package org.openiam.provision.service; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.openiam.base.AttributeOperationEnum; import; import org.openiam.exception.EncryptionException; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.audit.dto.IdmAuditLog; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.audit.service.AuditHelper; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.auth.dto.Login; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.auth.dto.LoginId; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.auth.login.LoginDataService; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.continfo.dto.Address; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.continfo.dto.EmailAddress; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.continfo.dto.Phone; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.grp.dto.Group; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.grp.service.GroupDataService; import; import; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.res.dto.Resource; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.role.dto.Role; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.role.dto.RoleId; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.role.dto.UserRole; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.role.service.RoleDataService; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.user.dto.Supervisor; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.user.dto.User; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.user.dto.UserAttribute; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.user.service.UserDataService; import org.openiam.provision.dto.ProvisionUser; import org.openiam.provision.type.ExtensibleUser; import org.openiam.spml2.msg.ExtensibleAttribute; /** * Helper class for the modifyUser operation in the Provisioning Service. * @author administrator * */ public class ModifyUser { protected RoleDataService roleDataService; protected GroupDataService groupManager; protected UserDataService userMgr; protected LoginDataService loginManager; protected AuditHelper auditHelper; protected OrganizationDataService orgManager; protected static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ModifyUser.class); // these instance variables will be used later in the provisioning process when we need to show the difference at the field level Map<String, UserAttribute> userAttributes = new HashMap<String, UserAttribute>(); Set<EmailAddress> emailSet = new HashSet<EmailAddress>(); Set<Phone> phoneSet = new HashSet<Phone>(); Set<Address> addressSet = new HashSet<Address>(); List<Group> groupList = new ArrayList<Group>(); List<Role> roleList = new ArrayList<Role>(); List<Role> deleteRoleList = new ArrayList<Role>(); List<Login> principalList = new ArrayList<Login>(); public ModifyUser() { init(); } public void init() { log.debug("Modify User initialized"); userAttributes = new HashMap<String, UserAttribute>(); emailSet = new HashSet<EmailAddress>(); phoneSet = new HashSet<Phone>(); addressSet = new HashSet<Address>(); groupList = new ArrayList<Group>(); roleList = new ArrayList<Role>(); deleteRoleList = new ArrayList<Role>(); principalList = new ArrayList<Login>(); } public String updateUser(ProvisionUser user, User origUser) { ; String requestId = UUIDGen.getUUID(); log.debug("ModifyUser: updateUser called." + requestId); User newUser = user.getUser(); updateUserObject(origUser, newUser); log.debug("User object pending update:" + origUser); userMgr.updateUserWithDependent(origUser, true); /* String linkedLogId = auditHelper.addLog("MODIFY USER", user.getSecurityDomain(), null, "IDM SERVICE", user.getLastUpdatedBy(), "0", "USER", user.getUserId(), "SUCCESS", null, null, null, requestId); */ return requestId; } public void updateUserObject(User origUser, User newUser) { origUser.updateUser(newUser); updateUserEmail(origUser, newUser); updatePhone(origUser, newUser); updateAddress(origUser, newUser); } public Map<String, UserAttribute> getUserAttributes() { return userAttributes; } private void updateUserEmail(User origUser, User newUser) { Set<EmailAddress> origEmailSet = origUser.getEmailAddress(); Set<EmailAddress> newEmailSet = newUser.getEmailAddress(); if (origEmailSet == null && newEmailSet != null) { log.debug("New email list is not null"); origEmailSet = new HashSet<EmailAddress>(); origEmailSet.addAll(newEmailSet); // update the instance variable so that it can passed to the connector with the right operation code for (EmailAddress em : newEmailSet) { em.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.ADD); this.emailSet.add(em); } return; } if ( (origEmailSet != null && origEmailSet.size() > 0 ) && (newEmailSet == null || newEmailSet.size() == 0 )) { log.debug("orig email list is not null and nothing was passed in for the newEmailSet - ie no change"); for (EmailAddress em : origEmailSet) { em.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.NO_CHANGE); this.emailSet.add(em); } return; } // if in new address, but not in old, then add it with operation 1 // else add with operation 2 for (EmailAddress em : newEmailSet) { if (em.getOperation() == AttributeOperationEnum.DELETE) { // get the email object from the original set of emails so that we can remove it EmailAddress e = getEmailAddress(em.getEmailId(), origEmailSet); if (e != null) { origEmailSet.remove(e); } emailSet.add(em); }else { // check if this address is in the current list // if it is - see if it has changed // if it is not - add it. EmailAddress origEmail = getEmailAddress(em.getEmailId(), origEmailSet); if (origEmail == null) { em.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.ADD); origEmailSet.add(em); emailSet.add(em); }else { if (em.equals(origEmail)) { // not changed em.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.NO_CHANGE); emailSet.add(em); }else { // object changed origEmail.updateEmailAddress(em); origEmailSet.add(origEmail); origEmail.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.REPLACE); emailSet.add(origEmail); } } } } // if a value is in original list and not in the new list - then add it on for (EmailAddress e : origEmailSet) { EmailAddress newEmail = getEmailAddress(e.getEmailId(), newEmailSet); if (newEmail == null) { e.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.NO_CHANGE); emailSet.add(e); } } } private EmailAddress getEmailAddress(String id, Set<EmailAddress> emailSet) { Iterator<EmailAddress> emailIt = emailSet.iterator(); while (emailIt.hasNext()) { EmailAddress email =; if (email.getEmailId() != null) { if (email.getEmailId().equals(id) && (id != null && id.length() > 0)) { return email; } } } return null; } private Phone getPhone(String id, Set<Phone> phoneSet) { Iterator<Phone> phoneIt = phoneSet.iterator(); while (phoneIt.hasNext()) { Phone phone =; if (phone.getPhoneId() != null) { if (phone.getPhoneId().equals(id) && (id != null && id.length() > 0)) { return phone; } } } return null; } private Address getAddress(String id, Set<Address> addressSet) { Iterator<Address> addressIt = addressSet.iterator(); while (addressIt.hasNext()) { Address adr =; if (adr.getAddressId() != null ) { if (adr.getAddressId().equals(id) && (id != null && id.length() > 0)) { return adr; } } } return null; } private Group getGroup(String grpId, List<Group> origGroupList) { for (Group g : origGroupList ) { if (g.getGrpId().equalsIgnoreCase(grpId)) { return g; } } return null; } private Role getRole(RoleId roleId, List<Role> roleList) { for (Role rl : roleList ) { if (rl.getId().equals(roleId)) { return rl; } } return null; } private Login getPrincipal(LoginId loginId, List<Login> loginList) { for (Login lg : loginList ) { if (lg.getId().getManagedSysId().equals(loginId.getManagedSysId())) { return lg; } } return null; } public Login getPrimaryIdentity(String managedSysId) { if ( principalList == null || principalList.size() == 0) { return null; } for (Login l : principalList) { if (l.getId().getManagedSysId().equalsIgnoreCase(managedSysId)) { return l; } } return null; } private void updatePhone(User origUser, User newUser) { Set<Phone> origPhoneSet = origUser.getPhone(); Set<Phone> newPhoneSet = newUser.getPhone(); if (origPhoneSet == null && newPhoneSet != null) { log.debug("New email list is not null"); origPhoneSet = new HashSet<Phone>(); origPhoneSet.addAll(newPhoneSet); // update the instance variable so that it can passed to the connector with the right operation code for (Phone ph : newPhoneSet) { ph.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.ADD); phoneSet.add(ph); } return; } if ( (origPhoneSet != null && origPhoneSet.size() > 0 ) && (newPhoneSet == null || newPhoneSet.size() == 0 )) { log.debug("orig phone list is not null and nothing was passed in for the newPhoneSet - ie no change"); for (Phone ph : origPhoneSet) { ph.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.NO_CHANGE); this.phoneSet.add(ph); } return; } // if in new address, but not in old, then add it with operation 1 // else add with operation 2 for (Phone ph : newPhoneSet) { if (ph.getOperation() == AttributeOperationEnum.DELETE) { // get the email object from the original set of emails so that we can remove it Phone e = getPhone(ph.getPhoneId(), origPhoneSet); if (e != null) { origPhoneSet.remove(e); } phoneSet.add(ph); }else { // check if this address is in the current list // if it is - see if it has changed // if it is not - add it. log.debug("evaluate phone"); Phone origPhone = getPhone(ph.getPhoneId(), origPhoneSet); if (origPhone == null) { ph.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.ADD); origPhoneSet.add(ph); phoneSet.add(ph); }else { if (ph.equals(origPhone)) { // not changed ph.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.NO_CHANGE); phoneSet.add(ph); }else { // object changed origPhone.updatePhone(ph); origPhoneSet.add(origPhone); origPhone.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.REPLACE); phoneSet.add(origPhone); } } } } // if a value is in original list and not in the new list - then add it on for (Phone ph : origPhoneSet) { Phone newPhone = getPhone(ph.getPhoneId(), newPhoneSet); if (newPhone == null) { ph.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.NO_CHANGE); phoneSet.add(ph); } } } private void updateAddress(User origUser, User newUser) { Set<Address> origAddressSet = origUser.getAddresses(); Set<Address> newAddressSet = newUser.getAddresses(); if (origAddressSet == null && newAddressSet != null) { log.debug("New email list is not null"); origAddressSet = new HashSet<Address>(); origAddressSet.addAll(newAddressSet); // update the instance variable so that it can passed to the connector with the right operation code for (Address ph : newAddressSet) { ph.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.ADD); addressSet.add(ph); } return; } if ( (origAddressSet != null && origAddressSet.size() > 0 ) && (newAddressSet == null || newAddressSet.size() == 0 )) { log.debug("orig Address list is not null and nothing was passed in for the newAddressSet - ie no change"); for (Address ph : origAddressSet) { ph.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.NO_CHANGE); addressSet.add(ph); } return; } // if in new address, but not in old, then add it with operation 1 // else add with operation 2 for (Address ph : newAddressSet) { if (ph.getOperation() == AttributeOperationEnum.DELETE) { // get the email object from the original set of emails so that we can remove it Address e = getAddress(ph.getAddressId(), origAddressSet); if (e != null) { origAddressSet.remove(e); } addressSet.add(ph); }else { // check if this address is in the current list // if it is - see if it has changed // if it is not - add it. log.debug("evaluate Address"); Address origAddress = getAddress(ph.getAddressId(), origAddressSet); if (origAddress == null) { ph.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.ADD); origAddressSet.add(ph); addressSet.add(ph); }else { if (ph.equals(origAddress)) { // not changed ph.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.NO_CHANGE); addressSet.add(ph); }else { // object changed origAddress.updateAddress(ph); origAddressSet.add(origAddress); origAddress.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.REPLACE); addressSet.add(origAddress); } } } } // if a value is in original list and not in the new list - then add it on for (Address ph : origAddressSet) { Address newAddress = getAddress(ph.getAddressId(), newAddressSet); if (newAddress == null) { ph.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.NO_CHANGE); addressSet.add(ph); } } } /* Update Group Associate*/ public void updateGroupAssociation(String userId, List<Group> origGroupList, List<Group> newGroupList) { log.debug("updating group associations.."); log.debug("origGroupList =" + origGroupList); log.debug("newGroupList=" + newGroupList); if ( (origGroupList == null || origGroupList.size() == 0 ) && (newGroupList == null || newGroupList.size() == 0 )) { return; } if ( (origGroupList == null || origGroupList.size() == 0 ) && (newGroupList != null || newGroupList.size() > 0 )) { log.debug("New group list is not null"); origGroupList = new ArrayList<Group>(); origGroupList.addAll(newGroupList); // update the instance variable so that it can passed to the connector with the right operation code for (Group g : newGroupList) { g.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.ADD); groupList.add(g); this.groupManager.addUserToGroup(g.getGrpId(), userId); } return; } if ( (origGroupList != null && origGroupList.size() > 0 ) && (newGroupList == null || newGroupList.size() == 0 )) { log.debug("orig group list is not null and nothing was passed in for the newGroupList - ie no change"); for (Group g : origGroupList) { g.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.NO_CHANGE); groupList.add(g); } return; } // if in new address, but not in old, then add it with operation 1 // else add with operation 2 for (Group g : newGroupList) { if (g.getOperation() == AttributeOperationEnum.DELETE) { log.debug("removing Group :" + g.getGrpId() ); // get the email object from the original set of emails so that we can remove it Group grp = getGroup(g.getGrpId(), origGroupList); if (grp != null) { this.groupManager.removeUserFromGroup(grp.getGrpId(), userId); } groupList.add(grp); }else { // check if this address is in the current list // if it is - see if it has changed // if it is not - add it. log.debug("evaluate Group"); Group origGroup = getGroup(g.getGrpId(), origGroupList); if (origGroup == null) { g.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.ADD); groupList.add(g); groupManager.addUserToGroup(g.getGrpId(), userId); }else { if (g.getGrpId().equals(origGroup.getGrpId())) { // not changed g.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.NO_CHANGE); groupList.add(g); } } } } // if a value is in original list and not in the new list - then add it on for (Group g : origGroupList) { Group newGroup = getGroup(g.getGrpId(), newGroupList); if (newGroup == null) { g.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.NO_CHANGE); groupList.add(g); } } } /* Update Principal List */ public void updatePrincipalList(String userId, List<Login> origLoginList, List<Login> newLoginList, List<Resource> deleteResourceList) { log.debug("** updating Principals in modify User."); log.debug("- origPrincpalList =" + origLoginList); log.debug("- newPrincipalList=" + newLoginList); if ( (origLoginList == null || origLoginList.size() == 0 ) && (newLoginList == null || newLoginList.size() == 0 )) { return; } if ( (origLoginList == null || origLoginList.size() == 0 ) && (newLoginList != null || newLoginList.size() > 0 )) { log.debug("New Principal list is not null"); origLoginList = new ArrayList<Login>(); origLoginList.addAll(newLoginList); // update the instance variable so that it can passed to the connector with the right operation code for (Login lg : newLoginList) { lg.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.ADD); lg.setUserId(userId); principalList.add(lg); loginManager.addLogin(lg); } return; } if ( (origLoginList != null && origLoginList.size() > 0 ) && (newLoginList == null || newLoginList.size() == 0 )) { log.debug("orig Principal list is not null and nothing was passed in for the newPrincipal list - ie no change"); for (Login l : origLoginList) { l.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.NO_CHANGE); if (notInDeleteResourceList(l,deleteResourceList)) { l.setStatus("ACTIVE"); l.setAuthFailCount(0); l.setIsLocked(0); l.setPasswordChangeCount(0); // reset the password from the primary identity // get the primary identity for this user Login primaryIdentity = loginManager.getPrimaryIdentity(l.getUserId()); if (primaryIdentity != null) { log.debug("Identity password reset to: " + primaryIdentity.getPassword()); l.setPassword( primaryIdentity.getPassword() ); } loginManager.updateLogin(l); } principalList.add(l); } return; } // if in new login, but not in old, then add it with operation 1 // else add with operation 2 for (Login l : newLoginList) { if (l.getOperation() == AttributeOperationEnum.DELETE) { log.debug("removing Login :" + l.getId() ); // get the email object from the original set of emails so that we can remove it Login lg = getPrincipal(l.getId(), origLoginList); log.debug("Login to remove = " + lg); if (lg != null) { lg.setStatus("INACTIVE"); loginManager.updateLogin(lg); } principalList.add(l); }else { // check if this login is in the current list // if it is - see if it has changed // if it is not - add it. log.debug("evaluate Login"); Login origLogin = getPrincipal(l.getId(), origLoginList); log.debug("OrigLogin found=" + origLogin); if (origLogin == null) { l.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.ADD); l.setUserId(userId); principalList.add(l); loginManager.addLogin(l); }else { if (l.getId().equals(origLogin.getId())) { // not changed log.debug("Identities are equal - No Change"); log.debug("OrigLogin status=" + origLogin.getStatus()); // if the request contains a password, then set the password // as part of the modify request if (l.getPassword() != null && !l.getPassword().equals(origLogin.getPassword())) { // update the password log.debug("Password change detected during synch process"); Login newLg = (Login)origLogin.clone(); try { newLg.setPassword(loginManager.encryptPassword(l.getPassword())); }catch(EncryptionException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); } loginManager.changeIdentityName(newLg.getId().getLogin(), newLg.getPassword(), newLg.getUserId(), newLg.getId().getManagedSysId(), newLg.getId().getDomainId()); principalList.add(newLg); } else { log.debug("Updating Identity in IDM repository"); if (l.getOperation() == AttributeOperationEnum.REPLACE) { // user set the replace flag loginManager.updateLogin(l); principalList.add(l); } else { log.debug("Flagged identity with NO_CHANGE attribute"); l.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.NO_CHANGE); principalList.add(l); } } }else { log.debug("Identity changed - RENAME"); // clone the object Login newLg = (Login)origLogin.clone(); // add it back with the changed identity newLg.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.REPLACE); newLg.getId().setLogin(l.getId().getLogin()); //encrypt the password and save it String newPassword = l.getPassword(); if (newPassword == null) { newLg.setPassword(null); }else { try { newLg.setPassword(loginManager.encryptPassword(newPassword)); }catch(EncryptionException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); } } loginManager.changeIdentityName(newLg.getId().getLogin(), newLg.getPassword(), newLg.getUserId(), newLg.getId().getManagedSysId(), newLg.getId().getDomainId()); //loginManager.addLogin(newLg); // we cannot send the encrypted password to the connector // set the password back newLg.setPassword(newPassword); // used the match up the newLg.setOrigPrincipalName(origLogin.getId().getLogin()); principalList.add(newLg); } } } } // if a value is in original list and not in the new list - then add it on for (Login lg : origLoginList) { Login newLogin = getPrincipal(lg.getId(), newLoginList); if (newLogin == null) { lg.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.NO_CHANGE); principalList.add(lg); } } } private boolean notInDeleteResourceList(Login l, List<Resource> deleteResourceList) { if (deleteResourceList == null) { return true; } for ( Resource r : deleteResourceList) { if (l.getId().getManagedSysId().equalsIgnoreCase(r.getManagedSysId())) { return false; } } return true; } /* User Org Affiliation */ public void updateUserOrgAffiliation(String userId, List<Organization> newOrgList) { List<Organization> currentOrgList = orgManager.getOrganizationsForUser(userId); if ( newOrgList != null) { for (Organization o : newOrgList) { if (isCurrentOrgInNewList(o,currentOrgList)) { // do nothing }else { orgManager.addUserToOrg(o.getOrgId(),userId); } } }else { // newOrgList is null - remove the associations if (currentOrgList != null) { for (Organization o : currentOrgList) { orgManager.removeUserFromOrg(o.getOrgId(),userId); } } } // if the current list has orgs that are not in the new list, then delete them if (currentOrgList != null) { for (Organization o : currentOrgList) { if (!isCurrentOrgInNewList(o, newOrgList)) { orgManager.removeUserFromOrg(o.getOrgId(),userId); } } } } private boolean isCurrentOrgInNewList(Organization newOrg, List<Organization> curOrgList) { if (curOrgList != null) { for ( Organization o : curOrgList) { if (o.getOrgId().equals(newOrg.getOrgId())) { System.out.println("-Affiliation found in currentList=" + newOrg.getOrgId()); return true; } } }"-Organization not found in currentList=" + newOrg.getOrgId()); return false; } /* Role Association */ public void updateRoleAssociation(String userId, List<Role> origRoleList, List<Role> newRoleList, List<IdmAuditLog> logList, ProvisionUser pUser, Login primaryIdentity) { log.debug("updating role associations.."); log.debug("origRoleList =" + origRoleList); log.debug("newRoleList=" + newRoleList); // initialize the role lists roleList = new ArrayList<Role>(); deleteRoleList = new ArrayList<Role>(); List<UserRole> currentUserRole = roleDataService.getUserRolesForUser(userId); User user = userMgr.getUserWithDependent(userId,false); if ( (origRoleList == null || origRoleList.size() == 0 ) && (newRoleList == null || newRoleList.size() == 0 )) { return; } // scneario where the original role list is empty but new roles are passed in on the request if ( (origRoleList == null || origRoleList.size() == 0 ) && (newRoleList != null || newRoleList.size() > 0 )) { log.debug("New Role list is not null"); origRoleList = new ArrayList<Role>(); origRoleList.addAll(newRoleList); // update the instance variable so that it can passed to the connector with the right operation code for (Role rl : newRoleList) { rl.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.ADD); roleList.add(rl); UserRole ur = new UserRole(userId, rl.getId().getServiceId(), rl.getId().getRoleId()); if ( rl.getStartDate() != null) { ur.setStartDate(rl.getStartDate()); } if ( rl.getEndDate() != null ) { ur.setEndDate(rl.getEndDate()); } roleDataService.assocUserToRole(ur); logList.add( auditHelper.createLogObject("ADD ROLE", pUser.getRequestorDomain(), pUser.getRequestorLogin(), "IDM SERVICE", user.getCreatedBy(), "0", "USER", user.getUserId(), null, "SUCCESS", null, "USER_STATUS", user.getStatus().toString(), "NA", null, null, null, ur.getRoleId(), pUser.getRequestClientIP(), primaryIdentity.getId().getLogin(), primaryIdentity.getId().getDomainId())); //roleDataService.addUserToRole(rl.getId().getServiceId(), rl.getId().getRoleId(), userId); } return; } // roles were originally assigned to this user, but this request does not have any roles. // need to ensure that old roles are marked with the no-change operation code. if ( (origRoleList != null && origRoleList.size() > 0 ) && (newRoleList == null || newRoleList.size() == 0 )) { log.debug("orig Role list is not null and nothing was passed in for the newRoleList - ie no change"); for (Role r : origRoleList) { r.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.NO_CHANGE); roleList.add(r); } return; } // if in new roleList, but not in old, then add it with operation 1 // else add with operation 2 for (Role r : newRoleList) { if (r.getOperation() == AttributeOperationEnum.DELETE) { log.debug("removing Role :" + r.getId() ); // get the email object from the original set of emails so that we can remove it Role rl = getRole(r.getId(), origRoleList); if (rl != null) { roleDataService.removeUserFromRole(rl.getId().getServiceId(), rl.getId().getRoleId(), userId); logList.add( auditHelper.createLogObject("REMOVE ROLE", pUser.getRequestorDomain(), pUser.getRequestorLogin(), "IDM SERVICE", user.getCreatedBy(), "0", "USER", user.getUserId(), null, "SUCCESS", null, "USER_STATUS", user.getStatus().toString(), "NA", null, null, null, rl.getId().getRoleId(), pUser.getRequestClientIP(), primaryIdentity.getId().getLogin(), primaryIdentity.getId().getDomainId())); } log.debug("Adding role to deleteRoleList =" + rl); this.deleteRoleList.add(rl); //roleList.add(r); }else { // check if this address is in the current list // if it is - see if it has changed // if it is not - add it. System.out.println("evaluate Role" + r.getId()); Role origRole = getRole(r.getId(), origRoleList); System.out.println("OrigRole found=" + origRole); if (origRole == null) { r.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.ADD); roleList.add(r); UserRole ur = new UserRole(userId, r.getId().getServiceId(), r.getId().getRoleId()); if ( r.getStartDate() != null) { ur.setStartDate(r.getStartDate()); } if ( r.getEndDate() != null ) { ur.setEndDate(r.getEndDate()); } roleDataService.assocUserToRole(ur); logList.add( auditHelper.createLogObject("ADD ROLE", pUser.getRequestorDomain(), pUser.getRequestorLogin(), "IDM SERVICE", user.getCreatedBy(), "0", "USER", user.getUserId(), null, "SUCCESS", null, "USER_STATUS", user.getStatus().toString(), "NA", null, null, null, ur.getRoleId(), pUser.getRequestClientIP(),primaryIdentity.getId().getLogin(), primaryIdentity.getId().getDomainId())); //roleDataService.addUserToRole(r.getId().getServiceId(), r.getId().getRoleId(), userId); }else { // get the user role object log.debug("checking if no_change or replace"); //if (r.equals(origRole)) { //UserRole uRole = userRoleAttrEq(r, currentUserRole); if (r.getId().equals(origRole.getId()) && userRoleAttrEq(r, currentUserRole) ) { // not changed log.debug("- no_change "); r.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.NO_CHANGE); roleList.add(r); }else { log.debug("- Attr not eq - replace"); r.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.REPLACE); roleList.add(r); // object changed //UserRole ur = new UserRole(userId, r.getId().getServiceId(), // r.getId().getRoleId()); UserRole ur = getUserRole(r, currentUserRole); if ( ur != null) { if ( r.getStartDate() != null) { ur.setStartDate(r.getStartDate()); } if ( r.getEndDate() != null ) { ur.setEndDate(r.getEndDate()); } if ( r.getStatus() != null ) { ur.setStatus(r.getStatus()); } roleDataService.updateUserRoleAssoc(ur); }else { UserRole usrRl = new UserRole(user.getUserId(), r.getId().getServiceId(), r.getId().getRoleId()); roleDataService.assocUserToRole(usrRl); } } } } } // if a value is in original list and not in the new list - then add it on for (Role rl : origRoleList) { Role newRole = getRole(rl.getId(), newRoleList); if (newRole == null) { rl.setOperation(AttributeOperationEnum.NO_CHANGE); roleList.add(rl); } } } private UserRole getUserRole(Role r, List<UserRole> currentUserRole) { //boolean retval = true; if (currentUserRole == null) { return null; } UserRole ur = null; // get the user role object for (UserRole u : currentUserRole) { if (r.getId().getRoleId().equalsIgnoreCase(u.getRoleId()) && r.getId().getServiceId().equalsIgnoreCase(u.getServiceId())) { return u; } } return null; } private boolean userRoleAttrEq(Role r, List<UserRole> currentUserRole) { //boolean retval = true; if (currentUserRole == null) { return false; } UserRole ur = null; // get the user role object for (UserRole u : currentUserRole) { if (r.getId().getRoleId().equalsIgnoreCase(u.getRoleId()) && r.getId().getServiceId().equalsIgnoreCase(u.getServiceId())) { ur = u; } } if (ur == null) { return false; } if (r.getStatus() != null) { if ( !r.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase(ur.getStatus()) ) { return false; } } if (r.getStartDate() != null) { if ( !r.getStartDate().equals(ur.getStartDate()) ){ return false; } } if (r.getEndDate() != null) { if ( !r.getEndDate().equals(ur.getEndDate()) ){ return false; } } return true; } public void updateSupervisor(User user, Supervisor supervisor) { if (supervisor == null) { return; } // check the current supervisor - if different - remove it and add the new one. List<Supervisor> supervisorList = userMgr.getSupervisors(user.getUserId()); for (Supervisor s : supervisorList) { log.debug("looking to match supervisor ids = " + s.getSupervisor().getUserId() + " " + supervisor.getSupervisor().getUserId()); if (s.getSupervisor().getUserId().equalsIgnoreCase(supervisor.getSupervisor().getUserId())) { return; } userMgr.removeSupervisor(s); } log.debug("adding supervisor: " + supervisor.getSupervisor().getUserId()); supervisor.setEmployee(user); userMgr.addSupervisor(supervisor); } // /** * Update the list of attributes with the correct operation values so that they can be * passed to the connector */ public ExtensibleUser updateAttributeList(org.openiam.provision.type.ExtensibleUser extUser, Map<String,String> currentValueMap ) { if (extUser == null) { return null; } log.debug("updateAttributeList: Updating operations on attributes being passed to connectors"); log.debug("updateAttributeList: Current attributeMap = " + currentValueMap); List<org.openiam.provision.type.ExtensibleAttribute> extAttrList = extUser.getAttributes(); if (extAttrList == null) { log.debug("Extended user attributes is null"); return null; } log.debug("updateAttributeList: New Attribute List = " + extAttrList); if ( extAttrList != null && currentValueMap == null) { for (org.openiam.provision.type.ExtensibleAttribute attr : extAttrList) { attr.setOperation(1); } }else { for (org.openiam.provision.type.ExtensibleAttribute attr : extAttrList) { String nm = attr.getName(); if (currentValueMap == null) { attr.setOperation(1); }else { String curVal = currentValueMap.get(nm); if (curVal == null) { // temp hack if (nm.equalsIgnoreCase("objectclass")) { attr.setOperation(2); }else { log.debug("- Op = 1 - AttrName = " +nm ); attr.setOperation(1); } }else { if (curVal.equalsIgnoreCase(attr.getValue())) { log.debug("- Op = 0 - AttrName = " +nm ); attr.setOperation(0); }else { log.debug("- Op = 2 - AttrName = " +nm ); attr.setOperation(2); } } } } } return extUser; } public RoleDataService getRoleDataService() { return roleDataService; } public void setRoleDataService(RoleDataService roleDataService) { this.roleDataService = roleDataService; } public GroupDataService getGroupManager() { return groupManager; } public void setGroupManager(GroupDataService groupManager) { this.groupManager = groupManager; } public UserDataService getUserMgr() { return userMgr; } public void setUserMgr(UserDataService userMgr) { this.userMgr = userMgr; } public LoginDataService getLoginManager() { return loginManager; } public void setLoginManager(LoginDataService loginManager) { this.loginManager = loginManager; } public AuditHelper getAuditHelper() { return auditHelper; } public void setAuditHelper(AuditHelper auditHelper) { this.auditHelper = auditHelper; } public Set<EmailAddress> getEmailSet() { return emailSet; } public void setEmailSet(Set<EmailAddress> emailSet) { this.emailSet = emailSet; } public Set<Phone> getPhoneSet() { return phoneSet; } public void setPhoneSet(Set<Phone> phoneSet) { this.phoneSet = phoneSet; } public Set<Address> getAddressSet() { return addressSet; } public void setAddressSet(Set<Address> addressSet) { this.addressSet = addressSet; } public List<Group> getGroupList() { return groupList; } public void setGroupList(List<Group> groupList) { this.groupList = groupList; } public List<Role> getActiveRoleList() { log.debug("Determining activeRole List. RoleList =" + roleList); List<Role> rList = new ArrayList<Role>(); // create a list of roles that are not in the deleted list for ( Role r : roleList) { boolean found =false; log.debug("- Role=" + r); if (deleteRoleList != null && !deleteRoleList.isEmpty()) { for ( Role delRl : deleteRoleList) { if (!found && r.getId().getRoleId().equalsIgnoreCase(delRl.getId().getRoleId())) { found = true; } } } if (!found) { log.debug("- Adding Role=" + r); rList.add(r); } } return rList; } /** * If the user has selected roles that are in multiple domains, we need to make sure that they identities for * each of these domains * @param primaryIdentity * @param roleList */ public void validateIdentitiesExistforSecurityDomain(Login primaryIdentity, List<Role> roleList) { log.debug("validateIdentitiesExistforSecurityDomain"); List<Login> identityList = loginManager.getLoginByUser(primaryIdentity.getUserId()); String managedSysId = primaryIdentity.getId().getManagedSysId(); log.debug("Identitylist =" + identityList); for (Role r : roleList) { String secDomain = r.getId().getServiceId(); if (!identityInDomain(secDomain, managedSysId ,identityList)) { log.debug("Adding identity to :" + secDomain); addIdentity(secDomain, primaryIdentity); } } // determine if we should remove an identity for (Login l : identityList) { if (l.getId().getManagedSysId().equalsIgnoreCase(managedSysId)) { boolean found = false; for ( Role r : roleList) { if (r.getId().getServiceId().equalsIgnoreCase(l.getId().getDomainId())) { found = true ; } } if (!found) { if ( l.getId().getManagedSysId().equalsIgnoreCase( "0" )) { // primary identity - do not delete. Just disable its status log.debug("Primary identity - chagne its status"); l.setStatus("INACTIVE"); loginManager.updateLogin(l); }else { log.debug("Removing identity for :" + l.getId() ); loginManager.removeLogin(l.getId().getDomainId(), l.getId().getLogin(), l.getId().getManagedSysId()); } } } } } private boolean identityInDomain(String secDomain, String managedSysId, List<Login> identityList) { log.debug("IdentityinDomain =" + secDomain + "-" + managedSysId); for (Login l : identityList) { if ( l.getId().getDomainId().equalsIgnoreCase(secDomain) && l.getId().getManagedSysId().equalsIgnoreCase(managedSysId)) { return true; } } return false; } private void addIdentity(String secDomain, Login primaryIdentity) { if ( loginManager.getLoginByManagedSys(secDomain,primaryIdentity.getId().getLogin(), primaryIdentity.getId().getManagedSysId()) == null ){ LoginId id = new LoginId(secDomain,primaryIdentity.getId().getLogin(), primaryIdentity.getId().getManagedSysId()); Login newLg = new Login(); newLg.setId(id); newLg.setAuthFailCount(0); newLg.setFirstTimeLogin(primaryIdentity.getFirstTimeLogin()); newLg.setIsLocked(primaryIdentity.getIsLocked()); newLg.setLastAuthAttempt(primaryIdentity.getLastAuthAttempt()); newLg.setGracePeriod(primaryIdentity.getGracePeriod()); newLg.setManagedSysName(primaryIdentity.getManagedSysName()); newLg.setPassword(primaryIdentity.getPassword()); newLg.setPasswordChangeCount(primaryIdentity.getPasswordChangeCount()); newLg.setStatus(primaryIdentity.getStatus()); newLg.setIsLocked(primaryIdentity.getIsLocked()); newLg.setOrigPrincipalName(primaryIdentity.getOrigPrincipalName()); newLg.setUserId(primaryIdentity.getUserId()); newLg.setResetPassword(primaryIdentity.getResetPassword()); log.debug("Adding identity = " + newLg); loginManager.addLogin(newLg); } } public List<Role> getRoleList() { return roleList; } public void setRoleList(List<Role> roleList) { this.roleList = roleList; } public List<Login> getPrincipalList() { return principalList; } public void setPrincipalList(List<Login> principalList) { this.principalList = principalList; } public void setUserAttributes(Map<String, UserAttribute> userAttributes) { this.userAttributes = userAttributes; } public List<Role> getDeleteRoleList() { return deleteRoleList; } public void setDeleteRoleList(List<Role> deleteRoleList) { this.deleteRoleList = deleteRoleList; } public OrganizationDataService getOrgManager() { return orgManager; } public void setOrgManager(OrganizationDataService orgManager) { this.orgManager = orgManager; } }