package mobac.utilities.beanshell;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import mobac.mapsources.MapSourceTools;
import mobac.mapsources.mapspace.MercatorPower2MapSpace;
import mobac.program.interfaces.MapSpace;
import org.apache.commons.codec.DecoderException;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;
public class Tools {
public @interface MethodDescription {
String value();
public static final SecureRandom RND = new SecureRandom();
public static final MapSpace OSM_MERCATOR = MercatorPower2MapSpace.INSTANCE_256;
@MethodDescription("Converts an horizontal tile number on a certain zoom level "
+ "into the corespondent longitude")
public static double xTileToLon(int x, int zoom) {
return OSM_MERCATOR.cXToLon(x, zoom);
@MethodDescription("Converts an vertical tile number on a certain zoom level "
+ "into the corespondent latitude")
public static double yTileToLat(int y, int zoom) {
return OSM_MERCATOR.cYToLat(y, zoom);
@MethodDescription("Returns a random value. Range [0..<b>max</b>]")
public int getRandomInt(int max) {
return RND.nextInt(max + 1);
@MethodDescription("Converts a tile numer on a certain zoom level into a quad tree coordinate")
public static String encodeQuadTree(int zoom, int tilex, int tiley) {
return MapSourceTools.encodeQuadTree(zoom, tilex, tiley);
@MethodDescription("Returns a byte array of length <b>length</b> filled with random data.")
public byte[] getRandomByteArray(int length) {
byte[] buf = new byte[length];
return buf;
@MethodDescription("Encodes the <b>binaryData</b> byte array to a "
+ "base64 String without line breaks")
public static String encodeBase64(byte[] binaryData) {
return new String(Base64.encodeBase64(binaryData));
@MethodDescription("Decodes an base64 encoded String to a byte array")
public static byte[] decodeBase64(String base64String) {
return Base64.decodeBase64(base64String);
@MethodDescription("Encodes the <b>binaryData</b> byte array to a hexadecimal String "
+ "without line breaks, leading 0x and spaces")
public static String encodeHex(byte[] binaryData) throws DecoderException {
return Hex.encodeHexString(binaryData);
@MethodDescription("Decodes an hexadecimal encoded String to a byte array. The string have to "
+ "contain only the hexadecimal encoded nibbles.")
public static byte[] decodeHex(String hexString) throws DecoderException {
return Hex.decodeHex(hexString.toCharArray());