/** * Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ package com.facebook.litho.widget; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy; import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import android.os.Build; import android.support.annotation.UiThread; import android.support.annotation.VisibleForTesting; import android.support.v7.widget.OrientationHelper; import android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView; import android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView.LayoutManager; import android.util.Log; import android.view.ViewGroup; import com.facebook.litho.Component; import com.facebook.litho.ComponentContext; import com.facebook.litho.ComponentInfo; import com.facebook.litho.ComponentTree; import com.facebook.litho.LithoView; import com.facebook.litho.MeasureComparisonUtils; import com.facebook.litho.Size; import com.facebook.litho.SizeSpec; import com.facebook.litho.ThreadUtils; import com.facebook.litho.config.ComponentsConfiguration; import com.facebook.litho.utils.DisplayListPrefetcherUtils; import com.facebook.litho.utils.IncrementalMountUtils; import static android.support.v7.widget.OrientationHelper.HORIZONTAL; import static android.support.v7.widget.OrientationHelper.VERTICAL; import static com.facebook.litho.MeasureComparisonUtils.isMeasureSpecCompatible; /** * This binder class is used to asynchronously layout Components given a list of {@link Component} * and attaching them to a {@link RecyclerSpec}. */ @ThreadSafe public class RecyclerBinder implements Binder<RecyclerView>, LayoutInfo.ComponentInfoCollection, HasStickyHeader { private static final int UNINITIALIZED = -1; private static final Size sDummySize = new Size(); private static final String TAG = RecyclerBinder.class.getSimpleName(); @GuardedBy("this") private final List<ComponentTreeHolder> mComponentTreeHolders; private final LayoutInfo mLayoutInfo; private final RecyclerView.Adapter mInternalAdapter; private final ComponentContext mComponentContext; private final RangeScrollListener mRangeScrollListener = new RangeScrollListener(); private final LayoutHandlerFactory mLayoutHandlerFactory; private final boolean mUseNewIncrementalMount; // Data structure to be used to hold Components and ComponentTreeHolders before adding them to // the RecyclerView. This happens in the case of inserting something inside the current working // range. //TODO t15827349 private final List<ComponentTreeHolder> mPendingComponentTreeHolders; private final float mRangeRatio; private final AtomicBoolean mIsMeasured = new AtomicBoolean(false); private int mLastWidthSpec = UNINITIALIZED; private int mLastHeightSpec = UNINITIALIZED; private Size mMeasuredSize; private RecyclerView mMountedView; private int mCurrentFirstVisiblePosition; private int mCurrentLastVisiblePosition; private RangeCalculationResult mRange; private StickyHeaderController mStickyHeaderController; private boolean mCanPrefetchDisplayLists; public RecyclerBinder( ComponentContext componentContext, float rangeRatio, LayoutInfo layoutInfo) { this(componentContext, rangeRatio, layoutInfo, null, false, false); } public RecyclerBinder( ComponentContext componentContext, float rangeRatio, LayoutInfo layoutInfo, @Nullable LayoutHandlerFactory layoutHandlerFactory) { this(componentContext, rangeRatio, layoutInfo, layoutHandlerFactory, false, false); } /** * @param componentContext The {@link ComponentContext} this RecyclerBinder will use. * @param rangeRatio specifies how big a range this binder should try to compute. The range is * computed as number of items in the viewport (when the binder is measured) multiplied by the * range ratio. The ratio is to be intended in both directions. For example a ratio of 1 means * that if there are currently N components on screen, the binder should try to compute the layout * for the N components before the first component on screen and for the N components after the * last component on screen. * @param layoutInfo an implementation of {@link LayoutInfo} that will expose information about * the {@link LayoutManager} this RecyclerBinder will use. * @param layoutHandlerFactory the RecyclerBinder will use this layoutHandlerFactory when creating * {@link ComponentTree}s in order to specify on which thread layout calculation should happen. * @param useNewIncrementalMount * @param canPrefetchDisplayLists */ public RecyclerBinder( ComponentContext componentContext, float rangeRatio, LayoutInfo layoutInfo, @Nullable LayoutHandlerFactory layoutHandlerFactory, boolean useNewIncrementalMount, boolean canPrefetchDisplayLists) { mComponentContext = componentContext; mUseNewIncrementalMount = useNewIncrementalMount; mComponentTreeHolders = new ArrayList<>(); mPendingComponentTreeHolders = new ArrayList<>(); mInternalAdapter = new InternalAdapter(); mRangeRatio = rangeRatio; mLayoutInfo = layoutInfo; mLayoutHandlerFactory = layoutHandlerFactory; mCurrentFirstVisiblePosition = mCurrentLastVisiblePosition = 0; mCanPrefetchDisplayLists = canPrefetchDisplayLists; } public RecyclerBinder(ComponentContext c) { this(c, 4f, new LinearLayoutInfo(c, VERTICAL, false), null, false, false); } public RecyclerBinder(ComponentContext c, LayoutInfo layoutInfo) { this(c, 4f, layoutInfo, null, false, false); } /** * Update the item at index position. The {@link RecyclerView} will only be notified of the item * being updated after a layout calculation has been completed for the new {@link Component}. */ @UiThread public final void updateItemAtAsync(int position, ComponentInfo componentInfo) { ThreadUtils.assertMainThread(); // If the binder has not been measured yet we simply fall back on the sync implementation as // nothing will really happen until we compute the first range. if (!mIsMeasured.get()) { updateItemAt(position, componentInfo); return; } //TODO t15827349 implement async operations in RecyclerBinder. } /** * Inserts an item at position. The {@link RecyclerView} will only be notified of the item being * inserted after a layout calculation has been completed for the new {@link Component}. */ @UiThread public final void insertItemAtAsync(int position, ComponentInfo componentInfo) { ThreadUtils.assertMainThread(); // If the binder has not been measured yet we simply fall back on the sync implementation as // nothing will really happen until we compute the first range. if (!mIsMeasured.get()) { insertItemAt(position, componentInfo); return; } //TODO t15827349 implement async operations in RecyclerBinder. } /** * Moves an item from fromPosition to toPostion. If there are other pending operations on this * binder this will only be executed when all the operations have been completed (to ensure index * consistency). */ @UiThread public final void moveItemAsync(int fromPosition, int toPosition) { ThreadUtils.assertMainThread(); // If the binder has not been measured yet we simply fall back on the sync implementation as // nothing will really happen until we compute the first range. if (!mIsMeasured.get()) { moveItem(fromPosition, toPosition); return; } //TODO t15827349 implement async operations in RecyclerBinder. } /** * Removes an item from position. If there are other pending operations on this binder this will * only be executed when all the operations have been completed (to ensure index consistency). */ @UiThread public final void removeItemAtAsync(int position) { ThreadUtils.assertMainThread(); // If the binder has not been measured yet we simply fall back on the sync implementation as // nothing will really happen until we compute the first range. if (!mIsMeasured.get()) { removeItemAt(position); return; } //TODO t15827349 implement async operations in RecyclerBinder. } /** * See {@link RecyclerBinder#insertItemAt(int, ComponentInfo)}. */ @UiThread public final void insertItemAt(int position, Component component) { insertItemAt(position, ComponentInfo.create().component(component).build()); } /** * Inserts a new item at position. The {@link RecyclerView} gets notified immediately about the * new item being inserted. If the item's position falls within the currently visible range, the * layout is immediately computed on the] UiThread. * The ComponentInfo contains the component that will be inserted in the Binder and extra info * like isSticky or spanCount. */ @UiThread public final void insertItemAt(int position, ComponentInfo componentInfo) { ThreadUtils.assertMainThread(); final ComponentTreeHolder holder = ComponentTreeHolder.acquire( componentInfo, mLayoutHandlerFactory != null ? mLayoutHandlerFactory.createLayoutCalculationHandler(componentInfo) : null, mCanPrefetchDisplayLists); final boolean computeLayout; final int childrenWidthSpec, childrenHeightSpec; synchronized (this) { mComponentTreeHolders.add(position, holder); childrenWidthSpec = getActualChildrenWidthSpec(holder); childrenHeightSpec = getActualChildrenHeightSpec(holder); if (mIsMeasured.get()) { if (mRange == null) { initRange( mMeasuredSize.width, mMeasuredSize.height, position, childrenWidthSpec, childrenHeightSpec, mLayoutInfo.getScrollDirection()); computeLayout = false; } else { computeLayout = position >= mCurrentFirstVisiblePosition && position < mCurrentFirstVisiblePosition + mRange.estimatedViewportCount; } } else { computeLayout = false; } } if (computeLayout) { holder.computeLayoutSync(mComponentContext, childrenWidthSpec, childrenHeightSpec, null); } mInternalAdapter.notifyItemInserted(position); computeRange(mCurrentFirstVisiblePosition, mCurrentLastVisiblePosition); } /** * Inserts the new items starting from position. The {@link RecyclerView} gets notified * immediately about the new item being inserted. * The ComponentInfo contains the component that will be inserted in the Binder and extra info * like isSticky or spanCount. */ @UiThread public final void insertRangeAt(int position, List<ComponentInfo> componentInfos) { ThreadUtils.assertMainThread(); for (int i = 0, size = componentInfos.size(); i < size; i++) { synchronized (this) { final ComponentInfo componentInfo = componentInfos.get(i); final ComponentTreeHolder holder = ComponentTreeHolder.acquire( componentInfo, mLayoutHandlerFactory != null ? mLayoutHandlerFactory.createLayoutCalculationHandler(componentInfo) : null, mCanPrefetchDisplayLists); mComponentTreeHolders.add(position + i, holder); if (mRange == null && mIsMeasured.get()) { initRange( mMeasuredSize.width, mMeasuredSize.height, position, getActualChildrenWidthSpec(holder), getActualChildrenHeightSpec(holder), mLayoutInfo.getScrollDirection()); } } } mInternalAdapter.notifyItemRangeInserted(position, componentInfos.size()); computeRange(mCurrentFirstVisiblePosition, mCurrentLastVisiblePosition); } /** * See {@link RecyclerBinder#updateItemAt(int, Component)}. */ @UiThread public final void updateItemAt(int position, Component component) { updateItemAt(position, ComponentInfo.create().component(component).build()); } /** * Updates the item at position. The {@link RecyclerView} gets notified immediately about the item * being updated. If the item's position falls within the currently visible range, the layout is * immediately computed on the UiThread. */ @UiThread public final void updateItemAt(int position, ComponentInfo componentInfo) { ThreadUtils.assertMainThread(); final ComponentTreeHolder holder; final boolean shouldComputeLayout; final int childrenWidthSpec, childrenHeightSpec; synchronized (this) { holder = mComponentTreeHolders.get(position); shouldComputeLayout = mRange != null && position >= mCurrentFirstVisiblePosition && position < mCurrentFirstVisiblePosition + mRange.estimatedViewportCount; holder.setComponentInfo(componentInfo); childrenWidthSpec = getActualChildrenWidthSpec(holder); childrenHeightSpec = getActualChildrenHeightSpec(holder); } // If we are updating an item that is currently visible we need to calculate a layout // synchronously. if (shouldComputeLayout) { holder.computeLayoutSync(mComponentContext, childrenWidthSpec, childrenHeightSpec, null); } mInternalAdapter.notifyItemChanged(position); computeRange(mCurrentFirstVisiblePosition, mCurrentLastVisiblePosition); } /** * Updates the range of items starting at position. The {@link RecyclerView} gets notified * immediately about the item being updated. */ @UiThread public final void updateRangeAt(int position, List<ComponentInfo> componentInfos) { ThreadUtils.assertMainThread(); for (int i = 0, size = componentInfos.size(); i < size; i++) { synchronized (this) { mComponentTreeHolders.get(position + i).setComponentInfo(componentInfos.get(i)); } } mInternalAdapter.notifyItemRangeChanged(position, componentInfos.size()); computeRange(mCurrentFirstVisiblePosition, mCurrentLastVisiblePosition); } /** * Moves an item from fromPosition to toPosition. If the new position of the item is within the * currently visible range, a layout is calculated immediately on the UI Thread. */ @UiThread public final void moveItem(int fromPosition, int toPosition) { ThreadUtils.assertMainThread(); final ComponentTreeHolder holder; final boolean isNewPositionInRange, isNewPositionInVisibleRange; final int childrenWidthSpec, childrenHeightSpec; synchronized (this) { holder = mComponentTreeHolders.remove(fromPosition); mComponentTreeHolders.add(toPosition, holder); final int mRangeSize = mRange != null ? mRange.estimatedViewportCount : -1; isNewPositionInRange = mRangeSize > 0 && toPosition >= mCurrentFirstVisiblePosition - (mRangeSize * mRangeRatio) && toPosition <= mCurrentFirstVisiblePosition + mRangeSize + (mRangeSize * mRangeRatio); isNewPositionInVisibleRange = mRangeSize > 0 && toPosition >= mCurrentFirstVisiblePosition && toPosition <= mCurrentFirstVisiblePosition + mRangeSize; childrenWidthSpec = getActualChildrenWidthSpec(holder); childrenHeightSpec = getActualChildrenHeightSpec(holder); } final boolean isTreeValid = holder.isTreeValid(); if (isTreeValid && !isNewPositionInRange) { holder.acquireStateHandlerAndReleaseTree(); } else if (isNewPositionInVisibleRange && !isTreeValid) { holder.computeLayoutSync(mComponentContext, childrenWidthSpec, childrenHeightSpec, null); } mInternalAdapter.notifyItemMoved(fromPosition, toPosition); computeRange(mCurrentFirstVisiblePosition, mCurrentLastVisiblePosition); } /** * Removes an item from index position. */ @UiThread public final void removeItemAt(int position) { ThreadUtils.assertMainThread(); final ComponentTreeHolder holder; synchronized (this) { holder = mComponentTreeHolders.remove(position); } mInternalAdapter.notifyItemRemoved(position); holder.release(); computeRange(mCurrentFirstVisiblePosition, mCurrentLastVisiblePosition); } /** * Removes count items starting from position. */ @UiThread public final void removeRangeAt(int position, int count) { ThreadUtils.assertMainThread(); synchronized (this) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final ComponentTreeHolder holder = mComponentTreeHolders.remove(position); holder.release(); } } mInternalAdapter.notifyItemRangeRemoved(position, count); computeRange(mCurrentFirstVisiblePosition, mCurrentLastVisiblePosition); } /** * Returns the {@link ComponentTree} for the item at index position. TODO 16212132 remove * getComponentAt from binder */ @Nullable @Override public final synchronized ComponentTree getComponentAt(int position) { return mComponentTreeHolders.get(position).getComponentTree(); } @Override public final synchronized ComponentInfo getComponentInfoAt(int position) { return mComponentTreeHolders.get(position).getComponentInfo(); } @Override public void bind(RecyclerView view) { // Nothing to do here. } @Override public void unbind(RecyclerView view) { // Nothing to do here. } /** * A component mounting a RecyclerView can use this method to determine its size. A Recycler that * scrolls horizontally will leave the width unconstrained and will measure its children with a * sizeSpec for the height matching the heightSpec passed to this method. * * If padding is defined on the parent component it should be subtracted from the parent size * specs before passing them to this method. * * Currently we can't support the equivalent of MATCH_PARENT on the scrollDirection (so for * example we don't support MATCH_PARENT on width in an horizontal RecyclerView). This is mainly * because we don't have the equivalent of LayoutParams in components. We can extend the api of * the binder in the future to provide some more layout hints in order to support this. * * @param outSize will be populated with the measured dimensions for this Binder. * @param widthSpec the widthSpec to be used to measure the RecyclerView. * @param heightSpec the heightSpec to be used to measure the RecyclerView. */ @Override public synchronized void measure(Size outSize, int widthSpec, int heightSpec) { final int scrollDirection = mLayoutInfo.getScrollDirection(); switch (scrollDirection) { case HORIZONTAL: if (SizeSpec.getMode(widthSpec) == SizeSpec.UNSPECIFIED) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Width mode has to be EXACTLY OR AT MOST for an horizontal scrolling RecyclerView"); } break; case VERTICAL: if (SizeSpec.getMode(heightSpec) == SizeSpec.UNSPECIFIED) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Height mode has to be EXACTLY OR AT MOST for a vertical scrolling RecyclerView"); } break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "The orientation defined by LayoutInfo should be" + " either OrientationHelper.HORIZONTAL or OrientationHelper.VERTICAL"); } if (mLastWidthSpec != UNINITIALIZED) { switch (scrollDirection) { case VERTICAL: if (MeasureComparisonUtils.isMeasureSpecCompatible( mLastWidthSpec, widthSpec, mMeasuredSize.width)) { outSize.width = mMeasuredSize.width; outSize.height = SizeSpec.getSize(heightSpec); return; } break; default: if (MeasureComparisonUtils.isMeasureSpecCompatible( mLastHeightSpec, heightSpec, mMeasuredSize.height)) { outSize.width = SizeSpec.getSize(widthSpec); outSize.height = mMeasuredSize.height; return; } } mIsMeasured.set(false); invalidateLayoutData(); } // We have never measured before or the measures are not valid so we need to measure now. mLastWidthSpec = widthSpec; mLastHeightSpec = heightSpec; // We now need to compute the size of the non scrolling side. We try to do this by using the // calculated range (if we have one) or computing one. if (mRange == null && mCurrentFirstVisiblePosition < mComponentTreeHolders.size()) { initRange( SizeSpec.getSize(widthSpec), SizeSpec.getSize(heightSpec), mCurrentFirstVisiblePosition, getActualChildrenWidthSpec(mComponentTreeHolders.get(mCurrentFirstVisiblePosition)), getActualChildrenHeightSpec(mComponentTreeHolders.get(mCurrentFirstVisiblePosition)), scrollDirection); } // At this point we might still not have a range. In this situation we should return the best // size we can detect from the size spec and update it when the first item comes in. // TODO 16207395. switch (scrollDirection) { case VERTICAL: if (mRange != null && (SizeSpec.getMode(widthSpec) == SizeSpec.AT_MOST || SizeSpec.getMode(widthSpec) == SizeSpec.UNSPECIFIED)) { outSize.width = mRange.measuredSize; } else { outSize.width = SizeSpec.getSize(widthSpec); } outSize.height = SizeSpec.getSize(heightSpec); break; case HORIZONTAL: outSize.width = SizeSpec.getSize(widthSpec); if (mRange != null && (SizeSpec.getMode(heightSpec) == SizeSpec.AT_MOST || SizeSpec.getMode(heightSpec) == SizeSpec.UNSPECIFIED)) { outSize.height = mRange.measuredSize; } else { outSize.height = SizeSpec.getSize(heightSpec); } break; } mMeasuredSize = new Size(outSize.width, outSize.height); mIsMeasured.set(true); if (mRange != null) { computeRange(mCurrentFirstVisiblePosition, mCurrentLastVisiblePosition); } } /** * Gets the number of items in this binder. */ public int getItemCount() { return mInternalAdapter.getItemCount(); } @GuardedBy("this") private void invalidateLayoutData() { mRange = null; for (int i = 0, size = mComponentTreeHolders.size(); i < size; i++) { mComponentTreeHolders.get(i).invalidateTree(); } } @GuardedBy("this") private void initRange( int width, int height, int rangeStart, int childrenWidthSpec, int childrenHeightSpec, int scrollDirection) { int nextIndexToPrepare = rangeStart; if (nextIndexToPrepare >= mComponentTreeHolders.size()) { return; } final Size size = new Size(); final ComponentTreeHolder holder = mComponentTreeHolders.get(nextIndexToPrepare); holder.computeLayoutSync(mComponentContext, childrenWidthSpec, childrenHeightSpec, size); final int rangeSize = Math.max( mLayoutInfo.approximateRangeSize( size.width, size.height, width, height), 1); mRange = new RangeCalculationResult(); mRange.measuredSize = scrollDirection == HORIZONTAL ? size.height : size.width; mRange.estimatedViewportCount = rangeSize; } /** * This should be called when the owner {@link Component}'s onBoundsDefined is called. It will * inform the binder of the final measured size. The binder might decide to re-compute its * children layouts if the measures provided here are not compatible with the ones receive in * onMeasure. */ @Override public synchronized void setSize(int width, int height) { if (mLastWidthSpec == UNINITIALIZED || !isCompatibleSize( SizeSpec.makeSizeSpec(width, SizeSpec.EXACTLY), SizeSpec.makeSizeSpec(height, SizeSpec.EXACTLY))) { measure( sDummySize, SizeSpec.makeSizeSpec(width, SizeSpec.EXACTLY), SizeSpec.makeSizeSpec(height, SizeSpec.EXACTLY)); } } /** * Call from the owning {@link Component}'s onMount. This is where the adapter is assigned to the * {@link RecyclerView}. * * @param view the {@link RecyclerView} being mounted. */ @UiThread @Override public void mount(RecyclerView view) { ThreadUtils.assertMainThread(); if (mMountedView == view) { return; } if (mMountedView != null) { unmount(mMountedView); } mMountedView = view; view.setLayoutManager(mLayoutInfo.getLayoutManager()); view.setAdapter(mInternalAdapter); view.addOnScrollListener(mRangeScrollListener); mLayoutInfo.setComponentInfoCollection(this); if (mCurrentFirstVisiblePosition != RecyclerView.NO_POSITION && mCurrentFirstVisiblePosition > 0) { view.scrollToPosition(mCurrentFirstVisiblePosition); } enableStickyHeader(mMountedView); } private void enableStickyHeader(RecyclerView recyclerView) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) { // Sticky header needs view translation APIs which are not available in Gingerbread and below. Log.w(TAG, "Sticky header is supported only on ICS (API14) and above"); return; } if (recyclerView == null) { return; } RecyclerViewWrapper recyclerViewWrapper = RecyclerViewWrapper.getParentWrapper(recyclerView); if (recyclerViewWrapper == null) { return; } if (mStickyHeaderController == null) { mStickyHeaderController = new StickyHeaderController(this); } mStickyHeaderController.init(recyclerViewWrapper); } /** * Call from the owning {@link Component}'s onUnmount. This is where the adapter is removed from * the {@link RecyclerView}. * * @param view the {@link RecyclerView} being unmounted. */ @UiThread @Override public void unmount(RecyclerView view) { ThreadUtils.assertMainThread(); // We might have already unmounted this view when calling mount with a different view. In this // case we can just return here. if (mMountedView != view) { return; } mMountedView = null; if (mStickyHeaderController != null) { mStickyHeaderController.reset(); } view.removeOnScrollListener(mRangeScrollListener); view.setAdapter(null); view.setLayoutManager(null); mLayoutInfo.setComponentInfoCollection(null); } @GuardedBy("this") private boolean isCompatibleSize(int widthSpec, int heightSpec) { final int scrollDirection = mLayoutInfo.getScrollDirection(); if (mLastWidthSpec != UNINITIALIZED) { switch (scrollDirection) { case HORIZONTAL: return isMeasureSpecCompatible( mLastHeightSpec, heightSpec, mMeasuredSize.height); case VERTICAL: return isMeasureSpecCompatible( mLastWidthSpec, widthSpec, mMeasuredSize.width); } } return false; } @Override public int findFirstVisibleItemPosition() { return mLayoutInfo.findFirstVisiblePosition(); } @Override public int findLastVisibleItemPosition() { return mLayoutInfo.findLastVisiblePosition(); } @Override @UiThread @GuardedBy("this") public boolean isSticky(int position) { return mComponentTreeHolders.get(position).getComponentInfo().isSticky(); } private static class RangeCalculationResult { // The estimated number of items needed to fill the viewport. private int estimatedViewportCount; // The size computed for the first Component. private int measuredSize; } @VisibleForTesting void onNewVisibleRange(int firstVisiblePosition, int lastVisiblePosition) { mCurrentFirstVisiblePosition = firstVisiblePosition; mCurrentLastVisiblePosition = lastVisiblePosition; computeRange(firstVisiblePosition, lastVisiblePosition); } private void computeRange(int firstVisible, int lastVisible) { final int rangeSize; final int rangeStart; final int rangeEnd; final int treeHoldersSize; synchronized (this) { if (!mIsMeasured.get() || mRange == null) { return; } rangeSize = Math.max(mRange.estimatedViewportCount, lastVisible - firstVisible); rangeStart = firstVisible - (int) (rangeSize * mRangeRatio); rangeEnd = firstVisible + rangeSize + (int) (rangeSize * mRangeRatio); treeHoldersSize = mComponentTreeHolders.size(); } // TODO 16212153 optimize computeRange loop. for (int i = 0; i < treeHoldersSize; i++) { final ComponentTreeHolder holder; final int childrenWidthSpec, childrenHeightSpec; synchronized (this) { // Someone modified the ComponentsTreeHolders while we were computing this range. We // can just bail as another range will be computed. if (treeHoldersSize != mComponentTreeHolders.size()) { return; } holder = mComponentTreeHolders.get(i); childrenWidthSpec = getActualChildrenWidthSpec(holder); childrenHeightSpec = getActualChildrenHeightSpec(holder); } if (i >= rangeStart && i <= rangeEnd) { if (!holder.isTreeValid()) { holder.computeLayoutAsync(mComponentContext, childrenWidthSpec, childrenHeightSpec); } } else if (holder.isTreeValid() && !holder.getComponentInfo().isSticky()) { holder.acquireStateHandlerAndReleaseTree(); } } } @GuardedBy("this") private int getActualChildrenWidthSpec(final ComponentTreeHolder treeHolder) { return mLayoutInfo.getChildWidthSpec(mLastWidthSpec, treeHolder.getComponentInfo()); } @GuardedBy("this") private int getActualChildrenHeightSpec(final ComponentTreeHolder treeHolder) { return mLayoutInfo.getChildHeightSpec(mLastHeightSpec, treeHolder.getComponentInfo()); } private class RangeScrollListener extends RecyclerView.OnScrollListener { @Override public void onScrolled(RecyclerView recyclerView, int dx, int dy) { if (!mUseNewIncrementalMount) { IncrementalMountUtils.performIncrementalMount(recyclerView); } final int firstVisiblePosition = mLayoutInfo.findFirstVisiblePosition(); final int lastVisiblePosition = mLayoutInfo.findLastVisiblePosition(); if (firstVisiblePosition < 0 || lastVisiblePosition < 0) { return; } if (firstVisiblePosition != mCurrentFirstVisiblePosition || lastVisiblePosition != mCurrentLastVisiblePosition) { onNewVisibleRange(firstVisiblePosition, lastVisiblePosition); } if (mCanPrefetchDisplayLists) { DisplayListPrefetcherUtils.prefetchDisplayLists(recyclerView); } } } private class LithoViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder { public LithoViewHolder(LithoView lithoView) { super(lithoView); switch (mLayoutInfo.getScrollDirection()) { case OrientationHelper.VERTICAL: lithoView.setLayoutParams( new RecyclerView.LayoutParams( ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); break; default: lithoView.setLayoutParams( new RecyclerView.LayoutParams( ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT)); } } } private class InternalAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter { @Override public RecyclerView.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) { return new LithoViewHolder( new LithoView(mComponentContext, null, mUseNewIncrementalMount)); } @Override public void onBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, int position) { final LithoView lithoView = (LithoView) holder.itemView; // We can ignore the synchronization here. We'll only add to this from the UiThread. // This read only happens on the UiThread as well and we are never writing this here. final ComponentTreeHolder componentTreeHolder = mComponentTreeHolders.get(position); final int childrenWidthSpec = getActualChildrenWidthSpec(componentTreeHolder); final int childrenHeightSpec = getActualChildrenHeightSpec(componentTreeHolder); if (!componentTreeHolder.isTreeValid()) { componentTreeHolder .computeLayoutSync(mComponentContext, childrenWidthSpec, childrenHeightSpec, null); } lithoView.setComponentTree(componentTreeHolder.getComponentTree()); } @Override public int getItemCount() { // We can ignore the synchronization here. We'll only add to this from the UiThread. // This read only happens on the UiThread as well and we are never writing this here. return mComponentTreeHolders.size(); } } }