* Licensed to the Ted Dunning under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file that may be
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. Ted Dunning licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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package com.mapr.synth.drive;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import static java.lang.Math.log;
* Produces quasi-plausible trip information for cars using the Engine
* class for low level process simulation and a highly biased random
* walk to pick way-points and speed targets. <p> The basic idea is
* that there are two special locations associated with a car. Call
* them "home" and "work". The simulation proceeds by picking a script
* to be followed and then elaborates that script with lower level
* maneuvers to execute the script. All of the maneuvers start at
* either home or work and end with the car being at one of those
* locations.
* <p>
* The scripts available include:
* <p>
* a) commute from home to work or back
* <p>
* b) if at home, run an errand that involves driving to one or more
* locations near the home.
* <p>
* A script consists of a sequence of way-points that must be
* visited. To visit each waypoint, a driving strategy picks
* maneuvers. The maneuvers available include short-term urban style
* driving segments and longer highway-style segments. The choice of
* urban or highway segment is made according to how far away the next
* end-point is.
* <p>
* Each segment starts with a turn to a new bearing according to a
* distribution that is biased based on where the destination is and
* what the bearing for the current step was. Urban steps tend to
* prefer a grid (ish) pattern of driving so the new bearing is either
* the same as the current bearing or 90 degrees left or right of the
* current bearing with some noise and some chance of a non-right
* angle turn. Turns onto a highway segment have no grid bias, but are
* heavily constrained by the direction to the next waypoint.
* <p>
* Urban segments also have more variable and lower speeds. Highway
* segments have relative consistent high speeds.
public class Car {
// how well do the brakes work
private static final double BRAKING_ACCELERATION = 0.1;
private Engine engine;
private double sampleTime = 1;
public Car(Engine engine) {
this.engine = engine;
public Car() {
this(new Engine());
public double simulate(double t, GeoPoint currentPosition, Random rand, Segment segment, Callback progress) {
double targetSpeed = segment.travelSpeed();
double currentSpeed = 0;
sampleTime = 1;
final double dt = sampleTime;
final double dv = 0.1 * Constants.G * dt;
Vector3D start = currentPosition.as3D();
double distanceToGo = currentPosition.distance(segment.end);
Vector3D travelDirection = segment.end.as3D().subtract(currentPosition.as3D()).normalize();
double previousDistance = distanceToGo;
while (distanceToGo <= previousDistance) {
if (rand.nextDouble() < 0.05) {
targetSpeed = Math.max(20 * Constants.MPH, targetSpeed + (rand.nextInt(5) - 2) * 5 * Constants.MPH);
targetSpeed = Math.min(segment.maxSpeed(), targetSpeed);
if (currentSpeed < targetSpeed) {
currentSpeed += dv;
} else {
currentSpeed -= dv;
currentSpeed = Math.min(currentSpeed, maxSpeed(distanceToGo * 1000, segment.exitSpeed()));
engine.stepToTime(t, currentSpeed, BRAKING_ACCELERATION);
t += dt;
currentPosition.setPosition(start.add(travelDirection.scalarMultiply(engine.getDistance() / 1000 / Constants.EARTH_RADIUS_KM)));
progress.call(t, engine, currentPosition);
previousDistance = distanceToGo;
distanceToGo = currentPosition.distance(segment.end);
return t;
* Produces a sequenct of segments that result in travel from start to end.
* @param start Where the trip starts
* @param end Where the trip ends
* @param rand Random number generator to use
* @return A list of trip segments
public static List<Segment> plan(GeoPoint start, GeoPoint end, Random rand) {
GeoPoint here = start;
List<Segment> plan = Lists.newArrayList();
double distanceToGo = here.distance(end);
while (distanceToGo > Constants.GEO_FUZZ && here.distance(start) < 3) {
Local step = new Local(here, end, rand);
here = step.getEnd();
distanceToGo = here.distance(end);
while (distanceToGo > Constants.GEO_FUZZ) {
if (pickHighway(distanceToGo, rand)) {
Highway step = new Highway(end.nearby(distanceToGo / 10, rand));
here = step.getEnd();
} else {
Local step = new Local(here, end, rand);
here = step.getEnd();
distanceToGo = here.distance(end);
return plan;
double driveTo(Random rand, double t, GeoPoint start, GeoPoint end, Callback callback) {
List<Segment> plan = plan(start, end, rand);
final GeoPoint currentPosition = new GeoPoint(start.as3D());
for (Segment segment : plan) {
t = simulate(t, currentPosition, rand, segment, callback);
return t;
public Engine getEngine() {
return engine;
public void setSampleTime(double sampleTime) {
this.sampleTime = sampleTime;
public static abstract class Callback {
abstract void call(double t, Engine arg, GeoPoint position);
* What is our current max speed given our distance to our segment end and our desired exit speed. Note
* that we leave leave 20 meters margin and never quote a max speed less than 5 m/s.
* @param distance How far to the end of the segment
* @param exitSpeed How fast should we be going at the end
* @return How fast we are allowed to be going right now.
private static double maxSpeed(double distance, double exitSpeed) {
double margin = 0.5 * exitSpeed * exitSpeed / (BRAKING_ACCELERATION * Constants.G);
return Math.max(5, Math.sqrt(2 * (distance + margin - 0.020) * BRAKING_ACCELERATION * Constants.G));
* Chooses whether to plan a "highway" or "local" segment based on the distance to be traveled.
* @return True if this should be a highway segment.
private static boolean pickHighway(double distance, Random rand) {
// formula was picked heuristically to fit intuition
// d(km) p
// 1 0.002472623
// 2 0.013828044
// 5 0.121702566
// 10 0.439414832
// 20 0.815977791
// 50 0.977687816
// 100 0.995981922
double logOdds = -6 + 2 * log(distance);
double u = rand.nextDouble();
return log(u / (1 - u)) < logOdds;
public static class Highway extends Segment {
public Highway(GeoPoint end) {
super.end = end;
public double exitSpeed() {
return 30 * Constants.MPH;
public double travelSpeed() {
return 65 * Constants.MPH;
public double maxSpeed() {
return 75 * Constants.MPH;
public static class Local extends Segment {
public Local(GeoPoint start, GeoPoint end, Random rand) {
Vector3D dr = end.as3D().subtract(start.as3D());
double distance = dr.getNorm();
double step = Math.abs((rand.nextGaussian() + 2) / Constants.EARTH_RADIUS_KM);
Vector3D east = start.east();
double eastWest = dr.dotProduct(east);
double p = eastWest / distance;
if (rand.nextDouble() < Math.abs(p * p)) {
// go east/west
if (step > Math.abs(eastWest)) {
// don't overshoot
step = Math.abs(eastWest);
super.end = new GeoPoint(start.r.add(step * Math.signum(eastWest), east));
} else {
Vector3D north = start.north(east);
double northSouth = dr.dotProduct(north);
if (step > Math.abs(northSouth)) {
step = Math.abs(northSouth);
super.end = new GeoPoint(start.r.add(step * Math.signum(northSouth), north));
public double exitSpeed() {
return 5 * Constants.MPH;
public double travelSpeed() {
return 35 * Constants.MPH;
public double maxSpeed() {
return 45 * Constants.MPH;
public static abstract class Segment {
private GeoPoint end;
public GeoPoint getEnd() {
return end;
public abstract double travelSpeed();
public abstract double maxSpeed();
public abstract double exitSpeed();