package se.kth.karamel.common.cookbookmeta; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import se.kth.karamel.common.exception.RecipeParseException; public class ExperimentRecipeParser { public static Pattern EXPERIMENT_SCRIPT = Pattern.compile("script \'run_experiment\'"); public static Pattern EXPERIMENT_DELIMITER = Pattern.compile("EOM"); public static Pattern EXPERIMENT_INTERPRETER = Pattern.compile("interpreter \"(.*)\""); /** * * @param name * @param recipeContent * @param configFileName * @param configFileContents * @return an experiment recipe * @throws se.kth.karamel.common.exception.RecipeParseException */ public static ExperimentRecipe parse(String name, String recipeContent, String configFileName, String configFileContents) throws RecipeParseException { Matcher mp = EXPERIMENT_SCRIPT.matcher(recipeContent); boolean foundPreScript = mp.find(); if (!foundPreScript) { throw new RecipeParseException( "Could not find in the recipe any chef code before a script resource like \"script 'run_experiment' do\" "); } // +1 to skip the newline char String postScript = recipeContent.substring(mp.start()+1); Matcher ms = EXPERIMENT_DELIMITER.matcher(postScript); boolean foundStart = ms.find(); if (!foundStart) { throw new RecipeParseException( "Could not find in the recipe a script resource like \"script 'run_experiment' do\" "); } int startPos = ms.end()+1; boolean foundEnd = ms.find(); if (!foundEnd) { throw new RecipeParseException( "Could not find in the recipe a script resource like \"script 'run_experiment' do\" "); } int endPos = ms.start()-1; String script = postScript.substring(startPos, endPos); Matcher mi = EXPERIMENT_INTERPRETER.matcher(postScript); boolean foundInterpreter = mi.find(); if (!foundInterpreter) { throw new RecipeParseException( "Could not find in the Interpreter in script experiment recipe."); } String interpreter =; return new ExperimentRecipe(name, interpreter, script, configFileName, configFileContents); } }