package com.aemreunal.config; /* * *********************** * * Copyright (c) 2015 * * * * This code belongs to: * * * * @author Ahmet Emre Ünal * * S001974 * * * * * * * * * * * * *********************** * */ public class GlobalSettings { /** * Used to set the global logging levels, like whether to log SQL queries or prints * inside methods. */ public static final boolean DEBUGGING = true; /** * The BCrypt-hashed password field length (in User.class) is assumed to be 60 with a * 2-digit log factor. For example, in '$2a$10$...', the '10' is the log factor. If it * ever gets a 3-digit log factor (highly unlikely), the length of that field must * become 61. */ public static final int BCRYPT_LOG_FACTOR = 10; /** * This regex matches if the given string contains a non-ASCII character. It, however, * does not match punctuation, so while "Hellö" matches this regex, "Hello!" won't. */ public static final String NON_ASCII_REGEX = ".*[^\\p{ASCII}].*"; /** * These strings provide the URIs of the controllers. */ // User public static final String USER_PATH_MAPPING = "/human"; public static final String USER_CREATE_MAPPING = "/register"; public static final String USER_USERNAME_MAPPING = USER_PATH_MAPPING + "/{username}"; public static final String USER_SPECIFIC_MAPPING = USER_USERNAME_MAPPING; // Project public static final String PROJECT_PATH_MAPPING = USER_SPECIFIC_MAPPING + "/projects"; public static final String PROJECT_ID_MAPPING = "/{projectId}"; public static final String PROJECT_CONNECTIONS_MAPPING = PROJECT_ID_MAPPING + "/connections"; public static final String PROJECT_REGIONS_MAPPING = PROJECT_ID_MAPPING + "/regions"; public static final String PROJECT_SPECIFIC_MAPPING = PROJECT_PATH_MAPPING + PROJECT_ID_MAPPING; // Region public static final String REGION_PATH_MAPPING = PROJECT_SPECIFIC_MAPPING + "/regions"; public static final String REGION_ID_MAPPING = "/{regionId}"; public static final String REGION_SPECIFIC_MAPPING = REGION_PATH_MAPPING + REGION_ID_MAPPING; public static final String REGION_MAP_IMAGE_MAPPING = REGION_ID_MAPPING + "/mapimage"; // Beacon public static final String BEACON_PATH_MAPPING = REGION_SPECIFIC_MAPPING + "/beacons"; public static final String BEACON_ID_MAPPING = "/{beaconId}"; public static final String BEACON_SPECIFIC_MAPPING = BEACON_PATH_MAPPING + BEACON_ID_MAPPING; public static final String BEACON_CONNECTION_MAPPING = BEACON_ID_MAPPING + "/connection"; // Scenario public static final String SCENARIO_PATH_MAPPING = PROJECT_SPECIFIC_MAPPING + "/scenarios"; public static final String SCENARIO_ID_MAPPING = "/{scenarioId}"; public static final String SCENARIO_SPECIFIC_MAPPING = SCENARIO_PATH_MAPPING + SCENARIO_ID_MAPPING; public static final String SCENARIO_MEMBER_BEACONS_MAPPING = SCENARIO_ID_MAPPING + "/beacons"; public static final String SCENARIO_ADD_BEACON_MAPPING = SCENARIO_ID_MAPPING + "/addbeacon"; public static final String SCENARIO_REMOVE_BEACON_MAPPING = SCENARIO_ID_MAPPING + "/removebeacon"; // API Root public static final String API_PATH_MAPPING = "/robot"; // API Sub public static final String API_PROJECT_QUERY_PATH_MAPPING = "/project"; public static final String API_REGION_QUERY_PATH_MAPPING = "/regions"; public static final String API_CONNECTION_QUERY_PATH_MAPPING = "/connections"; public static final String API_REGION_IMG_QUERY_PATH_MAPPING = API_REGION_QUERY_PATH_MAPPING + "/{regionId}/image"; public static final String API_CONNECTION_IMG_QUERY_PATH_MAPPING = API_CONNECTION_QUERY_PATH_MAPPING + "/{connectionId}/image"; public static final String API_BEACON_QUERY_PATH_MAPPING = API_REGION_QUERY_PATH_MAPPING + "/{regionId}/beacons"; public static final String API_BEACON_INFO_QUERY_PATH_MAPPING = API_BEACON_QUERY_PATH_MAPPING + "/{beaconId}/info"; /** * These strings provide the file storage locations. */ public static final String USER_HOME_FOLDER_PATH = System.getProperty("user.home"); public static final String ROOT_STORAGE_FOLDER_DIRECTORY_NAME = "ibeacon-server-storage"; public static final String IMAGE_STORAGE_FOLDER_DIRECTORY_NAME = "image"; public static final String IMAGE_STORAGE_FOLDER_PATH = USER_HOME_FOLDER_PATH + "/" + ROOT_STORAGE_FOLDER_DIRECTORY_NAME + "/" + IMAGE_STORAGE_FOLDER_DIRECTORY_NAME + "/"; public static final String TEXT_STORAGE_FOLDER_DIRECTORY_NAME = "text"; public static final String TEXT_STORAGE_FOLDER_PATH = USER_HOME_FOLDER_PATH + "/" + ROOT_STORAGE_FOLDER_DIRECTORY_NAME + "/" + TEXT_STORAGE_FOLDER_DIRECTORY_NAME + "/"; /** * These strings provide package names for annotation-based scanning. */ public static final String BASE_PACKAGE_NAME = "com.aemreunal"; // This must be the path of the package which holds the entity classes. // The Entity Manager Factory scans the package designated by this string // to map entities. public static final String ENTITY_PACKAGE_NAME = BASE_PACKAGE_NAME + ".domain"; public static final String REPOSITORY_PACKAGE_NAME = BASE_PACKAGE_NAME + ".repository"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Property name: "" // // Automatically validates or exports schema DDL to the // database when the SessionFactory is created. With create-drop, the database // schema will be dropped when the SessionFactory is closed explicitly. // // Values: "validate" | "update" | "create" | "create-drop" // // validate: validate the schema, makes no changes to the database. // update: update the schema. // create: creates the schema, destroying previous data. // create-drop: drop the schema at the end of the session. //---------------------------------------- public static final String HBM2DDL_KEY = ""; public static final String HBM2DDL_PROPERTY = "update"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Property name: "hibernate.show_sql" //---------------------------------------- public static final String SHOW_SQL_KEY = "hibernate.show_sql"; public static final String SHOW_SQL_PROPERTY = String.valueOf(DEBUGGING); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Property name: "hibernate.format_sql" //---------------------------------------- public static final String FORMAT_SQL_KEY = "hibernate.format_sql"; public static final Object FORMAT_SQL_PROPERTY = "true"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Property name: "hibernate.dialect" //---------------------------------------- public static final String DB_DIALECT_KEY = "hibernate.dialect"; public static final String DB_DIALECT_PROPERTY = "org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Property name: "Multipart max upload size" // // This value limits the maximum Multipart upload size to the designated // value. Files larger than this will be rejected. //---------------------------------------- public static final long MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE_BYTES = 1572864; // 1572864 Bytes (= 1.5 MB) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Security authentication queries. */ public static final String USERS_FOR_AUTH_QUERY = "SELECT username, password, '1' FROM users WHERE username = ?"; public static final String AUTHORITY_OF_USER_QUERY = "SELECT username, 'ADMIN' FROM users WHERE username = ?"; /** * System flag for whether to allow HTTP traffic */ public static final String IBEACON_HTTP_ALLOW_KEY = "IBEACON_HTTP_ALLOW"; public static void log(String log) { if (GlobalSettings.DEBUGGING) { System.out.println(log); } } public static void err(String log) { System.err.println(log); } }