package org.h3270.render; /* * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 akquinet tech@spree * * This file is part of h3270. * * h3270 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * h3270 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with h3270; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301 USA */ import java.util.*; import*; import org.h3270.web.*; /** * @author Andre Spiegel * @version $Id:,v 1.25 2008/11/21 14:48:32 spiegel Exp $ */ public class HtmlRenderer implements Renderer { /** * Maps the integer values of extended color attributes to the * corresponding CSS classes. */ private IntMap extendedColorMap = null; /** * Maps the integer values of extended highlight attributes to the * corresponding CSS classes. */ private IntMap extendedHighlightMap = null; public boolean canRender (Screen s) { return true; } public boolean canRender (String screenText) { return true; } public static String escapeHTMLAttribute (String value) { return value.replaceAll("\\&","&"). replaceAll("\"","""). replaceAll("\'","'"); } public static String escapeHTMLText (String value) { return value.replaceAll("\\&","&"). replaceAll("\\<","<"). replaceAll("\\>",">"); } public String render (Screen screen, String actionURL, String id) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append ("<form id=\"" + getFormName(id) + "\" " + "action=\"" + actionURL + "\" " + "onClick=\"installKeyHandler('" + getFormName(id) + "')\" " + "onMouseOver=\"installKeyHandler('" + getFormName(id) + "')\" " + "method=\"post\" class=\"h3270-form\">\n"); if (screen.isFormatted()) renderFormatted (screen, id, result); else renderUnformatted (screen, id, result); result.append ("<div><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"key\" /></div>\n"); if (id != null && id.length() > 0) { result.append ("<div><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + SessionState.TERMINAL + "\" value=\"" + id + "\"></div>\n"); } result.append ("</form>\n"); appendFocus (screen, id, result); return result.toString(); } public String render (Screen screen) { return this.render (screen, "", null); } public String render (Screen screen, String actionURL) { return this.render (screen, actionURL, null); } /** * If screen has a focused field, append Javascript code to buffer * so that this field gets the focus in the client browser. */ protected void appendFocus (Screen screen, String id, StringBuffer buffer) { buffer.append ("<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"); buffer.append (" installKeyHandler('" + getFormName(id) + "');\n"); Field f = screen.getFocusedField(); if (f != null) { buffer.append (" document.forms[\"" + getFormName(id) + "\"]." + "field_" + f.getStartX() + "_" + f.getStartY() + (f.isMultiline() ? "_0" : "") + ".focus()\n"); } buffer.append ("</script>\n"); } private void renderFormatted (Screen screen, String id, StringBuffer result) { result.append ("<pre>"); for (Iterator i = screen.getFields().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Field f = (Field); if (f instanceof InputField) { if (f.getStartX() == 0) { if (f.getStartY() > 0) { result.append (" \n"); } } else result.append (" "); renderInputField (result, (InputField)f, id); if (f.getEndX() == screen.getWidth()-1 && f.getEndY() >= f.getStartY()) result.append ("\n"); } else { String text = f.getText(); // First append the control character that started the field, // without any formatting applied to it. if (text.length() > 0) { result.append(text.charAt(0)); } if (needSpan (f)) { result.append ("<span class=\"" + protectedFieldClass(f) + "\">"); } // Now the rest of the field. if (text.length() > 1) { String newText = text.substring(1).replaceAll ("\u0000", " "); result.append (escapeHTMLText (newText)); } if (needSpan(f)) result.append ("</span>"); } } result.append ("</pre>"); } private boolean needSpan (Field f) { return f.isIntensified() || f.isHidden() || f.hasExtendedColor() || f.hasExtendedHighlight(); } private String protectedFieldClass (Field f) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); boolean isIntensified = f.isIntensified(); boolean isHidden = f.isHidden(); boolean hasExtendedColor = f.hasExtendedColor(); boolean hasExtendedHighlight = f.hasExtendedHighlight(); if (isIntensified) result.append ("h3270-intensified"); else if (isHidden) result.append ("h3270-hidden"); if (hasExtendedColor) { if (isIntensified || isHidden) result.append (" "); result.append (getExtendedColorMap().get (f.getExtendedColor())); } if (hasExtendedHighlight) { if (isIntensified || isHidden || hasExtendedColor) result.append (" "); result.append (getExtendedHighlightMap().get (f.getExtendedHighlight())); } return result.toString(); } private IntMap getExtendedColorMap() { if (extendedColorMap == null) { extendedColorMap = new IntMap(); extendedColorMap.put (Field.ATTR_COL_BLUE, "h3270-color-blue"); extendedColorMap.put (Field.ATTR_COL_RED, "h3270-color-red"); extendedColorMap.put (Field.ATTR_COL_PINK, "h3270-color-pink"); extendedColorMap.put (Field.ATTR_COL_GREEN, "h3270-color-green"); extendedColorMap.put (Field.ATTR_COL_TURQUOISE, "h3270-color-turquoise"); extendedColorMap.put (Field.ATTR_COL_YELLOW, "h3270-color-yellow"); extendedColorMap.put (Field.ATTR_COL_WHITE, "h3270-color-white"); } return extendedColorMap; } private IntMap getExtendedHighlightMap() { if (extendedHighlightMap == null) { extendedHighlightMap = new IntMap(); extendedHighlightMap.put (Field.ATTR_EH_BLINK, "h3270-highlight-blink"); extendedHighlightMap.put (Field.ATTR_EH_REV_VIDEO, "h3270-highlight-rev-video"); extendedHighlightMap.put (Field.ATTR_EH_UNDERSCORE,"h3270-highlight-underscore"); } return extendedHighlightMap; } private void renderUnformatted (Screen screen, String id, StringBuffer result) { result.append ("<textarea name=\"field\" class=\"h3270-input\" " + "cursor=\"lime\" " + "rows=" + screen.getHeight() + " cols=" + screen.getWidth() + ">\n"); for (int y = 0; y < screen.getHeight(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < screen.getWidth(); x++) { char ch = screen.charAt (x, y); if (ch == '\u0000') result.append (' '); else result.append (ch); } result.append ("\n"); } result.append ("</textarea>\n"); result.append ("<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"); result.append (" installKeyHandler(' " + getFormName(id) + "');\n"); result.append (" document.forms[\"" + getFormName(id) + "\"].field.focus();\n"); result.append ("</script>\n"); } protected void renderInputField (StringBuffer result, InputField f, String id) { if (!f.isMultiline()) { createHtmlInput (result, f, id, f.getValue(), -1, f.getEndX() - f.getStartX() + 1); } else { createHtmlInput (result, f, id, f.getValue(0), 0, f.getScreen().getWidth() - f.getStartX()); result.append ("\n"); for (int i=1; i < f.getHeight() - 1; i++) { createHtmlInput (result, f, id, f.getValue(i), i, f.getScreen().getWidth()); result.append ("\n"); } int lastLine = f.getHeight() - 1; createHtmlInput (result, f, id, f.getValue(lastLine), lastLine, f.getEndX()+1); } } protected void createHtmlInput (StringBuffer result, InputField f, String id, String value, int lineNumber, int width) { result.append ("<input "); result.append ("type=" + (f.isHidden() ? "\"password\" " : "\"text\" ")); result.append ("name=\"field_" + f.getStartX() + "_" + f.getStartY()); if (lineNumber != -1) result.append ("_" + lineNumber); result.append ("\" "); if (f.isIntensified()) result.append ("class=\"h3270-input-intensified\" "); else if (f.isHidden()) result.append ("class=\"h3270-input-hidden\" "); else result.append ("class=\"h3270-input\" "); result.append ("value=\"" + escapeHTMLAttribute(InputField.trim(value)) + "\" "); result.append ("maxlength=\"" + width + "\" "); result.append ("size=\"" + width + "\" "); result.append ("/>"); } protected String getFormName (String id) { if (id == null) return "screen"; else return "screen-" + id; } }