maven POM project
private void handleBundleImport( PaxScript script, MavenProject project )
Dependency importee = findImportee( project );
if( importee != null )
PaxCommandBuilder command;
command = PaxScript.IMPORT_BUNDLE );
command.option( 'g', importee.getGroupId() );
command.option( 'a', importee.getArtifactId() );
command.option( 'v', importee.getVersion() );
// enable overwrite
command.flag( 'o' );
// imported bundles now in provision POM
setTargetDirectory( command, m_basedir );
registerProject( project );
// else handled by the major project
* Analyze the position of this project in the tree, as not all projects need their own distinct set of "poms"
* @param project Maven POM project
* @return true if this project requires a pax-create-project call
private boolean isMajorProject( MavenProject project )
if( project.isExecutionRoot() )
// top-most project
return true;
// disconnected project, or project with its own set of "poms" where settings can be customized
return ( null == project.getParent() || new File( project.getBasedir(), "poms" ).isDirectory() );
* Analyze bundle project to see if it actually just wraps another artifact
* @param project Maven bundle project
* @return wrapped artifact, null if it isn't a wrapper project
private Dependency findWrappee( MavenProject project )
Properties properties = project.getProperties();
Dependency wrappee = new Dependency();
// Pax-Construct v2
wrappee.setGroupId( properties.getProperty( "wrapped.groupId" ) );
wrappee.setArtifactId( properties.getProperty( "wrapped.artifactId" ) );
wrappee.setVersion( properties.getProperty( "wrapped.version" ) );
if( null == wrappee.getArtifactId() )
// original Pax-Construct
wrappee.setGroupId( properties.getProperty( "jar.groupId" ) );
wrappee.setArtifactId( properties.getProperty( "jar.artifactId" ) );
wrappee.setVersion( properties.getProperty( "jar.version" ) );
if( null == wrappee.getArtifactId() )
// has someone customized their wrapper?
return findCustomizedWrappee( project );
return wrappee;
* Analyze project structure to try to deduce if this really is a wrapper
* @param project Maven bundle project
* @return wrapped artifact, null if it isn't a wrapper project
private Dependency findCustomizedWrappee( MavenProject project )
List dependencies = project.getDependencies();
String sourcePath = project.getBuild().getSourceDirectory();
// try to find a dependency that relates to the wrapper project
if( dependencies.size() > 0 && !new File( sourcePath ).exists() )
for( Iterator i = dependencies.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
Dependency dependency = (Dependency);
if( project.getArtifactId().indexOf( dependency.getArtifactId() ) >= 0 )
return dependency; // closest match
return (Dependency) dependencies.get( 0 );
return null;
* Analyze POM project to see if it actually just imports an existing bundle
* @param project Maven POM project
* @return imported bundle, null if it isn't a import project
private Dependency findImportee( MavenProject project )
Properties properties = project.getProperties();
Dependency importee = new Dependency();
// original Pax-Construct
importee.setGroupId( properties.getProperty( "bundle.groupId" ) );
importee.setArtifactId( properties.getProperty( "bundle.artifactId" ) );
importee.setVersion( properties.getProperty( "bundle.version" ) );
if( importee.getArtifactId() != null )
return importee;
return null;
* Analyze bundle project to find the primary namespace it provides
* @param project Maven project
* @return primary Java namespace
private String findBundleNamespace( MavenProject project )
Properties properties = project.getProperties();
// Pax-Construct v2
String namespace = properties.getProperty( "bundle.namespace" );
if( null == namespace )
// original Pax-Construct
namespace = properties.getProperty( "bundle.package" );
String sourcePath = project.getBuild().getSourceDirectory();
if( null == namespace && new File( sourcePath ).exists() )
namespace = findPrimaryPackage( sourcePath );
return namespace;
* Find the most likely candidate for the primary Java package
* @param dir source directory
* @return primary Java package
private String findPrimaryPackage( String dir )
String[] pathInclude = new String[]
"**/*.java" // consider all Java sources
DirectoryScanner scanner = new DirectoryScanner();
scanner.setIncludes( pathInclude );
scanner.setFollowSymlinks( false );
scanner.setBasedir( dir );
String path = null;
String[] candidates = scanner.getIncludedFiles();
for( int i = 0; i < scanner.getIncludedFiles().length; i++ )
String newPath = candidates[i];
if( null == path || ( validCandidate( path, newPath ) && path.length() > newPath.length() ) )
path = newPath;
return getJavaNamespace( path );
* @param current current primary java path
* @param candidate candidate java path
* @return true if the candidate might be a better primary java path, otherwise false
private boolean validCandidate( String current, String candidate )
// internal packages are good candidates to find the primary package
String candidateFolder = new File( candidate ).getParentFile().getName();
if( "internal".equalsIgnoreCase( candidateFolder ) || "impl".equalsIgnoreCase( candidateFolder ) )
return true;
// but if we already have an internal package, ignore non-internal packages
String currentFolder = new File( current ).getParentFile().getName();
if( "internal".equalsIgnoreCase( currentFolder ) || "impl".equalsIgnoreCase( currentFolder ) )
return false;
// neither is an internal package, so candidate package may be better
return true;
* Convert source code location into dotted Java namespace
* @param javaFile source location
* @return Java namespace
private String getJavaNamespace( String javaFile )
if( null == javaFile )
return null;
// strip the classname and any internal package
File packageDir = new File( javaFile ).getParentFile();
if( "internal".equals( packageDir.getName() ) || "impl".equals( packageDir.getName() ) )
packageDir = packageDir.getParentFile();
// standard slashes to dots conversion
return packageDir.getPath().replaceAll( "[/\\\\]+", "." );
* Set the directory where the Pax-Construct command should be run
* @param command Pax-Construct command
* @param targetDir target directory
private void setTargetDirectory( PaxCommandBuilder command, File targetDir )
String[] pivot = DirUtils.calculateRelativePath( m_basedir.getParentFile(), targetDir );
if( pivot != null && pivot[0].length() == 0 && pivot[2].length() > 0 )
// fix path to use the correct artifactId, in case directory tree has been renamed
String relativePath = StringUtils.replaceOnce( pivot[2], m_basedir.getName(), m_rootArtifactId );
command.maven().option( "targetDirectory", relativePath );
* Create a new archetype for a bundle project, with potentially customized POM and Bnd settings
* @param project Maven project
* @param namespace Java namespace, may be null
* @param customizedPom customized Maven project model, may be null
* @return clause identifying the archetype fragment
* @throws MojoExecutionException
private String createBundleArchetype( MavenProject project, String namespace, Pom customizedPom )
throws MojoExecutionException
File baseDir = project.getBasedir();
getLog().info( "Cloning bundle project " + project.getArtifactId() );
ArchetypeFragment fragment = new ArchetypeFragment( getFragmentDir(), namespace, false );
fragment.addPom( baseDir, customizedPom );
if( null != namespace )
fragment.addSources( baseDir, project.getBuild().getSourceDirectory(), false );
fragment.addSources( baseDir, project.getBuild().getTestSourceDirectory(), true );
for( Iterator i = project.getTestResources().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
Resource r = (Resource);
fragment.addResources( baseDir, r.getDirectory(), r.getIncludes(), r.getExcludes(), true );
List excludes = new ArrayList();
excludes.addAll( fragment.getIncludedFiles() );
excludes.add( "target/" );
excludes.add( "runner/" );
excludes.add( "pom.xml" );
// consider everything else in the bundle directory to be a resource
fragment.addResources( baseDir, baseDir.getPath(), null, excludes, false );
// archetype must use different id
String groupId = project.getGroupId();
String artifactId = project.getArtifactId() + "-archetype";
String version = project.getVersion();
// archive customized bundle sources, POM and Bnd instructions
String fragmentId = groupId + ':' + artifactId + ':' + version;
fragment.createArchive( fragmentId.replace( ':', '_' ), newJarArchiver() );
return fragmentId;
* Attempt to repair bundle imports by replacing them with pax-import-bundle commands
* @param script build script
* @param project Maven project
* @return customized Maven project model
private Pom repairBundleImports( PaxScript script, MavenProject project )
Pom pom;
File tempFile = File.createTempFile( "pom", ".xml", m_tempdir );
FileUtils.copyFile( project.getFile(), tempFile );
pom = PomUtils.readPom( tempFile );
catch( IOException e )
pom = null;
for( Iterator i = project.getDependencies().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
Dependency dependency = (Dependency);
String bundleId = dependency.getGroupId() + ':' + dependency.getArtifactId();
String bundleName = (String) m_bundleNameMap.get( bundleId );
// is this a local bundle project?
if( null != bundleName )
PaxCommandBuilder command;
command = PaxScript.IMPORT_BUNDLE );
command.option( 'a', bundleName );
// enable overwrite
command.flag( 'o' );
// only apply to the importing bundle project
setTargetDirectory( command, project.getBasedir() );
if( null != pom )
pom.removeDependency( dependency );
if( null != pom )
return pom;
catch( IOException e )
return null;
* Create archetype fragments for all recorded major projects (as well as any non-bundle modules)
* @throws MojoExecutionException
private void archiveMajorProjects()
throws MojoExecutionException
for( Iterator i = m_majorProjectMap.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
MavenProject project = (MavenProject) entry.getKey();
addFragmentToCommand( (PaxCommandBuilder) entry.getValue(), createProjectArchetype( project ) );
* Archive all the selected resources under a single Maven archetype
* @param project containing Maven project
* @return clause identifying the archetype fragment
* @throws MojoExecutionException
private String createProjectArchetype( MavenProject project )
throws MojoExecutionException
File baseDir = project.getBasedir();
getLog().info( "Cloning primary project " + project.getArtifactId() );
ArchetypeFragment fragment = new ArchetypeFragment( getFragmentDir(), null, unify );
fragment.addPom( baseDir, null );
List excludes = new ArrayList();
excludes.addAll( getExcludedPaths( project ) );
excludes.add( "**/target/" );
excludes.add( "runner/" );
excludes.add( "pom.xml" );
// consider everything else that's not been handled to be a resource
fragment.addResources( baseDir, baseDir.getPath(), null, excludes, false );
// archetype must use different id
String groupId = project.getGroupId();
String artifactId = project.getArtifactId() + "-archetype";
String version = project.getVersion();
// archive all the customized non-bundle POMs and projects
String fragmentId = groupId + ':' + artifactId + ':' + version;
fragment.createArchive( fragmentId.replace( ':', '_' ), newJarArchiver() );
return fragmentId;
* Find which paths in this Maven project have already been collected, and should therefore be excluded
* @param project major Maven project
* @return list of excluded paths
private List getExcludedPaths( MavenProject project )
List excludes = new ArrayList();
File baseDir = project.getBasedir();
for( Iterator i = m_handledDirs.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
File dir = (File);
String[] pivot = DirUtils.calculateRelativePath( baseDir, dir );
if( pivot != null && pivot[0].length() == 0 && pivot[2].length() > 0 )
excludes.add( pivot[2] );
return excludes;
* @return new Jar archiver
* @throws MojoExecutionException
private Archiver newJarArchiver()
throws MojoExecutionException
return m_archiverManager.getArchiver( "jar" );
catch( NoSuchArchiverException e )
throw new MojoExecutionException( "Unable to find Jar archiver", e );
* @return temporary fragment directory
private File getFragmentDir()
return new File( m_tempdir, "fragments" );
* @param project Maven project
private void registerProject( MavenProject project )
m_handledDirs.add( project.getBasedir() );
* @param project Maven bundle project
* @param bundleName expected symbolic name of the bundle (null if imported)
private void registerBundleName( MavenProject project, String bundleName )
m_bundleNameMap.put( project.getGroupId() + ':' + project.getArtifactId(), bundleName );
* @param command one of the create commands
* @param fragmentId archetype fragment id
private void addFragmentToCommand( PaxCommandBuilder command, String fragmentId )
if( null == fragmentId )
command.maven().option( "contents", fragmentId );
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
String[] ids = fragmentId.split( ":" );
// add Maven command to install the archetype fragment before using it
buffer.append( "mvn -N install:install-file \"-Dpackaging=jar\" \"-DgroupId=" );
buffer.append( ids[0] );
buffer.append( "\" \"-DartifactId=" );
buffer.append( ids[1] );
buffer.append( "\" \"-Dversion=" );
buffer.append( ids[2] );
buffer.append( "\" \"-Dfile=${_SCRIPTDIR_}/fragments/" );
buffer.append( fragmentId.replace( ':', '_' ) );
buffer.append( ".jar\"" );
m_installCommands.add( buffer );