package com.aemreunal.helper;
* *********************** *
* Copyright (c) 2015 *
* *
* This code belongs to: *
* *
* @author Ahmet Emre Ünal *
* S001974 *
* *
* *
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* *
* *********************** *
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;
import com.aemreunal.config.GlobalSettings;
import com.aemreunal.exception.textStorage.TextDeleteException;
import com.aemreunal.exception.textStorage.TextLoadException;
import com.aemreunal.exception.textStorage.TextSaveException;
public class TextStorage {
* Saves the given text to the filesystem and returns the name of the saved text file
* as a {@link String}.
* <p>
* The method saves texts under the home folder of the user, inside the:<pre>
* ~/{@value com.aemreunal.config.GlobalSettings#ROOT_STORAGE_FOLDER_DIRECTORY_NAME}/{@value
* com.aemreunal.config.GlobalSettings#TEXT_STORAGE_FOLDER_DIRECTORY_NAME}/</pre>
* folder. The texts will be put in a sub-folder structure like:<pre>
* <user name>/<project ID>/<region ID>/<beacon ID>/</pre>
* under the main storage folder.
* <p>
* If any of the folders above do not exist, they will be created.
* @param projectId
* The ID of the project which the region (the text belongs to) is a part of.
* @param regionId
* The ID of the region (the beacon belongs to) of the text.
* @param beaconId
* The ID of the beacon of the text.
* @param locationInfoTextFile
* The text as a {@link MultipartFile}.
* @return The name of the saved text file as a {@link String}.
* @throws TextSaveException
* If the text file can't be saved.
public String saveText(Long projectId, Long regionId, Long beaconId, MultipartFile locationInfoTextFile)
throws TextSaveException {
// Get the file path from the project ID, and region ID attributes
String filePath = getFilePath(projectId, regionId, beaconId);
// Ensure unique file name
File textFile = getUniqueFile(filePath);
// Check for the existence of the parent folder and create it
// if it doesn't exist
createParentFolder(projectId, regionId, beaconId, textFile);
// Create the new text file
createFile(projectId, regionId, beaconId, textFile);
// Write the text bytes to the new file
writeTextToFile(projectId, regionId, beaconId, locationInfoTextFile, textFile);
// Read the text properties to get dimensions
return textFile.getName();
* Loads the specified text file and returns the contents of the text file as a {@link
* String}.
* @param projectId
* The ID of the project which the region (the text belongs to) is a part of.
* @param regionId
* The ID of the region (the beacon belongs to) of the text.
* @param beaconId
* The ID of the beacon of the text.
* @param textFileName
* The name of the text file to be loaded.
* @return The contents of the text file as a {@link String} if the file has been
* successfully loaded and read, an empty {@link String} otherwise.
* @throws TextLoadException
* If the text file can't be loaded or read.
public String loadText(Long projectId, Long regionId, Long beaconId, String textFileName)
throws TextLoadException {
// Get the file path from the project ID, region ID, and beacon ID attributes
String filePath = getFilePath(projectId, regionId, beaconId);
// Get the text file
File textFile = new File(filePath + textFileName);
if (!textFile.exists()) {
System.err.println("Text file does not exist!");
throw new TextLoadException(projectId, regionId, beaconId);
return loadTextFromFile(projectId, regionId, beaconId, textFile);
* Deletes the specified text file. The method will do nothing if a {@code null} value
* or empty string is provided for the {@code textFileName} parameter.
* @param projectId
* The ID of the project which the region (the beacon belongs to) is a part
* of.
* @param regionId
* The ID of the region of the beacon.
* @param beaconId
* The ID of the beacon of the text.
* @param textFileName
* The name of the text file to be deleted. If a {@code null} value or an
* empty string is provided, the method will do nothing and return.
* @throws TextDeleteException
* If the text file can't be deleted.
public void deleteText(Long projectId, Long regionId, Long beaconId, String textFileName)
throws TextDeleteException {
if (textFileName == null || textFileName.equals("")) {
// Get the file path from the username, project ID, region ID, and beacon ID attributes
String filePath = getFilePath(projectId, regionId, beaconId);
// Get the text file
File textFile = new File(filePath + textFileName);
try {
} catch (NoSuchFileException e) {
GlobalSettings.err("WARNING: Text file for project: " + projectId +
", region: " + regionId + ", beacon: " + beaconId + ", file name: "
+ textFileName + " does not exist, nothing to delete!");
} catch (IOException e) {
GlobalSettings.err("Unable to delete the text!");
throw new TextDeleteException(projectId, regionId, beaconId);
private String getFilePath(Long projectId, Long regionId, Long beaconId) {
return GlobalSettings.TEXT_STORAGE_FOLDER_PATH + "/" + projectId + "/" + regionId + "/" + beaconId + "/";
private File getUniqueFile(String filePath) {
File textFile;
do {
String fileName = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
textFile = new File(filePath + fileName);
} while (textFile.exists());
return textFile;
private void createParentFolder(Long projectId, Long regionId, Long beaconId, File textFile)
throws TextSaveException {
if (!textFile.getParentFile().exists()) {
// If it doesn't exist, create it
if (!textFile.getParentFile().mkdirs()) {
System.err.println("Unable to create parent folders!");
throw new TextSaveException(projectId, regionId, beaconId);
private void createFile(Long projectId, Long regionId, Long beaconId, File textFile)
throws TextSaveException {
try {
if (!textFile.createNewFile()) {
System.err.println("Unable to createNewFile()!");
throw new TextSaveException(projectId, regionId, beaconId);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Unable to create file!");
throw new TextSaveException(projectId, regionId, beaconId);
private String loadTextFromFile(Long projectId, Long regionId, Long beaconId, File textFile)
throws TextLoadException {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
try {
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.err.println("File to read from is not found!");
throw new TextLoadException(projectId, regionId, beaconId);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Unable to read from file!");
throw new TextLoadException(projectId, regionId, beaconId);
return builder.toString();
private void writeTextToFile(Long projectId, Long regionId, Long beaconId, MultipartFile locationInfoMultipartFile, File textFile)
throws TextSaveException {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Unable to write text to file!");
throw new TextSaveException(projectId, regionId, beaconId);