package com.kurento.tool.rom.client; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import com.kurento.kmf.jsonrpcconnector.Props; import com.kurento.tool.rom.transport.serialization.ObjectRefsManager; public class RomClientObjectManager implements RomEventHandler, ObjectRefsManager { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory .getLogger(RomClientObjectManager.class); private final ConcurrentMap<String, RemoteObject> objects = new MapMaker() .weakValues().makeMap(); private final RomClient client; public RomClientObjectManager(RomClient client) { this.client = client; } public RomClient getClient() { return client; } @Override public void processEvent(String objectRef, String subscription, String type, Props data) { RemoteObject object = objects.get(objectRef); if (object == null) { LOG.error("Trying to propagate an event to an object that doesn't exist in the client"); return; } object.fireEvent(type, data); } public void registerObject(String objectRef, RemoteObject remoteObject) { this.objects.put(objectRef, remoteObject); } public void releaseObject(String objectRef) { this.objects.remove(objectRef); } public RemoteObject getRemoteObject(String objectRef) { return this.objects.get(objectRef); } @Override public Object getObject(String objectRef) { return this.objects.get(objectRef); } }