package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; /** * @author Aidan Follestad (afollestad) */ public abstract class SilkCachedFeedFragment<ItemType extends SilkComparable<ItemType>> extends SilkFeedFragment<ItemType> { private SilkCache<ItemType> mCache; public abstract String getCacheName(); public abstract Class<ItemType> getCacheClass(); protected boolean shouldRecreateCacheOnResume() { return false; } @Override public void onAttach(Activity activity) { super.onAttach(activity); /** * onAttach is called first in the fragment life cycle before anything else. * This tells the parent feed fragment whether or not the fragment will refresh every time it resumes, * or only the first time the fragment's views are created. */ super.mInitialLoadOnResume = shouldRecreateCacheOnResume(); } private void writeCache() { if (mCache == null || !mCache.isChanged()) return; mCache.commit(new SilkCache.SimpleCommitCallback() { @Override public void onError(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); SilkCachedFeedFragment.this.onError(e); } }); } private void readCache() { if (getActivity() == null) return; new SilkCache<ItemType>(getActivity(), getCacheName(), getCacheClass(), new OnReadyCallback<ItemType>() { @Override public void onReady(SilkCache<ItemType> cache) { if (getActivity() == null) return; mCache = onCacheInitialized(cache); if (mCache == null) throw new RuntimeException("onCacheInitialized() cannot return null."); if (mCache.size() == 0) { SilkCachedFeedFragment.super.setLoadComplete(false); onCacheEmpty(); return; } onPostLoadFromCache(; } }); } public final SilkCache<ItemType> getCache() { return mCache; } protected void onCacheEmpty() { super.performRefresh(true); } @Override public void onPause() { super.onPause(); if (!isActuallyVisible()) writeCache(); } @Override protected void onPostLoad(List<ItemType> results, boolean paginated) { super.onPostLoad(results, paginated); if (mCache != null) mCache.set(getAdapter().getItems()); } protected void onPostLoadFromCache(List<ItemType> results) { super.onPostLoad(results, false); } protected SilkCache<ItemType> onCacheInitialized(SilkCache<ItemType> cache) { return cache; } /** * Overridden to initially load from the cache, if possible, instead of re-loading from the web. */ @Override protected void onInitialRefresh() { if (getCacheName() == null) { super.onInitialRefresh(); return; } getAdapter().clear(); setLoading(true); readCache(); } }