package org.netxilia.server.js; import static org.netxilia.server.js.NX.nx; import static org.netxilia.server.jslib.NetxiliaGlobal.$; import static org.stjs.javascript.Global.$array; import static org.stjs.javascript.Global.$map; import static org.stjs.javascript.Global.$or; import static org.stjs.javascript.Global.alert; import static org.stjs.javascript.Global.encodeURIComponent; import static org.stjs.javascript.Global.parseInt; import static org.stjs.javascript.Global.setTimeout; import static org.stjs.javascript.Global.window; import static org.stjs.javascript.JSStringAdapter.fromCharCode; import static org.stjs.javascript.JSStringAdapter.match; import static org.stjs.javascript.JSStringAdapter.replace; import org.netxilia.server.js.TreeView.TreeNode; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.netxilia.server.js.editors.EditingContext; import org.netxilia.server.jslib.NetxiliaJQuery; import org.netxilia.server.jslib.OpenFlashChart; import org.stjs.javascript.Array; import org.stjs.javascript.Date; import org.stjs.javascript.Map; import org.stjs.javascript.RegExp; import org.stjs.javascript.dom.Element; import org.stjs.javascript.dom.Input; import org.stjs.javascript.dom.TableCell; import org.stjs.javascript.dom.TableRow; import org.stjs.javascript.functions.Callback0; import org.stjs.javascript.functions.Callback1; import org.stjs.javascript.functions.Callback2; import org.stjs.javascript.functions.Callback3; import org.stjs.javascript.functions.Function1; import org.stjs.javascript.jquery.AjaxParams; import org.stjs.javascript.jquery.Event; import org.stjs.javascript.jquery.EventHandler; import org.stjs.javascript.jquery.JQueryXHR; import org.stjs.javascript.jquery.Position; import org.stjs.javascript.jquery.plugins.DraggableOptions; import org.stjs.javascript.jquery.plugins.DraggableUI; import org.stjs.javascript.jquery.plugins.ResizableOptions; import org.stjs.javascript.jquery.plugins.ResizeableUI; import org.stjs.javascript.jquery.plugins.UIEventHandler; public class Sheet { public NetxiliaJQuery container; // this is the div in the main window private NetxiliaJQuery cellContainer; // this is the div in the cell iframe public boolean loaded = false; // becomes true when the iframe containing the cells finished loading public NetxiliaJQuery table; private NetxiliaJQuery fixedRowsTable; public CellRange selection; public NetxiliaJQuery selectionContent; private NetxiliaJQuery selectedArea; private TableCell selectionStartTd; // the TD where the user clicked when he starts selecting more cells // sheet ; private NetxiliaJQuery selector; private NetxiliaJQuery replicator; private boolean mouseDown = false; private boolean replicatorDown = false; private boolean hasFormulaCells = false; private CellRange captureSelection; private Map<Long, ConnectedWindow> windows; // these are the other windows editing the same sheet private int resizedCol = -1; private boolean resizingCol = false; public EditingContext editingContext; private TreeView treeView; public String filter; public int pageNo = 0; private int pageCount = 1; private int fixedRows = 0; private int fixedCols = 0; public SheetDescription desc; private NetxiliaJQuery rows; private Map<Integer, Integer> mapTrToRow; private Map<Integer, Integer> mapRowToTr; private int minRow = 0; private int maxRow = 0; // these are the indices of non-hidden TR private int firstTr = 0; private int lastTr = 0; public Map<String, String> aliases; private long lastChangeTime = 0; public boolean waitForKeypress = false; private NetxiliaJQuery aliasName; private NetxiliaJQuery colAliasNames; private NetxiliaJQuery aliasRef; private NetxiliaJQuery formulaTip; private boolean hasMarkedCells; private Element focusElement; public boolean filterFormula; private Array<ChartDescription> charts; private Array<String> spans; private NetxiliaJQuery layout; public Shortcuts shortcuts; protected NetxiliaJQuery colResizer; protected int resizerStart; private NetxiliaJQuery nxtable; private NetxiliaJQuery rowResizer; public int columnCount() { // return this.cols.length; return this.colIndex($(this.rows.get(0)).children().size(), true); } /** * * @param row * @return the rowIndex in the sheet's table by offseting with the hidden rows */ public Integer rowIndex(int row, boolean trToRow) { Integer ret = trToRow ? this.mapTrToRow.$get(row) : this.mapRowToTr.$get(row); // if (ret == null) // ret = trToRow ? this.mapTrToRow[1] : 1; return ret; } public int colIndex(int col, boolean tdToCol) { return tdToCol ? col - 1 : col + 1; } /** * rows and cols are 0-based */ public Cell cell(Object p1, Object p2) { // TODO need to handle fixed rows and cells also // this.rows, this.table contain only non-fixed rows Integer c = (Integer) p2, r = (Integer) p1; if (p2 == null) { c = ((JsCellReference) p1).col; r = ((JsCellReference) p1).row; } Integer trId = this.rowIndex(r, false); if (trId == null) { trId = this.fixedRows + 1; } // r = bind(r, 0, this.rows.length - 1); Element tr = this.rows.get(trId); TableCell td = $(tr).tdAtIndex(this.colIndex(c, false)); return new Cell(this, r, c, td); } private Cell cellFromTd(TableCell td) { TableRow tr = (TableRow) td.parentNode; Integer tdIndex = $(td).getNonColSpanIndex(); return new Cell(this, this.rowIndex(tr.rowIndex, true), this.colIndex(tdIndex, true), td); } private void showRows(boolean show) { if (show) { $(".collapsed", this.table).removeClass("collapsed"); } else { $("tr", this.table).addClass("collapsed"); } } private void showRow(int row, boolean show) { Integer r = this.rowIndex(row, false);// nth-child is 1-based - but it seems tha jquery does not take hidden !? if (show) { $("tr:nth(" + r + ")", this.table).removeClass("collapsed"); } else { $("tr:nth(" + r + ")", this.table).addClass("collapsed"); } } private void setRowNums(int startRow, int startTr) { int row = startRow; for (int r = startTr; r < this.rows.size(); ++r, ++row) { $(this.rows.get(r)).find("th").text(row + 1); } } private void insertRow(int row) { String s = "<tr>"; s += "<th>" + (row + 1) + "</th>"; int colCount = this.columnCount(); for (int i = 0; i < colCount; ++i) { s += "<td></td>"; } s += "</tr>"; int tr = this.rowIndex(row, false); $(this.rows.get(tr)).before(s); this.setRowNums(row + 1, tr); this.initTable(); } private void deleteRow(int row) { int tr = this.rowIndex(row, false);// nth-child is 1-based - but it seems tha jquery does not take hidden !? $(this.rows.get(tr)).remove(); this.setRowNums(row - 1, tr); this.initTable(); } private void insertColumn(int col) { this.viewPage(this.pageNo, false); int c = this.colIndex(col, false) + 1;// nth-child is 1-based // !! because the first column in the fixedRowsTable has a TH not a column header, use -1 on indexes this.rows.find("td:nth-child(" + c + ")").before("<td></td>"); this.fixedRowsTable.find("tr.labels th:nth-child(" + c + ")").before("<th style='width:80px'></th>"); this.fixedRowsTable.find("tr.aliases th:nth-child(" + c + ")").before("<th><input type='text' value=''></th>"); this.container.nxtable("refreshTotalWidth"); this.rebuildColumnHeaders(c - 1); } private void deleteColumn(int col) { this.viewPage(this.pageNo, false); int c = this.colIndex(col, false) + 1;// nth-child is 1-based // !! because the first column in the fixedRowsTable has a TH not a column header, use -1 on indexes NetxiliaJQuery $td = $(".cells .cw td:eq(" + c + ")", this.cellContainer); this.container.nxtable("refreshTotalWidth"); $("tr td:nth-child(" + c + ")", this.table).remove(); $("tr th:nth-child(" + (c - 1) + ")", this.fixedRowsTable).remove(); this.rebuildColumnHeaders(c - 1); } private void resizeColumn(int col, int w) { int tdIndex = this.colIndex(col, false); NetxiliaJQuery $col = $("tr:first th:eq(" + tdIndex + ")", this.fixedRowsTable); NetxiliaJQuery $td = $(" td:eq(" + (tdIndex - 1) + ")", this.table); $td.width(w); $col.width(w); this.container.nxtable("refreshTotalWidth");; } private void rebuildColumnHeaders(int start) { for (int c = start; c < this.columnCount(); ++c) { String label = this.columnLabel(this.colIndex(c - 1, true)); $("tr.labels th:nth-child(" + c + ")", this.fixedRowsTable).text(label); $("tr.aliases th:nth-child(" + c + ") input", this.fixedRowsTable).attr("id", "alias-" + label); } this.aliasName = $("tr.aliases th.alias input", this.fixedRowsTable); this.colAliasNames = $("tr.aliases th input", this.fixedRowsTable); } private String columnLabel(Integer col) { // TODO convert to more than one-letter code return col != null ? fromCharCode(String.class, 65 + col) : ""; } private String rowLabel(Integer row) { return row != null ? "" + (row + 1) : ""; } public String cellRef(int row, int col, boolean fixedCol, boolean fixedRow, boolean addSheetName) { return (addSheetName ? + "!" : "") + (fixedCol ? "$" : "") + this.columnLabel(col) + (fixedRow ? "$" : "") + (row + 1); } public String areaRef(int startRow, int startCol, int endRow, int endCol, boolean addSheetName) { return (addSheetName ? + "!" : "") + this.columnLabel(startCol) + this.rowLabel(startRow) + ":" + this.columnLabel(endCol) + this.rowLabel(endRow); } private void setSpans(Array<String> areas, boolean merged) { for (Integer a : areas) { JsAreaReference area = nx.utils.parseAreaReference(areas.$get(a)); for (int r = area.topLeft.row; r <= area.bottomRight.row; ++r) { for (int c = area.topLeft.col; c <= area.bottomRight.col; ++c) { boolean topLeftCell = r == area.topLeft.row && c == area.topLeft.col; int rowSpan = merged ? (topLeftCell ? area.bottomRight.row - area.topLeft.row + 1 : -1) : 1; int colSpan = merged ? (topLeftCell ? area.bottomRight.col - area.topLeft.col + 1 : -1) : 1; this.cell(r, c).span(rowSpan, colSpan); } } } } /******* charts ***********/ private void chartMoved(Element chartDiv) { NetxiliaJQuery $chart = $(chartDiv); int id = parseInt($chart.attr("id").substring(5)); nx.resources.charts.move(this.desc.workbook,, id, parseInt($chart.css("left")), parseInt($chart.css("top")), $chart.width(), $chart.height(), null, null); } private void chartRefresh(int id) { NetxiliaJQuery swf = $("#chartFlash" + id, this.cellContainer); ((OpenFlashChart) swf.get(0)).reload( + "/rest/charts/" + this.desc.workbook + "/" + + "/" + id); } private void chartDelete(int id) { final Sheet that = this; nx.resources.charts.del(this.desc.workbook,, id, new Callback1<Void>() { @Override public void $invoke(Void v) { that.reload(); } }, null); } private void chartSettings(int id) {;, this.charts.$get(id)); } /*********** interaction *************/ private boolean editMode() { return this.editingContext.editor != null; } private void moveMode(Shortcuts sh, String key, final Callback0 f) { final Sheet that = this; sh.add(key, new Function1<Event, Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean $invoke(Event p1) { if (that.editMode() && !that.editingContext.defaultEditor && that.captureSelection == null) { return true; } f.$invoke(); return false; } }, true); } private void moveSelection(int dc, int dr, boolean ignoreEditorDefault) { // CHECK HERE if (!ignoreEditorDefault && this.captureSelection != null) { this.captureSelection.move(dc, dr); this.editingContext.setCaptureSelection(this.captureSelection); return; } if (!ignoreEditorDefault && !this.editingContext.defaultEditor) { return; } this.beforeSelectionChanged(); this.editingContext.hide(); this.selection.move(dc, dr); this.selectionChanged(); this.container.nxtable("makeVisible", this.rowIndex(this.selection.start.row, false), this.colIndex(this.selection.start.col, false)); } private void moveSelectionToLimits(boolean firstRow, boolean firstCol, boolean lastRow, boolean lastCol) { this.editingContext.hide(); int r = firstRow ? this.minRow : this.selection.start.row; r = lastRow ? this.maxRow : r; int c = firstCol ? 0 : this.selection.start.col; c = lastCol ? this.columnCount() - 1 : c; this.selectionRange(r, c, r, c, false, false); this.container.nxtable("makeVisible", this.rowIndex(this.selection.start.row, false), this.colIndex(this.selection.start.col, false)); } private int rowFromPosition(int y) { for (int r = this.minRow + 1; r <= this.maxRow; ++r) { int rt = $(this.rows.get(this.rowIndex(r, false))).offset().top; if (rt > y) { return r - 1; } } return this.maxRow; } private void moveSelectionPage(String dir) { NetxiliaJQuery cellsDiv = $(".cellsDiv", this.container); Bounds div = cellsDiv.scrollBounds(); int r = this.rowFromPosition(dir == "down" ? (int) org.stjs.javascript.Math.min(div.b, this.table.height() - div.h) : div.t - div.h); int rt = $(this.rows.get(this.rowIndex(r, false))).offset().top; this.selectionRange(r, this.selection.start.col, r, this.selection.start.col, false, false); cellsDiv.scrollTop(rt); } public void selectionRange(int startRow, int startCol, int endRow, int endCol, boolean fullRow, boolean fullCol) { this.beforeSelectionChanged(); this.selection.setRange(this.cell(startRow, startCol), this.cell(endRow, endCol), false, fullRow, fullCol); this.selectionChanged(); } private void selectionRangeTd(TableCell startTd, TableCell endTd, boolean withReplicator) { if (this.captureSelection != null) { this.captureSelection.setRange(startTd != null ? this.cellFromTd(startTd) : null, // endTd != null ? this.cellFromTd(endTd) : null, false, false, false); this.editingContext.setCaptureSelection(this.captureSelection); return; } this.beforeSelectionChanged(); this.selection.setRange(startTd != null ? this.cellFromTd(startTd) : null, // endTd != null ? this.cellFromTd(endTd) : null, withReplicator, false, false); this.selectionChanged(); } private void positionElementOnCell(NetxiliaJQuery elem, Cell cell) { Position parentPos = this.table.parent().offset(); Position pos = cell.$td.offset(); -=; pos.left -= parentPos.left; int w = cell.$td.innerWidth(), h = cell.$td.innerHeight(); elem.css($map("top",, "left", pos.left, "width", w, "height", h)); } private void placeSelectors() { NetxiliaJQuery startCell = this.selection.start.$td; Position parentPos = this.table.parent().offset(); -= this.table.parent().scrollTop(); parentPos.left -= this.table.parent().scrollLeft(); Position pos = startCell.offset(); -=; pos.left -= parentPos.left; int w = 60, h = 16; // because of chrome that behaves strangely when cells are hidden if (startCell.css("display") != "none") { w = startCell.innerWidth(); h = startCell.innerHeight(); } NetxiliaJQuery endCell = this.selection.end.$td; Position epos = pos; int ew = w, eh = h; if (startCell != endCell) { epos = endCell.offset(); -=; epos.left -= parentPos.left; if (endCell.css("display") != "none") { ew = endCell.outerWidth(); eh = endCell.outerHeight(); } } this.selector.css($map("top",, "left", pos.left, "width", w, "height", h)); this.selectionContent.css($map("top",, "left", pos.left)); this.selectedArea.css($map("top",, "left", pos.left, "width", epos.left - pos.left + ew, "height", - + eh)); if (this.selection.start.formula() != null) { this.formulaTip.css($map("top", + 2 * h, "left", pos.left + 40)); } if (this.selection.replicated) { this.replicator.css($map("top", + eh, "left", epos.left + ew)); } else { this.replicator.css($map("top", + h, "left", pos.left + w)); } } private void beforeSelectionChanged() { if (this.selection.start != null) { // value from editor -> cell if (this.editingContext.hasValueChanged()) { String value = this.editingContext.value(); if (this.editingContext.defaultEditor) { // check for smart-edit String crtFormula = this.selection.start.formula(); if (crtFormula != null) { RegExp re = new RegExp("([\\(+\\-*%=\\/]+\\s*)\\(\\d+\\)", "g"); if (match(crtFormula, re) != null) { value = replace(crtFormula, re, "$1(" + value + ")"); } } } this.lastChangeTime = new Date().getTime(); nx.resources.cells.setValue(this.desc.workbook, this.selection.start.ref(true), value, null); } } } /** * called anytime the selection changed. TODO use events */ private void selectionChanged() { this.selectionContent.val(this.selection.editableValue()); this.editingContext.hide(); this.markFormulaCells(null); if (this.selection.start.formula() != null) { this.formulaTip.html(this.selection.start.formula());; } else { this.formulaTip.hide(); } this.placeSelectors(); this.focusSelectionContent(); // select row & column headers $(".sel", this.fixedRowsTable).removeClass("sel"); $(".sel", this.table).removeClass("sel"); if (!this.selection.fullCol) { for (int r = this.selection.start.row; r <= this.selection.end.row; ++r) { $("tr:nth(" + (this.rowIndex(r, false)) + ") th", this.table).addClass("sel"); } } if (!this.selection.fullRow) { for (int c = this.selection.start.col; c <= this.selection.end.col; ++c) { $("tr.labels th:nth(" + (this.colIndex(c, false)) + ")", this.fixedRowsTable).addClass("sel"); } } if (!nx.utils.isEmptyObject( {, this.selection.ref(true), null, null); } String ref = this.selection.ref(false); this.aliasRef.text(ref); this.aliasName.val($or(this.aliases.$get(ref), ""));; } /** * called to display the selection made in another window opened to the same sheet */ private void markSelection(String areaRef, WindowIndex windowId) { ConnectedWindow s =$get(; if (s == null) { return; } JsAreaReference ref = nx.utils.parseAreaReference(areaRef); if (ref == null || ref.topLeft == null) { return; } this.positionElementOnCell(s.selector, this.cell(ref.topLeft, null)); } /** * display the editor for the current selection. and mark the areas in the formula */ private void showEditor() { this.editingContext.edit(this.selection.start, null, null); this.markFormulaCells(this.selection.start.formula()); } private void toggleMarkArea(JsAreaReference ref, String css) { this.markArea(this.hasMarkedCells ? null : ref, css); } private void markArea(JsAreaReference ref, String css) { if (ref != null) { if (ref.topLeft.sheet == null || ref.topLeft.sheet == { for (int r = ref.topLeft.row; r <= ref.bottomRight.row; ++r) { for (int c = ref.topLeft.col; c <= ref.bottomRight.col; ++c) { Cell cell = this.cell(r, c); cell.$td.addClass(css); } } } this.hasMarkedCells = true; } else { this.table.find("td." + css).removeClass(css); this.hasMarkedCells = false; } } private void markFormulaCells(String formula) { if (this.hasMarkedCells) { this.markArea(null, "formula"); } if (formula == null || formula.length() < 1 || formula.charAt(0) != '=') { this.captureSelection = null; return; } Array<JsAreaReference> refs = nx.utils.findReferencesInFormula(formula); for (Integer i : refs) { JsAreaReference ref = refs.$get(i); this.markArea(ref, "formula"); } } private void addWindow(WindowInfo windowInfo) { long wid =; ConnectedWindow s = new ConnectedWindow(wid, windowInfo.username, $("<div class='selector-other'></div>") .appendTo(this.cellContainer));$put(, s); } private void removeWindow(WindowInfo windowInfo) { long wid =; ConnectedWindow s =$get(wid); if (s == null) { return; } s.selector.remove();$delete(; } private void clearCells() { nx.resources.cells.setValue(this.desc.workbook, this.selection.ref(true), "", null); } private void cancelEdit() { this.editingContext.hide(); this.markFormulaCells(null); } private void borders(Map<String, Array<String>> borderStyle) { if (borderStyle == null) { // clear all cells nx.resources.cells.applyStyle(this.desc.workbook, this.areaRef( (int) org.stjs.javascript.Math.max(this.selection.start.row - 1, 0), (int) org.stjs.javascript.Math.max(this.selection.start.col - 1, 0), this.selection.end.row, this.selection.end.col, true), "br bb bt bl", "clear", null); return; } Array<CellWithStyle> updates = this.selection.borders(borderStyle); for (int u : updates) { nx.resources.cells.applyStyle(this.desc.workbook, updates.$get(u).ref, updates.$get(u).style, "add", null); } this.focusSelectionContent(); } public void checkAutoInsertRow() { if ( { this.moveSelection(0, 1, true); } } private void buildTreeView(boolean refresh) { final Sheet controller = this; if (refresh) { $(".tree", this.table).removeClass("tree"); } this.treeView = new TreeView(); for (int r = this.minRow; r <= this.maxRow; ++r) { int level = -1; for (int c = 0; c < this.columnCount(); ++c) { String v = this.cell(r, c).valueAsString(null); if (v != null && v.length() > 0) { level = c; break; } } if (level >= 0) { this.treeView.node(level, "" + r, null); } } this.treeView.walk(new Callback1<TreeView.TreeNode>() { @Override public void $invoke(TreeNode n) { if (n.children.$length() > 0) { controller.cell(n.key, n.level).$td.addClass("tree"); } } }, null); } /** * toggles to tree view */ public void toggleTreeView() { if (this.treeView == null) { this.buildTreeView(false); } else { // clear all nodes this.showRows(true); $(".tree", this.table).removeClass("tree"); this.treeView = null; } } private void toggleTreeNode(TableCell td) { final Sheet controller = this; Cell cell = this.cellFromTd(td); TreeView.TreeNode n = this.treeView.nodes.$get("" + cell.row); final boolean expand = cell.$td.hasClass("collapsed"); if (expand) { cell.$td.removeClass("collapsed"); } else { cell.$td.addClass("collapsed"); } this.treeView.walk(new Callback1<TreeView.TreeNode>() { @Override public void $invoke(TreeNode nc) { controller.showRow(parseInt(nc.key), expand); } }, n); } /** * toggle the filter-by-cell. */ public void toggleFilter(boolean useFormula) { this.filterFormula = useFormula; if (this.filter == null) { this.filter = null; } else { this.filter = useFormula ? this.selection.start.formula() : "=" + this.cellRef(0, this.selection.start.col, false, false, false) + "=" + this.selection.start.absoluteRef(false); } this.reload(); } /** * display the column aliases in the input boxes */ private void displayAliases() { // set column aliases int colCount = this.columnCount(); for (int i = 0; i < colCount; ++i) { String colLabel = this.columnLabel(i); $("#alias-" + colLabel, this.fixedRowsTable).val($or(this.aliases.$get(colLabel + ":" + colLabel), "")); } } /** * events */ public void processEvents(Array<NetxiliaEvent> events) { boolean refreshSelection = false; Array<Integer> rowsToResize = $array(); long t1 = new Date().getTime(); // this id for cell event for (int e : events) { NetxiliaEvent ev = events.$get(e); if (ev.type == "cellModified") { for (int d : { EventData evd =$get(d); Cell cell = this.cell(evd.row, evd.column); cell.valueAsString($or(evd.formattedValue, "")); cell.setCss(; cell.setValue(evd.value); rowsToResize.push(this.rowIndex(cell.row, false)); } } else if (ev.type == "rowInserted") { this.insertRow(ev.row); refreshSelection = true; } else if (ev.type == "rowDeleted") { this.deleteRow(ev.row); refreshSelection = true; } else if (ev.type == "columnInserted") { this.insertColumn(ev.column); refreshSelection = true; } else if (ev.type == "columnDeleted") { this.deleteColumn(ev.column); refreshSelection = true; } else if (ev.type == "columnModified") { this.resizeColumn(ev.column, ev.width); refreshSelection = true; } else if (ev.type == "cellSelected") { this.markSelection(ev.selectedArea, ev.windowInfo.windowId); } else if (ev.type == "sheetModified") { // this.reload(); this.aliases = (Map) $or(nx.utils.reverseMap(ev.aliases), $map()); this.displayAliases(); // set spans spans Diff<String> diff = nx.utils.diff(this.spans, ev.spans); this.setSpans(diff.deleted, false); this.setSpans(diff.added, true); this.spans = ev.spans; } } if (refreshSelection) { this.selection.refresh(); } this.selectionContent.val(this.selection.editableValue()); if ( == this) { this.focusSelectionContent(); } this.placeSelectors(); if (this.treeView != null) { this.buildTreeView(true); } long t2 = new Date().getTime(); //"event time: " + (t2-t1) + " start since lastChange:" + (t1 - this.lastChangeTime)); } public void focusSelectionContent() { this.selectionContent.focus();; } public void syncScroll(Sheet sheet) { this.container.nxtable("scrollLeft", sheet.container.nxtable("scrollLeft")); } public void syncColumnSizes(Sheet sheet) { int w = sheet.table.width(); this.table.width(w); $(".cells .cw", this.cellContainer).html($(".cells .cw", sheet.cellContainer).html()); } public void viewPage(int p, boolean showPageOnly) { final Sheet that = this; $(".pager table tbody tr.crt", this.container).removeClass("crt"); this.pageNo = p; $(".pager table tbody tr:nth(" + this.pageNo + ")", this.container).addClass("crt"); if (!showPageOnly) { String u = this.desc.context + "/rest/sheets/" + this.desc.workbook + "/" + + "?start=" + (this.pageNo *; if (this.filter != null) { u += "&filter=" + encodeURIComponent(this.filter); } final String uu = u; $.ajax(new AjaxParams() { { url = uu; success = new Callback3<String, String, JQueryXHR>() { @Override public void $invoke(String html, String status, JQueryXHR request) { that.table.replaceWith(html); that.initTable(); that.initSelection(); that.handleMouse(true); } }; error = new Callback3<JQueryXHR, String, String>() { @Override public void $invoke(JQueryXHR p1, String p2, String p3) { alert("Could not change the page!"); } }; } }); } } private void buildPager() { NetxiliaJQuery $pager = $(".pager", this.container); if (this.pageCount <= 1) { this.layout.threeColumn("right", 0); return; } String content = "<table style='width:100%;'>"; content += "<thead><tr><th>ROWS</th></tr></thead>"; content += "<tbody>"; for (int p = 1; p <= this.pageCount; ++p) { content += "<tr><td>"; content += ( * (p - 1) + 1); content += "</td></tr>"; } content += "</tbody>"; content += "</table>"; $pager.html(content); this.layout.threeColumn("right", 60); } public void reload() { this.viewPage(this.pageNo, false); } private void changeAlias(String oldAlias, String newAlias, String ref) { oldAlias = $or(oldAlias, ""); newAlias = $or(newAlias, ""); if (oldAlias != newAlias) { if (oldAlias != "") { nx.resources.sheets.deleteAlias(this.desc.workbook,, oldAlias, null, null); } if (newAlias != "") { nx.resources.sheets.setAlias(this.desc.workbook,, newAlias, ref, null, null); } } } /** * handlers for mouse interaction */ private void handleMouse(boolean tableOnly) { final Sheet that = this; if (tableOnly) { $(this.table).mousedown(new EventHandler() { @Override public boolean onEvent(Event ev, Element THIS) {; // trigger first the blur event that is canceled by "return false" from this function if (that.focusElement != null) { $(that.focusElement).blur(); } NetxiliaJQuery $td = null; if ( == "div" && == "merge") { $td = $(; } else if ( == "td") { $td = $(; } else if ( == "th") { // row headers NetxiliaJQuery $th = $(; int r = that.rowIndex(((TableRow) $th.get(0).parentNode).rowIndex, true); that.selectionRange(r, 0, r, that.columnCount() - 1, true, false); return false; } else if ( == "ck-format") { $td = $(; boolean ck = !((Input);// the checked flag will change after this method nx.resources.cells.setValue(that.desc.workbook, that.cellFromTd((TableCell) $td.get(0)).ref(true), ck ? "true" : "false", null); return true; } if ($td != null) { if (that.treeView != null && $td.hasClass("tree") && ev.pageX - $td.offset().left <= 10) { that.toggleTreeNode((TableCell); return false; } that.mouseDown = true; if (ev.shiftKey) { that.selectionRangeTd(that.selectionStartTd, (TableCell) $td.get(0), false); } else { that.selectionStartTd = (TableCell) $td.get(0); that.selectionRangeTd((TableCell) $td.get(0), null, false); } if ($.browser.safari) { // just to take the focus // that.editingContext.showDefaultEditor(that.selection.start); // that.editingContext.hide(); } } return false; } }); $(this.table).mousemove(new EventHandler() { @Override public boolean onEvent(Event ev, Element THIS) { if ( == "td") { if (that.replicatorDown) { that.selectionRangeTd(that.selectionStartTd, (TableCell), true); } else if (that.mouseDown) { that.selectionRangeTd(that.selectionStartTd, (TableCell), false); } } return false; } }); return; } this.selector.mousedown(new EventHandler() { @Override public boolean onEvent(Event ev, Element THIS) {; // trigger first the blur event that is canceled by "return false" from this function if (that.focusElement != null) { $(that.focusElement).blur(); } that.selectionRange(that.selection.start.row, that.selection.start.col, that.selection.end.row, that.selection.end.col, false, false); return false; } }); /** double click puts up directly the edit text */ this.selector.dblclick(new EventHandler() { @Override public boolean onEvent(Event ev, Element THIS) { that.showEditor(); return false; } }); // column headers $("tr.labels th", this.fixedRowsTable).live("mousemove", new EventHandler() { @Override public boolean onEvent(Event ev, Element THIS) { if (that.resizingCol) { return false; } NetxiliaJQuery $th = $(THIS); Position pos = $th.offset(); Position parentPos = that.colResizer.parent().offset(); int w = $th.outerWidth(); int d = 0; if (Math.abs(pos.left - ev.pageX) < 20) { d = 0; } else if (Math.abs(pos.left + w - ev.pageX) < 20) { d = 1; } else { that.colResizer.hide(); return false; } int h = $th.outerHeight(); // this is the column that has its right edge moving that.resizedCol = ((TableCell) THIS).cellIndex - 2 + d; that.colResizer.css($map("left", pos.left + d * w - 5 - parentPos.left, "height", h)); // that.colResizer.draggable('option', 'containment', [0, - 1, 10000, + h + 1]);; return false; } }).live("mousedown", new EventHandler() { @Override public boolean onEvent(Event ev, Element THIS) {; // TODO should use full column selectors. ex: C:C int c = that.colIndex(((TableCell) THIS).cellIndex, true); that.selectionRange(that.minRow, c, that.maxRow, c, false, true); return false; } }); this.colResizer.bind("dragstart", new EventHandler() { @Override public boolean onEvent(Event ev, Element THIS) { that.resizingCol = true; that.resizerStart = ev.pageX; return false; } }); this.colResizer.bind("dragstop", new EventHandler() { @Override public boolean onEvent(Event ev, Element THIS) { int cw = $(".cw td:eq(" + that.resizedCol + ")", that.table).width(); nx.resources.columns.modify(that.desc.workbook,, that.resizedCol, cw + (ev.pageX - that.resizerStart), null); that.placeSelectors(); that.resizedCol = -1; that.resizingCol = false; that.colResizer.hide(); return false; } }); this.selector.mousedown(new EventHandler() { @Override public boolean onEvent(Event ev, Element THIS) { that.mouseDown = true; return false; } }); this.replicator.mousedown(new EventHandler() { @Override public boolean onEvent(Event ev, Element THIS) { that.replicatorDown = true; return false; } }); $(this.cellContainer).mouseup(new EventHandler() { @Override public boolean onEvent(Event ev, Element THIS) { if (that.replicatorDown) {; } that.mouseDown = false; that.replicatorDown = false; return false; } }); $(".pager", this.container).click(new EventHandler() { @Override public boolean onEvent(Event ev, Element THIS) { if ( == "td") { that.viewPage(((TableRow) - 1, false); } return false; } }); this.aliasName.add(this.colAliasNames).focus(new EventHandler() { @Override public boolean onEvent(Event ev, Element THIS) { that.focusElement = THIS; return false; } }); this.aliasName.blur(new EventHandler() { @Override public boolean onEvent(Event ev, Element THIS) { that.focusElement = null; String oldAlias = that.aliases.$get(that.aliasRef.text()); String newAlias = (String) $(THIS).val(); that.changeAlias(oldAlias, newAlias, that.aliasRef.text()); that.focusSelectionContent(); return false; } }); this.colAliasNames.blur(new EventHandler() { @Override public boolean onEvent(Event ev, Element THIS) { that.focusElement = null; String colLabel ="alias-".length()); String ref = colLabel + ":" + colLabel; String oldAlias = that.aliases.$get(ref); String newAlias = (String) $(THIS).val(); that.changeAlias(oldAlias, newAlias, ref); that.focusSelectionContent(); return false; } }); this.container.bind("nxtablebodyScroll", new EventHandler() { @Override public boolean onEvent(Event ev, Element THIS) { that.placeSelectors();; return false; } }); } /** * handlers for keyboard interaction */ private void handleKeyboard() { final Sheet controller = this; Shortcuts sh = new Shortcuts(); sh.addSimple("ctrl+alt+S", new Callback0() { @Override public void $invoke() {; } }); sh.addPropagate("ctrl+c", new Callback0() { @Override public void $invoke() {; } }); sh.addPropagate("ctrl+x", new Callback0() { @Override public void $invoke() {; } }); sh.addPropagate("ctrl+v", new Callback0() { @Override public void $invoke() { setTimeout(new Callback0() { public void $invoke() {; } }, 50); } }); sh.addSimple("ctrl+z", new Callback0() { @Override public void $invoke() {; } }); sh.addSimple("ctrl+y", new Callback0() { @Override public void $invoke() {; } }); // cell movements this.moveMode(sh, "up", new Callback0() { @Override public void $invoke() { controller.moveSelection(0, -1, false); } }); this.moveMode(sh, "down", new Callback0() { @Override public void $invoke() { controller.moveSelection(0, 1, false); } }); this.moveMode(sh, "right", new Callback0() { @Override public void $invoke() { controller.moveSelection(1, 0, false); } }); this.moveMode(sh, "left", new Callback0() { @Override public void $invoke() { controller.moveSelection(-1, 0, false); } }); this.moveMode(sh, "home", new Callback0() { @Override public void $invoke() { controller.moveSelectionToLimits(false, true, false, false); } }); this.moveMode(sh, "end", new Callback0() { @Override public void $invoke() { controller.moveSelectionToLimits(false, false, false, true); } }); this.moveMode(sh, "ctrl+home", new Callback0() { @Override public void $invoke() { controller.moveSelectionToLimits(true, true, false, false); } }); this.moveMode(sh, "ctrl+end", new Callback0() { @Override public void $invoke() { controller.moveSelectionToLimits(false, true, true, false); } }); this.moveMode(sh, "pagedown", new Callback0() { @Override public void $invoke() { controller.moveSelectionPage("down"); } }); this.moveMode(sh, "pageup", new Callback0() { @Override public void $invoke() { controller.moveSelectionPage("up"); } }); sh.addSimple("enter", new Callback0() { @Override public void $invoke() { if ( {; } else { controller.moveSelection(0, 1, true); } } });// same as down sh.addSimple("tab", new Callback0() { @Override public void $invoke() { controller.moveSelection(1, 0, true); } });// moves right this.moveMode(sh, "delete", new Callback0() { @Override public void $invoke() { controller.clearCells(); } }); sh.addSimple("escape", new Callback0() { @Override public void $invoke() { controller.cancelEdit(); } }); sh.addSimple("f2", new Callback0() { @Override public void $invoke() { controller.selector.dblclick(); } }); sh.addSimple("f7", new Callback0() { @Override public void $invoke() { controller.toggleFilter(false); } }); sh.addSimple("ctrl+f7", new Callback0() { @Override public void $invoke() { controller.toggleFilter(true); } }); sh.addSimple("f5", new Callback0() { @Override public void $invoke() { window.location.reload(); } }); sh.addDefault(new Function1<Event, Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean $invoke(Event ev) { if (!controller.editMode()) { if (ev.which < 32 || ev.ctrlKey) { return true; } controller.waitForKeypress = true; return false; } return true; } }, true); this.shortcuts = sh; } /** * initializing the sheet */ public Sheet init(SheetDescription desc, NetxiliaJQuery container) { this.container = container; this.desc = desc; return this; } /** * called when the sheet's frame was loaded. it calculates the size of the sheet's table container */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) private void frameLoaded(NetxiliaJQuery frmWindow, int pageCount, SheetDescription sheetData) { final Sheet that = this; this.layout = $(".threeColumnFixed", this.container).threeColumn(); this.pageNo = 0; this.pageCount = pageCount; this.buildPager(); this.viewPage(0, true); // alias on the server are alias -> ref. on the client side are store ref->alias if (sheetData != null) { this.aliases = $or((Map) nx.utils.reverseMap(sheetData.aliases), $map()); this.charts = sheetData.charts; this.spans = sheetData.spans; } = $map(); this.nxtable = this.container.nxtable(); this.cellContainer = $(".cellsDiv", this.container); this.fixedRowsTable = $(".fixedRows", this.container); this.selector = $("<div id='selector'></div>").appendTo(this.cellContainer); this.formulaTip = $("<div id='formulaTip'></div>").appendTo(this.cellContainer); this.selectedArea = $("<div id='selectedArea'></div>").appendTo(this.cellContainer); this.replicator = $("<div id='replicator'></div>").appendTo(this.cellContainer); this.rowResizer = $("<div id='rowResizer'></div>").appendTo(this.container); this.colResizer = $("<div id='colResizer'></div>").appendTo(this.fixedRowsTable.parent()); this.colResizer.draggable(new DraggableOptions<NetxiliaJQuery>() { { axis = "x"; } }); this.selectionContent = $("<textarea id='selectionContent' autocapitalize='off'></textarea>").appendTo( this.cellContainer); this.aliasRef = $("tr.labels th.ref", this.fixedRowsTable); this.aliasName = $("tr.aliases th.alias input", this.fixedRowsTable); this.colAliasNames = $("tr.aliases th input", this.fixedRowsTable).not("th.alias input"); this.initTable(); this.editingContext = new EditingContext(this); this.editingContext.valueChanged = new Callback1<String>() { @Override public void $invoke(String value) { if (that.captureSelection == null) { that.captureSelection = new CellRange(that); that.captureSelection.setRange(that.selection.start, null, false, false, false); } that.markFormulaCells(value); } }; this.handleMouse(false); this.handleMouse(true); this.handleKeyboard(); $(".chart", this.container).draggable(new DraggableOptions<NetxiliaJQuery>() { { stop = new UIEventHandler<DraggableUI<NetxiliaJQuery>>() { @Override public boolean onEvent(Event ev, DraggableUI<NetxiliaJQuery> ui, Element THIS) { that.chartMoved(THIS); return false; } }; } }); $(".chart", this.container).resizable(new ResizableOptions<NetxiliaJQuery>() { { stop = new UIEventHandler<ResizeableUI<NetxiliaJQuery>>() { @Override public boolean onEvent(Event ev, ResizeableUI<NetxiliaJQuery> ui, Element THIS) { that.chartMoved(THIS); return false; } }; } }); this.initSelection(); this.loaded = true; // this.displayAliases();; } private void initTable() { final Sheet that = this; this.table = $(".cells", this.cellContainer); this.rows = $("tbody tr", this.table); this.mapTrToRow = $map(); this.mapRowToTr = $map(); this.minRow = 1000000; this.maxRow = 0; this.firstTr = 1; this.lastTr = this.rows.size() - 1; $("tbody th", this.table).each(new Callback2<Integer, Element>() { @Override public void $invoke(Integer idx, Element elm) { if (idx == 0) { return; } int rowId = parseInt($(this).text()) - 1; that.mapTrToRow.$put(idx + that.firstTr - 1, rowId); that.mapRowToTr.$put(rowId, idx + that.firstTr - 1); that.maxRow = Math.max(that.maxRow, rowId); that.minRow = Math.min(that.minRow, rowId); } }); } private void initSelection() { if (this.columnCount() > 0) { if (this.selection != null) { // already a selection this.selectionRange(this.selection.start.row, this.selection.start.col, this.selection.end.row, this.selection.end.col, false, false); } else { this.selection = new CellRange(this); this.selectionRangeTd(this.cell(this.rowIndex(1, true), this.colIndex(1, true)).td, null, false); } } } }