package com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.lifx; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.bwssystems.HABridge.BridgeSettings; import com.bwssystems.HABridge.Home; import com.bwssystems.HABridge.api.CallItem; import com.bwssystems.HABridge.dao.DeviceDescriptor; import com.bwssystems.HABridge.hue.BrightnessDecode; import com.bwssystems.HABridge.hue.MultiCommandUtil; import com.github.besherman.lifx.LFXClient; import com.github.besherman.lifx.LFXGroup; import com.github.besherman.lifx.LFXGroupCollection; import com.github.besherman.lifx.LFXGroupCollectionListener; import com.github.besherman.lifx.LFXLight; import com.github.besherman.lifx.LFXLightCollection; import com.github.besherman.lifx.LFXLightCollectionListener; import; import; public class LifxHome implements Home { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LifxHome.class); private static final float DIM_DIVISOR = (float)254.00; private Map<String, LifxDevice> lifxMap; private LFXClient client; private Boolean validLifx; private Gson aGsonHandler; public LifxHome(BridgeSettings bridgeSettings) { super(); createHome(bridgeSettings); } @Override public Home createHome(BridgeSettings bridgeSettings) { lifxMap = null; aGsonHandler = null; validLifx = bridgeSettings.getBridgeSettingsDescriptor().isValidLifx();"LifxDevice Home created." + (validLifx ? "" : " No LifxDevices configured.")); if(validLifx) { try {"Open Lifx client...."); InetAddress configuredAddress = InetAddress.getByName(bridgeSettings.getBridgeSettingsDescriptor().getUpnpConfigAddress()); NetworkInterface networkInterface = NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress(configuredAddress); InetAddress bcastInetAddr = null; if (networkInterface != null) { for (InterfaceAddress ifaceAddr : networkInterface.getInterfaceAddresses()) { InetAddress addr = ifaceAddr.getAddress(); if (addr instanceof Inet4Address) { bcastInetAddr = ifaceAddr.getBroadcast(); break; } } } if(bcastInetAddr != null) { lifxMap = new HashMap<String, LifxDevice>();"Opening LFX Client with broadcast address: " + bcastInetAddr.getHostAddress()); client = new LFXClient(bcastInetAddr.getHostAddress()); client.getLights().addLightCollectionListener(new MyLightListener(lifxMap)); client.getGroups().addGroupCollectionListener(new MyGroupListener(lifxMap));; aGsonHandler = new GsonBuilder() .create(); } else { log.warn("Could not open LIFX, no bcast addr available, check your upnp config address."); client = null; validLifx = false; return this; } } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("Could not open LIFX, with IO Exception", e); client = null; validLifx = false; return this; } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn("Could not open LIFX, with Interruprted Exception", e); client = null; validLifx = false; return this; } } return this; } public LifxDevice getLifxDevice(String aName) { if(!validLifx) return null; LifxDevice aLifxDevice = null; if(aName == null || aName.equals("")) { log.debug("Cannot get LifxDevice for name as it is empty."); } else { aLifxDevice = lifxMap.get(aName); log.debug("Retrieved a LifxDevice for name: " + aName); } return aLifxDevice; } @Override public Object getItems(String type) { log.debug("consolidating devices for lifx"); if(!validLifx) return null; LifxEntry theResponse = null; Iterator<String> keys = lifxMap.keySet().iterator(); List<LifxEntry> deviceList = new ArrayList<LifxEntry>(); while(keys.hasNext()) { String key =; theResponse = lifxMap.get(key).toEntry(); if(theResponse != null) deviceList.add(theResponse); else { log.warn("Cannot get LifxDevice with name: " + key + ", skipping this Lifx."); continue; } } return deviceList; } private Boolean addLifxLights(LFXLightCollection theDeviceList) { if(!validLifx) return false; Iterator<LFXLight> devices = theDeviceList.iterator();; while(devices.hasNext()) { LFXLight theDevice =; LifxDevice aNewLifxDevice = new LifxDevice(theDevice, LifxDevice.LIGHT_TYPE); lifxMap.put(aNewLifxDevice.toEntry().getName(), aNewLifxDevice); } return true; } private Boolean addLifxGroups(LFXGroupCollection theDeviceList) { if(!validLifx) return false; Iterator<LFXGroup> devices = theDeviceList.iterator();; while(devices.hasNext()) { LFXGroup theDevice =; LifxDevice aNewLifxDevice = new LifxDevice(theDevice, LifxDevice.GROUP_TYPE); lifxMap.put(aNewLifxDevice.toEntry().getName(), aNewLifxDevice); } return true; } @Override public String deviceHandler(CallItem anItem, MultiCommandUtil aMultiUtil, String lightId, int intensity, Integer targetBri, Integer targetBriInc, DeviceDescriptor device, String body) { String theReturn = null; float aBriValue; float theValue; log.debug("executing HUE api request to send message to LifxDevice: " + anItem.getItem().toString()); if(!validLifx) { log.warn("Should not get here, no LifxDevice clients configured"); theReturn = "[{\"error\":{\"type\": 6, \"address\": \"/lights/" + lightId + "\",\"description\": \"Should not get here, no LifxDevices configured\", \"parameter\": \"/lights/" + lightId + "state\"}}]"; } else { LifxEntry lifxCommand = null; if(anItem.getItem().isJsonObject()) lifxCommand = aGsonHandler.fromJson(anItem.getItem(), LifxEntry.class); else lifxCommand = aGsonHandler.fromJson(anItem.getItem().getAsString(), LifxEntry.class); LifxDevice theDevice = getLifxDevice(lifxCommand.getName()); if (theDevice == null) { log.warn("Should not get here, no LifxDevices available"); theReturn = "[{\"error\":{\"type\": 6, \"address\": \"/lights/" + lightId + "\",\"description\": \"Should not get here, no Lifx clients available\", \"parameter\": \"/lights/" + lightId + "state\"}}]"; } else { log.debug("calling LifxDevice: " + lifxCommand.getName()); if(theDevice.getType().equals(LifxDevice.LIGHT_TYPE)) { LFXLight theLight = (LFXLight)theDevice.getLifxObject(); if(body.contains("true")) theLight.setPower(true); if(body.contains("false")) theLight.setPower(false); if(targetBri != null || targetBriInc != null) { aBriValue = (float)BrightnessDecode.calculateIntensity(intensity, targetBri, targetBriInc); theValue = aBriValue/DIM_DIVISOR; if(theValue > (float)1.0) theValue = (float)0.99; theLight.setBrightness(theValue); } } else if (theDevice.getType().equals(LifxDevice.GROUP_TYPE)) { LFXGroup theGroup = (LFXGroup)theDevice.getLifxObject(); if(body.contains("true")) theGroup.setPower(true); if(body.contains("false")) theGroup.setPower(false); } } } return theReturn; } @Override public void closeHome() { if(!validLifx) return; client.close(); } private static class MyLightListener implements LFXLightCollectionListener { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyLightListener.class); private Map<String, LifxDevice> aLifxMap; public MyLightListener(Map<String, LifxDevice> theMap) { aLifxMap = theMap; } @Override public void lightAdded(LFXLight light) { log.debug("Light added, label: " + light.getLabel() + " and id: " + light.getID()); LifxDevice aNewLifxDevice = new LifxDevice(light, LifxDevice.LIGHT_TYPE); aLifxMap.put(aNewLifxDevice.toEntry().getName(), aNewLifxDevice); } @Override public void lightRemoved(LFXLight light) { log.debug("Light removed, label: " + light.getLabel() + " and id: " + light.getID()); aLifxMap.remove(light.getLabel()); } } private static class MyGroupListener implements LFXGroupCollectionListener { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyLightListener.class); private Map<String, LifxDevice> aLifxMap; public MyGroupListener(Map<String, LifxDevice> theMap) { aLifxMap = theMap; } @Override public void groupAdded(LFXGroup group) { log.debug("Group: " + group.getLabel() + " added: " + group.size()); LifxDevice aNewLifxDevice = new LifxDevice(group, LifxDevice.GROUP_TYPE); aLifxMap.put(aNewLifxDevice.toEntry().getName(), aNewLifxDevice); } @Override public void groupRemoved(LFXGroup group) { log.debug("Group: " + group.getLabel() + " removed"); aLifxMap.remove(group.getLabel()); } } }