package org.openiam.selfsrvc.usradmin; import; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.user.dto.UserAttribute; import org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext; import org.springframework.web.struts.DispatchActionSupport; import; import; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.grp.dto.Group; import; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.meta.dto.MetadataElement; import; import; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.role.dto.Role; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.user.dto.User; import; import; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.user.dto.UserSearch; import org.openiam.selfsrvc.AppConfiguration; import*; import java.util.*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; import org.apache.struts.action.*; import org.apache.struts.util.LabelValueBean; import org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorForm; public class UserSearchAction extends DispatchActionSupport { private RoleDataWebService roleDataService; private GroupDataWebService groupManager; private OrganizationDataService orgManager; private String defaultSecurityDoamin; private ReferenceDataService refDataService; private int maxResultSize; private UserDataWebService userMgr; protected AppConfiguration configuration; protected MetadataWebService metadataService; public ActionForward view(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException, ServletException { // set the side menu bar String menuId = request.getParameter("menuid"); request.setAttribute("menuGroup", menuId); String mode = request.getParameter("mode"); request.setAttribute("groupList", allGroupListAsLabels()); request.setAttribute("roleList", allRoleListAsLabels()); if (mode != null && mode.length() > 0) { request.setAttribute("msg", "Information has been successfully updated. "); } HttpSession session = request.getSession(); List statusList = (List) session.getAttribute("statusList"); if (statusList == null) { statusList = getUserStatusList(); List secondaryStatusList = getUserSecondaryStatusList(); session.setAttribute("statusList", statusList); session.setAttribute("secondaryStatusList", secondaryStatusList); } session.setAttribute("elementList", getComleteMetadataElementList()); return (mapping.findForward("view")); } private List getComleteMetadataElementList() {"getUserMetadataTypes called."); ArrayList<LabelValueBean> newCodeList = new ArrayList(); if (metadataService == null) { return newCodeList; } MetadataElementArrayResponse aryResp = metadataService.getAllElementsForCategoryType("USER_TYPE"); if (aryResp != null && aryResp.getMetadataElementAry() != null) { MetadataElement[] elementAry = metadataService.getAllElementsForCategoryType("USER_TYPE").getMetadataElementAry(); if (elementAry != null && elementAry.length > 0) { newCodeList.add(new LabelValueBean("","")); for ( MetadataElement elm: elementAry) { LabelValueBean label = new LabelValueBean(elm.getMetadataTypeId() + "->" + elm.getAttributeName(), elm.getAttributeName()); newCodeList.add(label); } } } return newCodeList; } /** * Retrieves a list of Users based on the search criteria */ public ActionForward search(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException, ServletException { try { List statusList = null; HttpSession session = request.getSession(); User usr = (User)session.getAttribute("userObj"); System.out.println("UserObj = " + usr); request.setAttribute("groupList", allGroupListAsLabels()); request.setAttribute("roleList", allRoleListAsLabels()); // Search search = new SearchImpl(); UserSearch search = createSearch((DynaValidatorForm) form, usr); if (search.isEmpty()) { request.setAttribute("msg", "Please enter search criteria "); return (mapping.findForward("success")); } search.setMaxResultSize(new Integer(this.maxResultSize)); List userList =; if (userList != null) { request.setAttribute("userList", userList); request.setAttribute("resultSize", new Integer(userList.size())); } // request.setAttribute("groupList", groupList); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return (mapping.findForward("success")); } private List getUserStatusList(){ ArrayList<LabelValueBean> newCodeList = new ArrayList(); List<ReferenceData> codeList = refDataService.getRefByGroup("USER","en"); if (codeList != null && codeList.size() > 0) { newCodeList.add(new LabelValueBean("", "")); for (int i = 0; i < codeList.size(); i++) { ReferenceData val = codeList.get(i); LabelValueBean label = new LabelValueBean(val.getDescription(), val.getId().getStatusCd()); newCodeList.add(label); } } return newCodeList; } private List getUserSecondaryStatusList(){ ArrayList<LabelValueBean> newCodeList = new ArrayList(); List<ReferenceData> codeList = refDataService.getRefByGroup("USER_2ND_STATUS","en"); if (codeList != null && codeList.size() > 0) { newCodeList.add(new LabelValueBean("", "")); for (int i = 0; i < codeList.size(); i++) { ReferenceData val = codeList.get(i); LabelValueBean label = new LabelValueBean(val.getDescription(), val.getId().getStatusCd()); newCodeList.add(label); } } return newCodeList; } private UserSearch createSearch(DynaValidatorForm form, User usr) { UserSearch search = new UserSearch(); // lastname if (form.get("lastName") != null && ((String) form.get("lastName")).length() > 0) { search.setLastName(form.get("lastName") + "%"); } if (form.get("firstName") != null && ((String) form.get("firstName")).length() > 0) { search.setFirstName(form.get("firstName") + "%"); } if (form.get("companyName") != null && ((String) form.get("companyName")).length() > 0) { search.setOrgId((String) form.get("companyName")); } if (form.get("dept") != null && ((String) form.get("dept")).length() > 0) { search.setDeptCd((String) form.get("dept")); } if (form.get("areaCode") != null && ((String) form.get("areaCode")).length() > 0) { search.setPhoneAreaCd((String) form.get("areaCode")); } if (form.get("phoneNumber") != null && ((String) form.get("phoneNumber")).length() > 0) { search.setPhoneNbr((String) form.get("phoneNumber")); } if (form.get("role") != null && ((String) form.get("role")).length() > 0) { String r = (String) form.get("role"); int indx = r.indexOf("*"); String roleId = r.substring(indx+1, r.length()) ; String domainId = r.substring(0, indx); List<String> roleList = new ArrayList<String>(); roleList.add(roleId ); search.setRoleIdList(roleList); search.setDomainId(domainId); } if (form.get("group") != null && ((String) form.get("group")).length() > 0) { List<String> groupList = new ArrayList<String>(); groupList.add((String) form.get("group")); search.setGroupIdList(groupList); } if (form.get("email") != null && ((String) form.get("email")).length() > 0) { search.setEmailAddress((String) form.get("email")); } if (form.get("status") != null && ((String) form.get("status")).length() > 0) { search.setStatus((String) form.get("status")); } if (form.get("secondaryStatus") != null && ((String) form.get("secondaryStatus")).length() > 0) { search.setSecondaryStatus((String) form.get("secondaryStatus")); } if (form.get("attributeName") != null && ((String) form.get("attributeName")).length() > 0) { String attrName = (String) form.get("attributeName"); if (form.get("attributeValue") != null && ((String) form.get("attributeValue")).length() > 0) { search.setAttributeName(attrName); search.setAttributeValue((String) form.get("attributeValue")); } } if (usr.getDelAdmin() != null && usr.getDelAdmin().intValue() == 1) { Map<String, UserAttribute> attrMap = usr.getUserAttributes(); List<String> deptFilterList = null; List<String> orgFilterList = null; List<String> divFilterList = null; deptFilterList = DelegationFilterHelper.getDeptFilterFromString(attrMap); if (deptFilterList != null && deptFilterList.size() > 0) { search.setDeptIdList(deptFilterList); } orgFilterList = DelegationFilterHelper.getOrgIdFilterFromString (attrMap); if (orgFilterList != null && orgFilterList.size() > 0) { search.setOrgIdList(orgFilterList); } divFilterList = DelegationFilterHelper.getDivisionFilterFromString(attrMap); if (divFilterList != null && divFilterList.size() > 0) { search.setDivisionIdList(divFilterList); } } return search; } public List allGroupListAsLabels() { List<LabelValueBean> newCodeList = new LinkedList(); try { List<Group> grpList = groupManager.getAllGroups().getGroupList(); if (grpList != null && grpList.size() > 0) { newCodeList.add(new LabelValueBean("", "")); for (int i = 0; i < grpList.size(); i++) { Group val = grpList.get(i); LabelValueBean label = new LabelValueBean(val.getGrpName(), val .getGrpId()); newCodeList.add(label); } } }catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return newCodeList; } public List allRoleListAsLabels() { List<LabelValueBean> newCodeList = new LinkedList(); try { List<Role> roleList = roleDataService.getAllRoles().getRoleList(); if (roleList != null && roleList.size() > 0) { newCodeList.add(new LabelValueBean("", "")); for (int i = 0; i < roleList.size(); i++) { Role val = roleList.get(i); LabelValueBean label = new LabelValueBean(val.getId().getServiceId() + "->"+ val.getRoleName(), val.getId().getServiceId() + "*"+ val.getId().getRoleId()); newCodeList.add(label); } } }catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return newCodeList; } public OrganizationDataService getOrgManager() { return orgManager; } public void setOrgManager(OrganizationDataService orgManager) { this.orgManager = orgManager; } public String getDefaultSecurityDoamin() { return defaultSecurityDoamin; } public void setDefaultSecurityDoamin(String defaultSecurityDoamin) { this.defaultSecurityDoamin = defaultSecurityDoamin; } public ReferenceDataService getRefDataService() { return refDataService; } public void setRefDataService(ReferenceDataService refDataService) { this.refDataService = refDataService; } public int getMaxResultSize() { return maxResultSize; } public void setMaxResultSize(int maxResultSize) { this.maxResultSize = maxResultSize; } public RoleDataWebService getRoleDataService() { return roleDataService; } public void setRoleDataService(RoleDataWebService roleDataService) { this.roleDataService = roleDataService; } public GroupDataWebService getGroupManager() { return groupManager; } public void setGroupManager(GroupDataWebService groupManager) { this.groupManager = groupManager; } public UserDataWebService getUserMgr() { return userMgr; } public void setUserMgr(UserDataWebService userMgr) { this.userMgr = userMgr; } public AppConfiguration getConfiguration() { return configuration; } public void setConfiguration(AppConfiguration configuration) { this.configuration = configuration; } public MetadataWebService getMetadataService() { return metadataService; } public void setMetadataService(MetadataWebService metadataService) { this.metadataService = metadataService; } }