* Copyright (c) 2013 Rene Schneider, GEBIT Solutions GmbH and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
package de.gebit.integrity.ui.highlighting;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.RGB;
import org.eclipse.xtext.ui.editor.syntaxcoloring.DefaultHighlightingConfiguration;
import org.eclipse.xtext.ui.editor.syntaxcoloring.IHighlightingConfigurationAcceptor;
import org.eclipse.xtext.ui.editor.utils.TextStyle;
* Custom highlighting configuration.
* @author Rene Schneider - initial API and implementation
public class DSLHighlightingConfiguration extends DefaultHighlightingConfiguration {
* The ID for visible comments.
public static final String VISIBLE_COMMENT_ID = "visiblecomment";
* The ID for visible title comments.
public static final String VISIBLE_TITLE_COMMENT_ID = "visibletitlecomment";
* The ID for visible dividers.
public static final String VISIBLE_DIVIDER_ID = "visibledivider";
* The ID for constant, predefined values (like "true" or "false").
public static final String CONSTANT_VALUE_ID = "constantvalue";
* The ID for parameters.
public static final String PARAMETER_NAME_ID = "parameter";
* The ID for parameters.
public static final String RESULT_NAME_ID = "result";
* The ID for package prefixes.
public static final String PACKAGE_PREFIX_ID = "package";
* The ID for constant, predefined values (like "true" or "false") used as a test result.
public static final String RESULT_CONSTANT_VALUE_ID = "resultconstantvalue";
* The ID for constant, predefined values (like "true" or "false") used as a parameter.
public static final String PARAMETER_CONSTANT_VALUE_ID = "parameterconstantvalue";
* The ID for numbers used as a test result.
public static final String RESULT_NUMBER_ID = "resultnumber";
* The ID for numbers used as a parameter.
public static final String PARAMETER_NUMBER_ID = "parameternumber";
* The ID for strings used as a test result.
public static final String RESULT_STRING_ID = "resultstring";
* The ID for strings used as a parameter.
public static final String PARAMETER_STRING_ID = "parameterstring";
* The ID for variables used as a test result.
public static final String VARIABLE_VALUE_ID = "variablevalue";
* The ID for variables used as a test result.
public static final String RESULT_VARIABLE_VALUE_ID = "resultvariablevalue";
* The ID for variables used as a parameter.
public static final String PARAMETER_VARIABLE_VALUE_ID = "parametervariablevalue";
* The ID for date/time used as a test result.
public static final String RESULT_DATE_TIME_ID = "resultdatetime";
* The ID for date/time used as a parameter.
public static final String PARAMETER_DATE_TIME_ID = "parameterdatetime";
* The ID for Java classes.
public static final String JAVA_CLASS_ID = "javaclass";
* The ID for Java classes (highlighted parts).
public static final String JAVA_CLASS_HIGHLIGHT_ID = "javaclasshighlight";
* The ID for Java method names (highlighted parts).
public static final String JAVA_METHOD_HIGHLIGHT_ID = "javamethodhighlight";
* The ID for operations used as a test result.
public static final String RESULT_OPERATION_ID = "resultoperation";
* The ID for operations used as a parameter.
public static final String PARAMETER_OPERATION_ID = "parameteroperation";
* The ID for the operation identifier used as a result.
public static final String RESULT_OPERATION_IDENTIFIER_ID = "resultoperationid";
* The ID for the operation identifier used as a parameter.
public static final String PARAMETER_OPERATION_IDENTIFIER_ID = "parameteroperationid";
* The ID for nested objects used as a test result.
public static final String RESULT_NESTED_OBJECT_ID = "resultnestedobject";
* The ID for nested objects used as a parameter.
public static final String PARAMETER_NESTED_OBJECT_ID = "parameternestedobject";
* The ID for nested object keys used as a test result.
public static final String RESULT_NESTED_OBJECT_KEY_ID = "resultnestedobjectkey";
* The ID for nested object keys used as a parameter.
public static final String PARAMETER_NESTED_OBJECT_KEY_ID = "parameternestedobjectkey";
* The ID for nested object keys.
public static final String NESTED_OBJECT_KEY_ID = "nestedobjectkey";
* Configures highlighting styles for the IDs.
public void configure(IHighlightingConfigurationAcceptor anAcceptor) {
anAcceptor.acceptDefaultHighlighting(VISIBLE_COMMENT_ID, "Visible Comment", visibleCommentTextStyle());
.acceptDefaultHighlighting(VISIBLE_TITLE_COMMENT_ID, "Title Comments", visibleTitleCommentTextStyle());
anAcceptor.acceptDefaultHighlighting(VISIBLE_DIVIDER_ID, "Visible Divider", visibleDividerTextStyle());
anAcceptor.acceptDefaultHighlighting(PARAMETER_NAME_ID, "Parameter Name", parameterNameTextStyle());
anAcceptor.acceptDefaultHighlighting(RESULT_NAME_ID, "Result Name", resultNameTextStyle());
anAcceptor.acceptDefaultHighlighting(PACKAGE_PREFIX_ID, "Package Prefix", packageTextStyle());
anAcceptor.acceptDefaultHighlighting(CONSTANT_VALUE_ID, "Constant Values", constantValueTextStyle());
anAcceptor.acceptDefaultHighlighting(RESULT_CONSTANT_VALUE_ID, "Constant Values (Test Result)",
anAcceptor.acceptDefaultHighlighting(PARAMETER_CONSTANT_VALUE_ID, "Constant Values (Parameters)",
anAcceptor.acceptDefaultHighlighting(VARIABLE_VALUE_ID, "Variable", variableValueTextStyle());
anAcceptor.acceptDefaultHighlighting(RESULT_VARIABLE_VALUE_ID, "Variables (Test Result)",
anAcceptor.acceptDefaultHighlighting(PARAMETER_VARIABLE_VALUE_ID, "Variables (Parameters)",
anAcceptor.acceptDefaultHighlighting(RESULT_NUMBER_ID, "Numbers (Test Result)", resultNumberTextStyle());
anAcceptor.acceptDefaultHighlighting(PARAMETER_NUMBER_ID, "Numbers (Parameters)", parameterNumberTextStyle());
anAcceptor.acceptDefaultHighlighting(RESULT_STRING_ID, "Strings (Test Result)", resultStringTextStyle());
anAcceptor.acceptDefaultHighlighting(PARAMETER_STRING_ID, "Strings (Parameters)", parameterStringTextStyle());
anAcceptor.acceptDefaultHighlighting(RESULT_DATE_TIME_ID, "Date/Time (Test Result)", resultDateTimeTextStyle());
anAcceptor.acceptDefaultHighlighting(PARAMETER_DATE_TIME_ID, "Date/Time (Parameters)",
anAcceptor.acceptDefaultHighlighting(RESULT_OPERATION_ID, "Operations (Test Result)",
anAcceptor.acceptDefaultHighlighting(PARAMETER_OPERATION_ID, "Operations (Parameters)",
anAcceptor.acceptDefaultHighlighting(RESULT_OPERATION_IDENTIFIER_ID, "Operation Identifier (Test Results)",
anAcceptor.acceptDefaultHighlighting(PARAMETER_OPERATION_IDENTIFIER_ID, "Operation Identifier (Parameters)",
anAcceptor.acceptDefaultHighlighting(RESULT_NESTED_OBJECT_ID, "Nested Objects (Test Result)",
anAcceptor.acceptDefaultHighlighting(PARAMETER_NESTED_OBJECT_ID, "Nested Objects (Parameters)",
anAcceptor.acceptDefaultHighlighting(NESTED_OBJECT_KEY_ID, "Nested Object Key", nestedObjectKeyTextStyle());
anAcceptor.acceptDefaultHighlighting(RESULT_NESTED_OBJECT_KEY_ID, "Nested Object Key (Test Result)",
anAcceptor.acceptDefaultHighlighting(PARAMETER_NESTED_OBJECT_KEY_ID, "Nested Object Key (Parameters)",
anAcceptor.acceptDefaultHighlighting(JAVA_CLASS_ID, "Java Classes", javaClassTextStyle());
anAcceptor.acceptDefaultHighlighting(JAVA_CLASS_HIGHLIGHT_ID, "Java Classes (Highlight Parts)",
anAcceptor.acceptDefaultHighlighting(JAVA_METHOD_HIGHLIGHT_ID, "Java Methods (Highlight Parts)",
public TextStyle stringTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(0, 0, 0));
return tempTextStyle;
* Creates a text style to use for visible comments.
* @return the style
public TextStyle visibleCommentTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(14, 70, 0));
tempTextStyle.setStyle(tempTextStyle.getStyle() | SWT.ITALIC | SWT.BOLD);
return tempTextStyle;
* Creates a text style to use for visible title comments.
* @return the style
public TextStyle visibleTitleCommentTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(14, 70, 0));
int tempUnderlineStyle = (1 << 30); // This constant is not present in the SWT class.
tempTextStyle.setStyle(tempTextStyle.getStyle() | SWT.ITALIC | SWT.BOLD | tempUnderlineStyle);
return tempTextStyle;
* Creates a text style to use for visible dividers.
* @return the style
public TextStyle visibleDividerTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(14, 70, 0));
tempTextStyle.setStyle(tempTextStyle.getStyle() | SWT.BOLD);
return tempTextStyle;
* Creates a text style to use for parameters.
* @return the style
public TextStyle parameterNameTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(150, 0, 0));
tempTextStyle.setStyle(tempTextStyle.getStyle() | SWT.BOLD);
return tempTextStyle;
* Creates a text style to use for parameters.
* @return the style
public TextStyle resultNameTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(42, 0, 255));
tempTextStyle.setStyle(tempTextStyle.getStyle() | SWT.BOLD);
return tempTextStyle;
* Creates a text style to use for packages.
* @return the style
public TextStyle packageTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(128, 128, 128));
return tempTextStyle;
// 42,0,255
public TextStyle numberTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(0, 0, 0));
return tempTextStyle;
* Creates a text style to use for numbers used as test results.
* @return
public TextStyle resultNumberTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(42, 0, 255));
return tempTextStyle;
* Creates a text style to use for numbers used as test or call parameters.
* @return
public TextStyle parameterNumberTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(150, 0, 0));
return tempTextStyle;
* Creates a text style to use for strings used as test results.
* @return
public TextStyle resultStringTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(42, 0, 255));
return tempTextStyle;
* Creates a text style to use for strings used as parameters.
* @return
public TextStyle parameterStringTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(150, 0, 0));
return tempTextStyle;
* Creates a text style to use for strings used as test results.
* @return
public TextStyle resultDateTimeTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(42, 0, 255));
return tempTextStyle;
* Creates a text style to use for strings used as parameters.
* @return
public TextStyle parameterDateTimeTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(150, 0, 0));
return tempTextStyle;
* Creates a text style to use for constant values.
* @return
public TextStyle constantValueTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(0, 0, 0));
return tempTextStyle;
* Creates a text style to use for constant values used as test results.
* @return
public TextStyle resultConstantValueTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(42, 0, 255));
return tempTextStyle;
* Creates a text style to use for constant values used as parameters.
* @return
public TextStyle parameterConstantValueTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(150, 0, 0));
tempTextStyle.setStyle(tempTextStyle.getStyle() | SWT.BOLD);
return tempTextStyle;
* Creates a text style to use for variable values.
* @return
public TextStyle variableValueTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(0, 0, 0));
return tempTextStyle;
* Creates a text style to use for variables used as test results.
* @return
public TextStyle resultVariableValueTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(42, 0, 255));
return tempTextStyle;
* Creates a text style to use for variables used as parameters.
* @return
public TextStyle parameterVariableValueTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(150, 0, 0));
return tempTextStyle;
* Creates a text style used for Java classes.
* @return
public TextStyle javaClassTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(128, 64, 0));
return tempTextStyle;
* Creates a text style used for Java classes (highlighted parts).
* @return
public TextStyle javaClassHighlightTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(128, 64, 0));
tempTextStyle.setStyle(tempTextStyle.getStyle() | SWT.BOLD);
return tempTextStyle;
* Creates a text style used for Java classes (highlighted parts).
* @return
public TextStyle javaMethodHighlightTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(128, 64, 0));
tempTextStyle.setStyle(tempTextStyle.getStyle() | SWT.BOLD | SWT.ITALIC);
return tempTextStyle;
* Creates a text style to use for operations used as test results.
* @return
public TextStyle resultOperationTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(42, 0, 255));
return tempTextStyle;
* Creates a text style to use for operations used as parameters.
* @return
public TextStyle parameterOperationTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(150, 0, 0));
return tempTextStyle;
* Creates a text style to use for operation identifiers used as test results.
* @return
public TextStyle resultOperationIdentifierTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(42, 0, 255));
tempTextStyle.setStyle(tempTextStyle.getStyle() | SWT.BOLD);
return tempTextStyle;
* Creates a text style to use for operation identifiers used as parameters.
* @return
public TextStyle parameterOperationIdentifierTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(150, 0, 0));
tempTextStyle.setStyle(tempTextStyle.getStyle() | SWT.BOLD);
return tempTextStyle;
* Creates a text style to use for nested objects used as test results.
* @return
public TextStyle resultNestedObjectTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(42, 0, 255));
return tempTextStyle;
* Creates a text style to use for nested objects used as parameters.
* @return
public TextStyle parameterNestedObjectTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(150, 0, 0));
return tempTextStyle;
* Creates a text style to use for nested objects used as test results.
* @return
public TextStyle resultNestedObjectKeyTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(42, 0, 255));
tempTextStyle.setStyle(tempTextStyle.getStyle() | SWT.BOLD);
return tempTextStyle;
* Creates a text style to use for nested objects used as parameters.
* @return
public TextStyle parameterNestedObjectKeyTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(150, 0, 0));
tempTextStyle.setStyle(tempTextStyle.getStyle() | SWT.BOLD);
return tempTextStyle;
* Creates a text style to use for nested objects used neither as parameter nor result.
* @return
public TextStyle nestedObjectKeyTextStyle() {
TextStyle tempTextStyle = defaultTextStyle().copy();
tempTextStyle.setColor(new RGB(0, 0, 0));
tempTextStyle.setStyle(tempTextStyle.getStyle() | SWT.BOLD);
return tempTextStyle;