/* * (C) Copyright 2015 Kurento (http://kurento.org/) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.kurento.test.browser; import java.awt.Color; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.kurento.client.EventListener; import org.kurento.client.IceCandidate; import org.kurento.client.IceCandidateFoundEvent; import org.kurento.client.MediaStateChangedEvent; import org.kurento.client.WebRtcEndpoint; import org.kurento.commons.exception.KurentoException; import org.kurento.jsonrpc.JsonUtils; import org.kurento.test.base.KurentoTest; import org.kurento.test.latency.VideoTagType; import org.kurento.test.monitor.PeerConnectionStats; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException; import com.google.gson.JsonObject; import com.google.gson.JsonParser; /** * Specific client for tests within kurento-test project. This logic is linked to client page logic * (e.g. webrtc.html). * * @author Boni Garcia (bgarcia@gsyc.es) * @since 5.1.0 */ public class WebRtcTestPage extends WebPage { public interface WebRtcConfigurer { public void addIceCandidate(IceCandidate candidate); public String processOffer(String sdpOffer); } protected final String FAKE_IPV4 = ""; protected final String FAKE_IPV6 = "2000:2001:2002:2003:2004:2005:2006"; protected static final String LOCAL_VIDEO = "local"; protected static final String REMOTE_VIDEO = "video"; public WebRtcTestPage() { } @Override public void setBrowser(Browser browserClient) { super.setBrowser(browserClient); // By default all tests are going to track color in both video tags checkColor(LOCAL_VIDEO, REMOTE_VIDEO); VideoTagType.setLocalId(LOCAL_VIDEO); VideoTagType.setRemoteId(REMOTE_VIDEO); } /* * setColorCoordinates */ @Override public void setColorCoordinates(int x, int y) { browser.getWebDriver().findElement(By.id("x")).clear(); browser.getWebDriver().findElement(By.id("y")).clear(); browser.getWebDriver().findElement(By.id("x")).sendKeys(String.valueOf(x)); browser.getWebDriver().findElement(By.id("y")).sendKeys(String.valueOf(y)); super.setColorCoordinates(x, y); } /* * similarColor */ public boolean similarColor(Color expectedColor) { return similarColor(REMOTE_VIDEO, expectedColor); } /* * similarColorAt */ public boolean similarColorAt(Color expectedColor, int x, int y) { return similarColorAt(REMOTE_VIDEO, expectedColor, x, y); } /* * subscribeEvents */ public void subscribeEvents(String eventType) { subscribeEventsToVideoTag(REMOTE_VIDEO, eventType); } /* * subscribeLocalEvents */ public void subscribeLocalEvents(String eventType) { subscribeEventsToVideoTag(LOCAL_VIDEO, eventType); } /* * start */ public void start(String videoUrl) { browser.executeScript("play('" + videoUrl + "', false);"); } /* * stop */ public void stopPlay() { browser.executeScript("terminate();"); } /* * getCurrentTime */ public double getCurrentTime() { log.debug("getCurrentTime() called"); double currentTime = Double.parseDouble( browser.getWebDriver().findElement(By.id("currentTime")).getAttribute("value")); log.debug("getCurrentTime() result: {}", currentTime); return currentTime; } /* * readConsole */ public String readConsole() { return browser.getWebDriver().findElement(By.id("console")).getText(); } public void sendDataByDataChannel(String message) { browser.executeScript("sendDataByChannel('" + message + "')"); } public boolean checkAudioDetection() { boolean checkAudio = (boolean) browser.executeScript("return checkAudioDetection()"); log.debug("Checking Audio: {}", checkAudio); return checkAudio; } public void activateAudioDetection() { browser.executeScript("activateAudioDetection()"); } public void stopAudioDetection() { browser.executeScript("stopAudioDetection()"); } public void initAudioDetection() { browser.executeScript("initAudioDetection()"); } public int getPeerConnAudioPacketsRecv(PeerConnectionStats stats) { String val = (String) stats.getStats().get("audio_peerconnection_inbound_packetsReceived"); return Integer.parseInt(val); } public long getPeerConnAudioInboundTimestamp(PeerConnectionStats stats) { Long val = (Long) stats.getStats().get("audio_peerconnection_inbound_timestamp"); return val; } /* * compare */ public boolean compare(double i, double j) { return Math.abs(j - i) <= browser.getThresholdTime(); } protected void addIceCandidate(JsonObject candidate) { browser.executeScript("addIceCandidate('" + candidate + "');"); } /* * Decide if one candidate has to be added or not according with two parameters */ protected Boolean filterCandidate(String candidate, WebRtcIpvMode webRtcIpvMode, WebRtcCandidateType webRtcCandidateType) { Boolean filtered = true; Boolean hasCandidateIpv6 = false; if (candidate.split("candidate:")[1].contains(":")) { hasCandidateIpv6 = true; } switch (webRtcIpvMode) { case IPV4: if (!hasCandidateIpv6) { filtered = false; } break; case IPV6: if (hasCandidateIpv6) { filtered = false; } break; case BOTH: default: filtered = false; break; } return filtered; } protected String manglingCandidate(String candidate, WebRtcIpvMode webRtcIpvMode, WebRtcCandidateType webRtcCandidateType) { String internalAddress; String publicAddress; String internalAddresses[]; String publicAddresses[]; String newInternalAddress = ""; String newPublicAddress = ""; String candidateType = candidate.split("typ")[1].split(" ")[1]; if (WebRtcCandidateType.HOST.toString().equals(candidateType)) { internalAddress = candidate.split(" ")[4]; switch (webRtcIpvMode) { case IPV4: if (!webRtcCandidateType.toString().equals(candidateType)) { internalAddresses = internalAddress.split("\\."); for (int i = 0; i < internalAddresses.length - 1; i++) { newInternalAddress = newInternalAddress.concat(internalAddresses[i] + "."); } newInternalAddress = newInternalAddress.concat("254"); } else { newInternalAddress = internalAddress; } return candidate.replace(internalAddress, newInternalAddress); case IPV6: if (!webRtcCandidateType.toString().equals(candidateType)) { internalAddresses = internalAddress.split(":"); for (int i = 0; i < internalAddresses.length - 1; i++) { newInternalAddress = newInternalAddress.concat(internalAddresses[i] + ":"); } newInternalAddress = newInternalAddress.concat("2000"); } else { newInternalAddress = internalAddress; } return candidate.replace(internalAddress, newInternalAddress); default: break; } } else if (WebRtcCandidateType.SRFLX.toString().equals(candidateType) || WebRtcCandidateType.RELAY.toString().equals(candidateType)) { publicAddress = candidate.split(" ")[4]; internalAddress = candidate.split(" ")[9]; switch (webRtcIpvMode) { case IPV4: internalAddresses = internalAddress.split("\\."); for (int i = 0; i < internalAddresses.length - 1; i++) { newInternalAddress = newInternalAddress.concat(internalAddresses[i] + "."); } newInternalAddress = newInternalAddress.concat("254"); if (!webRtcCandidateType.toString().equals(candidateType)) { publicAddresses = publicAddress.split("\\."); for (int i = 0; i < publicAddresses.length - 1; i++) { newPublicAddress = newPublicAddress.concat(publicAddresses[i] + "."); } newPublicAddress = newPublicAddress.concat("254"); } else { newPublicAddress = publicAddress; } return candidate.replace(internalAddress, newInternalAddress).replace(publicAddress, newPublicAddress); case IPV6: internalAddresses = internalAddress.split(":"); for (int i = 0; i < internalAddresses.length - 1; i++) { newInternalAddress = newInternalAddress.concat(internalAddresses[i] + ":"); } newInternalAddress = newInternalAddress.concat("2000"); if (!webRtcCandidateType.toString().equals(candidateType)) { publicAddresses = publicAddress.split(":"); for (int i = 0; i < publicAddresses.length - 1; i++) { newPublicAddress = newPublicAddress.concat(publicAddresses[i] + ":"); } newPublicAddress = newPublicAddress.concat("2000"); } else { newPublicAddress = publicAddress; } return candidate.replace(internalAddress, newInternalAddress).replace(publicAddress, newPublicAddress); default: break; } } return candidate; } /* * initWebRtc with IPVMode */ public void initWebRtc(final WebRtcEndpoint webRtcEndpoint, final WebRtcChannel channel, final WebRtcMode mode, final WebRtcIpvMode webRtcIpvMode, final WebRtcCandidateType webRtcCandidateType, boolean useDataChannels) throws InterruptedException { webRtcEndpoint.addIceCandidateFoundListener(new EventListener<IceCandidateFoundEvent>() { @Override public void onEvent(IceCandidateFoundEvent event) { JsonObject candidate = JsonUtils.toJsonObject(event.getCandidate()); if (!filterCandidate(candidate.get("candidate").getAsString(), webRtcIpvMode, webRtcCandidateType)) { log.debug("OnIceCandadite -> Adding candidate: {} IpvMode: {} CandidateType: {}", candidate.get("candidate").getAsString(), webRtcIpvMode, webRtcCandidateType); addIceCandidate(candidate); } } }); webRtcEndpoint.addMediaStateChangedListener(new EventListener<MediaStateChangedEvent>() { @Override public void onEvent(MediaStateChangedEvent event) { log.debug("MediaStateChangedEvent from {} to {} on {} at {}", event.getOldState(), event.getNewState(), webRtcEndpoint.getId(), event.getTimestamp()); } }); WebRtcConfigurer webRtcConfigurer = new WebRtcConfigurer() { @Override public void addIceCandidate(IceCandidate candidate) { if (!filterCandidate(candidate.getCandidate(), webRtcIpvMode, webRtcCandidateType)) { log.debug("webRtcConfigurer -> Adding candidate: {} IpvMode: {} CandidateType: {}", candidate.getCandidate(), webRtcIpvMode, webRtcCandidateType); webRtcEndpoint.addIceCandidate(candidate); } } @Override public String processOffer(String sdpOffer) { String sdpAnswer = webRtcEndpoint.processOffer(sdpOffer); webRtcEndpoint.gatherCandidates(); return sdpAnswer; } }; initWebRtc(webRtcConfigurer, channel, mode, webRtcCandidateType, useDataChannels); } /** * * initWebRtc with IPVMode and without useDataChannels */ public void initWebRtc(final WebRtcEndpoint webRtcEndpoint, final WebRtcChannel channel, final WebRtcMode mode, final WebRtcIpvMode webRtcIpvMode, final WebRtcCandidateType webRtcCandidateType) throws InterruptedException { initWebRtc(webRtcEndpoint, channel, mode, webRtcIpvMode, webRtcCandidateType, false); } /* * initWebRtc with IPVMode */ public void initWebRtc(final WebRtcEndpoint webRtcEndpoint, final WebRtcChannel channel, final WebRtcMode mode, final WebRtcIpvMode webRtcIpvMode) throws InterruptedException { initWebRtc(webRtcEndpoint, channel, mode, webRtcIpvMode, WebRtcCandidateType.ALL, false); } /* * initWebRtc with useDataChannels */ public void initWebRtc(final WebRtcEndpoint webRtcEndpoint, final WebRtcChannel channel, final WebRtcMode mode, final Boolean useDataChannels) throws InterruptedException { initWebRtc(webRtcEndpoint, channel, mode, WebRtcIpvMode.BOTH, WebRtcCandidateType.ALL, useDataChannels); } /* * initWebRtc without IPVMode */ public void initWebRtc(final WebRtcEndpoint webRtcEndpoint, final WebRtcChannel channel, final WebRtcMode mode) throws InterruptedException { initWebRtc(webRtcEndpoint, channel, mode, WebRtcIpvMode.BOTH, WebRtcCandidateType.ALL, false); } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "deprecation" }) protected void initWebRtc(final WebRtcConfigurer webRtcConfigurer, final WebRtcChannel channel, final WebRtcMode mode, final WebRtcCandidateType candidateType, boolean useDataChannels) throws InterruptedException { // ICE candidates Thread t1 = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); int numCandidate = 0; while (true) { try { ArrayList<Object> iceCandidates = (ArrayList<Object>) browser.executeScript("return iceCandidates;"); for (int i = numCandidate; i < iceCandidates.size(); i++) { JsonObject jsonCandidate = (JsonObject) parser.parse(iceCandidates.get(i).toString()); IceCandidate candidate = new IceCandidate(jsonCandidate.get("candidate").getAsString(), jsonCandidate.get("sdpMid").getAsString(), jsonCandidate.get("sdpMLineIndex").getAsInt()); // log.debug("Adding candidate {}: {}", i, jsonCandidate); webRtcConfigurer.addIceCandidate(candidate); numCandidate++; } // Poll 300 ms Thread.sleep(300); } catch (Throwable e) { log.debug("Exiting gather candidates thread"); break; } } } }; t1.start(); // Append WebRTC mode (send/receive and audio/video) to identify test addTestName(KurentoTest.getTestClassName() + "." + KurentoTest.getTestMethodName()); appendStringToTitle(mode.toString()); appendStringToTitle(channel.toString()); // Setting custom audio stream (if necessary) String audio = browser.getAudio(); if (audio != null) { browser.executeScript("setCustomAudio('" + audio + "');"); } // Create peerConnection for using dataChannels (if necessary) if (useDataChannels) { browser.executeScript("useDataChannels()"); } // Setting IceServer (if necessary) String iceServerJsFunction = candidateType.getJsFunction(); log.debug("Setting IceServer: {}", iceServerJsFunction); if (iceServerJsFunction != null) { browser.executeScript(iceServerJsFunction); } // Setting MediaConstraints (if necessary) String channelJsFunction = channel.getJsFunction(); if (channelJsFunction != null) { browser.executeScript(channelJsFunction); } // Execute JavaScript kurentoUtils.WebRtcPeer browser.executeScript(mode.getJsFunction()); // SDP offer/answer final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); Thread t2 = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { // Wait to valid sdpOffer String sdpOffer = (String) browser.executeScriptAndWaitOutput("return sdpOffer;"); log.debug("SDP offer: {}", sdpOffer); String sdpAnswer = webRtcConfigurer.processOffer(sdpOffer); log.debug("SDP answer: {}", sdpAnswer); // Encoding in Base64 to avoid parsing errors in JavaScript sdpAnswer = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(sdpAnswer.getBytes())); // Process sdpAnswer browser.executeScript("processSdpAnswer('" + sdpAnswer + "');"); latch.countDown(); } }; t2.start(); if (!latch.await(browser.getTimeout(), TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { t1.interrupt(); t1.stop(); t2.interrupt(); t2.stop(); throw new KurentoException( "ICE negotiation not finished in " + browser.getTimeout() + " seconds"); } } protected void initWebRtc(final WebRtcConfigurer webRtcConfigurer, final WebRtcChannel channel, final WebRtcMode mode) throws InterruptedException { initWebRtc(webRtcConfigurer, channel, mode, WebRtcCandidateType.ALL, false); } /* * reload */ public void reload() throws IOException { browser.reload(); browser.injectKurentoTestJs(); browser.executeScriptAndWaitOutput("return kurentoTest;"); setBrowser(browser); } /* * addTestName */ public void addTestName(String testName) { try { browser.executeScript("addTestName('" + testName + "');"); } catch (WebDriverException we) { log.warn(we.getMessage()); } } /* * appendStringToTitle */ public void appendStringToTitle(String webRtcMode) { try { browser.executeScript("appendStringToTitle('" + webRtcMode + "');"); } catch (WebDriverException we) { log.warn(we.getMessage()); } } }