package org.netxilia.server.js; import static org.netxilia.server.js.NX.nx; import static org.stjs.javascript.Global.$array; import static org.stjs.javascript.Global.$castArray; import static org.stjs.javascript.Global.$map; import org.netxilia.server.js.Utils.StartEnd; import; import org.stjs.javascript.Array; import org.stjs.javascript.Map; public class CellRange { private final Sheet sheet; public Cell start; public Cell end; public boolean replicated; public boolean fullRow; public boolean fullCol; public CellRange(Sheet sheet) { this.sheet = sheet; this.start = this.end = null; // true if the range is used for replication this.replicated = false; this.fullRow = false; this.fullCol = false; } /** * @param cell1 * can be a string: C20 or can be an object {col, row} * @param cell2 * same as cell1 * @param replicated * - if true only one line or column is selected - as in replication mode start can be null, to move only * the end part */ public void setRange(JsCellReference start, JsCellReference end, boolean replicated, boolean fullRow, boolean fullCol) {; this.replicated = replicated; this.fullRow = fullRow; this.fullCol = fullCol; Cell c1 = start != null ? this.sheet.cell(start, null) : this.start; Cell c2 = end != null ? this.sheet.cell(end, null) : c1; if (c1 == null || c2 == null) { return; } // start is top-left, end is bottom-right if (c1.col < c2.col || c1.col == c2.col && c1.row <= c2.row) { this.start = c1; this.end = c2; } else { this.start = c2; this.end = c1; } if (replicated && this.start != this.end) { if (this.end.col - this.start.col > this.end.row - this.start.row) {// horizontal this.end = this.sheet.cell(this.start.row, this.end.col); } else {// vertical this.end = this.sheet.cell(this.end.row, this.start.col); } }; } public void select(boolean sel) { } /** * rebuild the cells array as the underlying table may have changed */ public void refresh() { this.setRange(this.start, this.end, replicated, fullRow, fullCol); } public int drow(int r, int dr, int defaultValue) { Integer tr = this.sheet.rowIndex(r, false); Integer ret = this.sheet.rowIndex(tr + dr, true); return ret != null ? ret : defaultValue; } public int dcol(int c, int dc, int defaultValue) { Integer td = this.sheet.colIndex(c, false); Integer ret = this.sheet.colIndex(td + dc, true); return ret < 0 || ret >= this.sheet.columnCount() ? defaultValue : ret; } public void move(final int dc, final int dr) { JsCellReference s = new JsCellReference(null, drow(start.row, dr, start.row), dcol(start.col, dc, start.col)); JsCellReference e = null; if (this.end != this.start) { e = new JsCellReference(null, drow(end.row, dr, end.row), dcol(end.col, dc, end.col)); } this.setRange(s, e, replicated, fullRow, fullCol); } public Array<CellWithStyle> borders(Map<String, Array<String>> styles) { // special cases row 0 and col 0 Array<CellWithStyle> updates = $array(); if (styles.$get("h") != null) { Array<StartEnd> refs = nx.utils.intervals(styles.$get("h"), this.start.col, this.end.col); for (int r : refs) { updates.push(new CellWithStyle(this.sheet.areaRef(this.start.row, refs.$get(r).start, this.end.row, refs.$get(r).end, true), "br")); } } if (styles.$get("v") != null) { Array<StartEnd> refs = nx.utils.intervals(styles.$get("v"), this.start.row, this.end.row); for (int r : refs) { updates.push(new CellWithStyle(this.sheet.areaRef(refs.$get(r).start, this.start.col, refs.$get(r).end, this.end.col, true), "bb")); } } return updates; } public String editableValue() { String s = ""; for (Integer r = this.start.row; r != null && r <= this.end.row; r = this.drow(r, 1, 0)) { if (r != this.start.row) { s += "\n"; } for (int c = this.start.col; c <= this.end.col; c = this.dcol(c, 1, 0)) { if (c != this.start.col) { s += "\t"; } s += this.sheet.cell(r, c).getValue(); } } return s; } public String ref(boolean addSheetName) { return this.sheet.areaRef(this.fullCol ? null : this.start.row, this.fullRow ? null : this.start.col, this.fullCol ? null : this.end.row, this.fullRow ? null : this.end.col, addSheetName); } public String mergeCss(String css1, String css2) { if (css1 == null) { return css2; } if (css2 == null) { return css1; } Array<String> entries1 = $castArray(css1.split(" ")); Array<String> entries2 = $castArray(css2.split(" ")); Map<String, Boolean> entries = $map(); for (int e : entries1) { entries.$put(entries1.$get(e), true); } for (int e : entries2) { entries.$put(entries2.$get(e), true); } String css = ""; for (String e : entries) { css += e + " "; } return css; } /** * * @return {css: [all the css classes found], partial: [true if not all the cells share the css]} */ public StyleRange css() { StyleRange ret = new StyleRange(); for (Integer r = this.start.row; r != null && r <= this.end.row; r = this.drow(r, 1, 0)) { for (int c = this.start.col; c <= this.end.col; c = this.dcol(c, 1, 0)) { String cellCss = this.sheet.cell(r, c).getCss(); ret.css = this.mergeCss(ret.css, cellCss); ret.partial = ret.partial || (ret.css != cellCss); } } return ret; } public static class StyleRange { public String css = ""; public boolean partial = false; } }