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If applicable, add the following below the License * Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own * identifying information: "Portions Copyrighted [year] * [name of copyright owner]" * * Contributor(s): * * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL or * only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding "[Contributor] * elects to include this software in this distribution under the [CDDL or GPL * Version 2] license." If you don't indicate a single choice of license, a * recipient has the option to distribute your version of this file under * either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or to extend the choice of license to * its licensees as provided above. However, if you add GPL Version 2 code * and therefore, elected the GPL Version 2 license, then the option applies * only if the new code is made subject to such option by the copyright * holder. */ /* * @(#)BODYSTRUCTURE.java 1.22 07/05/04 */ package com.sun.mail.imap.protocol; import java.util.Vector; import javax.mail.internet.ParameterList; import com.sun.mail.iap.*; /** * A BODYSTRUCTURE response. * * @version 1.22, 07/05/04 * @author John Mani * @author Bill Shannon */ public class BODYSTRUCTURE implements Item { static final char[] name = {'B','O','D','Y','S','T','R','U','C','T','U','R','E'}; public int msgno; public String type; // Type public String subtype; // Subtype public String encoding; // Encoding public int lines = -1; // Size in lines public int size = -1; // Size in bytes public String disposition; // Disposition public String id; // Content-ID public String description; // Content-Description public String md5; // MD-5 checksum public String attachment; // Attachment name public ParameterList cParams; // Body parameters public ParameterList dParams; // Disposition parameters public String[] language; // Language public BODYSTRUCTURE[] bodies; // array of BODYSTRUCTURE objects // for multipart & message/rfc822 public ENVELOPE envelope; // for message/rfc822 private static int SINGLE = 1; private static int MULTI = 2; private static int NESTED = 3; private int processedType; // MULTI | SINGLE | NESTED // special debugging output to debug parsing errors private static boolean parseDebug = false; static { try { String s = System.getProperty("mail.imap.parse.debug"); // default to false parseDebug = s != null && s.equalsIgnoreCase("true"); } catch (SecurityException sex) { // ignore it } } public BODYSTRUCTURE(FetchResponse r) throws ParsingException { if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: parsing BODYSTRUCTURE"); msgno = r.getNumber(); if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: msgno " + msgno); r.skipSpaces(); if (r.readByte() != '(') throw new ParsingException( "BODYSTRUCTURE parse error: missing ``('' at start"); if (r.peekByte() == '(') { // multipart if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: parsing multipart"); type = "multipart"; processedType = MULTI; Vector v = new Vector(1); int i = 1; do { v.addElement(new BODYSTRUCTURE(r)); /* * Even though the IMAP spec says there can't be any spaces * between parts, some servers erroneously put a space in * here. In the spirit of "be liberal in what you accept", * we skip it. */ r.skipSpaces(); } while (r.peekByte() == '('); // setup bodies. bodies = new BODYSTRUCTURE[v.size()]; v.copyInto(bodies); subtype = r.readString(); // subtype if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: subtype " + subtype); if (r.readByte() == ')') { // done if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: parse DONE"); return; } // Else, we have extension data if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: parsing extension data"); // Body parameters cParams = parseParameters(r); if (r.readByte() == ')') { // done if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: body parameters DONE"); return; } // Disposition byte b = r.readByte(); if (b == '(') { if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: parse disposition"); disposition = r.readString(); if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: disposition " + disposition); dParams = parseParameters(r); if (r.readByte() != ')') // eat the end ')' throw new ParsingException( "BODYSTRUCTURE parse error: " + "missing ``)'' at end of disposition in multipart"); if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: disposition DONE"); } else if (b == 'N' || b == 'n') { if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: disposition NIL"); r.skip(2); // skip 'NIL' } else { throw new ParsingException( "BODYSTRUCTURE parse error: " + type + "/" + subtype + ": " + "bad multipart disposition, b " + b); } // RFC3501 allows no body-fld-lang after body-fld-disp, // even though RFC2060 required it if ((b = r.readByte()) == ')') { if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: no body-fld-lang"); return; // done } if (b != ' ') throw new ParsingException( "BODYSTRUCTURE parse error: " + "missing space after disposition"); // Language if (r.peekByte() == '(') { // a list follows language = r.readStringList(); if (parseDebug) System.out.println( "DEBUG IMAP: language len " + language.length); } else { String l = r.readString(); if (l != null) { String[] la = { l }; language = la; if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: language " + l); } } // RFC3501 defines an optional "body location" next, // but for now we ignore it along with other extensions. // Throw away any further extension data while (r.readByte() == ' ') parseBodyExtension(r); } else { // Single part if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: single part"); type = r.readString(); if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: type " + type); processedType = SINGLE; subtype = r.readString(); if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: subtype " + subtype); // SIMS 4.0 returns NIL for a Content-Type of "binary", fix it here if (type == null) { type = "application"; subtype = "octet-stream"; } cParams = parseParameters(r); if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: cParams " + cParams); id = r.readString(); if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: id " + id); description = r.readString(); if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: description " + description); encoding = r.readString(); if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: encoding " + encoding); size = r.readNumber(); if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: size " + size); if (size < 0) throw new ParsingException( "BODYSTRUCTURE parse error: bad ``size'' element"); // "text/*" & "message/rfc822" types have additional data .. if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("text")) { lines = r.readNumber(); if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: lines " + lines); if (lines < 0) throw new ParsingException( "BODYSTRUCTURE parse error: bad ``lines'' element"); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("message") && subtype.equalsIgnoreCase("rfc822")) { // Nested message processedType = NESTED; envelope = new ENVELOPE(r); BODYSTRUCTURE[] bs = { new BODYSTRUCTURE(r) }; bodies = bs; lines = r.readNumber(); if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: lines " + lines); if (lines < 0) throw new ParsingException( "BODYSTRUCTURE parse error: bad ``lines'' element"); } else { // Detect common error of including lines element on other types r.skipSpaces(); byte bn = r.peekByte(); if (Character.isDigit((char)bn)) // number throw new ParsingException( "BODYSTRUCTURE parse error: server erroneously " + "included ``lines'' element with type " + type + "/" + subtype); } if (r.peekByte() == ')') { r.readByte(); if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: parse DONE"); return; // done } // Optional extension data // MD5 md5 = r.readString(); if (r.readByte() == ')') { if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: no MD5 DONE"); return; // done } // Disposition byte b = r.readByte(); if (b == '(') { disposition = r.readString(); if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: disposition " + disposition); dParams = parseParameters(r); if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: dParams " + dParams); if (r.readByte() != ')') // eat the end ')' throw new ParsingException( "BODYSTRUCTURE parse error: " + "missing ``)'' at end of disposition"); } else if (b == 'N' || b == 'n') { if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: disposition NIL"); r.skip(2); // skip 'NIL' } else { throw new ParsingException( "BODYSTRUCTURE parse error: " + type + "/" + subtype + ": " + "bad single part disposition, b " + b); } if (r.readByte() == ')') { if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: disposition DONE"); return; // done } // Language if (r.peekByte() == '(') { // a list follows language = r.readStringList(); if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: language len " + language.length); } else { // protocol is unnessarily complex here String l = r.readString(); if (l != null) { String[] la = { l }; language = la; if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: language " + l); } } // RFC3501 defines an optional "body location" next, // but for now we ignore it along with other extensions. // Throw away any further extension data while (r.readByte() == ' ') parseBodyExtension(r); if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: all DONE"); } } public boolean isMulti() { return processedType == MULTI; } public boolean isSingle() { return processedType == SINGLE; } public boolean isNested() { return processedType == NESTED; } private ParameterList parseParameters(Response r) throws ParsingException { r.skipSpaces(); ParameterList list = null; byte b = r.readByte(); if (b == '(') { list = new ParameterList(); do { String name = r.readString(); if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: parameter name " + name); if (name == null) throw new ParsingException( "BODYSTRUCTURE parse error: " + type + "/" + subtype + ": " + "null name in parameter list"); String value = r.readString(); if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: parameter value " + value); list.set(name, value); } while (r.readByte() != ')'); list.set(null, "DONE"); // XXX - hack } else if (b == 'N' || b == 'n') { if (parseDebug) System.out.println("DEBUG IMAP: parameter list NIL"); r.skip(2); } else throw new ParsingException("Parameter list parse error"); return list; } private void parseBodyExtension(Response r) throws ParsingException { r.skipSpaces(); byte b = r.peekByte(); if (b == '(') { r.skip(1); // skip '(' do { parseBodyExtension(r); } while (r.readByte() != ')'); } else if (Character.isDigit((char)b)) // number r.readNumber(); else // nstring r.readString(); } }