/* * (C) Copyright 2014 Kurento (http://kurento.org/) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.kurento.test.functional.ice; import java.util.Collection; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters; import org.kurento.test.browser.WebRtcCandidateType; import org.kurento.test.browser.WebRtcChannel; import org.kurento.test.browser.WebRtcIpvMode; import org.kurento.test.config.TestScenario; /** * WebRTC in loopback. <br> * * Media Pipeline(s): <br> * · WebRtcEndpoint -> WebRtcEndpoint <br> * * Browser(s): <br> * · Chrome <br> * · Firefox <br> * * * Candidate Type: <br> * · HOST <br> * * IvpX Modes: <br> * · IPV6 <br> * * Media Modes: <br> * · Audio/Video <br> * · Only Video <br> * · Only Audio <br> * * Connection Modes: <br> * · Send/Recv <br> * · Send Only <br> * · Receive Only <br> * * Test logic: <br> * 1. (KMS) WebRtcEndpoint in loopback <br> * 2. (Browser) WebRtcPeer in different mode sends and receives media <br> * 3. (Browser) WebRtcPeer filters candidates according with IPVmode and CandidateType Main * assertion(s): <br> * · The event CONNECTED arrives <br> * * Secondary assertion(s): <br> * -- <br> * * @author Raul Benitez (rbenitez@gsyc.es) * @since 6.3.1 */ public class IceIpv6HostKmsBridgeSeleniumBridgeTest extends SimpleIceTest { @Parameters(name = "{index}: {0}") public static Collection<Object[]> data() { return TestScenario.localChromesAndFirefoxs(2); } @Test public void testIceIpv6HostKmsBridgeSeleniumBridgeSendRcvAudioVideo() throws InterruptedException { initTestSendRecv(WebRtcChannel.AUDIO_AND_VIDEO, WebRtcIpvMode.IPV6, WebRtcCandidateType.HOST); } @Test public void testIceIpv6HostKmsBridgeSeleniumBridgeSendRcvAudioOnly() throws InterruptedException { initTestSendRecv(WebRtcChannel.AUDIO_ONLY, WebRtcIpvMode.IPV6, WebRtcCandidateType.HOST); } @Test public void testIceIpv6HostKmsBridgeSeleniumBridgeSendRcvVideoOnly() throws InterruptedException { initTestSendRecv(WebRtcChannel.VIDEO_ONLY, WebRtcIpvMode.IPV6, WebRtcCandidateType.HOST); } @Test public void testIceIpv6HostKmsBridgeSeleniumBridgeSendOnlyAudioVideo() throws InterruptedException { initTestSendOnly(WebRtcChannel.AUDIO_AND_VIDEO, WebRtcIpvMode.IPV6, WebRtcCandidateType.HOST); } @Test public void testIceIpv6HostKmsBridgeSeleniumBridgeSendOnlyAudioOnly() throws InterruptedException { initTestSendOnly(WebRtcChannel.AUDIO_ONLY, WebRtcIpvMode.IPV6, WebRtcCandidateType.HOST); } @Test public void testIceIpv6HostKmsBridgeSeleniumBridgeSendOnlyVideoOnly() throws InterruptedException { initTestSendOnly(WebRtcChannel.VIDEO_ONLY, WebRtcIpvMode.IPV6, WebRtcCandidateType.HOST); } @Test public void testIceIpv6HostKmsBridgeSeleniumBridgeRcvOnlyAudioVideo() throws InterruptedException { initTestRcvOnly(WebRtcChannel.AUDIO_AND_VIDEO, WebRtcIpvMode.IPV6, WebRtcCandidateType.HOST, "/video/15sec/rgb.webm"); } @Test public void testIceIpv6HostKmsBridgeSeleniumBridgeRcvOnlyAudioOnly() throws InterruptedException { initTestRcvOnly(WebRtcChannel.AUDIO_ONLY, WebRtcIpvMode.IPV6, WebRtcCandidateType.HOST, "/audio/10sec/cinema.ogg"); } @Test public void testIceIpv6HostKmsBridgeSeleniumBridgeRcvOnlyVideoOnly() throws InterruptedException { initTestRcvOnly(WebRtcChannel.VIDEO_ONLY, WebRtcIpvMode.IPV6, WebRtcCandidateType.HOST, "/video/15sec/rgb.webm"); } }