package de.zalando.sprocwrapper.proxy; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask; import javax.sql.DataSource; import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.jdbc.CannotGetJdbcConnectionException; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper; import; import; import; import; import de.zalando.sprocwrapper.SProcCall.AdvisoryLock; import de.zalando.sprocwrapper.SProcService.WriteTransaction; import de.zalando.sprocwrapper.dsprovider.DataSourceProvider; import de.zalando.sprocwrapper.dsprovider.SameConnectionDatasource; import de.zalando.sprocwrapper.globalvaluetransformer.GlobalValueTransformerLoader; import de.zalando.sprocwrapper.proxy.executors.Executor; import de.zalando.sprocwrapper.proxy.executors.ExecutorWrapper; import de.zalando.sprocwrapper.proxy.executors.GlobalTransformerExecutorWrapper; import de.zalando.sprocwrapper.proxy.executors.MultiRowSimpleTypeExecutor; import de.zalando.sprocwrapper.proxy.executors.MultiRowTypeMapperExecutor; import de.zalando.sprocwrapper.proxy.executors.SingleRowCustomMapperExecutor; import de.zalando.sprocwrapper.proxy.executors.SingleRowSimpleTypeExecutor; import de.zalando.sprocwrapper.proxy.executors.SingleRowTypeMapperExecutor; import de.zalando.sprocwrapper.proxy.executors.ValidationExecutorWrapper; import de.zalando.sprocwrapper.sharding.ShardedDataAccessException; import de.zalando.sprocwrapper.sharding.ShardedObject; import de.zalando.sprocwrapper.sharding.VirtualShardKeyStrategy; import de.zalando.typemapper.core.ValueTransformer; /** * @author jmussler */ @Immutable class StoredProcedure { private static final int TRUNCATE_DEBUG_PARAMS_MAX_LENGTH = 1024; private static final String TRUNCATE_DEBUG_PARAMS_ELLIPSIS = " ..."; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StoredProcedure.class); private final String name; private final List<StoredProcedureParameter> params; private final int[] types; private final String sqlParameterList; private final String query; private final Class<?> returnType; private final VirtualShardKeyStrategy shardStrategy; private final List<ShardKeyParameter> shardKeyParameters; private final boolean autoPartition; // whether the result type is a collection (List) private final boolean collectionResult; private final boolean runOnAllShards; private final boolean searchShards; private final boolean parallel; private final boolean readOnly; private final WriteTransaction writeTransaction; private final Executor executor; private static final Executor MULTI_ROW_SIMPLE_TYPE_EXECUTOR = new MultiRowSimpleTypeExecutor(); private static final Executor MULTI_ROW_TYPE_MAPPER_EXECUTOR = new MultiRowTypeMapperExecutor(); private static final Executor SINGLE_ROW_SIMPLE_TYPE_EXECUTOR = new SingleRowSimpleTypeExecutor(); private static final Executor SINGLE_ROW_TYPE_MAPPER_EXECUTOR = new SingleRowTypeMapperExecutor(); private static final ExecutorService PARALLEL_THREAD_POOL = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); private final long timeout; private final AdvisoryLock adivsoryLock; public StoredProcedure(final String name, final String query, final List<StoredProcedureParameter> params, final java.lang.reflect.Type genericType, final VirtualShardKeyStrategy sStrategy, final List<ShardKeyParameter> shardKeyParameters, final boolean runOnAllShards, final boolean searchShards, final boolean parallel, final RowMapper<?> resultMapper, final long timeout, final AdvisoryLock advisoryLock, final boolean useValidation, final boolean readOnly, final WriteTransaction writeTransaction) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { = name; this.params = new ArrayList<>(params); this.types = createTypes(params); this.sqlParameterList = createSqlParameterList(params); this.query = (query != null ? query : defaultQuery(name, sqlParameterList)); this.shardStrategy = sStrategy; this.shardKeyParameters = new ArrayList<>(shardKeyParameters); this.autoPartition = isAutoPartition(shardKeyParameters); this.runOnAllShards = runOnAllShards; this.searchShards = searchShards; this.parallel = parallel; this.readOnly = readOnly; this.writeTransaction = writeTransaction; this.adivsoryLock = advisoryLock; this.timeout = timeout; ValueTransformer<?, ?> valueTransformerForClass = null; Executor exec; if (genericType instanceof ParameterizedType) { final ParameterizedType pType = (ParameterizedType) genericType; if (java.util.List.class.isAssignableFrom((Class<?>) pType.getRawType()) && pType.getActualTypeArguments().length > 0) { returnType = (Class<?>) pType.getActualTypeArguments()[0]; // check if we have a value transformer (and initialize the registry): valueTransformerForClass = GlobalValueTransformerLoader.getValueTransformerForClass(returnType); if (valueTransformerForClass != null || SingleRowSimpleTypeExecutor.SIMPLE_TYPES.containsKey(returnType)) { exec = MULTI_ROW_SIMPLE_TYPE_EXECUTOR; } else { exec = MULTI_ROW_TYPE_MAPPER_EXECUTOR; } collectionResult = true; } else { collectionResult = false; exec = SINGLE_ROW_TYPE_MAPPER_EXECUTOR; returnType = (Class<?>) pType.getRawType(); } } else { collectionResult = false; returnType = (Class<?>) genericType; // check if we have a value transformer (and initialize the registry): valueTransformerForClass = GlobalValueTransformerLoader.getValueTransformerForClass(returnType); if (valueTransformerForClass != null || SingleRowSimpleTypeExecutor.SIMPLE_TYPES.containsKey(returnType)) { exec = SINGLE_ROW_SIMPLE_TYPE_EXECUTOR; } else { if (resultMapper != null) { exec = new SingleRowCustomMapperExecutor(resultMapper); } else { exec = SINGLE_ROW_TYPE_MAPPER_EXECUTOR; } } } if (this.timeout > 0 || (this.adivsoryLock != null && !(this.adivsoryLock.equals(AdvisoryLock.NoLock.LOCK)))) { // Wrapper provides locking and changing of session settings functionality exec = new ExecutorWrapper(exec, this.timeout, this.adivsoryLock); } if (useValidation) { exec = new ValidationExecutorWrapper(exec); } if (valueTransformerForClass != null) { // we need to transform the return value by the global value transformer. // add the transformation to the as a transformerExecutor exec = new GlobalTransformerExecutorWrapper(exec); } this.executor = exec; } public String getName() { return name; } private Object[] getParams(final Object[] origParams, final Connection connection) { final Object[] ps = new Object[params.size()]; int i = 0; for (final StoredProcedureParameter p : params) { try { ps[i] = p.mapParam(origParams[p.getJavaPos()], connection); } catch (final Exception e) { final String errorMessage = "Could not map input parameter for stored procedure " + name + " of type " + p.getType() + " at position " + p.getJavaPos() + ": " + (p.isSensitive() ? "<SENSITIVE>" : origParams[p.getJavaPos()]); LOG.error(errorMessage, e); throw new IllegalArgumentException(errorMessage, e); } i++; } return ps; } private static int[] createTypes(final List<StoredProcedureParameter> params) { int[] types = new int[params.size()]; int i = 0; for (final StoredProcedureParameter p : params) { types[i++] = p.getType(); } return types; } private int getShardId(final Object[] objs) { if (shardKeyParameters.isEmpty()) { return shardStrategy.getShardId(null); } final Object[] keys = new Object[shardKeyParameters.size()]; int i = 0; Object obj; for (final ShardKeyParameter p : shardKeyParameters) { obj = objs[p.getPos()]; if (obj instanceof ShardedObject) { obj = ((ShardedObject) obj).getShardKey(); } keys[i] = obj; i++; } return shardStrategy.getShardId(keys); } public String getSqlParameterList() { return sqlParameterList; } private static String createSqlParameterList(final List<StoredProcedureParameter> params) { String s = ""; boolean first = true; for (int i = 1; i <= params.size(); ++i) { if (!first) { s += ","; } first = false; s += "?"; } return s; } private static String defaultQuery(final String name, final String sqlParameterList) { return "SELECT * FROM " + name + " ( " + sqlParameterList + " )"; } private static boolean isAutoPartition(final List<ShardKeyParameter> shardKeyParameters) { for (ShardKeyParameter p : shardKeyParameters) { if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(p.getType())) { return true; } } return false; } /** * build execution string like create_or_update_multiple_objects({"(a,b)","(c,d)" }). * * @param args * * @return */ private String getDebugLog(final Object[] args) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(name); sb.append('('); int i = 0; for (final Object param : args) { if (i > 0) { sb.append(','); } if (param == null) { sb.append("NULL"); } else if (params.get(i).isSensitive()) { sb.append("<SENSITIVE>"); } else { sb.append(param); } i++; if (sb.length() > TRUNCATE_DEBUG_PARAMS_MAX_LENGTH) { break; } } if (sb.length() > TRUNCATE_DEBUG_PARAMS_MAX_LENGTH) { // Truncate params for debug output return sb.substring(0, TRUNCATE_DEBUG_PARAMS_MAX_LENGTH) + TRUNCATE_DEBUG_PARAMS_ELLIPSIS + ")"; } else { sb.append(')'); return sb.toString(); } } /** * split arguments by shard. * * @param dataSourceProvider * @param args the original argument list * * @return map of virtual shard ID to argument list (TreeMap with ordered keys: sorted by shard ID) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Map<Integer, Object[]> partitionArguments(final DataSourceProvider dataSourceProvider, final Object[] args) { // use TreeMap here to maintain ordering by shard ID final Map<Integer, Object[]> argumentsByShardId = Maps.newTreeMap(); // we need to partition by datasource instead of virtual shard ID (different virtual shard IDs are mapped to // the same datasource e.g. by VirtualShardMd5Strategy) final Map<DataSource, Integer> shardIdByDataSource = Maps.newHashMap(); // TODO: currently only implemented for single shardKey argument as first argument! final List<Object> originalArgument = (List<Object>) args[0]; if (originalArgument == null || originalArgument.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ShardKey (first argument) of sproc '" + name + "' not defined"); } List<Object> partitionedArgument = null; Object[] partitionedArguments = null; int shardId; Integer existingShardId; DataSource dataSource; for (final Object key : originalArgument) { shardId = getShardId(new Object[] {key}); dataSource = dataSourceProvider.getDataSource(shardId); existingShardId = shardIdByDataSource.get(dataSource); if (existingShardId != null) { // we already saw the same datasource => use the virtual shard ID of the first argument with the same // datasource shardId = existingShardId; } else { shardIdByDataSource.put(dataSource, shardId); } partitionedArguments = argumentsByShardId.get(shardId); if (partitionedArguments == null) { partitionedArgument = Lists.newArrayList(); partitionedArguments = new Object[args.length]; partitionedArguments[0] = partitionedArgument; if (args.length > 1) { System.arraycopy(args, 1, partitionedArguments, 1, args.length - 1); } argumentsByShardId.put(shardId, partitionedArguments); } else { partitionedArgument = (List<Object>) partitionedArguments[0]; } partitionedArgument.add(key); } return argumentsByShardId; } public Object execute(final DataSourceProvider dp, final InvocationContext invocation) { List<Integer> shardIds = null; Map<Integer, Object[]> partitionedArguments = null; if (runOnAllShards || searchShards) { shardIds = dp.getDistinctShardIds(); } else { if (autoPartition) { partitionedArguments = partitionArguments(dp, invocation.getArgs()); shardIds = Lists.newArrayList(partitionedArguments.keySet()); } else { shardIds = Lists.newArrayList(getShardId(invocation.getArgs())); } } if (partitionedArguments == null) { partitionedArguments = Maps.newHashMap(); for (final int shardId : shardIds) { partitionedArguments.put(shardId, invocation.getArgs()); } } final DataSource firstDs = dp.getDataSource(shardIds.get(0)); Connection connection = null; try { connection = firstDs.getConnection(); } catch (final SQLException e) { throw new CannotGetJdbcConnectionException("Failed to acquire connection for virtual shard " + shardIds.get(0) + " for " + name, e); } final List<Object[]> paramValues = Lists.newArrayList(); try { for (final int shardId : shardIds) { paramValues.add(getParams(partitionedArguments.get(shardId), connection)); } } finally { if (connection != null) { try { connection.close(); } catch (final Throwable t) { LOG.warn("Could not release connection", t); } } } if (shardIds.size() == 1 && !autoPartition) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(getDebugLog(paramValues.get(0))); } // most common case: only one shard and no argument partitioning return execute(firstDs, paramValues.get(0), invocation); } else { Map<Integer, SameConnectionDatasource> transactionalDatasources = null; try { // we may need to start a transaction context transactionalDatasources = startTransaction(dp, shardIds); final List<?> results = Lists.newArrayList(); Object sprocResult = null; final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (parallel) { sprocResult = executeInParallel(dp, invocation, shardIds, paramValues, transactionalDatasources, results, sprocResult); } else { sprocResult = executeSequential(dp, invocation, shardIds, paramValues, transactionalDatasources, results, sprocResult); } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("[{}] execution of [{}] on [{}] shards took [{}] ms", new Object[] { parallel ? "parallel" : "serial", name, shardIds.size(), System.currentTimeMillis() - start }); } // no error - we may need to commit commitTransaction(transactionalDatasources); if (collectionResult) { return results; } else { // return last result return sprocResult; } } catch (final RuntimeException runtimeException) { LOG.trace("[{}] execution of [{}] on [{}] shards aborted by runtime exception [{}]", new Object[] { parallel ? "parallel" : "serial", name, shardIds.size(), runtimeException.getMessage(), runtimeException }); // error occured, we may need to rollback all transactions. rollbackTransaction(transactionalDatasources); // re-throw throw runtimeException; } catch (final Throwable throwable) { LOG.trace("[{}] execution of [{}] on [{}] shards aborted by throwable exception [{}]", new Object[] { parallel ? "parallel" : "serial", name, shardIds.size(), throwable.getMessage(), throwable }); // error occured, we may need to rollback all transactions. rollbackTransaction(transactionalDatasources); // throw runtime: throw new RuntimeException(throwable); } } } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) private Object executeSequential(final DataSourceProvider dp, final InvocationContext invocation, final List<Integer> shardIds, final List<Object[]> paramValues, final Map<Integer, SameConnectionDatasource> transactionalDatasources, final List<?> results, Object sprocResult) { DataSource shardDs; int i = 0; final List<String> exceptions = Lists.newArrayList(); final ImmutableMap.Builder<Integer, Throwable> causes = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (final int shardId : shardIds) { shardDs = getShardDs(dp, transactionalDatasources, shardId); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(getDebugLog(paramValues.get(i))); } sprocResult = null; try { sprocResult = execute(shardDs, paramValues.get(i), invocation); } catch (final Exception e) { // remember all exceptions and go on exceptions.add("shardId: " + shardId + ", message: " + e.getMessage() + ", query: " + query); causes.put(shardId, e); } if (addResultsBreakWhenSharded(results, sprocResult)) { break; } i++; } if (!exceptions.isEmpty()) { throw new ShardedDataAccessException("Got exception(s) while executing sproc on shards: " + Joiner.on(", ").join(exceptions),; } return sprocResult; } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) private Object executeInParallel(final DataSourceProvider dp, final InvocationContext invocation, final List<Integer> shardIds, final List<Object[]> paramValues, final Map<Integer, SameConnectionDatasource> transactionalDatasources, final List<?> results, Object sprocResult) { final Map<Integer, FutureTask<Object>> tasks = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(shardIds.size()); int i = 0; for (final int shardId : shardIds) { final DataSource shardDs = getShardDs(dp, transactionalDatasources, shardId); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(getDebugLog(paramValues.get(i))); } final FutureTask<Object> task = new FutureTask<>(with(shardDs, paramValues.get(i), invocation)); tasks.put(shardId, task); PARALLEL_THREAD_POOL.execute(task); i++; } final List<String> exceptions = Lists.newArrayList(); final ImmutableMap.Builder<Integer, Throwable> causes = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (final Entry<Integer, FutureTask<Object>> taskToFinish : tasks.entrySet()) { try { sprocResult = taskToFinish.getValue().get(); } catch (final InterruptedException ex) { // remember all exceptions and go on exceptions.add("got sharding execution exception: " + ex.getMessage() + ", query: " + query); causes.put(taskToFinish.getKey(), ex); } catch (final ExecutionException ex) { // remember all exceptions and go on exceptions.add("got sharding execution exception: " + ex.getCause().getMessage() + ", query: " + query); causes.put(taskToFinish.getKey(), ex.getCause()); } if (addResultsBreakWhenSharded(results, sprocResult)) { break; } } if (!exceptions.isEmpty()) { throw new ShardedDataAccessException("Got exception(s) while executing sproc on shards: " + Joiner.on(", ").join(exceptions),; } return sprocResult; } private Callable<Object> with(final DataSource shardDs, final Object[] params, final InvocationContext invocation) { return new Callable<Object>() { @Override public Object call() throws Exception { return StoredProcedure.this.execute(shardDs, params, invocation); } }; } private Object execute(final DataSource shardDs, final Object[] params, final InvocationContext invocation) { return executor.executeSProc(shardDs, query, params, types, invocation, returnType); } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) private boolean addResultsBreakWhenSharded(final Collection results, final Object sprocResult) { boolean breakSearch = false; if (collectionResult && sprocResult != null && !((Collection) sprocResult).isEmpty()) { // Result is a non-empty collection results.addAll((Collection) sprocResult); // Break if shardedSearch breakSearch = searchShards; } else if (!collectionResult && sprocResult != null && searchShards) { // Result is non-null, but not a collection // Break if shardedSearch breakSearch = true; } return breakSearch; } private DataSource getShardDs(final DataSourceProvider dp, final Map<Integer, SameConnectionDatasource> transactionIds, final int shardId) { if (transactionIds.isEmpty()) { return dp.getDataSource(shardId); } return transactionIds.get(shardId); } private Map<Integer, SameConnectionDatasource> startTransaction(final DataSourceProvider dp, final List<Integer> shardIds) throws SQLException { final Map<Integer, SameConnectionDatasource> ret = Maps.newHashMap(); if (readOnly == false && writeTransaction != WriteTransaction.NONE) { for (final int shardId : shardIds) { final DataSource shardDs = dp.getDataSource(shardId); // we need to pin the calls to a single connection final SameConnectionDatasource sameConnDs = new SameConnectionDatasource(shardDs.getConnection()); ret.put(shardId, sameConnDs); LOG.trace("startTransaction on shard [{}]", shardId); final Statement st = sameConnDs.getConnection().createStatement(); st.execute("BEGIN"); st.close(); } } return ret; } private void commitTransaction(final Map<Integer, SameConnectionDatasource> datasources) { if (readOnly == false && writeTransaction != WriteTransaction.NONE) { if (writeTransaction == WriteTransaction.ONE_PHASE) { for (final Entry<Integer, SameConnectionDatasource> shardEntry : datasources.entrySet()) { try { LOG.trace("commitTransaction on shard [{}]", shardEntry.getKey()); final DataSource shardDs = shardEntry.getValue(); final Statement st = shardDs.getConnection().createStatement(); st.execute("COMMIT"); st.close(); shardEntry.getValue().close(); } catch (final Exception e) { // do our best. we cannot rollback at this point. // store other shards as much as possible. LOG.error( "ERROR: could not commitTransaction on shard [{}] - this will produce inconsistent data.", shardEntry.getKey(), e); } } } else if (writeTransaction == WriteTransaction.TWO_PHASE) { boolean commitFailed = false; final String transactionId = "sprocwrapper_" + UUID.randomUUID(); final String prepareTransactionStatement = "PREPARE TRANSACTION '" + transactionId + "'"; for (final Entry<Integer, SameConnectionDatasource> shardEntry : datasources.entrySet()) { try { LOG.trace("prepare transaction on shard [{}]", shardEntry.getKey()); final DataSource shardDs = shardEntry.getValue(); final Statement st = shardDs.getConnection().createStatement(); st.execute(prepareTransactionStatement); st.close(); } catch (final Exception e) { commitFailed = true; // log, but go on, prepare other transactions - but they will be removed as well. LOG.debug("prepare transaction [{}] on shard [{}] failed!", new Object[] {transactionId, shardEntry.getKey(), e}); } } if (commitFailed) { rollbackPrepared(datasources, transactionId); } else { final String commitStatement = "COMMIT PREPARED '" + transactionId + "'"; for (final Entry<Integer, SameConnectionDatasource> shardEntry : datasources.entrySet()) { try { LOG.trace("commit prepared transaction [{}] on shard [{}]", transactionId, shardEntry.getKey()); final DataSource shardDs = shardEntry.getValue(); final Statement st = shardDs.getConnection().createStatement(); st.execute(commitStatement); st.close(); shardEntry.getValue().close(); } catch (final Exception e) { commitFailed = true; // do our best. we cannot rollback at this point. // store other shards as much as possible. // the not yet stored transactions are visible in postgres prepared transactions // a nagios check should detect them so that we can handle any errors // that may be produced at this point. LOG.error( "FAILED: could not commit prepared transaction [{}] on shard [{}] - this will produce inconsistent data.", new Object[] {transactionId, shardEntry.getKey(), e}); } } // for all failed commits: if (commitFailed) { rollbackPrepared(datasources, transactionId); } } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown writeTransaction state: " + writeTransaction); } } } private void rollbackPrepared(final Map<Integer, SameConnectionDatasource> datasources, final String transactionId) { final String rollbackQuery = "ROLLBACK PREPARED '" + transactionId + "'"; for (final Entry<Integer, SameConnectionDatasource> shardEntry : datasources.entrySet()) { try { LOG.error("rollback prepared transaction [{}] on shard [{}]", transactionId, shardEntry.getKey()); final DataSource shardDs = shardEntry.getValue(); final Statement st = shardDs.getConnection().createStatement(); st.execute(rollbackQuery); st.close(); shardEntry.getValue().close(); } catch (final Exception e) { LOG.error( "FAILED: could not rollback prepared transaction [{}] on shard [{}] - this will produce inconsistent data.", new Object[] {transactionId, shardEntry.getKey(), e}); } } } private void rollbackTransaction(final Map<Integer, SameConnectionDatasource> datasources) { if (readOnly == false && writeTransaction != WriteTransaction.NONE) { for (final Entry<Integer, SameConnectionDatasource> shardEntry : datasources.entrySet()) { try { LOG.trace("rollbackTransaction on shard [{}]", shardEntry.getKey()); final DataSource shardDs = shardEntry.getValue(); final Statement st = shardDs.getConnection().createStatement(); st.execute("ROLLBACK"); st.close(); shardEntry.getValue().close(); } catch (final Exception e) { LOG.error("ERROR: could not rollback on shard [{}] - this will produce inconsistent data.", shardEntry.getKey()); } } } } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(name); sb.append('('); boolean f = true; for (final StoredProcedureParameter p : params) { if (!f) { sb.append(','); } f = false; sb.append(p.getType()); if (!"".equals(p.getTypeName())) { sb.append("=>").append(p.getTypeName()); } } sb.append(')'); return sb.toString(); } }