package; import org.regenstrief.linkage.util.*; import org.regenstrief.linkage.*; import java.util.*; /** * This DataSourceReader holds one Record that is explicitly given * in the LinkDataSource object. There are multiple constructors: * * (LinkDataSource, MatchingConfig) - this constructor does not use the MatchingCofnig * object in any way, but mirrors how an ordered reader would be instantiated. Since there is * just one Record, there is no other orders in which to return it. The LinkDataSource is parsed in * the same way as in the constructor without the MatchingConfig object. * * (LinkDataSource) - this constructor parses the information to get the field values for * the one Record described. * * (Record) - this constructor just stores this given Record to be read later. * */ public class VectorReader implements DataSourceReader, OrderedDataSourceReader{ private LinkDataSource data_source; private boolean accessed; private Record data; /** * This constructor uses the same format as the DataSourceReader * superclass and uses the information held within the LinkDataSource * object to get field values directly. * * @param lds the LinkDataSource object with field values * @param mc the MatchingConfigObject to determine sort order */ public VectorReader(LinkDataSource lds, MatchingConfig mc){ data_source = lds; accessed = false; data = buildRecord(lds); } public VectorReader(LinkDataSource lds){ data_source = lds; accessed = false; data = buildRecord(lds); } /** * An alternate method of creating the VectorReader object that will return * the given Record instead of constructing it from a LinkDataSource object. * * @param r the Record to be returned when nextRecord() is called */ public VectorReader(Record r){ data_source = null; accessed = false; data = r; } /** * Returns the number of fields within the Record object. */ public int getRecordSize(){ return data.getDemographics().size(); } /* * Gets the values from the LinkDataSource object and makes a Record object * from it. * * @param lds LinkDataSource with the field names and values * @return the Record holding the LinkDataSource information */ private Record buildRecord(LinkDataSource lds){ Record data = new Record(0, lds.getName()); Iterator<DataColumn> it = lds.getDataColumns().iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ DataColumn dc =; if(dc.getIncludePosition() != DataColumn.INCLUDE_NA){ data.addDemographic(dc.getName(), dc.getColumnID()); } } return data; } /* * can just use a flag to see if the one Record has been returned yet */ public boolean hasNextRecord() { return !accessed; } public Record nextRecord() { if(!accessed){ accessed = true; return data; } return null; } public boolean reset() { accessed = false; return true; } public boolean close(){ data = null; return true; } }