package de.digitalcollections.iiif.presentation.model.api.v2; /** * <p> * Metadata information given as pairs of human readable label and value to be displayed to the user. The value should * be either simple HTML, including links and text markup, or plain text, and the label should be plain text. There are * no semantics conveyed by this information, and clients should not use it for discovery or other purposes. This list * of descriptive pairs should be able to be displayed in a tabular form in the user interface. Clients should have a * way to display the information about manifests and canvases, and may have a way to view the information about other * resources. The client should display the pairs in the order provided by the description. A pair might be used to * convey the author of the work, information about its creation, a brief physical description, or ownership * information, amongst other use cases. The client is not expected to take any action on this information beyond * displaying the label and value. An example pair of label and value might be a label of "Author" and a value of "Jehan * Froissart".</p> */ public interface Metadata { PropertyValue getLabel(); PropertyValue getValue(); }