package org.openlegacy.as400.menus; import org.openlegacy.annotations.screen.Action; import org.openlegacy.annotations.screen.AssignedField; import org.openlegacy.annotations.screen.Identifier; import org.openlegacy.annotations.screen.ScreenActions; import org.openlegacy.annotations.screen.ScreenEntity; import org.openlegacy.annotations.screen.ScreenField; import org.openlegacy.annotations.screen.ScreenIdentifiers; import org.openlegacy.annotations.screen.ScreenNavigation; import org.openlegacy.terminal.actions.TerminalActions; @ScreenEntity() @ScreenIdentifiers(identifiers = { @Identifier(row = 1, column = 2, value = " Specify Libraries to Work With "), @Identifier(row = 5, column = 4, value = "Library . . . . . . . . . . ."), @Identifier(row = 7, column = 4, value = "ASP number . . . . . . . . . .") }) @ScreenActions(actions = { @Action(action = TerminalActions.F3.class, displayName = "Exit", alias = "exit"), @Action(action = TerminalActions.F5.class, displayName = "Refresh", alias = "refresh"), @Action(action = TerminalActions.F12.class, displayName = "Cancel", alias = "cancel") }) @ScreenNavigation(accessedFrom = ProgrammingDevelopmentManagerpdm.class, assignedFields = { @AssignedField(field = "menuSelection", value = "1") }) public class SpecifyLibrariesToWorkWith { @ScreenField(row = 5, column = 37, endColumn = 46, labelColumn = 4, editable = true, displayName = "Library", sampleValue = "*LIBL") private String library; @ScreenField(row = 7, column = 37, endColumn = 42, labelColumn = 4, editable = true, displayName = "ASP number", sampleValue = "*ALL") private String aspNumber; @ScreenField(row = 8, column = 37, endColumn = 46, labelColumn = 4, editable = true, displayName = "ASP device", sampleValue = "*") private String aspDevice; }