* Copyright (c) 2016 Rene Schneider, GEBIT Solutions GmbH and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
package de.gebit.integrity.parameter.conversion.conversions.java.other;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import de.gebit.integrity.operations.UnexecutableException;
import de.gebit.integrity.parameter.conversion.Conversion;
import de.gebit.integrity.parameter.conversion.ConversionContext;
import de.gebit.integrity.parameter.conversion.ConversionFailedException;
import de.gebit.integrity.utils.ParameterUtil.UnresolvableVariableException;
* A default Integrity conversion.
* @author Rene Schneider - initial API and implementation
public class MapToMap extends Conversion<Map, Map> {
public Map convert(Map aSource, Class<? extends Map> aTargetType, ConversionContext aConversionContext)
throws ConversionFailedException {
try {
Map tempTargetInstance = aTargetType.newInstance();
Class<?> tempTargetValueType = null;
if (aTargetType.getTypeParameters().length >= 2) {
tempTargetValueType = aTargetType.getTypeParameters()[1].getGenericDeclaration().getComponentType();
for (Entry<?, ?> tempEntry : ((Map<?, ?>) aSource).entrySet()) {
// // find setter
// Method tempWriteMethod = new PropertyDescriptor(tempEntry.getKey(), aTargetType).getWriteMethod();
// if (tempWriteMethod == null || tempWriteMethod.getParameterTypes().length != 1) {
// throw new ConversionFailedException(aSource.getClass(), aTargetType,
// "No accessible standards-compliant setter found for '" + tempEntry.getKey() + "'");
// }
// aTargetType.getp
// Class<?> tempTargetType = tempWriteMethod.getParameterTypes()[0];
// Class<?> tempParameterizedType = null;
// // See whether we can find a generic type parameter for the given target class
// Class<?> tempClassInFocus = aTargetType;
// while (tempClassInFocus != null) {
// try {
// Field tempField = tempClassInFocus.getDeclaredField(tempEntry.getKey());
// Type tempGenericType = tempField.getGenericType();
// if (tempGenericType instanceof ParameterizedType) {
// Type tempInnerType = ((ParameterizedType) tempGenericType).getActualTypeArguments()[0];
// if (tempInnerType instanceof WildcardType) {
// if (((WildcardType) tempInnerType).getUpperBounds() == null) {
// tempParameterizedType = null;
// } else {
// Type tempUpperBound = ((WildcardType) tempInnerType).getUpperBounds()[0];
// if (tempUpperBound instanceof ParameterizedType) {
// tempParameterizedType = (Class<?>) ((ParameterizedType) tempUpperBound)
// .getRawType();
// } else {
// tempParameterizedType = (Class<?>) tempUpperBound;
// }
// }
// // lower bounds not currently supported!
// } else {
// if (tempInnerType instanceof ParameterizedType) {
// tempParameterizedType = (Class<?>) ((ParameterizedType) tempInnerType).getRawType();
// } else {
// tempParameterizedType = (Class<?>) tempInnerType;
// }
// }
// }
// break;
// } catch (SecurityException exc) {
// // don't care, just continue
// } catch (NoSuchFieldException exc) {
// // don't care, just continue
// }
// tempClassInFocus = tempClassInFocus.getSuperclass();
// }
Object tempConvertedValue;
// if (tempEntry.getValue() instanceof Map) { // map itself
// // case for only one element within an array type
// Class<?> tempOriginalClass = tempWriteMethod.getParameterTypes()[0];
// Class<?> tempClass = tempOriginalClass;
// if (tempOriginalClass.isArray()) {
// tempClass = tempClass.getComponentType();
// }
// tempConvertedValue = convert(((Map) tempEntry.getValue()), tempClass, aConversionContext);
// if (tempOriginalClass.isArray()) {
// Object tempCopy = tempConvertedValue;
// tempConvertedValue = Array.newInstance(tempClass, 1);
// Array.set(tempConvertedValue, 0, tempCopy);
// }
// } else { // value
tempConvertedValue = convertValueRecursive(tempTargetValueType, null, tempEntry.getValue(),
// }
tempTargetInstance.put(tempEntry.getKey(), tempConvertedValue);
return tempTargetInstance;
} catch (
InstantiationException exc) {
throw new ConversionFailedException(aSource.getClass(), aTargetType, null, exc);
} catch (IllegalAccessException exc) {
throw new ConversionFailedException(aSource.getClass(), aTargetType, null, exc);
} catch (UnresolvableVariableException exc) {
throw new ConversionFailedException(aSource.getClass(), aTargetType, null, exc);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException exc) {
throw new ConversionFailedException(aSource.getClass(), aTargetType, null, exc);
} catch (UnexecutableException exc) {
throw new ConversionFailedException(aSource.getClass(), aTargetType, null, exc);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException exc) {
throw new ConversionFailedException(aSource.getClass(), aTargetType, null, exc);
} catch (SecurityException exc) {
throw new ConversionFailedException(aSource.getClass(), aTargetType, null, exc);