package; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Handler; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; public class SilkCache<ItemType extends SilkComparable<ItemType>> extends SilkCacheBase<ItemType> { public SilkCache(Context context, String name, Class<?> cls, OnReadyCallback<ItemType> onReady) { super(context, name, cls); init(onReady); } public SilkCache(Context context, String name, Class<?> cls, OnReadyCallback<ItemType> onReady, Handler handler) { super(context, name, cls, handler); init(onReady); } private void init(final OnReadyCallback<ItemType> callback) { if (callback == null) { loadItems(); return; } Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { loadItems(); getHandler().post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { callback.onReady(SilkCache.this); } }); } }); t.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); t.start(); } public final SilkCache<ItemType> add(ItemType item) { add(0, item); return this; } public final SilkCache<ItemType> add(int index, ItemType item) { if (item == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("You cannot add a null item."); log("Item " + item.getSilkId() + " added to the cache."); getBuffer().add(index, item); markChanged(); return this; } public final SilkCache<ItemType> addAll(ItemType[] items) { addAll(0, new ArrayList<ItemType>(Arrays.asList(items))); return this; } public final SilkCache<ItemType> addAll(List<ItemType> items) { addAll(0, items); return this; } public final SilkCache<ItemType> addAll(int startIndex, ItemType[] items) { addAll(startIndex, new ArrayList<ItemType>(Arrays.asList(items))); return this; } public final SilkCache<ItemType> addAll(int startIndex, List<ItemType> items) { if (items == null || items.size() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("You cannot add a null or empty collection."); markChanged(); int index = startIndex; for (ItemType item : items) { getBuffer().add(index, item); index++; } log("Added " + items.size() + " items to the cache at index " + startIndex); return this; } public final SilkCache<ItemType> set(ItemType[] items) { set(new ArrayList<ItemType>(Arrays.asList(items))); return this; } public final SilkCache<ItemType> set(List<ItemType> items) { getBuffer().clear(); getBuffer().addAll(items); log("Cache overwritten with " + items.size() + " items"); markChanged(); return this; } public final SilkCache<ItemType> update(ItemType item) { update(item, false); return this; } public final SilkCache<ItemType> update(ItemType item, boolean addIfNotFound) { if (item == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("You cannot update a null item."); log("Updating item " + item.getSilkId().toString() + "..."); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < getBuffer().size(); i++) { if (item.equalTo(getBuffer().get(i))) { log("Item " + item.getSilkId() + " updated at index " + i); getBuffer().set(i, item); found = true; markChanged(); break; } } if (!found) { if (addIfNotFound) add(item); else log("No item found in the cache for " + item.getSilkId()); } return this; } public final ItemType find(ItemType item) { int index = findIndex(item); if (index == -1) return null; return getBuffer().get(index); } public final int findIndex(ItemType item) { if (item == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("You cannot search for a null item."); log("Searching for " + item.getSilkId() + "..."); for (int i = 0; i < getBuffer().size(); i++) { if (item.equalTo(getBuffer().get(i))) { log("Found " + item.getSilkId() + " at index " + i); return i; } } log("Item " + item.getSilkId() + " not found."); return -1; } public final void find(final ItemType item, final SimpleFindCallback<ItemType> callback) { Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { final int result = findIndex(item); getHandler().post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (callback != null) { ItemType resultItem = null; if (result > -1) resultItem = getBuffer().get(result); callback.onFound(resultItem, result); } } }); } catch (final Exception e) { log("Find error: " + e.getMessage()); getHandler().post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (callback != null && callback instanceof FindCallback) ((FindCallback) callback).onError(e); } }); } } }); t.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); t.start(); } public final SilkCache<ItemType> remove(int index) { if (index == -1 || index > getBuffer().size() - 1) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index " + index + " is larger than the cache size (" + getBuffer().size() + ")"); getBuffer().remove(index); markChanged(); return this; } public final SilkCache<ItemType> remove(ItemType item) { if (item == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("You cannot remove a null item."); int index = findIndex(item); if (index > -1) remove(index); return this; } public final SilkCache<ItemType> clear() { log("Removed " + getBuffer().size() + " items from the cache."); getBuffer().clear(); markChanged(); return this; } public final int size() { return getBuffer().size(); } public final List<ItemType> read() { return getBuffer(); } public interface SimpleCommitCallback { public void onError(Exception e); } public interface CommitCallback extends SimpleCommitCallback { public void onCommitted(); } public interface SimpleFindCallback<ItemType> { public void onFound(ItemType item, int index); } public interface FindCallback<ItemType> extends SimpleFindCallback<ItemType> { public void onError(Exception e); } }