package de.digitalcollections.iiif.presentation.model.impl.v2; import de.digitalcollections.iiif.presentation.model.api.v2.Manifest; import de.digitalcollections.iiif.presentation.model.api.v2.Metadata; import de.digitalcollections.iiif.presentation.model.api.v2.PropertyValue; import de.digitalcollections.iiif.presentation.model.api.v2.Range; import de.digitalcollections.iiif.presentation.model.api.v2.Sequence; import de.digitalcollections.iiif.presentation.model.api.v2.Thumbnail; import; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.List; public class ManifestImpl extends AbstractIiifResourceImpl implements Manifest { private final String context = ""; private PropertyValue description; // recommended private PropertyValue label; // required private List<Metadata> metadata; // recommended private List<Sequence> sequences; private List<Range> structures; private Thumbnail thumbnail; // recommended private String viewingDirection; // optional private String viewingHint; // optional private Instant navDate; // optional public ManifestImpl() { } public ManifestImpl(URI id, PropertyValue label) { assert id != null; assert label != null; = id; this.label = label; this.type = "sc:Manifest"; } public ManifestImpl(String id, PropertyValue label) { this(URI.create(id), label); } /** * * @param id The URI that identifies the resource. It is recommended that an HTTP URI be used for all resources. * Recommended HTTP URI patterns for the different classes of resource are given below. URIs from any registered * scheme may be used, and implementers may find it convenient to use a UUID URN of the form: * "urn:uuid:uuid-goes-here-1234". Resources that do not require URIs may be assigned blank node identifiers; this is * the same as omitting @id. A manifest must have an id, and it must be the http(s) URI at which the manifest is * published. * @param label A human readable label, name or title for the resource. This property is intended to be displayed as a * short, textual surrogate for the resource if a human needs to make a distinction between it and similar resources, * for example between pages or between a choice of images to display. A manifest must have a label, and it should be * the name of the object or title of the intellectual work that it embodies. * @param description A longer-form prose description of the object or resource that the property is attached to, * intended to be conveyed to the user as a full text description, rather than a simple label and value. It may be in * simple HTML or plain text. It can duplicate any of the information from the metadata fields, along with additional * information required to understand what is being displayed. Clients should have a way to display the descriptions * of manifests and canvases, and may have a way to view the information about other resources. A manifest should have * a description that describes the object or work. * @param metadata A list of short descriptive entries, given as pairs of human readable label and value to be * displayed to the user. The value should be either simple HTML, including links and text markup, or plain text, and * the label should be plain text. There are no semantics conveyed by this information, and clients should not use it * for discovery or other purposes. This list of descriptive pairs should be able to be displayed in a tabular form in * the user interface. Clients should have a way to display the information about manifests and canvases, and may have * a way to view the information about other resources. The client should display the pairs in the order provided by * the description. A pair might be used to convey the author of the work, information about its creation, a brief * physical description, or ownership information, amongst other use cases. The client is not expected to take any * action on this information beyond displaying the label and value. An example pair of label and value might be a * label of “Author” and a value of "Jehan Froissart". A manifest should have metadata pairs associated with it * describing the object or work. * @param thumbnail A small image that depicts or pictorially represents the resource that the property is attached * to, such as the title page, a significant image or rendering of a canvas with multiple content resources associated * with it. It is recommended that a IIIF Image API service be available for this image for manipulations such as * resizing. A manifest should have a thumbnail image that represents the entire object or work. */ public ManifestImpl(URI id, PropertyValue label, PropertyValue description, List<Metadata> metadata, Thumbnail thumbnail) { this(id, label); this.description = description; this.metadata = metadata; this.thumbnail = thumbnail; } @Override public String getContext() { return context; } @Override public PropertyValue getDescription() { return description; } @Override public void setDescription(PropertyValue description) { this.description = description; } @Override public PropertyValue getLabel() { return label; } @Override public void setLabel(PropertyValue label) { this.label = label; } @Override public List<Metadata> getMetadata() { return metadata; } @Override public void setMetadata(List<Metadata> metadata) { this.metadata = metadata; } @Override public void setRanges(List<Range> structures) { this.structures = structures; } @Override public List<Sequence> getSequences() { return sequences; } @Override public void setSequences(List<Sequence> sequences) { this.sequences = sequences; } @Override public List<Range> getStructures() { return structures; } @Override public void setStructures(List<Range> structures) { this.structures = structures; } @Override public Thumbnail getThumbnail() { return thumbnail; } @Override public void setThumbnail(Thumbnail thumbnail) { this.thumbnail = thumbnail; } @Override public String getViewingDirection() { return viewingDirection; } @Override public void setViewingDirection(String viewingDirection) { this.viewingDirection = viewingDirection; } @Override public String getViewingHint() { return viewingHint; } @Override public void setViewingHint(String viewingHint) { this.viewingHint = viewingHint; } @Override public Instant getNavDate() { return navDate; } @Override public void setNavDate(Instant navDate) { this.navDate = navDate; } }