package org.regenstrief.linkage.util; /* * Implements the older program * * The purpose is to switch the columns in a character-delimited text * file to a new order. To reverse a five column-pipe delimited text file, * the arguments to the old program was: * file.txt | 4 3 2 1 0 * */ import*; public class ColumnSwitcher{ public static final String EXTENSION = ".link"; private File original, results; private char sep_char; private int[] order; private boolean add_id_column; private boolean read_header_line; public ColumnSwitcher(File old_file, File new_file, int[] order, char sep){ sep_char = sep; original = old_file; results = new_file; this.order = order; add_id_column = false; } public void setAddIDColumn(boolean add_id){ add_id_column = add_id; } public void setReadHeaderLine(boolean has_header){ read_header_line = has_header; } public boolean switchColumns() throws IOException{ boolean ret = false; BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(original)); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(results)); String line; String[] split_line; if(read_header_line){ in.readLine(); } int line_count = 0; while((line = in.readLine()) != null){ // split the line using the delimiting character, and write the fields to the new file based // on new_order array String[] out_line = new String[order.length]; if(sep_char == '|'){ split_line = line.split("\\|"); } else { split_line = line.split(String.valueOf(sep_char)); } for(int i = 0; i < order.length; i++){ try{ //out.write(split_line[order[i]]); out_line[i] = split_line[order[i]]; } catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioobe){ // this can be thrown here if the line ends with the seperating // character and no blank string is returned to keep split_line // the same size, ie. a|b|c -> {a,b,c} but a|b| -> {a,b} // if the order were 3, 2, 1, then split_line is too short // to fix, write a blank string //out.write(""); out_line[i] = ""; } if(i < order.length - 1){ //out.write(sep_char); } } if(add_id_column){ out_line[out_line.length - 1] = Integer.toString(line_count); } line_count++; for(int i = 0; i < out_line.length - 1; i++){ out.write(out_line[i]); out.write(sep_char); } out.write(out_line[out_line.length - 1]); out.write("\n"); } out.flush(); out.close(); ret = true; return ret; } public static void main(String[] argv){ // added to test class directly, taking same argument as the // script did String file = argv[0]; char sep = argv[1].charAt(0); int[] order = new int[argv.length - 2]; int order_index = 0; for(int i = 2; i < argv.length; i++){ order[order_index++] = Integer.parseInt(argv[i]); } } }