package de.zalando.sprocwrapper.proxy.executors; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import de.zalando.sprocwrapper.SProcCall.AdvisoryLock; import de.zalando.sprocwrapper.dsprovider.SameConnectionDatasource; import de.zalando.sprocwrapper.proxy.InvocationContext; /** * This Executor wraps stored procedure calls that use advisory locks and / or need different statement timeouts set. * * @author jmussler */ public class ExecutorWrapper implements Executor { private final Executor executor; private final long timeoutInMilliSeconds; private final AdvisoryLock lock; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExecutorWrapper.class); public ExecutorWrapper(final Executor e, final long t, final AdvisoryLock a) { executor = e; timeoutInMilliSeconds = t; lock = a; } private void setTimeout(final Connection conn) throws SQLException { if (timeoutInMilliSeconds <= 0) { return; } LOG.debug("Setting statement timeout {}", timeoutInMilliSeconds); final Statement st = conn.createStatement(); st.execute("SET application_name TO 'timeout:" + timeoutInMilliSeconds + "'"); st.execute("SET statement_timeout TO " + timeoutInMilliSeconds); st.close(); } private void resetTimeout(final Connection conn) throws SQLException { if (timeoutInMilliSeconds <= 0) { return; } LOG.debug("Resetting statement timeout"); final Statement st = conn.createStatement(); st.execute("RESET statement_timeout"); st.execute("RESET application_name"); st.close(); } private boolean lockAdvisoryLock(final Connection conn) throws SQLException { if (lock == null || lock.equals(AdvisoryLock.NoLock.LOCK)) { return true; } final Statement st = conn.createStatement(); final ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT pg_advisory_lock(" + lock.getLockId() + ") AS \"" + lock .getName() + "\";"); boolean b = false; if ( { b = true; } rs.close(); st.close(); return b; } private boolean unlockAdvisoryLock(final Connection conn) throws SQLException { if (lock == null || lock.equals(AdvisoryLock.NoLock.LOCK)) { return true; } final Statement st = conn.createStatement(); final ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT pg_advisory_unlock(" + lock.getLockId() + ")"); boolean b = false; if ( { b = rs.getBoolean(1); } rs.close(); st.close(); return b; } @Override public Object executeSProc(final DataSource ds, final String sql, final Object[] args, final int[] types, final InvocationContext invocationContext, final Class<?> returnType) { SameConnectionDatasource sameConnDs = null; try { sameConnDs = new SameConnectionDatasource(ds.getConnection()); setTimeout(sameConnDs.getConnection()); if (!lockAdvisoryLock(sameConnDs.getConnection())) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not acquire AdvisoryLock " + lock.getName()); } return executor.executeSProc(sameConnDs, sql, args, types, invocationContext, returnType); } catch (final SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException("SQL Exception in execute sproc: " + sql, e); } finally { if (sameConnDs != null) { try { if (timeoutInMilliSeconds > 0) { try { resetTimeout(sameConnDs.getConnection()); } catch (final SQLException ex) { LOG.error("Exception in reseting statement timeout!", ex); } } // unlock in all cases, locks not owned by this session cannot be unlocked if (lock != null && !lock.equals(AdvisoryLock.NoLock.LOCK)) { try { unlockAdvisoryLock(sameConnDs.getConnection()); } catch (final SQLException ex) { LOG.error("Exception in reseting advisory lock!", ex); } } } finally { try { sameConnDs.close(); } catch (final SQLException ex) { LOG.error("Exception in closing underlying connection!", ex); } } } } } }