package com.bwssystems.HABridge; import static spark.Spark.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.bwssystems.HABridge.devicemanagmeent.*; import com.bwssystems.HABridge.hue.HueMulator; import com.bwssystems.HABridge.upnp.UpnpListener; import com.bwssystems.HABridge.upnp.UpnpSettingsResource; import com.bwssystems.HABridge.util.UDPDatagramSender; public class HABridge { /* * This program is based on the work of armzilla from this github repository: * * * This is the main entry point to start the amazon echo bridge. * * This program is using sparkjava rest server to build all the http calls. * Sparkjava is a microframework that uses Jetty webserver module to host * its' calls. This is a very compact system than using the spring frameworks * that was previously used. * * There is a custom upnp listener that is started to handle discovery. * * */ public static void main(String[] args) { Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HABridge.class); DeviceResource theResources; HomeManager homeManager; HueMulator theHueMulator; UDPDatagramSender udpSender; UpnpSettingsResource theSettingResponder; UpnpListener theUpnpListener; SystemControl theSystem; BridgeSettings bridgeSettings; Version theVersion; theVersion = new Version();"HA Bridge (v" + theVersion.getVersion() + ") starting...."); bridgeSettings = new BridgeSettings(); // sparkjava config directive to set html static file location for Jetty staticFileLocation("/public"); while(!bridgeSettings.getBridgeControl().isStop()) { bridgeSettings.buildSettings();"HA Bridge initializing...."); // sparkjava config directive to set ip address for the web server to listen on ipAddress(bridgeSettings.getBridgeSettingsDescriptor().getWebaddress()); // sparkjava config directive to set port for the web server to listen on port(bridgeSettings.getBridgeSettingsDescriptor().getServerPort()); if(!bridgeSettings.getBridgeControl().isReinit()) init(); bridgeSettings.getBridgeControl().setReinit(false); // setup system control api first theSystem = new SystemControl(bridgeSettings, theVersion); theSystem.setupServer(); // setup the UDP Datagram socket to be used by the HueMulator and the upnpListener udpSender = UDPDatagramSender.createUDPDatagramSender(bridgeSettings.getBridgeSettingsDescriptor().getUpnpResponsePort()); if(udpSender == null) { bridgeSettings.getBridgeControl().setStop(true); } else { //Setup the device connection homes through the manager homeManager = new HomeManager(); homeManager.buildHomes(bridgeSettings, udpSender); // setup the class to handle the resource setup rest api theResources = new DeviceResource(bridgeSettings, homeManager); // setup the class to handle the upnp response rest api theSettingResponder = new UpnpSettingsResource(bridgeSettings.getBridgeSettingsDescriptor()); theSettingResponder.setupServer(); // setup the class to handle the hue emulator rest api theHueMulator = new HueMulator(bridgeSettings, theResources.getDeviceRepository(), homeManager); theHueMulator.setupServer(); // wait for the sparkjava initialization of the rest api classes to be complete awaitInitialization(); // start the upnp ssdp discovery listener theUpnpListener = new UpnpListener(bridgeSettings.getBridgeSettingsDescriptor(), bridgeSettings.getBridgeControl(), udpSender); if(theUpnpListener.startListening())"HA Bridge (v" + theVersion.getVersion() + ") reinitialization requessted...."); else bridgeSettings.getBridgeControl().setStop(true); if(bridgeSettings.getBridgeSettingsDescriptor().isSettingsChanged()); homeManager.closeHomes(); udpSender.closeResponseSocket(); udpSender = null; } stop(); if(!bridgeSettings.getBridgeControl().isStop()) { try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } bridgeSettings.getBridgeSecurity().removeTestUsers(); if(bridgeSettings.getBridgeSecurity().isSettingsChanged()) bridgeSettings.updateConfigFile();"HA Bridge (v" + theVersion.getVersion() + ") exiting...."); System.exit(0); } }