/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.conf; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.*; import junit.framework.TestCase; import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration.IntegerRanges; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.net.NetUtils; import static org.apache.hadoop.util.PlatformName.IBM_JAVA; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import org.codehaus.jackson.map.ObjectMapper; public class TestConfiguration extends TestCase { private Configuration conf; final static String CONFIG = new File("./test-config-TestConfiguration.xml").getAbsolutePath(); final static String CONFIG2 = new File("./test-config2-TestConfiguration.xml").getAbsolutePath(); final static String CONFIG_FOR_ENUM = new File("./test-config-enum-TestConfiguration.xml").getAbsolutePath(); private static final String CONFIG_MULTI_BYTE = new File( "./test-config-multi-byte-TestConfiguration.xml").getAbsolutePath(); private static final String CONFIG_MULTI_BYTE_SAVED = new File( "./test-config-multi-byte-saved-TestConfiguration.xml").getAbsolutePath(); final static Random RAN = new Random(); final static String XMLHEADER = IBM_JAVA?"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><configuration>": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?><configuration>"; @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); conf = new Configuration(); } @Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); new File(CONFIG).delete(); new File(CONFIG2).delete(); new File(CONFIG_FOR_ENUM).delete(); new File(CONFIG_MULTI_BYTE).delete(); new File(CONFIG_MULTI_BYTE_SAVED).delete(); } private void startConfig() throws IOException{ out.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"); out.write("<configuration>\n"); } private void endConfig() throws IOException{ out.write("</configuration>\n"); out.close(); } private void addInclude(String filename) throws IOException{ out.write("<xi:include href=\"" + filename + "\" xmlns:xi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude\" />\n "); } public void testInputStreamResource() throws Exception { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); out = new BufferedWriter(writer); startConfig(); declareProperty("prop", "A", "A"); endConfig(); InputStream in1 = new ByteArrayInputStream(writer.toString().getBytes()); Configuration conf = new Configuration(false); conf.addResource(in1); assertEquals("A", conf.get("prop")); InputStream in2 = new ByteArrayInputStream(writer.toString().getBytes()); conf.addResource(in2); assertEquals("A", conf.get("prop")); } /** * Tests use of multi-byte characters in property names and values. This test * round-trips multi-byte string literals through saving and loading of config * and asserts that the same values were read. */ public void testMultiByteCharacters() throws IOException { String priorDefaultEncoding = System.getProperty("file.encoding"); try { System.setProperty("file.encoding", "US-ASCII"); String name = "multi_byte_\u611b_name"; String value = "multi_byte_\u0641_value"; out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(CONFIG_MULTI_BYTE), "UTF-8")); startConfig(); declareProperty(name, value, value); endConfig(); Configuration conf = new Configuration(false); conf.addResource(new Path(CONFIG_MULTI_BYTE)); assertEquals(value, conf.get(name)); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(CONFIG_MULTI_BYTE_SAVED); try { conf.writeXml(fos); } finally { IOUtils.closeStream(fos); } conf = new Configuration(false); conf.addResource(new Path(CONFIG_MULTI_BYTE_SAVED)); assertEquals(value, conf.get(name)); } finally { System.setProperty("file.encoding", priorDefaultEncoding); } } public void testVariableSubstitution() throws IOException { out=new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG)); startConfig(); declareProperty("my.int", "${intvar}", "42"); declareProperty("intvar", "42", "42"); declareProperty("my.base", "/tmp/${user.name}", UNSPEC); declareProperty("my.file", "hello", "hello"); declareProperty("my.suffix", ".txt", ".txt"); declareProperty("my.relfile", "${my.file}${my.suffix}", "hello.txt"); declareProperty("my.fullfile", "${my.base}/${my.file}${my.suffix}", UNSPEC); // check that undefined variables are returned as-is declareProperty("my.failsexpand", "a${my.undefvar}b", "a${my.undefvar}b"); endConfig(); Path fileResource = new Path(CONFIG); conf.addResource(fileResource); for (Prop p : props) { System.out.println("p=" + p.name); String gotVal = conf.get(p.name); String gotRawVal = conf.getRaw(p.name); assertEq(p.val, gotRawVal); if (p.expectEval == UNSPEC) { // expansion is system-dependent (uses System properties) // can't do exact match so just check that all variables got expanded assertTrue(gotVal != null && -1 == gotVal.indexOf("${")); } else { assertEq(p.expectEval, gotVal); } } // check that expansion also occurs for getInt() assertTrue(conf.getInt("intvar", -1) == 42); assertTrue(conf.getInt("my.int", -1) == 42); Map<String, String> results = conf.getValByRegex("^my.*file$"); assertTrue(results.keySet().contains("my.relfile")); assertTrue(results.keySet().contains("my.fullfile")); assertTrue(results.keySet().contains("my.file")); assertEquals(-1, results.get("my.relfile").indexOf("${")); assertEquals(-1, results.get("my.fullfile").indexOf("${")); assertEquals(-1, results.get("my.file").indexOf("${")); } public void testFinalParam() throws IOException { out=new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG)); startConfig(); declareProperty("my.var", "", "", true); endConfig(); Path fileResource = new Path(CONFIG); Configuration conf1 = new Configuration(); conf1.addResource(fileResource); assertNull("my var is not null", conf1.get("my.var")); out=new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG2)); startConfig(); declareProperty("my.var", "myval", "myval", false); endConfig(); fileResource = new Path(CONFIG2); Configuration conf2 = new Configuration(conf1); conf2.addResource(fileResource); assertNull("my var is not final", conf2.get("my.var")); } public static void assertEq(Object a, Object b) { System.out.println("assertEq: " + a + ", " + b); assertEquals(a, b); } static class Prop { String name; String val; String expectEval; } final String UNSPEC = null; ArrayList<Prop> props = new ArrayList<Prop>(); void declareProperty(String name, String val, String expectEval) throws IOException { declareProperty(name, val, expectEval, false); } void declareProperty(String name, String val, String expectEval, boolean isFinal) throws IOException { appendProperty(name, val, isFinal); Prop p = new Prop(); p.name = name; p.val = val; p.expectEval = expectEval; props.add(p); } void appendProperty(String name, String val) throws IOException { appendProperty(name, val, false); } void appendProperty(String name, String val, boolean isFinal, String ... sources) throws IOException { out.write("<property>"); out.write("<name>"); out.write(name); out.write("</name>"); out.write("<value>"); out.write(val); out.write("</value>"); if (isFinal) { out.write("<final>true</final>"); } for(String s : sources) { out.write("<source>"); out.write(s); out.write("</source>"); } out.write("</property>\n"); } public void testOverlay() throws IOException{ out=new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG)); startConfig(); appendProperty("a","b"); appendProperty("b","c"); appendProperty("d","e"); appendProperty("e","f", true); endConfig(); out=new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG2)); startConfig(); appendProperty("a","b"); appendProperty("b","d"); appendProperty("e","e"); endConfig(); Path fileResource = new Path(CONFIG); conf.addResource(fileResource); //set dynamically something conf.set("c","d"); conf.set("a","d"); Configuration clone=new Configuration(conf); clone.addResource(new Path(CONFIG2)); assertEquals(clone.get("a"), "d"); assertEquals(clone.get("b"), "d"); assertEquals(clone.get("c"), "d"); assertEquals(clone.get("d"), "e"); assertEquals(clone.get("e"), "f"); } public void testCommentsInValue() throws IOException { out=new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG)); startConfig(); appendProperty("my.comment", "this <!--comment here--> contains a comment"); endConfig(); Path fileResource = new Path(CONFIG); conf.addResource(fileResource); //two spaces one after "this", one before "contains" assertEquals("this contains a comment", conf.get("my.comment")); } public void testTrim() throws IOException { out=new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG)); startConfig(); String[] whitespaces = {"", " ", "\n", "\t"}; String[] name = new String[100]; for(int i = 0; i < name.length; i++) { name[i] = "foo" + i; StringBuilder prefix = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder postfix = new StringBuilder(); for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { prefix.append(whitespaces[RAN.nextInt(whitespaces.length)]); postfix.append(whitespaces[RAN.nextInt(whitespaces.length)]); } appendProperty(prefix + name[i] + postfix, name[i] + ".value"); } endConfig(); conf.addResource(new Path(CONFIG)); for(String n : name) { assertEquals(n + ".value", conf.get(n)); } } public void testGetLocalPath() throws IOException { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); String[] dirs = new String[]{"a", "b", "c"}; for (int i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) { dirs[i] = new Path(System.getProperty("test.build.data"), dirs[i]) .toString(); } conf.set("dirs", StringUtils.join(dirs, ",")); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { String localPath = conf.getLocalPath("dirs", "dir" + i).toString(); assertTrue("Path doesn't end in specified dir: " + localPath, localPath.endsWith("dir" + i)); assertFalse("Path has internal whitespace: " + localPath, localPath.contains(" ")); } } public void testGetFile() throws IOException { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); String[] dirs = new String[]{"a", "b", "c"}; for (int i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) { dirs[i] = new Path(System.getProperty("test.build.data"), dirs[i]) .toString(); } conf.set("dirs", StringUtils.join(dirs, ",")); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { String localPath = conf.getFile("dirs", "dir" + i).toString(); assertTrue("Path doesn't end in specified dir: " + localPath, localPath.endsWith("dir" + i)); assertFalse("Path has internal whitespace: " + localPath, localPath.contains(" ")); } } public void testToString() throws IOException { out=new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG)); startConfig(); endConfig(); Path fileResource = new Path(CONFIG); conf.addResource(fileResource); String expectedOutput = "Configuration: core-default.xml, core-site.xml, " + fileResource.toString(); assertEquals(expectedOutput, conf.toString()); } public void testWriteXml() throws IOException { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); conf.writeXml(baos); String result = baos.toString(); assertTrue("Result has proper header", result.startsWith(XMLHEADER)); assertTrue("Result has proper footer", result.endsWith("</configuration>")); } public void testIncludes() throws Exception { tearDown(); System.out.println("XXX testIncludes"); out=new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG2)); startConfig(); appendProperty("a","b"); appendProperty("c","d"); endConfig(); out=new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG)); startConfig(); addInclude(CONFIG2); appendProperty("e","f"); appendProperty("g","h"); endConfig(); // verify that the includes file contains all properties Path fileResource = new Path(CONFIG); conf.addResource(fileResource); assertEquals(conf.get("a"), "b"); assertEquals(conf.get("c"), "d"); assertEquals(conf.get("e"), "f"); assertEquals(conf.get("g"), "h"); tearDown(); } public void testRelativeIncludes() throws Exception { tearDown(); String relConfig = new File("./tmp/test-config.xml").getAbsolutePath(); String relConfig2 = new File("./tmp/test-config2.xml").getAbsolutePath(); new File(new File(relConfig).getParent()).mkdirs(); out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(relConfig2)); startConfig(); appendProperty("a", "b"); endConfig(); out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(relConfig)); startConfig(); // Add the relative path instead of the absolute one. addInclude(new File(relConfig2).getName()); appendProperty("c", "d"); endConfig(); // verify that the includes file contains all properties Path fileResource = new Path(relConfig); conf.addResource(fileResource); assertEquals(conf.get("a"), "b"); assertEquals(conf.get("c"), "d"); // Cleanup new File(relConfig).delete(); new File(relConfig2).delete(); new File(new File(relConfig).getParent()).delete(); } BufferedWriter out; public void testIntegerRanges() { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); conf.set("first", "-100"); conf.set("second", "4-6,9-10,27"); conf.set("third", "34-"); Configuration.IntegerRanges range = conf.getRange("first", null); System.out.println("first = " + range); assertEquals(true, range.isIncluded(0)); assertEquals(true, range.isIncluded(1)); assertEquals(true, range.isIncluded(100)); assertEquals(false, range.isIncluded(101)); range = conf.getRange("second", null); System.out.println("second = " + range); assertEquals(false, range.isIncluded(3)); assertEquals(true, range.isIncluded(4)); assertEquals(true, range.isIncluded(6)); assertEquals(false, range.isIncluded(7)); assertEquals(false, range.isIncluded(8)); assertEquals(true, range.isIncluded(9)); assertEquals(true, range.isIncluded(10)); assertEquals(false, range.isIncluded(11)); assertEquals(false, range.isIncluded(26)); assertEquals(true, range.isIncluded(27)); assertEquals(false, range.isIncluded(28)); range = conf.getRange("third", null); System.out.println("third = " + range); assertEquals(false, range.isIncluded(33)); assertEquals(true, range.isIncluded(34)); assertEquals(true, range.isIncluded(100000000)); } public void testGetRangeIterator() throws Exception { Configuration config = new Configuration(false); IntegerRanges ranges = config.getRange("Test", ""); assertFalse("Empty range has values", ranges.iterator().hasNext()); ranges = config.getRange("Test", "5"); Set<Integer> expected = new HashSet<Integer>(Arrays.asList(5)); Set<Integer> found = new HashSet<Integer>(); for(Integer i: ranges) { found.add(i); } assertEquals(expected, found); ranges = config.getRange("Test", "5-10,13-14"); expected = new HashSet<Integer>(Arrays.asList(5,6,7,8,9,10,13,14)); found = new HashSet<Integer>(); for(Integer i: ranges) { found.add(i); } assertEquals(expected, found); ranges = config.getRange("Test", "8-12, 5- 7"); expected = new HashSet<Integer>(Arrays.asList(5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)); found = new HashSet<Integer>(); for(Integer i: ranges) { found.add(i); } assertEquals(expected, found); } public void testHexValues() throws IOException{ out=new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG)); startConfig(); appendProperty("test.hex1", "0x10"); appendProperty("test.hex2", "0xF"); appendProperty("test.hex3", "-0x10"); // Invalid? appendProperty("test.hex4", "-0x10xyz"); endConfig(); Path fileResource = new Path(CONFIG); conf.addResource(fileResource); assertEquals(16, conf.getInt("test.hex1", 0)); assertEquals(16, conf.getLong("test.hex1", 0)); assertEquals(15, conf.getInt("test.hex2", 0)); assertEquals(15, conf.getLong("test.hex2", 0)); assertEquals(-16, conf.getInt("test.hex3", 0)); assertEquals(-16, conf.getLong("test.hex3", 0)); try { conf.getLong("test.hex4", 0); fail("Property had invalid long value, but was read successfully."); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // pass } try { conf.getInt("test.hex4", 0); fail("Property had invalid int value, but was read successfully."); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // pass } } public void testIntegerValues() throws IOException{ out=new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG)); startConfig(); appendProperty("test.int1", "20"); appendProperty("test.int2", "020"); appendProperty("test.int3", "-20"); appendProperty("test.int4", " -20 "); appendProperty("test.int5", " -20xyz "); endConfig(); Path fileResource = new Path(CONFIG); conf.addResource(fileResource); assertEquals(20, conf.getInt("test.int1", 0)); assertEquals(20, conf.getLong("test.int1", 0)); assertEquals(20, conf.getLongBytes("test.int1", 0)); assertEquals(20, conf.getInt("test.int2", 0)); assertEquals(20, conf.getLong("test.int2", 0)); assertEquals(20, conf.getLongBytes("test.int2", 0)); assertEquals(-20, conf.getInt("test.int3", 0)); assertEquals(-20, conf.getLong("test.int3", 0)); assertEquals(-20, conf.getLongBytes("test.int3", 0)); assertEquals(-20, conf.getInt("test.int4", 0)); assertEquals(-20, conf.getLong("test.int4", 0)); assertEquals(-20, conf.getLongBytes("test.int4", 0)); try { conf.getInt("test.int5", 0); fail("Property had invalid int value, but was read successfully."); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // pass } } public void testHumanReadableValues() throws IOException { out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG)); startConfig(); appendProperty("test.humanReadableValue1", "1m"); appendProperty("test.humanReadableValue2", "1M"); appendProperty("test.humanReadableValue5", "1MBCDE"); endConfig(); Path fileResource = new Path(CONFIG); conf.addResource(fileResource); assertEquals(1048576, conf.getLongBytes("test.humanReadableValue1", 0)); assertEquals(1048576, conf.getLongBytes("test.humanReadableValue2", 0)); try { conf.getLongBytes("test.humanReadableValue5", 0); fail("Property had invalid human readable value, but was read successfully."); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // pass } } public void testBooleanValues() throws IOException { out=new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG)); startConfig(); appendProperty("test.bool1", "true"); appendProperty("test.bool2", "false"); appendProperty("test.bool3", " true "); appendProperty("test.bool4", " false "); appendProperty("test.bool5", "foo"); appendProperty("test.bool6", "TRUE"); appendProperty("test.bool7", "FALSE"); appendProperty("test.bool8", ""); endConfig(); Path fileResource = new Path(CONFIG); conf.addResource(fileResource); assertEquals(true, conf.getBoolean("test.bool1", false)); assertEquals(false, conf.getBoolean("test.bool2", true)); assertEquals(true, conf.getBoolean("test.bool3", false)); assertEquals(false, conf.getBoolean("test.bool4", true)); assertEquals(true, conf.getBoolean("test.bool5", true)); assertEquals(true, conf.getBoolean("test.bool6", false)); assertEquals(false, conf.getBoolean("test.bool7", true)); assertEquals(false, conf.getBoolean("test.bool8", false)); } public void testFloatValues() throws IOException { out=new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG)); startConfig(); appendProperty("test.float1", "3.1415"); appendProperty("test.float2", "003.1415"); appendProperty("test.float3", "-3.1415"); appendProperty("test.float4", " -3.1415 "); appendProperty("test.float5", "xyz-3.1415xyz"); endConfig(); Path fileResource = new Path(CONFIG); conf.addResource(fileResource); assertEquals(3.1415f, conf.getFloat("test.float1", 0.0f)); assertEquals(3.1415f, conf.getFloat("test.float2", 0.0f)); assertEquals(-3.1415f, conf.getFloat("test.float3", 0.0f)); assertEquals(-3.1415f, conf.getFloat("test.float4", 0.0f)); try { conf.getFloat("test.float5", 0.0f); fail("Property had invalid float value, but was read successfully."); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // pass } } public void testDoubleValues() throws IOException { out=new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG)); startConfig(); appendProperty("test.double1", "3.1415"); appendProperty("test.double2", "003.1415"); appendProperty("test.double3", "-3.1415"); appendProperty("test.double4", " -3.1415 "); appendProperty("test.double5", "xyz-3.1415xyz"); endConfig(); Path fileResource = new Path(CONFIG); conf.addResource(fileResource); assertEquals(3.1415, conf.getDouble("test.double1", 0.0)); assertEquals(3.1415, conf.getDouble("test.double2", 0.0)); assertEquals(-3.1415, conf.getDouble("test.double3", 0.0)); assertEquals(-3.1415, conf.getDouble("test.double4", 0.0)); try { conf.getDouble("test.double5", 0.0); fail("Property had invalid double value, but was read successfully."); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // pass } } public void testGetClass() throws IOException { out=new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG)); startConfig(); appendProperty("test.class1", "java.lang.Integer"); appendProperty("test.class2", " java.lang.Integer "); endConfig(); Path fileResource = new Path(CONFIG); conf.addResource(fileResource); assertEquals("java.lang.Integer", conf.getClass("test.class1", null).getCanonicalName()); assertEquals("java.lang.Integer", conf.getClass("test.class2", null).getCanonicalName()); } public void testGetClasses() throws IOException { out=new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG)); startConfig(); appendProperty("test.classes1", "java.lang.Integer,java.lang.String"); appendProperty("test.classes2", " java.lang.Integer , java.lang.String "); endConfig(); Path fileResource = new Path(CONFIG); conf.addResource(fileResource); String[] expectedNames = {"java.lang.Integer", "java.lang.String"}; Class<?>[] defaultClasses = {}; Class<?>[] classes1 = conf.getClasses("test.classes1", defaultClasses); Class<?>[] classes2 = conf.getClasses("test.classes2", defaultClasses); assertArrayEquals(expectedNames, extractClassNames(classes1)); assertArrayEquals(expectedNames, extractClassNames(classes2)); } public void testGetStringCollection() throws IOException { Configuration c = new Configuration(); c.set("x", " a, b\n,\nc "); Collection<String> strs = c.getTrimmedStringCollection("x"); assertEquals(3, strs.size()); assertArrayEquals(new String[]{ "a", "b", "c" }, strs.toArray(new String[0])); // Check that the result is mutable strs.add("z"); // Make sure same is true for missing config strs = c.getStringCollection("does-not-exist"); assertEquals(0, strs.size()); strs.add("z"); } public void testGetTrimmedStringCollection() throws IOException { Configuration c = new Configuration(); c.set("x", "a, b, c"); Collection<String> strs = c.getStringCollection("x"); assertEquals(3, strs.size()); assertArrayEquals(new String[]{ "a", " b", " c" }, strs.toArray(new String[0])); // Check that the result is mutable strs.add("z"); // Make sure same is true for missing config strs = c.getStringCollection("does-not-exist"); assertEquals(0, strs.size()); strs.add("z"); } private static String[] extractClassNames(Class<?>[] classes) { String[] classNames = new String[classes.length]; for (int i = 0; i < classNames.length; i++) { classNames[i] = classes[i].getCanonicalName(); } return classNames; } enum Dingo { FOO, BAR }; enum Yak { RAB, FOO }; public void testEnum() throws IOException { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); conf.setEnum("test.enum", Dingo.FOO); assertSame(Dingo.FOO, conf.getEnum("test.enum", Dingo.BAR)); assertSame(Yak.FOO, conf.getEnum("test.enum", Yak.RAB)); conf.setEnum("test.enum", Dingo.FOO); boolean fail = false; try { conf.setEnum("test.enum", Dingo.BAR); Yak y = conf.getEnum("test.enum", Yak.FOO); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { fail = true; } assertTrue(fail); } public void testEnumFromXml() throws IOException { out=new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG_FOR_ENUM)); startConfig(); appendProperty("test.enum"," \t \n FOO \t \n"); appendProperty("test.enum2"," \t \n Yak.FOO \t \n"); endConfig(); Configuration conf = new Configuration(); Path fileResource = new Path(CONFIG_FOR_ENUM); conf.addResource(fileResource); assertSame(Yak.FOO, conf.getEnum("test.enum", Yak.FOO)); boolean fail = false; try { conf.getEnum("test.enum2", Yak.FOO); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { fail = true; } assertTrue(fail); } public void testTimeDuration() { Configuration conf = new Configuration(false); conf.setTimeDuration("test.time.a", 7L, SECONDS); assertEquals("7s", conf.get("test.time.a")); assertEquals(0L, conf.getTimeDuration("test.time.a", 30, MINUTES)); assertEquals(7L, conf.getTimeDuration("test.time.a", 30, SECONDS)); assertEquals(7000L, conf.getTimeDuration("test.time.a", 30, MILLISECONDS)); assertEquals(7000000L, conf.getTimeDuration("test.time.a", 30, MICROSECONDS)); assertEquals(7000000000L, conf.getTimeDuration("test.time.a", 30, NANOSECONDS)); conf.setTimeDuration("test.time.b", 1, DAYS); assertEquals("1d", conf.get("test.time.b")); assertEquals(1, conf.getTimeDuration("test.time.b", 1, DAYS)); assertEquals(24, conf.getTimeDuration("test.time.b", 1, HOURS)); assertEquals(MINUTES.convert(1, DAYS), conf.getTimeDuration("test.time.b", 1, MINUTES)); // check default assertEquals(30L, conf.getTimeDuration("test.time.X", 30, SECONDS)); conf.set("test.time.X", "30"); assertEquals(30L, conf.getTimeDuration("test.time.X", 40, SECONDS)); for (Configuration.ParsedTimeDuration ptd : Configuration.ParsedTimeDuration.values()) { conf.setTimeDuration("test.time.unit", 1, ptd.unit()); assertEquals(1 + ptd.suffix(), conf.get("test.time.unit")); assertEquals(1, conf.getTimeDuration("test.time.unit", 2, ptd.unit())); } } public void testPattern() throws IOException { out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG)); startConfig(); appendProperty("test.pattern1", ""); appendProperty("test.pattern2", "("); appendProperty("test.pattern3", "a+b"); endConfig(); Path fileResource = new Path(CONFIG); conf.addResource(fileResource); Pattern defaultPattern = Pattern.compile("x+"); // Return default if missing assertEquals(defaultPattern.pattern(), conf.getPattern("xxxxx", defaultPattern).pattern()); // Return null if empty and default is null assertNull(conf.getPattern("test.pattern1", null)); // Return default for empty assertEquals(defaultPattern.pattern(), conf.getPattern("test.pattern1", defaultPattern).pattern()); // Return default for malformed assertEquals(defaultPattern.pattern(), conf.getPattern("test.pattern2", defaultPattern).pattern()); // Works for correct patterns assertEquals("a+b", conf.getPattern("test.pattern3", defaultPattern).pattern()); } public void testPropertySource() throws IOException { out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG)); startConfig(); appendProperty("test.foo", "bar"); endConfig(); Path fileResource = new Path(CONFIG); conf.addResource(fileResource); conf.set("fs.defaultFS", "value"); String [] sources = conf.getPropertySources("test.foo"); assertEquals(1, sources.length); assertEquals( "Resource string returned for a file-loaded property" + " must be a proper absolute path", fileResource, new Path(sources[0])); assertArrayEquals("Resource string returned for a set() property must be " + "\"programatically\"", new String[]{"programatically"}, conf.getPropertySources("fs.defaultFS")); assertEquals("Resource string returned for an unset property must be null", null, conf.getPropertySources("fs.defaultFoo")); } public void testMultiplePropertySource() throws IOException { out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG)); startConfig(); appendProperty("test.foo", "bar", false, "a", "b", "c"); endConfig(); Path fileResource = new Path(CONFIG); conf.addResource(fileResource); String [] sources = conf.getPropertySources("test.foo"); assertEquals(4, sources.length); assertEquals("a", sources[0]); assertEquals("b", sources[1]); assertEquals("c", sources[2]); assertEquals( "Resource string returned for a file-loaded property" + " must be a proper absolute path", fileResource, new Path(sources[3])); } public void testSocketAddress() throws IOException { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); final String defaultAddr = "host:1"; final int defaultPort = 2; InetSocketAddress addr = null; addr = conf.getSocketAddr("myAddress", defaultAddr, defaultPort); assertEquals(defaultAddr, NetUtils.getHostPortString(addr)); conf.set("myAddress", "host2"); addr = conf.getSocketAddr("myAddress", defaultAddr, defaultPort); assertEquals("host2:"+defaultPort, NetUtils.getHostPortString(addr)); conf.set("myAddress", "host2:3"); addr = conf.getSocketAddr("myAddress", defaultAddr, defaultPort); assertEquals("host2:3", NetUtils.getHostPortString(addr)); conf.set("myAddress", " \n \t host4:5 \t \n "); addr = conf.getSocketAddr("myAddress", defaultAddr, defaultPort); assertEquals("host4:5", NetUtils.getHostPortString(addr)); boolean threwException = false; conf.set("myAddress", "bad:-port"); try { addr = conf.getSocketAddr("myAddress", defaultAddr, defaultPort); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { threwException = true; assertEquals("Does not contain a valid host:port authority: " + "bad:-port (configuration property 'myAddress')", iae.getMessage()); } finally { assertTrue(threwException); } } public void testSetSocketAddress() throws IOException { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); NetUtils.addStaticResolution("host", ""); final String defaultAddr = "host:1"; InetSocketAddress addr = NetUtils.createSocketAddr(defaultAddr); conf.setSocketAddr("myAddress", addr); assertEquals(defaultAddr, NetUtils.getHostPortString(addr)); } public void testUpdateSocketAddress() throws IOException { InetSocketAddress addr = NetUtils.createSocketAddrForHost("host", 1); InetSocketAddress connectAddr = conf.updateConnectAddr("myAddress", addr); assertEquals(connectAddr.getHostName(), addr.getHostName()); addr = new InetSocketAddress(1); connectAddr = conf.updateConnectAddr("myAddress", addr); assertEquals(connectAddr.getHostName(), InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName()); } public void testReload() throws IOException { out=new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG)); startConfig(); appendProperty("test.key1", "final-value1", true); appendProperty("test.key2", "value2"); endConfig(); Path fileResource = new Path(CONFIG); conf.addResource(fileResource); out=new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG2)); startConfig(); appendProperty("test.key1", "value1"); appendProperty("test.key3", "value3"); endConfig(); Path fileResource1 = new Path(CONFIG2); conf.addResource(fileResource1); // add a few values via set. conf.set("test.key3", "value4"); conf.set("test.key4", "value5"); assertEquals("final-value1", conf.get("test.key1")); assertEquals("value2", conf.get("test.key2")); assertEquals("value4", conf.get("test.key3")); assertEquals("value5", conf.get("test.key4")); // change values in the test file... out=new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG)); startConfig(); appendProperty("test.key1", "final-value1"); appendProperty("test.key3", "final-value3", true); endConfig(); conf.reloadConfiguration(); assertEquals("value1", conf.get("test.key1")); // overlayed property overrides. assertEquals("value4", conf.get("test.key3")); assertEquals(null, conf.get("test.key2")); assertEquals("value5", conf.get("test.key4")); } public void testSize() throws IOException { Configuration conf = new Configuration(false); conf.set("a", "A"); conf.set("b", "B"); assertEquals(2, conf.size()); } public void testClear() throws IOException { Configuration conf = new Configuration(false); conf.set("a", "A"); conf.set("b", "B"); conf.clear(); assertEquals(0, conf.size()); assertFalse(conf.iterator().hasNext()); } public static class Fake_ClassLoader extends ClassLoader { } public void testClassLoader() { Configuration conf = new Configuration(false); conf.setQuietMode(false); conf.setClassLoader(new Fake_ClassLoader()); Configuration other = new Configuration(conf); assertTrue(other.getClassLoader() instanceof Fake_ClassLoader); } static class JsonConfiguration { JsonProperty[] properties; public JsonProperty[] getProperties() { return properties; } public void setProperties(JsonProperty[] properties) { this.properties = properties; } } static class JsonProperty { String key; public String getKey() { return key; } public void setKey(String key) { this.key = key; } public String getValue() { return value; } public void setValue(String value) { this.value = value; } public boolean getIsFinal() { return isFinal; } public void setIsFinal(boolean isFinal) { this.isFinal = isFinal; } public String getResource() { return resource; } public void setResource(String resource) { this.resource = resource; } String value; boolean isFinal; String resource; } public void testGetSetTrimmedNames() throws IOException { Configuration conf = new Configuration(false); conf.set(" name", "value"); assertEquals("value", conf.get("name")); assertEquals("value", conf.get(" name")); assertEquals("value", conf.getRaw(" name ")); } public void testDumpConfiguration () throws IOException { StringWriter outWriter = new StringWriter(); Configuration.dumpConfiguration(conf, outWriter); String jsonStr = outWriter.toString(); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); JsonConfiguration jconf = mapper.readValue(jsonStr, JsonConfiguration.class); int defaultLength = jconf.getProperties().length; // add 3 keys to the existing configuration properties out=new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG)); startConfig(); appendProperty("test.key1", "value1"); appendProperty("test.key2", "value2",true); appendProperty("test.key3", "value3"); endConfig(); Path fileResource = new Path(CONFIG); conf.addResource(fileResource); out.close(); outWriter = new StringWriter(); Configuration.dumpConfiguration(conf, outWriter); jsonStr = outWriter.toString(); mapper = new ObjectMapper(); jconf = mapper.readValue(jsonStr, JsonConfiguration.class); int length = jconf.getProperties().length; // check for consistency in the number of properties parsed in Json format. assertEquals(length, defaultLength+3); //change few keys in another resource file out=new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG2)); startConfig(); appendProperty("test.key1", "newValue1"); appendProperty("test.key2", "newValue2"); endConfig(); Path fileResource1 = new Path(CONFIG2); conf.addResource(fileResource1); out.close(); outWriter = new StringWriter(); Configuration.dumpConfiguration(conf, outWriter); jsonStr = outWriter.toString(); mapper = new ObjectMapper(); jconf = mapper.readValue(jsonStr, JsonConfiguration.class); // put the keys and their corresponding attributes into a hashmap for their // efficient retrieval HashMap<String,JsonProperty> confDump = new HashMap<String,JsonProperty>(); for(JsonProperty prop : jconf.getProperties()) { confDump.put(prop.getKey(), prop); } // check if the value and resource of test.key1 is changed assertEquals("newValue1", confDump.get("test.key1").getValue()); assertEquals(false, confDump.get("test.key1").getIsFinal()); assertEquals(fileResource1.toString(), confDump.get("test.key1").getResource()); // check if final parameter test.key2 is not changed, since it is first // loaded as final parameter assertEquals("value2", confDump.get("test.key2").getValue()); assertEquals(true, confDump.get("test.key2").getIsFinal()); assertEquals(fileResource.toString(), confDump.get("test.key2").getResource()); // check for other keys which are not modified later assertEquals("value3", confDump.get("test.key3").getValue()); assertEquals(false, confDump.get("test.key3").getIsFinal()); assertEquals(fileResource.toString(), confDump.get("test.key3").getResource()); // check for resource to be "Unknown" for keys which are loaded using 'set' // and expansion of properties conf.set("test.key4", "value4"); conf.set("test.key5", "value5"); conf.set("test.key6", "${test.key5}"); outWriter = new StringWriter(); Configuration.dumpConfiguration(conf, outWriter); jsonStr = outWriter.toString(); mapper = new ObjectMapper(); jconf = mapper.readValue(jsonStr, JsonConfiguration.class); confDump = new HashMap<String, JsonProperty>(); for(JsonProperty prop : jconf.getProperties()) { confDump.put(prop.getKey(), prop); } assertEquals("value5",confDump.get("test.key6").getValue()); assertEquals("programatically", confDump.get("test.key4").getResource()); outWriter.close(); } public void testDumpConfiguratioWithoutDefaults() throws IOException { // check for case when default resources are not loaded Configuration config = new Configuration(false); StringWriter outWriter = new StringWriter(); Configuration.dumpConfiguration(config, outWriter); String jsonStr = outWriter.toString(); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); JsonConfiguration jconf = mapper.readValue(jsonStr, JsonConfiguration.class); //ensure that no properties are loaded. assertEquals(0, jconf.getProperties().length); // add 2 keys out=new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG)); startConfig(); appendProperty("test.key1", "value1"); appendProperty("test.key2", "value2",true); endConfig(); Path fileResource = new Path(CONFIG); config.addResource(fileResource); out.close(); outWriter = new StringWriter(); Configuration.dumpConfiguration(config, outWriter); jsonStr = outWriter.toString(); mapper = new ObjectMapper(); jconf = mapper.readValue(jsonStr, JsonConfiguration.class); HashMap<String, JsonProperty>confDump = new HashMap<String, JsonProperty>(); for (JsonProperty prop : jconf.getProperties()) { confDump.put(prop.getKey(), prop); } //ensure only 2 keys are loaded assertEquals(2,jconf.getProperties().length); //ensure the values are consistent assertEquals(confDump.get("test.key1").getValue(),"value1"); assertEquals(confDump.get("test.key2").getValue(),"value2"); //check the final tag assertEquals(false, confDump.get("test.key1").getIsFinal()); assertEquals(true, confDump.get("test.key2").getIsFinal()); //check the resource for each property for (JsonProperty prop : jconf.getProperties()) { assertEquals(fileResource.toString(),prop.getResource()); } } public void testGetValByRegex() { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); String key1 = "t.abc.key1"; String key2 = "t.abc.key2"; String key3 = "tt.abc.key3"; String key4 = "t.abc.ey3"; conf.set(key1, "value1"); conf.set(key2, "value2"); conf.set(key3, "value3"); conf.set(key4, "value3"); Map<String,String> res = conf.getValByRegex("^t\\..*\\.key\\d"); assertTrue("Conf didn't get key " + key1, res.containsKey(key1)); assertTrue("Conf didn't get key " + key2, res.containsKey(key2)); assertTrue("Picked out wrong key " + key3, !res.containsKey(key3)); assertTrue("Picked out wrong key " + key4, !res.containsKey(key4)); } public void testSettingValueNull() throws Exception { Configuration config = new Configuration(); try { config.set("testClassName", null); fail("Should throw an IllegalArgumentException exception "); } catch (Exception e) { assertTrue(e instanceof IllegalArgumentException); assertEquals(e.getMessage(), "The value of property testClassName must not be null"); } } public void testSettingKeyNull() throws Exception { Configuration config = new Configuration(); try { config.set(null, "test"); fail("Should throw an IllegalArgumentException exception "); } catch (Exception e) { assertTrue(e instanceof IllegalArgumentException); assertEquals(e.getMessage(), "Property name must not be null"); } } public void testInvalidSubstitutation() { final Configuration configuration = new Configuration(false); // 2-var loops // final String key = "test.random.key"; for (String keyExpression : Arrays.asList( "${" + key + "}", "foo${" + key + "}", "foo${" + key + "}bar", "${" + key + "}bar")) { configuration.set(key, keyExpression); checkSubDepthException(configuration, key); } // // 3-variable loops // final String expVal1 = "${test.var2}"; String testVar1 = "test.var1"; configuration.set(testVar1, expVal1); configuration.set("test.var2", "${test.var3}"); configuration.set("test.var3", "${test.var1}"); checkSubDepthException(configuration, testVar1); // 3-variable loop with non-empty value prefix/suffix // final String expVal2 = "foo2${test.var2}bar2"; configuration.set(testVar1, expVal2); configuration.set("test.var2", "foo3${test.var3}bar3"); configuration.set("test.var3", "foo1${test.var1}bar1"); checkSubDepthException(configuration, testVar1); } private static void checkSubDepthException(Configuration configuration, String key) { try { configuration.get(key); fail("IllegalStateException depth too large not thrown"); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { assertTrue("Unexpected exception text: " + e, e.getMessage().contains("substitution depth")); } } public void testIncompleteSubbing() { Configuration configuration = new Configuration(false); String key = "test.random.key"; for (String keyExpression : Arrays.asList( "{}", "${}", "{" + key, "${" + key, "foo${" + key, "foo${" + key + "bar", "foo{" + key + "}bar", "${" + key + "bar")) { configuration.set(key, keyExpression); String value = configuration.get(key); assertTrue("Unexpected value " + value, value.equals(keyExpression)); } } public void testGetClassByNameOrNull() throws Exception { Configuration config = new Configuration(); Class<?> clazz = config.getClassByNameOrNull("java.lang.Object"); assertNotNull(clazz); } public void testGetFinalParameters() throws Exception { out=new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG)); startConfig(); declareProperty("my.var", "x", "x", true); endConfig(); Path fileResource = new Path(CONFIG); Configuration conf = new Configuration(); Set<String> finalParameters = conf.getFinalParameters(); assertFalse("my.var already exists", finalParameters.contains("my.var")); conf.addResource(fileResource); assertEquals("my.var is undefined", "x", conf.get("my.var")); assertFalse("finalparams not copied", finalParameters.contains("my.var")); finalParameters = conf.getFinalParameters(); assertTrue("my.var is not final", finalParameters.contains("my.var")); } /** * A test to check whether this thread goes into infinite loop because of * destruction of data structure by resize of Map. This problem was reported * by SPARK-2546. * @throws Exception */ public void testConcurrentAccesses() throws Exception { out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG)); startConfig(); declareProperty("some.config", "xyz", "xyz", false); endConfig(); Path fileResource = new Path(CONFIG); Configuration conf = new Configuration(); conf.addResource(fileResource); class ConfigModifyThread extends Thread { final private Configuration config; final private String prefix; public ConfigModifyThread(Configuration conf, String prefix) { config = conf; this.prefix = prefix; } @Override public void run() { for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { config.set("some.config.value-" + prefix + i, "value"); } } } ArrayList<ConfigModifyThread> threads = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { threads.add(new ConfigModifyThread(conf, String.valueOf(i))); } for (Thread t: threads) { t.start(); } for (Thread t: threads) { t.join(); } // If this test completes without going into infinite loop, // it's expected behaviour. } public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception { junit.textui.TestRunner.main(new String[]{ TestConfiguration.class.getName() }); } }