package org.jcodec.containers.flv; import org.jcodec.common.AudioFormat; import org.jcodec.common.Codec; import; import; import org.jcodec.common.logging.Logger; import; import org.jcodec.containers.flv.FLVTag.AacAudioTagHeader; import org.jcodec.containers.flv.FLVTag.AudioTagHeader; import org.jcodec.containers.flv.FLVTag.AvcVideoTagHeader; import org.jcodec.containers.flv.FLVTag.TagHeader; import org.jcodec.containers.flv.FLVTag.Type; import org.jcodec.containers.flv.FLVTag.VideoTagHeader; import org.jcodec.platform.Platform; import; import java.lang.System; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * This class is part of JCodec ( ) This software is distributed * under FreeBSD License * * FLV ( Flash Media Video ) demuxer * * @author Stan Vitvitskyy * */ public class FLVReader { private static final int REPOSITION_BUFFER_READS = 10; private static final int TAG_HEADER_SIZE = 15; // Read buffer, 1M private static final int READ_BUFFER_SIZE = 1 << 10; private int frameNo; private ByteBuffer readBuf; private SeekableByteChannel ch; private boolean eof; private static boolean platformBigEndian = ByteBuffer.allocate(0).order() == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN; public static Codec[] audioCodecMapping = new Codec[] { Codec.PCM, Codec.ADPCM, Codec.MP3, Codec.PCM, Codec.NELLYMOSER, Codec.NELLYMOSER, Codec.NELLYMOSER, Codec.G711, Codec.G711, null, Codec.AAC, Codec.SPEEX, Codec.MP3, null }; public static Codec[] videoCodecMapping = new Codec[] { null, null, Codec.SORENSON, Codec.FLASH_SCREEN_VIDEO, Codec.VP6, Codec.VP6, Codec.FLASH_SCREEN_V2, Codec.H264 }; public static int[] sampleRates = new int[] { 5500, 11000, 22000, 44100 }; public FLVReader(SeekableByteChannel ch) throws IOException { = ch; readBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(READ_BUFFER_SIZE); readBuf.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); initialRead(ch); if (!readHeader(readBuf)) { // This file doesn't have an FLV header, maybe it's a portion of an // FLV file and we can position at the tag start? readBuf.position(0); if (!repositionFile()) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid FLV file"); else { Logger.warn(String.format("Parsing a corrupt FLV file, first tag found at %d. %s", readBuf.position(), readBuf.position() == 0 ? "Did you forget the FLV 9-byte header?" : "")); } } } private void initialRead(ReadableByteChannel ch) throws IOException { readBuf.clear(); if ( == -1) eof = true; readBuf.flip(); } public FLVTag readNextPacket() throws IOException { if (eof) return null; FLVTag pkt = parsePacket(readBuf); // No more pakets fit into the buffer, reading more data if (pkt == null && !eof) { moveRemainderToTheStart(readBuf); if ( == -1) { eof = true; return null; } while (MathUtil.log2(readBuf.capacity()) <= 22) { readBuf.flip(); pkt = parsePacket(readBuf); if (pkt != null || readBuf.position() > 0) break; // The buffer is too small, getting a bigger one ByteBuffer newBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(readBuf.capacity() << 2); newBuf.put(readBuf); readBuf = newBuf; if ( == -1) { eof = true; return null; } } } return pkt; } public FLVTag readPrevPacket() throws IOException { int startOfLastPacket = readBuf.getInt(); readBuf.position(readBuf.position() - 4); if (readBuf.position() > startOfLastPacket) { // The previous frame is still in the buffer, so no need to fetch readBuf.position(readBuf.position() - startOfLastPacket); return parsePacket(readBuf); } else { // Now we need to fetch the new buffer, because we are unsure of the // access pattern we are going to fetch only half of the buffer from // the left side and the other half from the right side of the // current position long oldPos = ch.position() - readBuf.remaining(); if (oldPos <= 9) { // We are at the first frame, there's nowhere to seek return null; } long newPos = Math.max(0, oldPos - readBuf.capacity() / 2); ch.setPosition(newPos); readBuf.clear();; readBuf.flip(); readBuf.position((int) (oldPos - newPos)); return readPrevPacket(); } } private static void moveRemainderToTheStart(ByteBuffer readBuf) { int rem = readBuf.remaining(); for (int i = 0; i < rem; i++) { readBuf.put(i, readBuf.get()); } readBuf.clear(); readBuf.position(rem); } public FLVTag parsePacket(ByteBuffer readBuf) throws IOException { for (;;) { if (readBuf.remaining() < TAG_HEADER_SIZE) { return null; } int pos = readBuf.position(); long packetPos = ch.position() - readBuf.remaining(); int prevPacketSize = readBuf.getInt(); int packetType = readBuf.get() & 0xff; int payloadSize = ((readBuf.getShort() & 0xffff) << 8) | (readBuf.get() & 0xff); int timestamp = ((readBuf.getShort() & 0xffff) << 8) | (readBuf.get() & 0xff) | ((readBuf.get() & 0xff) << 24); int streamId = ((readBuf.getShort() & 0xffff) << 8) | (readBuf.get() & 0xff); // Sanity check and reposition if (readBuf.remaining() >= payloadSize + 4) { int thisPacketSize = readBuf.getInt(readBuf.position() + payloadSize); if (thisPacketSize != payloadSize + 11) { readBuf.position(readBuf.position() - TAG_HEADER_SIZE); if (!repositionFile()) { Logger.error(String.format("Corrupt FLV stream at %d, failed to reposition!", packetPos)); ch.setPosition(ch.size()); eof = true; return null; } Logger.warn(String.format("Corrupt FLV stream at %d, repositioned to %d.", packetPos, ch.position() - readBuf.remaining())); continue; } } if (readBuf.remaining() < payloadSize) { readBuf.position(pos); return null; } if (packetType != 0x8 && packetType != 0x9 && packetType != 0x12) { NIOUtils.skip(readBuf, payloadSize); continue; } ByteBuffer payload = NIOUtils.clone(, payloadSize)); Type type; TagHeader tagHeader; if (packetType == 0x8) { type = Type.AUDIO; tagHeader = parseAudioTagHeader(payload.duplicate()); } else if (packetType == 0x9) { type = Type.VIDEO; tagHeader = parseVideoTagHeader(payload.duplicate()); } else if (packetType == 0x12) { type = Type.SCRIPT; tagHeader = null; } else { System.out.println("NON AV packet"); continue; } boolean keyFrame = packetType == 0x8 || packetType == 9 && ((VideoTagHeader) tagHeader).getFrameType() == 1; return new FLVTag(type, packetPos, tagHeader, timestamp, payload, keyFrame, frameNo++, streamId, prevPacketSize); } } public static boolean readHeader(ByteBuffer readBuf) { if (readBuf.remaining() < 9 || readBuf.get() != 'F' || readBuf.get() != 'L' || readBuf.get() != 'V' || readBuf.get() != 1 || (readBuf.get() & 0x5) == 0 || readBuf.getInt() != 9) { return false; } return true; } public static FLVMetadata parseMetadata(ByteBuffer bb) { if ("onMetaData".equals(readAMFData(bb, -1))) return new FLVMetadata((Map<String, Object>) readAMFData(bb, -1)); return null; } private static Object readAMFData(ByteBuffer input, int type) { if (type == -1) { type = input.get() & 0xff; } switch (type) { case 0: return input.getDouble(); case 1: return input.get() == 1; case 2: return readAMFString(input); case 3: return readAMFObject(input); case 8: return readAMFEcmaArray(input); case 10: return readAMFStrictArray(input); case 11: final Date date = new Date((long) input.getDouble()); input.getShort(); // time zone return date; case 13: return "UNDEFINED"; default: return null; } } private static Object readAMFStrictArray(ByteBuffer input) { int count = input.getInt(); Object[] result = new Object[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { result[i] = readAMFData(input, -1); } return result; } private static String readAMFString(ByteBuffer input) { int size = input.getShort() & 0xffff; return Platform.stringFromCharset(NIOUtils.toArray(, size)), Charset.forName("UTF-8")); } private static Object readAMFObject(ByteBuffer input) { Map<String, Object> array = new HashMap<String, Object>(); while (true) { String key = readAMFString(input); int dataType = input.get() & 0xff; if (dataType == 9) { // object end marker break; } array.put(key, readAMFData(input, dataType)); } return array; } private static Object readAMFEcmaArray(ByteBuffer input) { long size = input.getInt(); Map<String, Object> array = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { String key = readAMFString(input); int dataType = input.get() & 0xff; array.put(key, readAMFData(input, dataType)); } return array; } public static VideoTagHeader parseVideoTagHeader(ByteBuffer dup) { byte b0 = dup.get(); int frameType = (b0 & 0xff) >> 4; int codecId = (b0 & 0xf); Codec codec = videoCodecMapping[codecId]; if (codecId == 7) { byte avcPacketType = dup.get(); int compOffset = (dup.getShort() << 8) | (dup.get() & 0xff); return new AvcVideoTagHeader(codec, frameType, avcPacketType, compOffset); } return new VideoTagHeader(codec, frameType); } public static TagHeader parseAudioTagHeader(ByteBuffer dup) { byte b = dup.get(); int codecId = (b & 0xff) >> 4; int sampleRate = sampleRates[(b >> 2) & 0x3]; if (codecId == 4 || codecId == 11) sampleRate = 16000; if (codecId == 5 || codecId == 14) sampleRate = 8000; int sampleSizeInBits = (b & 0x2) == 0 ? 8 : 16; boolean signed = codecId != 3 && codecId != 0 || sampleSizeInBits == 16; int channelCount = 1 + (b & 1); if (codecId == 11) channelCount = 1; AudioFormat audioFormat = new AudioFormat(sampleRate, sampleSizeInBits, channelCount, signed, codecId == 3 ? false : platformBigEndian); Codec codec = audioCodecMapping[codecId]; if (codecId == 10) { byte packetType = dup.get(); return new AacAudioTagHeader(codec, audioFormat, packetType); } return new AudioTagHeader(codec, audioFormat); } public static int probe(ByteBuffer buf) { try { readHeader(buf); return 100; } catch (RuntimeException e) { return 0; } } public void reset() throws IOException { initialRead(ch); } public void reposition() throws IOException { reset(); if (!positionAtPacket(readBuf)) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not find at FLV tag start"); } } public static boolean positionAtPacket(ByteBuffer readBuf) { // We will be using the fact that <payload size> = <start of last // packet> - 15 ByteBuffer dup = readBuf.duplicate(); int payloadSize = 0; NIOUtils.skip(dup, 5); while (dup.hasRemaining()) { payloadSize = ((payloadSize & 0xffff) << 8) | (dup.get() & 0xff); int pointerPos = dup.position() + 7 + payloadSize; if (dup.position() >= 8 && pointerPos < dup.limit() - 4 && dup.getInt(pointerPos) - payloadSize == 11) { readBuf.position(dup.position() - 8); return true; } } return false; } /** * Searching for the next tag in a file after corrupt segment * * @return * @throws IOException */ public boolean repositionFile() throws IOException { int payloadSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < REPOSITION_BUFFER_READS; i++) { while (readBuf.hasRemaining()) { payloadSize = ((payloadSize & 0xffff) << 8) | (readBuf.get() & 0xff); int pointerPos = readBuf.position() + 7 + payloadSize; if (readBuf.position() >= 8 && pointerPos < readBuf.limit() - 4 && readBuf.getInt(pointerPos) - payloadSize == 11) { readBuf.position(readBuf.position() - 8); return true; } } initialRead(ch); if (!readBuf.hasRemaining()) break; } return false; } }