/* * (C) Copyright 2014 Kurento (http://kurento.org/) * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * (LGPL) version 2.1 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * */ package com.kurento.demo.webrtc; import com.kurento.kmf.content.WebRtcContentHandler; import com.kurento.kmf.content.WebRtcContentService; import com.kurento.kmf.content.WebRtcContentSession; import com.kurento.kmf.media.MediaPipeline; import com.kurento.kmf.media.RecorderEndpoint; import com.kurento.kmf.media.WebRtcEndpoint; /** * This handler implements a one to many video conference using WebRtcEnpoints; * the first session acts as "master", and the rest of concurrent sessions will * watch the "master" session in his remote stream; master's remote is a * loopback at the beginning, and it is changing with the stream of the each * participant in the conference. * * @author Boni Garcia (bgarcia@gsyc.es) * @since 3.0.7 */ @WebRtcContentService(path = "/webRtcOneToMany/*") public class WebRtcOneToMany extends WebRtcContentHandler { private WebRtcEndpoint firstWebRtcEndpoint; private String sessionId; @Override public synchronized void onContentRequest( WebRtcContentSession contentSession) throws Exception { String contentId = contentSession.getContentId(); if (firstWebRtcEndpoint == null) { MediaPipeline mp = contentSession.getMediaPipelineFactory() .create(); contentSession.releaseOnTerminate(mp); firstWebRtcEndpoint = mp.newWebRtcEndpoint().build(); sessionId = contentSession.getSessionId(); contentSession.releaseOnTerminate(firstWebRtcEndpoint); firstWebRtcEndpoint.connect(firstWebRtcEndpoint); if (contentId != null && contentId.equalsIgnoreCase("record")) { RecorderEndpoint recorderEndPoint = mp.newRecorderEndpoint( "file:///tmp/master").build(); contentSession.setAttribute("recorder", recorderEndPoint); firstWebRtcEndpoint.connect(recorderEndPoint); } contentSession.start(firstWebRtcEndpoint); } else { MediaPipeline mp = firstWebRtcEndpoint.getMediaPipeline(); WebRtcEndpoint newWebRtcEndpoint = mp.newWebRtcEndpoint().build(); contentSession.releaseOnTerminate(newWebRtcEndpoint); newWebRtcEndpoint.connect(firstWebRtcEndpoint); firstWebRtcEndpoint.connect(newWebRtcEndpoint); if (contentId != null && contentId.equalsIgnoreCase("record")) { RecorderEndpoint recorderEndPoint = mp.newRecorderEndpoint( "file:///tmp/peer").build(); contentSession.setAttribute("recorder", recorderEndPoint); newWebRtcEndpoint.connect(recorderEndPoint); } contentSession.start(newWebRtcEndpoint); } } @Override public void onContentStarted(WebRtcContentSession contentSession) { RecorderEndpoint recorderEndPoint = (RecorderEndpoint) contentSession .getAttribute("recorder"); if (recorderEndPoint != null) { recorderEndPoint.record(); } } @Override public void onSessionTerminated(WebRtcContentSession contentSession, int code, String reason) throws Exception { if (contentSession.getSessionId().equals(sessionId)) { getLogger().info("Terminating first WebRTC session"); firstWebRtcEndpoint = null; } super.onSessionTerminated(contentSession, code, reason); } }