* Copyright (c) MOBAC developers
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package mobac.program.atlascreators;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.Locale;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import mobac.exceptions.MapCreationException;
import mobac.mapsources.mapspace.MercatorPower2MapSpace;
import mobac.program.annotations.AtlasCreatorName;
import mobac.program.annotations.SupportedParameters;
import mobac.program.atlascreators.impl.MapTileBuilder;
import mobac.program.atlascreators.impl.MapTileWriter;
import mobac.program.atlascreators.tileprovider.CacheTileProvider;
import mobac.program.atlascreators.tileprovider.TileProvider;
import mobac.program.interfaces.LayerInterface;
import mobac.program.interfaces.MapInterface;
import mobac.program.interfaces.MapSource;
import mobac.program.interfaces.MapSpace;
import mobac.program.interfaces.MapSpace.ProjectionCategory;
import mobac.program.model.TileImageParameters.Name;
import mobac.utilities.Utilities;
* AtlasCreator for MAPLORER ( http://maplorer.com )
* @author Werner Keilholz
@AtlasCreatorName("Maplorer atlas format")
@SupportedParameters(names = { Name.format, Name.height, Name.width })
public class Maplorer extends AtlasCreator {
private static final String FILENAME_PATTERN = "map_%s%d.%s";
protected File layerFolder = null;
protected File mapFolder = null;
protected MapTileWriter mapTileWriter;
protected int tileXmax = 0;
protected int tileYmax = 0;
public boolean testMapSource(MapSource mapSource) {
MapSpace mapSpace = mapSource.getMapSpace();
return (mapSpace instanceof MercatorPower2MapSpace && ProjectionCategory.SPHERE.equals(mapSpace
protected void createCustomTiles() throws InterruptedException, MapCreationException {
log.debug("Starting map creation using custom parameters: " + parameters);
CacheTileProvider ctp = new CacheTileProvider(mapDlTileProvider);
try {
mapDlTileProvider = ctp;
MapTileBuilder mapTileBuilder = new MapTileBuilder(this, mapTileWriter, true);
} finally {
public void createMap() throws MapCreationException, InterruptedException {
try {
mapTileWriter = new FileTileWriter();
// Select the tile creator instance based on whether tile image
// parameters has been set or not
if (parameters != null)
} catch (MapCreationException e) {
throw e;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MapCreationException(map, e);
public void initializeMap(MapInterface map, TileProvider mapTileProvider) {
super.initializeMap(map, mapTileProvider);
LayerInterface layer = map.getLayer();
layerFolder = new File(atlasDir, layer.getName());
mapFolder = new File(layerFolder, map.getName());
protected void createTiles() throws InterruptedException, MapCreationException {
int tilex = 0;
int tiley = 0;
atlasProgress.initMapCreation((xMax - xMin + 1) * (yMax - yMin + 1));
byte[] emptyTileData = Utilities.createEmptyTileData(mapSource);
String tileType = mapSource.getTileImageType().getFileExt();
for (int x = xMin; x <= xMax; x++) {
tiley = 0;
for (int y = yMin; y <= yMax; y++) {
try {
byte[] sourceTileData = mapDlTileProvider.getTileData(x, y);
if (sourceTileData != null) {
mapTileWriter.writeTile(tilex, tiley, tileType, sourceTileData);
} else {
log.trace(String.format("Tile x=%d y=%d not found in tile archive - creating default", tilex,
mapTileWriter.writeTile(tilex, tiley, tileType, emptyTileData);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MapCreationException("Error writing tile image: " + e.getMessage(), map, e);
public class FileTileWriter implements MapTileWriter {
File setFolder;
int tileHeight = 256;
int tileWidth = 256;
public FileTileWriter() throws IOException {
setFolder = mapFolder; // don't need an extra sub folder for MAPLORER maps
log.debug("Writing tiles to set folder: " + setFolder);
if (parameters != null) {
tileHeight = parameters.getHeight();
tileWidth = parameters.getWidth();
public void writeTile(int tilex, int tiley, String imageFormat, byte[] tileData) throws IOException {
String tileFileName = String.format(FILENAME_PATTERN, IntToLetter(tilex + 1), tiley + 1, imageFormat);
File f = new File(setFolder, tileFileName);
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(f);
try {
} finally {
tileXmax = tilex;
tileYmax = tiley;
private String IntToLetter(int i) throws IOException {
if (i > 26)
throw new IOException("Maximum tile column overflow - map too wide!");
char c = (char) (i + 64);
return Character.toString(c);
public void finalizeMap() throws IOException {
MapSpace mapSpace = mapSource.getMapSpace();
// compute corner coordinates for the entire map (all .JPG files)
//double longitudeMin = mapSpace.cXToLon(xMin * tileSize, zoom);
//double longitudeMax = mapSpace.cXToLon((xMax + 1) * tileSize - 1, zoom);
//double latitudeMin = mapSpace.cYToLat((yMax + 1) * tileSize - 1, zoom);
//double latitudeMax = mapSpace.cYToLat(yMin * tileSize, zoom);
Point2D.Double p1 = mapSpace.cXYToLonLat(xMin * tileSize, yMin * tileSize, zoom);
Point2D.Double p2 = mapSpace.cXYToLonLat((xMax + 1) * tileSize - 1, (yMax + 1) * tileSize - 1, zoom);
double longitudeMin = p1.x;
double longitudeMax = p2.x;
double latitudeMin = p2.y;
double latitudeMax = p1.y;
double widthInPixel = map.getMaxTileCoordinate().x - map.getMinTileCoordinate().x;
double heihgtInPixel = map.getMaxTileCoordinate().y - map.getMinTileCoordinate().y;
double pix2longitude = (longitudeMax - longitudeMin) / widthInPixel;
double pix2latitude = (latitudeMax - latitudeMin) / heihgtInPixel;
// compute corner coordinates for one tile (one JPG file)
double lonBL = longitudeMin;
double latBL = latitudeMax - tileHeight * pix2latitude;
double lonTR = longitudeMin + tileWidth * pix2longitude;
double latTR = latitudeMax;
// write POS files
for (int tilex = 0; tilex <= tileXmax; tilex++) {
latBL = latitudeMax - tileHeight * pix2latitude;
latTR = latitudeMax;
for (int tiley = 0; tiley <= tileYmax; tiley++) {
String posFileName = String.format(FILENAME_PATTERN, IntToLetter(tilex + 1), tiley + 1, "POS");
File posFile = new File(setFolder, posFileName);
lonBL = Math.max(longitudeMin, lonBL); // for tiles at the edges (might be smaller)
latBL = Math.max(latitudeMin, latBL);
lonTR = Math.min(longitudeMax, lonTR);
latTR = Math.min(latitudeMax, latTR);
FileWriter outFile = new FileWriter(posFile);
try {
PrintWriter out2 = new PrintWriter(outFile);
String posLine = "LonBL = %2.6f";
out2.println(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, posLine, lonBL));
posLine = "LatBL = %2.6f";
out2.println(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, posLine, latBL));
posLine = "LonTR = %2.6f";
out2.println(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, posLine, lonTR));
posLine = "LatTR = %2.6f";
out2.println(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, posLine, latTR));
} finally {
latBL = latBL - tileHeight * pix2latitude;
latTR = latTR - tileHeight * pix2latitude;
} // for y
lonBL = lonBL + tileWidth * pix2longitude;
lonTR = lonTR + tileWidth * pix2longitude;
} // for x