package org.jcodec.containers.mp4.boxes; import org.jcodec.platform.Platform; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; /** * This class is part of JCodec ( ) This software is distributed * under FreeBSD License * * @author The JCodec project */ public class SegmentIndexBox extends FullBox { public SegmentIndexBox(Header atom) { super(atom); } public static SegmentIndexBox createSegmentIndexBox() { return new SegmentIndexBox(new Header(fourcc())); } public long reference_ID; public long timescale; public long earliest_presentation_time; public long first_offset; public int reserved; public int reference_count; public Reference[] references; public static class Reference { public boolean reference_type; public long referenced_size; public long subsegment_duration; public boolean starts_with_SAP; public int SAP_type; public long SAP_delta_time; @Override public String toString() { return "Reference [reference_type=" + reference_type + ", referenced_size=" + referenced_size + ", subsegment_duration=" + subsegment_duration + ", starts_with_SAP=" + starts_with_SAP + ", SAP_type=" + SAP_type + ", SAP_delta_time=" + SAP_delta_time + "]"; } } public static String fourcc() { return "sidx"; } @Override public void parse(ByteBuffer input) { super.parse(input); this.reference_ID = input.getInt() & 0xffffffffL; this.timescale = input.getInt() & 0xffffffffL; if (version == 0) { this.earliest_presentation_time = input.getInt() & 0xffffffffL; this.first_offset = input.getInt() & 0xffffffffL; } else { this.earliest_presentation_time = input.getLong(); this.first_offset = input.getLong(); } this.reserved = input.getShort(); this.reference_count = input.getShort() & 0xffff; this.references = new Reference[this.reference_count]; for (int i = 0; i < this.reference_count; i++) { long i0 = input.getInt() & 0xffffffffL; long i1 = input.getInt() & 0xffffffffL; long i2 = input.getInt() & 0xffffffffL; Reference ref = new Reference(); ref.reference_type = (i0 >> 31) == 1; ref.referenced_size = i0 & 0x7fffffffL; ref.subsegment_duration = i1; ref.starts_with_SAP = (i2 >> 31) == 1; ref.SAP_type = (int) ((i2 >> 28) & 7); ref.SAP_delta_time = i2 & 0xFFFFFFFL; references[i] = ref; } } @Override protected void doWrite(ByteBuffer out) { super.doWrite(out); out.putInt((int) reference_ID); out.putInt((int) timescale); if (version == 0) { out.putInt((int) earliest_presentation_time); out.putInt((int) first_offset); } else { out.putLong(earliest_presentation_time); out.putLong(first_offset); } out.putShort((short) reserved); out.putShort((short) reference_count); for (int i = 0; i < reference_count; i++) { Reference ref = references[i]; int i0 = (int) (((ref.reference_type ? 1 : 0) << 31) | ref.referenced_size); int i1 = (int) ref.subsegment_duration; int i2 = 0; if (ref.starts_with_SAP) { i2 |= (1 << 31); } i2 |= ((ref.SAP_type & 7) << 28); i2 |= (ref.SAP_delta_time & 0xFFFFFFFL); out.putInt(i0); out.putInt(i1); out.putInt(i2); } } @Override public String toString() { return "SegmentIndexBox [reference_ID=" + reference_ID + ", timescale=" + timescale + ", earliest_presentation_time=" + earliest_presentation_time + ", first_offset=" + first_offset + ", reserved=" + reserved + ", reference_count=" + reference_count + ", references=" + Platform.arrayToString(references) + ", version=" + version + ", flags=" + flags + ", header=" + header + "]"; } }