package se.kth.karamel.common; import se.kth.karamel.common.util.Settings; import se.kth.karamel.common.util.IoUtils; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; public class CookbookScaffolder { private static final org.apache.log4j.Logger logger = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(CookbookScaffolder.class); static boolean mkdirs(String path) { File cbDir = new File(path); return cbDir.mkdirs(); } static boolean mkFile(String path, StringBuffer contents) throws IOException { File f = new File(path); return f.createNewFile(); } public static boolean deleteRecursive(File path) throws FileNotFoundException { if (!path.exists()) { throw new FileNotFoundException(path.getAbsolutePath()); } boolean ret = true; if (path.isDirectory()) { for (File f : path.listFiles()) { ret = ret && deleteRecursive(f); } } return ret && path.delete(); } /** * * @param path file to be created * @param template file used as template from src/resources/main../ * @param name cookbook name * @throws IOException */ public static void createFile(String path, String template, String name) throws IOException { String script = IoUtils.readContentFromClasspath(template); script = script.replaceAll("%%NAME%%", name); String uid = System.getProperty(""); script = script.replaceAll("%%USER%%", uid); // write contents to file as text, not binary data PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(path); out.println(script); out.flush(); out.close(); } /** * Scaffold a new cookbook with 'name' in the /user/home/.karamel/cookbook_designer/name folder. * * @param name * @return path to newly scaffolded cookbook * @throws IOException */ public static String create(String name) throws IOException { String cbName = Settings.COOKBOOKS_PATH + File.separator + name + File.separator; // Create all the directories for the coookbook mkdirs(cbName + "recipes"); mkdirs(cbName + "attributes"); mkdirs(cbName + "experiments"); mkdirs(cbName + "templates" + File.separator + "default"); // Create all the files for the coookbook using the file-templates in the resources createFile(cbName + Settings.COOKBOOK_DEFAULTRB_REL_PATH, Settings.CB_TEMPLATE_ATTRIBUTES_DEFAULT, name); createFile(cbName + Settings.COOKBOOK_BERKSFILE_REL_PATH, Settings.CB_TEMPLATE_BERKSFILE, name); createFile(cbName + Settings.COOKBOOK_METADATARB_REL_PATH, Settings.CB_TEMPLATE_METADATA, name); createFile(cbName + Settings.COOKBOOK_RECIPE_INSTALL_PATH, Settings.CB_TEMPLATE_RECIPE_INSTALL, name); createFile(cbName + Settings.COOKBOOK_README_PATH, Settings.CB_TEMPLATE_README, name); logger.debug("Cookbook scaffolding created. Cookbook now in folder: ~/.karamel/cookbooks/" + name); File f = new File(cbName); return f.getAbsolutePath(); } static public String readFile(String path) throws IOException { byte[] encoded = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(path)); return new String(encoded); } }